
The Brethren Quotes

The Brethren by John Grisham

The Brethren Quotes
"Let all ye who search for justice draw nigh and get screwed."
"We have to make certain you can meet me in Orlando."
"It's called extortion, Quince, and you're caught."
"We will kill Americans wherever we find them."
"I'm Aaron Lake, and you probably don't know me. I'm running for President because I'm scared."
"Last year the federal government had a huge surplus, yet spent less on defense than we did fifteen years ago."
"Our enemies are legion, and we cannot protect ourselves."
"If elected, I will double defense spending during my term of office."
"Life is dull, so when our diplomats throw a party, they throw a good one."
"Just get to the White House, suffer these fools, gut it through the primaries, endure with a smile and a quick wit."
"The law he once worshiped had placed him where he was."
"The Ricky he'd come to love needed the loving embrace of an older man."
"Business was slow too because people talked and Coleman was not well regarded."
"For a private man who still missed his wife, Lake was not adjusting well to the complete lack of privacy."
"As the pieces were falling in place the nomination looked realistic."
"Over his third martini he swore it would be his last."
"The law he once worshiped had placed him where he was, which, at the moment, was in a prison cafeteria wearing a faded green choir robe."
"They fought for the dignity of migrant workers."
"It's absurd for this country to once again suffer at the hands of terrorists."
"He'd track down this beast, this monster who'd posed as Ricky and broken his heart."
"We are inept. We are helpless. We are feeble. We should be ashamed of our inability to wipe out a ragtag little army of less than fifty cowards."
"You cannot simply push buttons and run for cover. It takes guts to fight wars on the ground. I have the guts."
"No one had ever started so late, and come so far so fast."
"I do not want to see you people lurking around here."
"They were simply 'You people,' said with as much contempt as possible."
"I'm tempted to send the file to your father and wife anyway."
"Please don't stop writing. I feel like I've been living in a cage for months, and I'm slowly seeing daylight."
"My counselor says that I might be released in two months."
"It's just that I've done without a lot of things here, and not just booze and good food. Know what I mean?"
"Lake had them sprinting eighteen hours a day, and she had far more important things to worry about."
"He carried little baggage in life, and he'd made few mistakes."
"Good news, gentlemen;" he said with a tired smile.
"I wonder why not," Spicer mused, almost to himself.
"If you want the money protected, move it;" Argrow said.
"That's pretty sleazy;" said Spicer, the man who'd skimmed bingo profits from a charity.
"Let's not preach, okay? We're talking about a small cut from money that's already tainted, both here and there."
"It's a deal," Spicer said as he looked at the other two for approval.
"Don't tell me anything else," he said. "I don't wanna know."
"I'll see you guys later. I need some fresh air."
"We've thought about it," Spicer said. "Let's move it now."
"It's just awful;" Mrs. Carson said, her lip quivering.
"Did he have a lot of clients?" Aunt Helen asked.