
Raven's Gate Quotes

Raven's Gate by Anthony Horowitz

Raven's Gate Quotes
"For as long as he could remember, people had been walking all over him."
"In Yorkshire I’ll expect you to eat what you’re given. We don’t waste food in my house."
"You have to remember that nobody cares about you."
"I think he may be starting to work things out."
"We should deal with him before it’s too late."
"Lock him up. There’s a crypt in the church. We could put him in there, underground, somewhere nobody would find him."
"No." The single word was final. "Right now the boy thinks he’s ordinary. He has no idea of who or what he is."
"Suppose he escapes… You know he can’t escape. We have him contained."
"Watch him, Mrs Deverill. Don’t let him out of your sight."
"The boy… The cat leapt off the chair. With no effort, it sprang up on to a windowsill and then out of the window."
"He made up his mind, stepped off the road and took twenty paces forward, following a single path."
"In the wood, everything was silent … as if sound were forbidden to enter."
"He shouted out the single word because he wanted to hear the sound of his own voice."
"The road had disappeared as if it had never been there."
"He was about to squeeze through when someone grabbed hold of him and spun him round."
"I didn’t hear any shots. I didn’t see any foxes."
"You have to remember what happened at Chernobyl, in Russia. One mistake here and you risk what is known as an excursion, an explosion which might kill hundreds or even thousands of people and which would destroy a vast area of land for years."
"The whole purpose of the Nexus, the reason that it exists, is to help you with what you have to do."
"We are surrounded by it. There is an alternative history as alive in the streets of twenty-first-century London as it was many thousands of years ago, when it all began."
"The stones are gone, but the gate is still in place."
"I know what you think of me. You imagine I'm some sort of con artist."
"But you’ll have time. I’ll put you in a hotel tonight. The Nexus will take care of the cost. And from now on, we’ll look after you."
"But I’m still not clear what that is – or what any of this has got to do with me."
"He wasn’t going to give up now. Maybe there was another way."
"It was just a question of finding the power inside him and activating it."
"The food would give him strength and that was one thing he needed."
"He felt a wave of despair rise up inside him."
"He was different. He had known that all his life."
""I’ll enjoy watching you being killed," he breathed."
"The sight that greeted him at the bottom was not a pretty one."
"He ran headlong into the night, unaware of anything but the sound of his feet hitting the road."
"The entire village. This was the moment they had been waiting for and now they had him."
"Blood is the most powerful form of energy on the planet."
""I have to say, Jayne, you’ve disappointed me. You very nearly let him get away. A second time!""
"And then the creature, king of the Old Ones, broke loose."
"The power was surging through Matt and nothing could stand in its way."
""You can’t have a nuclear explosion in the middle of Yorkshire without somebody noticing.""
""You’re talking about South America. Thousands of miles away!""