
Scorpia Rising Quotes

Scorpia Rising by Anthony Horowitz

Scorpia Rising Quotes
"To enjoy something fully you had to own it. And if you couldn’t buy it, then you would have to steal it."
"For the head of Scorpia to be in England at all was remarkable."
"Everything had told him that he shouldn’t be here."
"When the invitation had first arrived on his desk, he had reconsidered."
"He was not an errand boy. He couldn’t be summoned like a waiter in a restaurant."
"The very fact that you are here today shows how weak you have become."
"Scorpia has regrouped. We are stronger than ever."
"The failures had both involved the same fourteen-year-old boy."
"Kurst had once been the head of the Yugoslavian police force."
"Every day we measure the atmospheric heat in either Fahrenheit or Celsius."
"There has never been a measurement for something we experience almost every day of our lives. There has never been a measurement for pain."
"The Elgin Marbles. The British government has refused, time and again, to hand them back. Why? Because they are selfish and arrogant."
"You can plan everything perfectly but still a small, unforeseen detail can destroy you."
"Nobody at their right mind would want to get close to them. They cannot be trusted."
"A clone is an exact copy of a human being, manufactured by taking a single cell and cultivating it inside an egg."
"The boy was, incredibly, a spy working for British intelligence."
"The boy is fifteen years old with fair hair that flopped down over his eyes."
"The truth was he had been created, given a face that wasn’t his own, taught how to kill – and quite, quite insane."
"He knew that his every movement was being watched."
"The other prisoners didn’t really like having a teenager among them. It offended their sense of dignity."
"He had been taught to shoot when he was nine years old and had killed for the first time when he was eleven."
"He loved the way the hard steel was pressing into the woman’s flesh."
"Sometimes Blunt wondered how many tens of thousands of documents had passed across the polished surface of his desk."
"He had signed the Official Secrets Act, and if you took the secrets out of his life, there would be nothing left."
"I guess it doesn't matter how old you are. These feelings never go away."
"It was like being on some hideous fairground ride."
"The bomb hadn't killed him; the river quite possibly might."
"It was almost impossible to say where one area ended and the next began."
"The further they went from the House of Gold, the more the two men relaxed."
"Later on, it might help to work out where he had been taken."
"I never sleep after five o’clock and I’m always rather hungry by the time it comes to breakfast."
"The law means nothing to me. I do exactly what I want."
"Tea in the garden with Damian Cray. Dinner with Julia Rothman. All these people had to act like they were human."
"For me, hate is as much a waste of time as love."
"I have no particular feelings about you. You seem a pleasant enough boy."
"The dread that one feels before visiting the dentist is often as unpleasant as the visit itself."
"If there’s a moral in all this, it’s that kids shouldn’t get mixed up in adult affairs."
"From now on you’ll always be on your own. No parents. No friends. No Jack. Nothing."
"And look at you now! I can see how much you hate me…"
"You’re wrong," Alex said. "You’re nothing to me."
"You don’t see scorpions in Cairo. There are no scorpions in television broadcasting vans."
"A lookalike? His name is Julius Grief. His father was Dr Hugo Grief."
"I want to come with you when you take him out."
"Razim has an interest in pain. I think it’s time he experienced some."
"You cheated me. I was better than you. I should have won."
"Scorpia is a laughing stock. They'll never work again."
"Our work is often monstrous. I’m afraid there’s no escaping it."
"Try not to forget that some good came out of all this."
"He would finally be what he had always wanted to be. An ordinary boy."