
C Is For Corpse Quotes

C Is For Corpse by Sue Grafton

C Is For Corpse Quotes
"Life is sometimes one big savage joke. Not funny 'ha ha,' but cruel, like those gags sixth-graders have been telling since the world began."
"My independence suits me better than it should."
"I’ve never worked for a dead man before and I hope I won’t have to do it again."
"The whole twenty-eight-hundred square feet of space smells like men’s jockstraps."
"There was a doggedness about him that I admired."
"I knew even then I’d work for him whatever the circumstances."
"It seems to me a vegetarian would be just as repelled by something that looked like minced cow parts."
"What if it does come back? I figure the only thing keeping me alive right now is the fact that I can’t remember any more of it."
"I don’t have pets or houseplants. I do have friends, but I don’t entertain."
"Money can’t buy life, but it can buy anything else you want."
"He’s looked into the monster’s face. You can see the claw marks on his body everywhere."
"Violent death is like a monster. The closer you get to it, the more damage you sustain."
"Death could pop up anytime, a jarring jack-in-the-box with a fixed, bloody grin."
"Everything happens for a reason, but that doesn’t mean there’s a point."
"The whole thing sounded sickening to me and I didn’t even know what it meant."
"Maybe death was tidier these days and easier to regulate."
"It was time to put grief aside and get back to work."
"One day some happiness is going to come into your life in spite of you."
"What difference did it make what she said? It was done and nothing could change it."
"God, the stillness of the flesh when life has gone."
"It was just at the big bend, a blind corner near the 'slums.'"
"It’s a damn shame there’s so little left of that."
"Everything else has been modernized, but some vestige of the wake remains."
"I wasn’t discouraged. In some odd way, I was heartened."
"Sometimes the noes are just as important as the yeses because they represent cul-de-sacs."
"I had thought Derek and Kitty would resent my constant presence, but both seemed relieved."
"She was unflinching, but her grip on my arm tightened as the lid to the casket was closed."
"The crowd began to disperse and I was startled to realize it was over."
"The mood was much lighter once we got to the house."
"I realized for the first time that I hadn’t seen Derek for hours."
"The house was mantled in that dull quiet that follows too much noise."
"I catalogued my current state. The small of my back ached, my left arm ached."
"Missing someone is a vague, unpleasant sensation, like gnawing anxiety. It isn’t as concrete as grief, but it’s just as pervasive and there’s no escaping it."
"You want to believe it’s doing you some good, but you can’t think why it would."
"I believe in trying for the obvious first. I mean, why not?"
"He was a good foot taller than she and lean in all the places she was plump."
"I’m never going to look as good as she, but it didn’t seem like a bad trade."
"I don’t know how to talk to people this way, exchanging pointless banter."
"I don’t interview naked ladies in a roomful of chattering strippers."
"He was so smitten, she could probably talk him into anything."
"Common sense is no disgrace in the private-eye trade."
"I’m just sorry I didn’t speak up when you asked."
"Things are beginning to happen and I like that."
"I don’t want to look like that. Nothing tastes good anyway and it just makes me throw up."
"Sometimes I wasn’t even nice to him. And I didn’t exactly have his best interests at heart."
"I wish he hadn’t left me anything is all. It makes me feel crummy."
"He did it so he’d feel good, right? It had nothing to do with me."
"It had something to do with you or he’d have left the money to someone else."
"I’m far too rational a person to believe the dead return."
"It seems disloyal not to hurt, disloyal to forget even for a moment that he’s gone."
"Don’t get mean with yourself and suffer more than you have to."
"I feel like grief is an illness I can’t recover from."
"It’s painful, but at least it allows me to feel close to him."