
Dead Against Her Quotes

Dead Against Her by Melinda Leigh

Dead Against Her Quotes
"Hate is a living thing, a seed to be planted and watered."
"Regret is a funny emotion. By definition, you can't experience it until after the fact."
"The hand holding the gun feels disconnected from my brain."
"Control slides further away, and I don't bother to reach for it."
"I've reduced him to an animal. The thought brings me nothing but satisfaction."
"Unconditional love is a natural part of parenthood, but it should have limits."
"I breathe it in, like the scent of a meal I've been preparing for days and finally get to eat."
"Maintaining eye contact, I pull the trigger."
"Sometimes it's the getting together that matters."
"She bounced back after her first husband's death."
"I didn't want a nickel from him. I just wanted him gone."
"Every truth was in the eyes of the beholder."
"When the heart stopped beating, gravity made the blood pool in the lowest areas. The result was purple discoloration of the skin."
"None of these wounds would have been immediately fatal. They bled heavily but were survivable. Without treatment, though, he would have bled out over time."
"When a gun is pressed hard against the skin when it’s fired, all the materials—gases, soot, et cetera—discharged from the weapon become embedded in the skin."
"Once something is on the web, it’s nearly impossible to completely purge it."
"The body wounds have a slight downward trajectory, so the killer was standing in front of the victim when they pulled the trigger."
"All it takes is a simple piece of software to superimpose one person’s face over another person’s body. It could happen to anyone."
"The only way I’m leaving this place is in a pine box."
"Out in the open, there was no way that bastard was getting away."
"I've seen plenty of felons stuck in rooming houses, so this isn't bad."
"Once the cops get hold of you, you're helpless. I learned that the hard way."
"I used to have a nice little house. It wasn't fancy, but it was mine."
"Who kills an old lady? That's a really shitty thing to do."
"I never want to see him—or Grey's Hollow—again."
"Violence isn't the answer. It's exactly the reaction Bobby wanted from you."
"You can't punch every jerk you run across. There are too many of them. You wouldn't have time for much else."
"I can't control what other people think, say, or do. But I can control my own actions."
"I'm learning to enjoy family and friends, to treasure each day, to look forward instead of back."
"Deepfake and revenge porn are new ways to abuse women, to take away their power."
"We must make decisions with social media in mind."
"The truth. Matt isn’t employed by the county. You’re dating. End of story."
"I’d sacrificed and fought for happiness. I would not give it up."
"Love it or hate it, social media is our new reality."
"The lawsuits need to make a very loud and very public statement."
"If it boils down to a choice, then I choose him over the job."
"Someone who never had kids, you’re a hell of a mom."
"Part of a successful interrogation was reading the subject and determining which interviewer would get the best results."
"He took up space as if that were his right and established himself as alpha."
"We don’t have time to make mistakes. We need to crack this little jerk."
"The deputy said you needed help solving a crime."
"We have no evidence that Shane did anything wrong."
"I want to talk to him before he goes completely off the rails."
"I heard a rumor that he got himself into some trouble last night."
"No piece of pussy is worth putting up with that behavior. Bitches need to know their place."
"You assaulted and kidnapped a police officer."
"That was one of the best interrogations I’ve ever seen."
"I'm not waiting another second. Extremely exigent circumstances."
"To save himself, he’d have to do the one thing his body was fighting against. He had to go under."
"With the air out of his lungs, his lean body sank. The water closed over his head. An odd calm washed over him as he watched the moonlight fade."
"The blackness had seemed terrifying just a moment ago. Now he was hoping it was dark enough so she couldn’t see him."
"Stephanie’s boat surged ahead. Were they making a run for it?"
"The water closed over him. Towing the life ring, he stroked toward the spot where he’d seen Todd."
""It’s OK. I’ve got you." Matt couldn’t free Todd’s hands and ankles. The best he could do was keep both of their heads above water until Bree and Juarez could swing around and pick them up."
"He reached for a plastic cup on his bedside table. After swallowing some water, he rested his head back on the pillow, as if that small movement had exhausted him. "I feel stupid.""
""That’s ridiculous. You were at your own house. No one expects to be ambushed in their own yard.""
"She stood in the doorway for a couple of minutes, marveling that he was alive, thanking his incredible will to survive, and cursing Brian Dylan and Stephanie Crighton."
"The heat of his hand almost made her want to skip the fundraiser."
""I won’t sacrifice our future for anything, not even this job.""