
The Afterlife Of Holly Chase Quotes

The Afterlife Of Holly Chase by Cynthia Hand

The Afterlife Of Holly Chase Quotes
"A sudden tragedy—that’s how the media described it."
"I was a bad person back then. Seriously, I was."
"All I wanted was to be like Yvonne. Rich. Fashionable. Famous."
"I’m going to expect you to be here tomorrow."
"I’m all alone here, and my dad pays you to attend to me."
"But I shook my head. Let’s just get this over with."
"I tried to put the whole troubling dream about Yvonne and the Ghosts of Christmas Whatever out of my mind."
"So, to summarize: I didn’t rethink my life choices. I didn’t change."
"I was completely out, like, dead to the world, until a noise woke me in the middle of the night."
"I was apparently going to be seventeen forever."
"But it’s the truth when you say I am the Ghost of Christmas Past, because you are, indeed, a ghost."
"I was legally deceased, which made regular things like credit checks impossible."
"I didn’t even blink. The Ghost put his bony arms around me, and I felt something like cold and burning at the same time."
"I’d seen Yvonne and her strings of pearls, and since then I’d interacted with five more Jacob Marleys, each equally miserable in their eternal punishments."
"People don’t change, they are who they are. What changes is only the way they allow us to see them."
"I was about to start crying. Because I was finally afraid of hell, then?"
"So what happens now? Now we get to break inside his head."
"I checked my watch and gathered together the remains of my half-eaten lunch."
"It didn’t totally suck. But today she was wearing a navy-blue T-shirt with sailboats on it."
"I don't give second chances. Second chances make you weak."
"I’m always going to be here for you, buddy. Always always. I promise."
"Without stories, we’re all just lonely islands."
"You don’t need much to make Christmas. All you need is love."
"Stories let us see and hear and feel what someone else does. They build bridges to the other islands."
"This is how the company knows what’s happening with the Scrooge."
"I’m still unclear about the Identification part. What exactly are we trying to identify?"
"All right," he said finally. "I'm your boyfriend."
"What are you doing?" I asked. "I'm being your boyfriend. Sweet thing."
"At one point I put my hand to his face like I was his adoring girlfriend, and he kissed my palm. Just like that."
"It was a familiar feeling, holding his hand, but it was also completely new."
"Sometimes all a person needs to turn themselves around is one good friend."
"It's not just about the Scrooge, you see. It's about every person the Scrooge touches."
"Sometimes I hate her," I whispered. "Sometimes I wish she would die already."
"But when you're dead, nothing really changes. You're just the same, day in and day out."
"I never asked them to invent things. Why couldn't they just do the bare minimum at their jobs like everyone else?"
"Girls were too much trouble. They were always demanding that you pay attention to every little thing they say, and they wanted you to hold their hand and buy them things."
"I just hope you’re happy with the life you’re choosing here."
"There’s not going to be a next time, Ethan. I’m not going to come back here again. You’ve changed. I don’t even recognize you anymore."
"You’re a good person who’s had a difficult past."
"It’s my fault, really, for thinking it could be anything else. People lie. It’s what they do."
"It’s never too late to become what one could have been."
"There is nothing so strong or safe in an emergency of life as the simple truth."
"You should go home. We’ll sort this out later. I think it would be better for everyone if you weren’t around right now."
"Love doesn’t always have to be about the happy ending. Love can be about beginnings, too."
"I’m sorry. I have to tell him. It’s the only way."
"I wish I could explain everything, but I can’t. Not right now."
"I ran into Dave by the dressing rooms. His beard had returned to brown again. He smiled at me."