
Cat Among The Pigeons Quotes

Cat Among The Pigeons by Agatha Christie

Cat Among The Pigeons Quotes
"Efficiency and competence often paid better results, and avoided painful complications."
"Goodness! I didn't know there were so many chauffeurs left in England!"
"Discipline without regimentation was Miss Bulstrode's motto."
"Oh, yes, you can. But then, I wouldn't have her back."
"It's wonderful for her to be able to come here."
"The thing people don't seem to want anywhere, nowadays, is anyone who's got a bit of ordinary common sense."
"Beautiful jewels drive women mad. They want to own them. To wear them round their throats, on their bosoms."
"And they will, of course, all double-cross each other." Mr. Robinson shook his head. "So confusing."
"But you are definitely on the side of the angels," Colonel Pikeaway smiled.
"Really!" said Mrs. Sutcliffe, in an annoyed voice, as she looked out of her hotel window, "I don't see why it always has to rain when one comes back to England. It makes it all seem so depressing."
"I wish you weren't so insular, darling," said Mrs. Sutcliffe. "What's the good of my taking you abroad all the way to the Persian Gulf if you're going to say you'd rather have stayed at home?"
"Most of them are," said Mrs. Sutcliffe grimly.
"Not English people," said the loyal Jennifer.
"Good gracious, Mummy," said Jennifer, "what age do you think I am?"
"It's always worth taking a risk, isn't it?" said Eileen Rich. "I mean if you feel strongly enough about anything."
"Life would be very dull if we agreed with each other on every subject."
"It's no good dwelling on that now, though. We shall weather it, no doubt, as we have weathered other storms."
"Girls do very odd things; but I expect you are used to dealing with that form of exhibitionism."
"It's as though there were someone among us who didn't belong."
"I mean if you had something like a bank robbery, she might quite easily be the cashier that gets shot, but it would be as a cashier not as Grace Springer."
"Nobody would love her or hate her enough to want to do away with her."
"I don't really think that's likely, you know, Mademoiselle Blanche."
"The Arabian Nights aren't in it," he said. "Kidnapping and fabulous jewels! What next!"
"It's no use asking me anything, young man," said Mrs. Gibbons, the cook. "For one thing I can't hear what you say, and for another I don't know a thing."
"Everybody always knows something," said Adam, "even if it's something they don't know they know."
"Excitement," said Miss Bulstrode warningly, "isn't always a good foundation for married life."
"I've never had any chance at displaying my talents as a sleuth. I think I might be rather good at it."
"Protect them from - well, curiosity and pity."
"The trouble is we don't know enough. There are far too many loose ends."
"Urge people to take their children away, force it on them - and they won't want to nearly so much."
"We seem to be up against someone who isn't too scrupulous about human life."
"I take off my hat to you. You think of everything!"
"You don't think murderers feel they have to?"
"Well - I suppose - up to a point - we all are."
"I understand from Inspector Kelsey that every effort is being made to get in touch with her."
"It was I who taught your Aunt Maureen to make an omelette."
"She might even have exaggerated ideas of its value."
"The whole thing's like a snarl of tangled wool."
"There are many reasons why a man notices a girl's knees."
"There goes Rich with her hair coming down again."
"But the real thing isn't so good. I think that when I leave here at the end of the term I shall marry Denis and settle down."
"It's dreadful, dreadful! Dreadful to think that Meadowbank has come to this. I can't get over it. I can't sleep at night. Everything in ruins. All the years of work, of building up something really fine."
"People have got very short memories, you know."
"You understand me, the Maison Blanche? I have to speak of an account that is owed."
"Julia's quite all right. It's not that at all."
"It has been a difficult and anxious time for you all."
"I believe, if I may so put it, that he is, in this particular matter, on the side of the angels."
"We work in with one another, and remember this: we keep faith. Our profits are large but we are honest. Our services are costly - but we do render service."