
The Bone Labyrinth Quotes

The Bone Labyrinth by James Rollins

The Bone Labyrinth Quotes
"Such special children were said to be omens."
"Let none pass this way, lest they bear the wrath of God Himself."
"Looks like our vacation will have to be cut short."
"I'm damned glad you took those pictures, too."
"We’ll try the pub first," he told Dag, then turned to Seichan. "If we fail to find Fredrik there, someone at the hotel might know another guide."
"That is, if they’re not all afraid of those witches," Seichan added, leaning her head back and closing her eyes.
"Hvala," Gray said, thanking the man in his native tongue, which raised another wide smile from Dag.
"Come then. Perhaps we drink a brandy, too. To keep the vještice away."
"It seems everyone knows everyone in this town," Gray said.
"Also who doesn’t belong here," Seichan added ominously.
"Did you see her reaction to us? It was hardly welcoming."
"I think you may be right," he said. "Makes me wonder."
"Could we be that lucky?" Seichan cocked an eyebrow toward him.
"It can’t be much farther," Roland said, though in truth he had no idea.
"This one’s not an animal," Lena said, stepping toward the wall to the right.
"It almost looks like a cross-section of a brain," Lena said, awed.
"Modern man first appeared on the scene some two hundred thousand years ago."
"Our hypothesis is this Great Leap Forward was due to a mix of genetics and social engineering."
"Let me see if I’m understanding this correctly," Monk said.
"Exactly. And it’s not just our theory, but one we extrapolated from a paper published in 2013 by an Oxford University philosopher, Nick Bostrom."
"We’re both scientists, searching for the truth. Ultimately, what does it matter if your research is conducted here or in the States?"
"What right did humans have to imprison them and torture them in the name of science?"
"Knowledge for the sake of knowledge, regardless of the impact on the world."
"It’s knowledge for the sake of knowledge, regardless of the impact on the world."
"Remember: what you are, we were. What we are, you will become."
"Such procedures are already banned in over forty countries—and for good reason."
"A specimen of astounding rarity, found in immaculée condition."
"Like some grand unifying theory of intelligence."
"Only lately had she come to reconcile her past, to set herself on a path to right the wrongs she had committed and to find a semblance of peace."
"In the end, the only true and lasting peace was found in death."
"Are you familiar with Mount Kailash in southern Tibet?"
"Why not take control of such damaging consequences to our genome?"
"It's almost like a dark mirror of the Holy Ladder outside."
"A wife is always right. And in this case, even an invented one."
"Noting several other residents leaning on railings or smoking and gabbing with neighbors."
"Monk recognized how foolhardy his first impulse had been."
"Ahead, the soldier took out his cell phone, preparing to report on his discovery."
"Kimberly reached his side first, barking at him to get out of her way."
"She quickly swept the one-bedroom apartment."
"Say hello to Gao Sun. From his papers and rank insignia, he’s a first lieutenant in the Chinese army."
"Kimberly tossed him a roll of duct tape. Monk wasn’t sure if she had found it or if she simply had it on her."
"Having possession of Gao might come in handy."
"The true threat to her targets had just arrived."
"The enemy won’t be leaving the way they arrived."
"I’m also going to scroll information at the bottom of the image I’m sending out."
"If you wish to live, you will turn yourselves in immediately."
"Maybe with the power off, we can get out of here."