
Dark Secrets Quotes

Dark Secrets by Michael Hjorth

Dark Secrets Quotes
"Murderers are criminals. Murderers are evil."
"Yes, it was wrong to kill. The fifth commandment: Thou shalt not kill."
"Everything was going to hell in a handcart."
"He was no longer even sure it began with K."
"It twists and turns a bit, but after a while you come out on the main road."
"Deep tire tracks. Torkel smiled. This was getting off to a good start."
"Lisa made that when she had chicken pox. She was eleven. She had a bit of help, of course."
"Yes, she’s very talented, is our Lisa. There are more than five thousand beads in that picture! Isn’t that fantastic?"
"So why run?" asked the woman, pulling the teenager to his feet with her colleague’s help.
"If it had been Leo Lundin’s father, he would still have been standing there."
"I would like to do just that. But he’s dead, as you might know."
"We are here to catch the person who did this. And we will."
"But do you know who you can get really, really close to?"
"Do it from behind, you can push deeper that way."
"I need to be up early in the morning, so don’t take all night."
"He would show them. Show the lot of them. Once and for all."
"It was as if everyone had an opinion but nobody had anything to say."
"To him, regret meant that a person would act differently if faced with the same situation again."
"The man who was not a murderer could help Roger’s relatives and friends."
"It was impossible to get rid of them without appearing ungrateful."
"Life fitted in with Sebastian Bergman, not the other way around."
"He was a survivor. In every sense of the word."
"The seduction. The game. Which he would win. The victory. The pleasure."
"The tsunami had changed all that. Ripped away every connection."
"He was going to have sex with Clara Lundin."
"Gratitude broke it. Showed him up as the complete bastard he was."
"The battle would always be there now. For the rest of his life."
"He had a child. And his mother had never said a word."
"This realization had frightened Sebastian."
"Deep inside, behind the academic veneer, he was actually very similar to those he was hunting."
"The only genuine feeling he could conjure up was an enormous weariness."
"The very sight of all these objects his mother had left behind bored him even more."
"He still had the ability to make the best of the situation."
"So the rich kids won’t have to mix with the plebs."
"I’ve lost a bit of weight. Unless, of course, you were referring to the size of something else."
"The thing is, I spent three of the worst years of my life here."
"All his life. No, not all his life. Not with Lily."
"But that was when he went to the USA, to the University of North Carolina."
"He had crossed every boundary during the course of several hectic years."
"He was enveloped by life. He had felt complete."
"Ripped away every connection, every finely woven thread linking him to everything else."
"The endless torment. That was probably the very definition of hell."
"Making the best of the situation you've ended up in is a way of dealing with the pain."
"I thought of that, but it felt better saying that he was dead than that he didn’t want Roger. For the boy’s self-esteem, I mean."
"How the fuck should I know? What the hell do you know about grief? Have you lost someone who means everything to you?"
"Secrets are a heavy burden, and carrying them is a lonely business."
"The truth shall set you free, and it shall make your parents fucking furious."
"You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about, so maybe it’s best if you keep your mouth shut from now on."
"Imagine not being online. Isolated. Alone."
"To be honest, he felt as if he’d walked into a version of his own fucking upbringing."
"What does it take before they actually report something to the police in this place?"
"Did he have some kind of hold over Torkel?"
"The quality of the program was irrelevant. As long as it was fairly colorful and moved around on the screen, she was happy."
"He just wanted to fit in. He did whatever he had to do to fit in."
"Roger was more calculating than Sebastian thought."
"Most people in that category are older."
"Don’t just stand there. Aren’t you going to help me?"
"Sometimes the best thing you can do if you have problems is to talk about them."
"We need to be able to go over it all. You need someone who will listen."
"They say that eighty percent of those who lose a child end up getting a divorce."
"Good old-fashioned scaremongering journalism."
"The truth is that things were better between them now than when they were married."
"Together they began to investigate the cause of the fire. Ursula was no expert, but even she could see that a number of details in the bedroom indicated that the fire had spread extremely rapidly. Far too rapidly to be natural."
"Rolf Lemmel was devastated. A close friend had rung to tell him about the fire at Peter’s house."
"We don’t know yet, but it’s a strong possibility." Lemmel’s body twisted, as if it didn’t know where to go.
"Don’t you have a receptionist?" Sebastian wondered as they walked through the glass doors and along a small corridor.
"Stay where you are. Sebastian, call Ursula and tell her she’s needed here as soon as possible."
"Sebastian had grown tired of playing second fiddle at the psychologists’ practice."
"Roger’s actual cause of death was still unknown."
"He fetches a knife from the car. Stands over the dead boy and exposes the bullet hole."
"He was here last Friday," she said, pointing to the newspaper.
"Luck comes through hard work, we know that. For the moment we assume the break-in is linked to the fire and that Peter Westin’s notebook has been stolen because of what was in it. Until we find out otherwise."
"You were in Västerås on the night of the murder, and you’ve lied about it. That sounds rather suspicious to me."
"We’ve got a horny sixteen-year-old and a motel. Surely it’s worth checking out, at least?"
The policewoman went on: "And we’ll bring an auditor with us when we come back. And perhaps someone from Environmental Health—I presume you’re responsible for the restaurant as well?"
"No, no, no, it wasn’t like that at all."
"Ursula had promised herself that this time she was going to stay at the center of things."
"I’ve missed you so much." "Me too, Dad."
"Come on! We’ve got a horny sixteen-year-old and a motel. Surely it’s worth checking out, at least?"
"If you felt threatened, I would run toward the forest."
"It's an odd place to shoot someone. In the middle of a soccer field."
"You made friends. Friends for whom you sometimes did a little favor, and who were therefore prepared to help out when you needed it."
"Sexual harassment in Sollefteå as well."
"Roger wasn’t picked up by any more cameras because he didn’t walk any farther."
"I saw something at the police station today. I saw your car. I know it was you."
"I wasn’t around for some of the most important years. But I don’t believe it’s ever too late to be a good father."
"Johan didn’t want me to. He was petrified. If I’d called the police, I would have been letting him down. I’d done that once already. When I left. This time I had to help him."
"I failed, I admit that. I failed. But I did everything in my power. I just wanted to be a really good father."
"She decided to put some real pressure on him this time, but Groth confronted her and things got out of hand."
"I did everything in my power. I just wanted to be a really good father."
"You can think what you like about that, but I loved him."