
Let The Right One In Quotes

Let The Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist

Let The Right One In Quotes
"It’s a search for the archetypal Monster. This man’s appearance, what he’s done. He is The Monster, the evil at the heart of all fairy tales. And every time we catch it, we like to pretend it’s over for good."
"The thought bounced around inside his head like a rubber ball thrown hard inside a room, trying to find a resting place, to stop."
"I have an illness. I need blood. You can have more money if you want."
"Become a blood donor. Twenty-five even and a cheese sandwich."
"Sweetheart, how are you doing, really? Is there anything I can do?"
"People with the blood type AB can receive blood from all blood groups."
"Crushed beneath wagon wheels, mud, typhus, bloodstained handkerchiefs."
"Because most of us kill ourselves, that's why."
"I’m looking at you. And I want to ... eat you."
"What happens if you get the wrong kind of blood? The blood ... coagulates."
"Everything is as it should be. Everything is ... great."
"Leave. His mom, dad, school ... Jonny, Tomas ..."
"Not bad for just lying back and closing your eyes."
"God, help me. Let the light of thy face... God... sorry about that thing in church, sorry about... everything. God. I will always believe in you, however you want, if you just... let me find the lighter... be my friend, please God."
"Let the thing be blind, God. Let it be blind. God. Let it be blind."
"No. I feel damned sorry for the guy, actually. We should... I don't know. Do something."
"The day the Communists are pushed out of parliament is the day I start believing in vampires."
"I won’t let them win. I. Won’t. Let. Them. Win."
"Stop it. Understand that I don’t exist anymore."
"Without our flaws we would be like a well-oiled machine."
"It’s so quiet inside your head. It is . . . like outer space."
"He mustn’t hit her. If he does, the balance of power will shift, temporary peace agreements will be torn up and everything will be sucked down into chaos."
"Ten thousand. No. Twenty thousand. That’s what he would be willing to pay for five minutes’ silence."
"There is something homely about it, as if the caravan, the car and the cat have always been here, exuding normality."
"For a few seconds he sees himself from the outside... He sees how grey and boring his childhood has been, always on the run."
"Adulthood was the place where he longed to be, shimmering before him like a mirage. One day he would get there."
"It is so quiet here. There is nothing but the sound of voices as the others continue to discuss the idea of rearranging the caravans."
"And during those few seconds, as the fear subsides, he also sees what he really wants: to get away from here."
"Paradoxically, Peter feels less alone in the car... A universe all of his own."
"The promise does not involve any kind of commitment; things always work out. Sometimes for the best, sometimes for the worst. But they will work out, one way or another."
"Isabelle breaks away from the group and jogs over to the car. Peter opens the window; as usual he has no idea what to expect."
"Peter shakes his head. People are relying on him. Obviously they are somewhere, and from somewhere it must be possible to get to somewhere else. Simple."