
The Proposal Quotes

The Proposal by Katie Ashley

The Proposal Quotes
"There’s nothing left to say, Aidan. We’ve been down this road too many times. I’ve come to the conclusion that your actions will always speak louder than your words."
"Can’t you call in? I love you, and I want to make this right."
"No matter what you think, I do love you…and I do want the baby."
"It’s just I figured you needed to eat for him, even if you were still upset about what happened today with Pop."
"I’m sorry. I’m so sorry for breaking your heart."
"You’re supposed to be eating a lot of green, leafy vegetables for the folic acid."
"I may not be around in nine years when you try to pull another stunt like this again. At least let me die in peace knowing that you’ve got a wife and child to love!"
"I’m well aware of what Noah needs, thank you."
"You never can admit what you should."
"I thought you loved anything with Robert Redford. She used to say he reminded her of a blonde haired version of Pop."
"I know what it’s like to lose the love of your life."
"You’re the most amazing woman I’ve ever met."
"We’ll have to keep being strong, Em. That fire that burns so deep within you—the one that’s seen you through the darkest times—you’ve got to stoke it to burn a little brighter."
"You have every right to be scared, but I want you to believe me when I say that Noah is going to be fine."
"I’m sorry. I had to fill out all this paperwork and then go move my car."
"But at the moment, I don’t see any other choice but to accept what he’s proposing."
"If they don’t, then I’ll just quit. You and Noah mean more to me than a job."
"I may be a masochist but only to a certain extent."
"I’ll go anywhere if it means getting to spend some time with you."
"Either I'm making you nervous, or you need to get back to the hospital for your erratic breathing and heartbeat."
"I still care very deeply for Aidan, but when I’m with you, I start to feel…differently."
"I could argue that it’s merely biological, and that your body is just seeking out a mate to protect you and your child."
"I love you, Emma Harrison. I always have, and I always will. I’m sorry for hurting you."
"I just saw life come out of you. It's... well, it's fucking intense!"
"You’re the most amazing and beautiful thing I’ve ever seen in my entire life."
"He’s definitely got Em’s hair and mouth, but he’s got your nose and eyes."
"If I had known putting a rock on your hand would have made you this playful, I would have done it a helluva lot sooner."
"Would you rather me be dirty and say please take me upstairs and fuck me until I pass out from exhaustion?"
"You mean what it feels like to be a horndog?"
"Our relationship was cemented the moment Noah was conceived."
"I can never, ever thank you enough for this. I’m serious."
"But a sense of renewal filled her at the thought of all the people waiting to see and love Noah."
"As she brought him to her breast, apprehension filled her that she might not be able to do this."
"With tears filling her eyes, Emma glanced lovingly from her son back up to Aidan. 'Oh, you have no idea.'"
"Instead of barreling forward ready to save the day once again, he only smiled."
"He knew that the cause of the commotion was an eight month old angel."
"Even though they had almost been married a year, she still took his breath away each and every time he saw her."
"While she lamented the alleged ten pounds of baby weight, he loved the fact it seemed to reside in her breasts and ass."
"Quitting work had been a tough decision for Emma."
"Peeking up at them through his long eyelashes, he flashed his two new bottom teeth when he grinned."
"Aidan’s heart melted at the sight. 'Hey Little Man,' he said, picking Noah up out of the stroller."
"Emma laughed. 'That’s only when he’s not giving the cocky Fitzgerald grin.'"
"Emma shook her head and grinned. 'What?' he asked."
"Aidan grunted. 'Fine. Be a killjoy. I’ll have a Heineken on tap.'"
"Aidan’s mind whirled with out-of-control thoughts. He was going to be a father again."
"Emma’s expression momentarily softened. 'I just came from the doctor. I’m six weeks pregnant.'"
"Emma rolled her eyes. 'I was thinking either birth control pills or something for me.'"
"He brought his lips to hers and gave her a deep, reassuring kiss."
"Emma cleared her throat, and Aidan glanced over at her."
"Her tongue had just brushed against his when someone cleared her throat."
"Aidan laughed. 'Who knew you would be so fertile and I would be so potent?'"
"Aidan nodded at her insinuation to him and his mother."
"Emma smiled at him over Noah’s head. 'And until then, he can be my Mama’s Boy.'"
"He leaned over to kiss Noah’s cheek before kissing her tenderly on the lips. 'I’m fucking amazing.'"