
The Devil Gets His Due Quotes

The Devil Gets His Due by Elizabeth O'Roark

The Devil Gets His Due Quotes
"It’s still over, Mom," I reply. "Just like it was the last time you asked."
"It can’t be mine. She’d have told me by now."
"I thought pregnant women were kind of sandbagging when they’d complain about the fatigue."
"You’re awfully judgy for a guy who got so drunk you don’t even remember marrying me."
"Probably. To paraphrase Churchill, I do the right thing eventually, after I’ve tried everything else first."
"I’m a ray of sunshine the whole goddamn day," I huff, "but I don’t need a naked stranger lounging in my bed when I get up."
"You have no retirement," he repeats. Now I know the one thing that can upset him more than impending fatherhood.
"And now you’re deflecting blame, which is also a sign of alcoholism."
"Sometimes my job means I don’t have time to get downstairs for lunch. The baby will survive."
"I was kind of hoping a Saudi prince would just buy me a house between now and the delivery, but I guess that window is closing."
"I’ve got to be honest; I don’t know what I’m doing here."
"I’m a butterfly. I don’t stay anywhere long, and it’s best to get that out in the open."
"Don’t make me start second-guessing this whole thing."
"Given your eating habits, time is of the essence."
"I did." I point at the two trash bags in the corner. "It’s all right there."
"You could have gotten a drink. I’m not so tempted by alcohol I won’t be able to resist if I see yours."
"I barely have the energy right now to argue on my behalf, and I’m not sure I even have much of an argument."
"Well, it certainly wouldn’t be an argument against it."
"I’m coming to the appointments. I also want to stay married until the baby’s born," I continue. "I know it’s old-fashioned, but…I do."
"You realize how pregnancy works, right? Your stomach is going to get bigger. All of you is going to get bigger."
"I’m not sure your junk food intake is occasional."
"What goes better with pinot? S’mores or Reese’s Pieces?"
"I didn’t bat my eyelashes through my residency. I’m not sure where you got your information."
"You’re exhausted right now, so I’m gonna go to my room and let you pretend I’m not here."
"Every single thing I enjoyed about my life is pretty much gone, and some of it might be over for good, but all I do is mess up, in his eyes."
"This is harder than it looks. You think I’m not trying at all when I’m trying more than I ever have."
"I need to be able to watch some dumb television and eat some crap without anyone making me feel like I’m less than because of it."
"I’m returning the bras. And I’m a picky eater...it’s just how I was born."
"I get treated like I’m barely cutting it at work every single day. I can’t deal with coming home to the same thing."
"I just want someone to swoop in and save me from my own stupidity."
"This past week has felt a lot like the months after my mom died, when I’d spend the entire school day barely holding it together."
"Every decision I make now impacts this kid’s life forever, and if I think about it too much, I feel nothing but panic."
"You're still going to be fun. You'll be too fun. You'll be the mom who suggests our kid teepee someone's house and gets arrested for providing minors with alcohol. And I'll be the boring dad who has to come bail both of you out of jail."
"Because she has no idea how or why she married me—and she'd never have done it sober—but I've known, all along, exactly why I married her."
"As much as I want them to meet Graham and think wow, Keeley finally did something right, when he leaves, they'll just go back to saying, 'Keeley strikes again.' There's no way to win with them."
"He reaches over the console to squeeze my hand. 'Keeley, people do all kinds of things for the wrong reasons. You think you're the only person who got a degree to prove something to a parent? It doesn't take away from what you've accomplished, and you can't allow her to take away from it.'"
"I'm not sure road trips feature heavily in the Bible."
"I've seen it before in photos, but never from the street in all its glory: a massive two story with a Spanish tile roof, a wood door, and a long driveway that is already full of cars. It's far more impressive in person than it was in photos."
"Some love stories have a happy ending, you know."
"He pulls back, and for a fraction of a second, my lower brain thinks no, wait. I sit up at last, blinking at him in surprise. His mouth curves as if he knows exactly the effect he just had: that kissing him was like a drug, one that made my mind slow until it barely functioned."
"We'll get the hang of it, I swear. We both will."
"You'll feed her endless amounts of garbage and she'll get expelled at least once for saying something wildly inappropriate, but no one will love that kid more than you do, and make sure she knows it. And what could possibly matter more than that?"
"The only choice is to love everything a little less, Keeley. I'm not sure that's a better option."
"I'm not complaining," he hisses. "You have no idea how hot I find it that you... fuck. Never mind."
"Any man would give up a year of his life to fuck you, Keeley. Supposed veins or not."
"I'm fairly certain they would, under the circumstances." - In response to Keeley's comment about not being asked to help in an emergency because she's eating chicken tikka.
"I feel like anything could have gone wrong and you’d have known what to do."
"Everyone underestimates me, but I am actually a doctor, Graham. I’m supposed to be able to do that."
"The one who underestimates you, Keeley, is you."
"Regardless of which way public opinion is swaying, though, it’s clear that the jig is up."
"There was nothing in my contract stating I needed to provide them three months’ warning before I had a baby."
"I did not know I was pregnant when I accepted this job. It wasn’t planned, and it is what it is."
"But I should mention to you that my best friend is one of the leading workplace discrimination lawyers in the country—look up Lawson versus Fiducia and see for yourself—and getting fired when my pregnancy becomes public knowledge sounds like a fucking slam dunk to me."
"I’m not sure why she thinks I’d find that comforting."
"But out the windows I see thousands of people, and when I close my eyes for the makeup artist, I dream of being anywhere else."
"If I hate the thing I thought I wanted most, then what, exactly, is left?"
"And suddenly a memory hits me out of nowhere: sometime, during our first night together, he’d pulled me against him and asked if I was thinking about how to sneak away."
"You’ve spent your whole life jumping because you’re so terrified of what happens if you don’t."
"I want the phrase 'no good deed goes unpunished' to be written on my grave."
"There's nothing wrong with those patients. But they are the grilled chicken and salad of dermatology, and what I want is the chicken tikka and spanakopita."
"I need a little delicious and exotic and unusual."
"You give him a reason to wake up in the morning, Keeley."
"Saudi prince roleplay and anniversary anal. I like it."
"Graham, once I get this kid out, you aren’t going to have to wait for once a year anything."
"I’m going to think it but keep it to myself."
"All that matters going forward is this baby, and nothing else."
"You bring my entire world into color, and I don’t want to go back to the way it was."
"If mankind let every simple mistake get in the way of its goals, we’d still be communicating via cave drawings."
"It’s about making sure you love the time you have, and the people you spend it with."
"It wasn’t that long ago that I could get through an airport without being recognized. I miss that."
"The difference is that they’re having the time of their lives while you look like you’re at a wake."
"You’re more likely to recall things when in a similar state of consciousness to the original incident."
"It’s not about how long things last. It’s about loving the time you have and the people you spend it with."
"Luke is already in my bloodstream, already poisoning me. Making me want all the wrong things, just like he always did."