
Just My Luck Quotes

Just My Luck by Adele Parks

Just My Luck Quotes
"You think you know someone. But you don’t know anyone, not really. You never can."
"The thing about living in a small village, you recognise everyone. Sometimes that reassures me, sometimes it’s inconvenient."
"I need a drink. I drive to our local. Sod it, I’ll leave the car at the pub and walk home, pick it up in the morning."
"£17.8 million. No matter how often I say it, I can’t make sense of it."
"Are you sure this is right? Absolutely. I’ve checked. I’ve watched the draw six times on YouTube."
"I’m a different man! OK, I’m the same man but you know, better. Richer. Definitely richer."
"I’ve worked with wilder odds. I’m secretly a bit of a gambler."
"The pertinent word in that sentence being rough. He smelt bad, how could he not, living rough on the streets?"
"Sleep is an escape. But when they are woken, the best they can hope for is that they are being moved on."
"The laws, they are clear about a landlord’s responsibility, right?"
"I can’t help but admire his particular strength and dignity; his fierce loyalty and determination."
"The advice I offer is always the same but has to be delivered in a myriad of ways depending on what sort of person I am talking to."
"I have never been so conscious of the power of money and despite my effort not to think about everything, I am."
"Being wealthy is obviously making him feel very randy."
"We toast. Jake downs his as though it’s going out of fashion, then immediately refills his glass."
"I’ve made the right call. Being in the office, a place where I come week after week and simply try my best, is somehow reassuring."
"He was pleased with himself as though he’s just done something brilliant like got a promotion or won the fathers’ race on school sports day."
"I can see its appeal. We are shown into a high-ceilinged room that has pictures of strangely proportioned horses and insipid country scenes hanging on the walls."
"I guess they are all slightly disappointed that the internet has been invented and Fleet Street is no more."
"I listen as she tells the world we are lottery winners and, suddenly, hearing her say that makes everything seem really real and brilliant."
"Gran calls her worry bones, Dad calls her worry head, basically her entire anatomy is devoted to worrying."
"Suddenly and simultaneously, we believe it. We are OK. We are winners."
"We’re close friends, we’ve come to congratulate. Let us in."
"‘No, there are not six fucking winners,’ my dad yells back."
"Just because you say a thing often enough does not make it true."
"Too many expensive perfumes and aftershaves clash up against each other. It’s cloying."
"We did the lottery every week. It was one of my favourite things about the weekend."
"You can’t trust or know a liar. It’s exhausting trying to. A waste of time."
"‘Time flies when you are having fun,’ comments Gillian."
"Let’s stick to the facts, should we? Rather than feelings."
"‘Nothing has changed.’ She looked wary, vulnerable. ‘And my wife and I won eighteen million pounds – give or take.’"
"You’re always a step ahead. Clever girl. So you see how important it is that you drop this silly claim that we were all still in a syndicate."
"We’re winners, Lexi. You have to trust me."
"‘It’s not PE today, is it?’ ‘Taking my kit in in case I decide to go to training,’ I lie."
"Maybe, at some point. Their birthdays or something, or after I’ve discussed it with their mothers. Now get a move on, you’ll miss the bus."
"I follow him, riding the uncomplicated tide of happiness."
"For the first time in years I don’t care what they are doing."
"I’ve become a very funny person since I’ve become a very rich person."
"Their loathing can’t touch me though, because I’m protected by an invisible barrier."
"Do you want to know what heaven is? Heaven is all the shops on New Bond Street, the moment after you’ve told the assistant that you’ve won the lottery."
"I don’t see anything of Ridley or Megan. They are probably skulking about somewhere, keeping out of my way, drowning in their own jealousy."
"Waiting in the kitchen for their return seems like something mothers have been doing for generations."
"I can’t say I’m surprised he ditched his job."
"Who needs the lottery millions when we have everything already?"
"Winning! It’s not just about the money, it’s about the possibilities."
"We weren’t starving, we weren’t living on the street, but we had to be careful. We were a family that made do. That managed."
"It is bliss. I should be feeling something pure and uncomplicated. Joy. Happiness."
"Money solves a lot of problems, that is a given."
"Staying in the moment is the best. That’s what I have to do."
"I’ve never told Jake, but I started to buy from there too."
"I lay awake for many nights, running the numbers through my head, over and over again."
"We can pay off our mortgage, we will never again see a red demand bill."
"We are not seeing eye-to-eye on much at the moment."
"I’m not sure how I will decide which causes to support."
"The extraordinary wealth is weighing heavily on me but at the same time it affords me a tremendous opportunity."
"I didn’t know until now that it was possible to hate and love a person at the same time."
"I want to look cool and stand out but as though I haven’t tried at all."
"I should have a system. I sort the requests into three piles."
"I didn’t know what that body could do. And now I do, so I can never be the same."
"The party is by anyone’s estimation, tremendous."
"We are repeatedly congratulated on our win; the party, the cocktails and our costumes are all admired."
"We used to discuss everything from what we were going to have for tea to what we should watch on TV."
"I’m wearing a Pierrot, sad clown costume: loose white blouse with large pompom buttons and wide white pantaloons."
"Everyone wants something they don’t have. A few hundred years ago it was food and a long life. Now it’s Insta likes and other people’s husbands."
"I breathe in the heady perfume of the sun-scorched meadow and delicious food aromas without anyone really bothering me."
"Every detail has been stage-managed to create an awe-inspiring, magical spectacle."
"Their young faces are still taut and keen; later this evening I imagine they will be flushed with drink, maybe drugs, maybe sex, but right now they ooze innocence and hope."
"Of course, it’s different now, everything is."
"Emily says she’s not bothered about whether Ridley comes or not, but I watched her patiently sit while a professional make-up artist spent three hours doing her make-up."
"We speak with hideous honesty. A pair of women who have been the very best to one another and now the worst."
"The party is off the scale!! I’m almost sick with excitement as I watch everyone’s reactions."
"I shouldn’t be drinking because I’m pregnant. I need to drink because I’m pregnant."
"He’s a very wealthy man now. That lottery ticket win of yours has made him very wealthy."
"You gave me a chance to live a different life. You gave me back the wish to be better."
"I’m not her babysitter," Ridley mutters sulkily.
"We don’t know anyone has taken her," he mutters impatiently, dismissively.
"Don’t involve the police or we will hurt her."
"Mum, Mum, please, do what they say. I’m frightened, Mum, please."
"You can be anything and everything you want to be, Benke."
"I’m glad I know exactly what she has endured; we shouldn’t be protected from it."
"It’s just a matter of money. And we have money."
"I’ve been waiting for it. I wish more than anything that she was here by my side."
"This horror I accept instantly. I’ve been waiting for it."
"People do a lot of really bad stuff for the sort of money we won. Really bad stuff."
"I thought I was going to die. I thought they were going to kill me."
"I just want my baby home. She might be having a baby of her own, but she is my baby still."
"The truth is, I didn’t miss the computer or TV – I had Toma."
"Maybe he’s not angry as such, just sad about how it all turned out."
"I wish he wouldn’t. It’s hard enough dealing with my own crap."
"I’ve never known anyone who loves a pin drop as much as she does."
"I want to be doing something, to bring her home."
"I would change places with her in an instant."
"I wish more than anything that she was here by my side."
"I am hoping for some advice on how to handle this impossible, unimaginable situation."
"We ended up staying in the rental longer than I expected."
"It’s a few quid, man, what are you making a fuss for?"