
Sweet Peril Quotes

Sweet Peril by Wendy Higgins

Sweet Peril Quotes
"You don’t know what this means to me. The thought of going home again..."
"I promised myself I’d never do the work of my demon father."
"I’ve shocked my own self with my sudden and fierce will to live."
"Despite my sensitive, angelic side, I refused to hand over my life."
"What I wanted was Kai in my life. To see him again could be disastrous... or miraculous."
"If you want an equal, go talk to Kope. If you want a shag, then I’m your man."
"All you have to do is say the word, Kai, and I’m yours, in heart if nothing else."
"In the days when demons roam the earth and humanity despairs, will come a great test."
"What did I say? I was enjoying the wrestling."
"I will alert Belial that you have arrived safely."
"I really wished he wouldn't make a big deal out of little things."
"Our surroundings housed a sense of mystery and history too ancient to comprehend."
"As old as Babylon, which had long since fallen."
"The light weight of the hilt against my ankle was a reminder of his guardian angel, Leilaf."
"Yes, there is. And you'll see for yourself if you give him a chance."
"I am not hurting her," he assured me. "She is afraid."
"I enjoy when they fight and hurt each other."
"How do you so easily deny the drink I offer?"
"No man of God sheds the blood of a woman for tempting him."
"You are going to leave us, right now, and not attempt to follow us or harm us in any way."
"Think of all the little girls the Dukes will have in future generations."
"Flynn lived in a shiny glass apartment tower on the water in Melbourne. The building looked like hundreds of mirrors reflecting the bright blue sky."
"With a quiet gasp, I yanked my auditory sense back to normal. Flynn was busy with company at the moment. Very busy."
"My face heated and I shifted from foot to foot, fighting back the nervous smile that always wanted to surface at inappropriate times."
"I found a small sitting area around the corner with glass walls overlooking the city."
"I quickly looked away, embarrassed by the crassness of the situation."
"An hour and ten minutes passed, and I took a turn at stretching my legs."
"We laughed away the anxiety and discomfort of the day."
"His red hair was darkened by water, and he was wearing a towel around his waist. Just a towel."
"Well, I certainly hope not, mate, but you can never be too careful."
"I’m nothing more to my father than a high-priced amusement."
"But now I could see this day for the evil it was."
"Everywhere I looked was love alongside brokenness."
"I was so lost in the beauty of nature that I thought I’d imagined it when I heard a lovely, low, accented voice call my name."
"We laughed away the anxiety and discomfort of the day, and though we’d never be able to ease back into the innocence of friendship the way it used to be, I knew we’d be okay."
"Sweat beaded under my royal blue cap and gown. It was hot for an outdoor graduation, but everyone was too energized to complain."
"What mattered was that he was here now. And we could finally fix it all."
"I was halfway across the street, eyelashes fluttering away snowflakes."
"I wasn’t so sure about Flynn not being heaven material."
"I’m painfully aware of that! But even Ginger and Blake find times when they can talk."
"We were alone. So alone up here. As if gravity weighed all the heavy stuff down and we’d risen above it."
"Shut your mouth!" the shortest guy shouted, breaking out of the original trance.
"Lay a finger on her, mate, and you’re dead." Kaidan’s knife gleamed, large and sharp.
"The gun backfired." Kaidan bent and rested his hands on his knees for a quick breather.
"Get on." His command was directed at me, and Kaidan gave the small of my back a shove.
"You don’t have to try to prove yourself. I know where your heart is."
"Once I start drinking, I want more. And I’ll get mad and sneaky."