
Bully Quotes

Bully by Penelope Douglas

Bully Quotes
"You know, maybe you should’ve just driven like I suggested."
"Well, just remember…if I get uncomfortable, I’m gone."
"You’re not going anywhere. You leave in two days, and we’re having fun. No matter what."
"I guess she wasn’t letting anyone drive drunk tonight."
"Getting drunk was tempting. What I wouldn’t give to just let go for one night."
"The I-can’t-stand-the-fucking-sight-of-you-so-get-off-my-planet look."
"Enjoying one party with my best friend before I left town for a year wasn't asking too much."
"Respect your elders, take care of your body, finish what you start, and solve your own problems."
"You’re a coward. The only way you can feel like a man is to pick on me."
"Do you know what this is? It’s me, wiping away the last tear you’ll ever get."
"Thank you," I muttered, keeping my eyes downcast. This was out of my comfort zone.
"Weird!" I thought to myself as I slid stealthily into a front row seat.
"Son of a bitch!" Did he really just grab my ass? Without my permission? In public?
"Don't touch me and don't talk to me," I hovered over him, sneering.
"I love my style, and no matter what anyone thought, I stuck to it."
"It's been a long time since I could stand the sight of you!"
"I hate you!" I screamed at him and meant every word.
"Good!" he shouted in my face, boring down on me. "Finally. Because it's been a long time since I could stand the sight of you!"
"I promise you will be in tears by next week," his vengeful whisper crowded the room.
"How come? It might’ve been nice for you to see his ass left choking in the dust."
"Jared did say he would make sure Liam is on the roster for next week, and he’ll beat him for me."
"Really, Tate, even if he did know, he did me a favor."
"We lay under the sun, trying to cheer each other up."
"If ever there was a case for longevity in a high school romance, Liam and K.C. were it."
"My hips and shoulders swayed, while my head was lost to the music."
"The cobblestone pavement and smell of roses made our oasis a great retreat."
"Madman! The dog was insane but completely adorable."
"Jared smiled and closed his eyes while Madman stood on his hind legs to lick his master’s face."
"Son of a bitch. Why did it always take me a second or two to remember why I hated him?"
"He made me forget how awful he was. I hated that."
"Shelburne Fall’s noise ordinance doesn’t go into effect until 10 p.m."
"Well, if it isn’t the party pooper disturbing the whole neighborhood with her noise."
"That’s sounds great, Ms. Trent. Just let me throw on some clothes."
"I don’t trust him, and that’s not going to change."
"I’m not okay with this. If you’re going to date Jared..."
"I couldn’t care less about him. He’s not worth it."
"Jared indulged in my misery like it was candy."
"I’m a stupid girl! Had I really wanted to help him?"
"I’m hanging in there. What can I do for you?"
"Because I could. Because I got caught up in the scene at the Loop."
"Take care of yourself, and …for what it’s worth, I am sorry about this mess."
"Acting like you don't care is not letting it go."
"Everything is more beautiful in the rain. Don't ask me why. But it's like this whole other realm of opportunity."
"You were a tempest in the sun, the thunder in a boring, cloudless sky."
"But that baggage that you aren't letting out is weakening you."
"I'm not saying you weren't a good friend. Of course, you were. His issues started this."
"Sometimes it's the best medicine to be vulnerable, to let it all out and let him see how he's hurt you."
"I’ll just park here. You don’t mind walking a little, do you?"
"Fortunately for Dirk’s family, the pond wasn’t even within eye sight of the main house."
"Whoa! It hasn’t been that long since we’ve seen each other, has it?"
"I almost begged for the flutters or whatever to take root in my stomach, but they never came."
"Because you’re not like them, Tate. You never were."
"I wasn’t protecting you," Jared said matter-of-factly. "I was jealous."
"Because you were there. Because I couldn’t hurt who I wanted to hurt, so I hurt you."
"When you recited your monologue this week, I … I knew then that I’d really gotten to you, and instead of feeling any satisfaction, I was angry with myself."
"I’m sorry. I should never have treated you the way I did."
"I’ve wanted you for so long," he whispered. "All the times I’d see you next door…it drove me crazy."
"But if you come after him, you’ll have to deal with me."
"Rest easy, kitty cat. I’m not after him. But don’t ever threaten me again, or I’ll make a real big spectacle of myself. Got it?"
"Yesterday lasts forever. Tomorrow comes never. Until you."
"I love you, Tate. We never lost that. As much as I tried, I could never erase you from my heart. That’s why I was such an asshole and kept guys away from you. You were always mine."
"So you’re truly mine. Only so long as you can keep me happy."
"Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin." - Mother Theresa
"I love you more than myself, more than my own family, for Christ's sake. I don't want to take another step in this world without you next to me."
"I was living in the past. What happened with my father, what happened with you, I could never get over the anger. Yesterday kept following me. And tomorrow, the new day, never seemed to come."
"I don’t want you to change who you are. But I might like to dance with you some time or hold your hand."
"You’re the best friend I’ve ever had, and I wanted to tell her ‘thank you.’"
"I have every right not to trust me, Tate. I know that. My fucking heart is ripping open right now. I can't stand the way you're looking at me."