
Caraval Quotes

Caraval by Stephanie Garber

Caraval Quotes
"Scarlett’s feelings came in colors even brighter than usual. The urgent red of burning coals. The eager green of new grass buds. The frenzied yellow of a flapping bird’s feathers."
"If anything gets in the way of it, more than your sister’s face will bleed."
"It’s all a game. What happens beyond this gate may frighten or excite you, but don’t let any of it trick you."
"Dreams that come true can be beautiful, but they can also turn into nightmares when people won’t wake up."
"We have only until the end of the day to make it inside Caraval, which means we should follow the smoke, and then do the same."
"It was easier for Tella to brush aside what had happened when they’d attempted to go to Caraval before."
"You cannot forget what I told you at the clock shop: most of the people here are not who they appear."
"Believe me when I say I have good reasons for wanting inside that house."
"The world looked so alive, Scarlett swore it was moving. 'I don’t understand how they fit an entire world inside here.'"
"Every person has the power to change their fate if they are brave enough to fight for what they desire more than anything."
"The future knows what things we desire, unless there is something greater in our path that chases us away."
"Our futures are only predictable because as creatures of this world we are predictable."
"The future is much like the past; it is mostly set, but can always be altered."
"No one is truly honest. Even if we don’t lie to others, we often lie to ourselves."
"You will not find your companion down here, only madness."
"The past is only mostly set, and the future is harder to change than you would think."
"If you want to win this game, you should forget about your wedding."
"Even if we don’t lie to others, we often lie to ourselves. And the word good means different things to different people."
"If you want to find your sister, you will not find her in this Castillo. Follow the boy with a heart made of black."
"The world tasted like lies and ashes when Scarlett woke."
"He’d made that woman fall so madly in love, it had driven her to suicide."
"Scarlett had thought her father was vicious, but Legend was just as much of a monster."
"She needed to stop letting her worries control it."
"Everything Scarlett had done since arriving at Caraval involved risk."
"I’m not planning on getting back in bed with you."
"She would never throw herself out of a window for any man."
"The game was not supposed to be real, but it was having very genuine consequences."
"Legend likes to play twisted games with people, and one of his favorites is making girls fall in love with him."
"The more Scarlett had kicked against it, the more frightened she had been, the more the waters had punished her."
"Maybe taking a chance right now was exactly what she needed to do."
"If you believe I’d get injured over costume jewelry, you’re thinking too highly of me again."
"The fire in the hearth finally died, sending a gray coil of smoke into the air, the color of things better said in whispers."
"If you truly want to play it right, you need to learn its history."
"I’ll find you in the tavern right after sunset. We can go take a look at those tunnels together."
"Legend likes his prisoners to feel like guests."
"Don't you think it's strange you don't even know the name of the man you're marrying?"
"It's a secret because my father's controlling."
"He vowed to destroy Annalise, by hurting her family the way she’d wounded him."
"Legend didn’t just make women fall in love, he drove them mad with it."
"Without this marriage, she’d be doomed to a life on Trisda with her father."
"I believe you could be good if you wanted to be."
"I’m not, Crimson, or at least I haven’t been."
"It’s not your fault, you know, what happened to your sister."
"Whenever my father hurts my sister it is because I have done something wrong."
"You only believe that because you’re so good."
"I don’t know if I am or not! But what other choices do I have?"
"Not unless you’re nervous about the idea of Legend fancying you?"
"I’m not crazy," she insisted. "This note was different when I read it in the tunnels."
"The ones beneath the game? Aren’t the tunnels where people go mad?"
"Please, even if you don’t believe me, I need you to try."
"I swear, Father’s here. He’s looking for you, for us both, right now."
"I wonder what else the game has changed about you."
"Every night I pray an angel will come down and cut off his hands so he won’t hurt anyone again."
"Maybe not the kind up in heaven, but there are different kinds of angels."
"I’ve met someone. He knows all about our father and he’s promised to take care of us."
"I’m sure you can imagine how furious Father will be if he finds us now."
"I don’t think Father’s hands will be a problem anymore, at least not for us."
"I’m not running from Daniel because you got too caught up in it."
"I love you, Scar, but I know this game does strange things to people."
"I was wondering when you were going to ask about him."
"I’m willing to do whatever it takes. I’m willing to die."