
The Guardian Quotes

The Guardian by Dee Henderson

The Guardian Quotes
"He hadn’t asked her if his mom was getting better. It was the first time he had not asked."
"She wasn’t getting better. He had to pray harder."
"I’ve said too much already; forget I called."
"The family was close, but Kate—she was the one he talked with in the middle of the night."
"It’s probably the only way I’ll get to see Dave."
"You mean he too old to care if someone decides they want to kill him."
"Sure. That’s why I get asked for your phone number."
"Can I help it if you’ve got an interesting family?"
"Tell you what. I need to free some time late tonight to meet with Kate. Swap the time with me and I’ll talk to Lisa for you."
"Bless her heart. What would he ever do without her?"
"The hour of his greatest disappointment was also the hour he learned how rich his life really was."
"Lord, I still don’t understand why he was passed over."
"Didn’t the hours invested in prayer mean anything?"
"You’re spoiled, she told herself with a wry smile. And God still loves you anyway."
"Sorry about the delay, Shari. Thanks for calling back so quickly."
"How would you like Christmas about six months early?"
"Lord, thank You! And I’m sorry for thinking it didn’t matter to You."
"Lord, the anticipation is so strong I can taste it."
"Security precautions are part of a conference like this; it will only take a minute."
"The banquet and its aftermath should be wrapped up by ten-thirty I can meet you after that."
"He couldn’t take the weight off her shoulders if he didn’t know."
"We’ll join you even if I have to drag her there."
"Besides, it’s probably the only way I’ll get to see Dave."
"That impassive control she kept around her emotions, so necessary for her job, disappeared."
"Kate didn’t let just anybody outside of the family get close to her heart."
"Then you definitely need to come over tonight."
"Knowing my job, I’ll probably get yanked by a page on my way over there."
"I’m not seeing anyone now, and short of someone colliding with me, at the moment I don’t have time to notice anyone."
"I’ll push her to tell you; it’s the best I can do."
"Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears us up; God is our salvation. Our God is a God of salvation; and to God, the Lord, belongs escape from death."
"Trust me. Josh is glad he was able to reach you in time. As hard as it is for you to see him hurt, just remember, he would feel worse if you were the one hurt."
"You can’t help your family if you fall apart."
"The dead could wait; there were survivors to attend to."
"Nobody handles barricade situations better than Kate, we both know that."
"The only way to survive the firestorm was to solve the case fast."
"We need to get your mom out of here," he said, knowing it was the best way to get her out of here as well.
"Give me enough time and I’ll probably be able to give you the shooter’s height, weight, and what he ate for dinner."
"He hates getting shot at, not to mention not being able to track his quarry."
"I don’t want to be the strong one in this family."
"The grief must be huge right now. Carl being in heaven doesn’t change the fact he was killed."
"I would have preferred being able to stop him."
"Don’t let your emotions believe a lie. They will never heal if you do."
"You will." He was the guardian of the O'Malleys—he had to find a way.
"Is it safe for a hug?" "Yes. And I’ll be bummed if you don’t."
"We need you. We’re going to be there for every inning, not just the peaks and valleys."
"I didn’t want to cast a shadow over the Fourth of July festivities."
"Radiation and chemotherapy are a normal part of life for a cancer patient."
"He understands; He definitely knows what that pain feels like."
"Page the others. We’ll meet as soon as Rachel can get a flight back."
"I’ll keep you to that." He reluctantly let her go.
"You’re a card player?" "Josh is. That and dominoes. I personally prefer Scrabble."
"He believed she could do this. He’d sat up with her for over an hour last night just listening when she hadn’t been able to face turning in."
"He’d just pushed over a Kleenex box and stayed, not trying to solve the pain, just sharing it."
"You did a good job," he whispered, leaning down to hug her."
"Dad was in heaven. Shari forced herself to smile. She wished that fact would take away the pain, but it only made her aware of how long it would be before she saw him again."
"The final song began. The service was nearly over and with it part of her life."
"The honor guard, the folded flag, it represented the tribute of a nation to a good man."
"Marcus’s actions had passed on the mantel of head of the family, made it real and concrete."
"She focused on the flowers adorning the front of the stage, picking out the beautiful bouquet from the O’Malley family."
"The words rang through the glowing sunset of evening with a sweetness that finally brought peace."
"I’m going to miss you, Dad. Until we meet again in heaven…"
"It was a good night for a sniper, Marcus realized as he checked with the men securing the perimeter of the church property."
"Oh, God, I don’t want to die. I’m sorry for getting angry with You. Help me."
"The shakes hit hard. She looked toward Marcus. And she panicked. 'You’re hit!'"
"He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her tight, absorbing the shakes. 'I’m okay,' he said deliberately."
"The gash wasn’t deep, but it was long with very ragged edges, and it burned like fire."
"Dearly love you… In the emotions of the moment, the words first hit his heart and made him blink."
"God, I’m sorry You’ve got a generous, merciful heart. Forgive me for being a jerk."
"He had been afraid she would come out of this crisis quivering in shock, but she was rolling with it."
"If only he hadn’t pushed away God… Jesus, I didn’t choose any of this. Don’t let me get hurt again."
"There was no way to cushion this but to simply say it."
"There is nothing he could say that would make that easier to deal with."
"Telling her it’s not true won’t change what she’s feeling."
"Lord, You’re a God who loves justice. Bring justice."
"Please let Marcus reconsider believing in You."
"I’ve been doing my best to quietly trust You."
"Just because the rifle has led nowhere doesn’t mean someone didn’t know what was planned."
"You’re fortunate. Your passion became your career."
"I voted for my opponent when I was running for high school senior class president."
"Sunset because you’re never awake to share a sunrise with me."
"We had different visions of where we would go as a couple."
"Are we going to be friends when all this is over?"
"You’re as bad as Shari. Don’t you two ever talk?"
"Then why are you both asking me the important questions?"
"The sunset is fading; it’s time we were inside."
"It’s a competitive advantage to have my opponent slow on her feet."
"You need to let those around you celebrate. It helps them have something positive to do."
"Tell me about Shari. How did the birthday go?"
"He took the seat beside her bed, hoping not to disturb her, but she stirred."
"Her voice was much softer than before, and she looked like a waif for she had lost so much weight, but her smile touched her eyes."
"She’s a witness, Jen. And I’m afraid I’m going to get my heart broken when this is over and life gets back to normal."
"Nonsense. She’s too smart to let go of a good thing."
"You’ve rejected God for years because of the hurt."
"Do you think I mind being used to tug you back?"
"If he’s in any of the databases, this should be sufficient to generate a match."
"The DNA of the shooter was similar enough to match with a dead man?"
"Let me guess, Judge Whitmore sentenced you to death."
"So are we looking for a body, a zombie, or a ghost?"
"No surprise there; we knew they planned this in detail."
"Someone murders a judge; we're supposed to be able to do something about it."