
Alone Quotes

Alone by Kendra Elliot

Alone Quotes
"I can’t do anything about the death. But I can do something about what happens after the death. I can speak for the victims, explain their injuries, and bring justice."
"The indignities and atrocities that people inflicted on other human beings were mind-numbing."
"It’s like the girls all lay down and fell asleep. No evidence of thrashing about or fighting back."
"Science meets crime. Science kicks crime’s butt."
"It could get really ugly. We used to just worry about photographers selling pictures to the media. Now, everyone can be their own media site."
"The absolute futileness of the death of these young women was like a gut punch."
"You can't change a person. You can only change yourself."
"I loved you. I loved you a lot and was committed to the future we'd planned together. Good-bye, Seth."
"It's okay to admit you've had your heart broken. Most people have, a time or two. It acknowledges that you are human."
"I've made mistakes. Big ones. One named Seth and one named Rory. Those weren't slap-a-Band-Aid-on-it mistakes. Those were long-years-of-soul-searching mistakes."
"We've known each other since college. Well, we've lost touch over the years. But we were close once."
"She was really excited that he was interested in her. I mean, interested in taking her picture."
"I'm saying let's get to know each other again. We've got all the time in the world."
"I won't let a kid grow up wondering why her father isn't with her."
"I’ve always wondered if you thought about me. If you’d wondered what you walked away from."
"It’s control and excitement factors. With the single act of lighting a match, they can regulate events that aren’t normally controlled."
"I never stopped loving you, Tori. That’s the honest truth."
"What we had never died. It was hibernating until our summer could come again."
"I don’t want to ever hurt you again," he whispered. "I know that can be hard to accept, but I hope you will."
"A friend doesn’t ask you to help him avoid his parents. He needs to face his parents."
"Most parents have their kids’ best interests at heart. I’m sure it hasn’t always been that way for you, but you’ve seen the exceptions instead of the majority."
"If he fears he is going to be hurt, he needs to go to the police. Or a school counselor. It’s wrong of him to ask you for help."
"Trinity exhaled. "You’re right. It’s not my problem. I’m sure there’s someone better suited to really helping him.""
""Good girl. I wish I’d been that smart at your age.""
""This is going to be a bad storm. We’re already breaking the rainfall records for this month."
""The dirt is oversaturated with water. All the slopes are treacherous."
""They’re teenagers. Of course they aren’t telling us everything.""
""You look miserable," Dr. Peres said quietly."
""You might see something important." It was a regular argument that Mason chalked up to organizational differences."
""Of course not. But the sucker is always the biggest headache around. Messes up traffic something awful.""
""It was good. But you have another life that you need to get back to. They need you.""