
Moonraker Quotes

Moonraker by Ian Fleming

Moonraker Quotes
"The memory in his right hand of how he had drawn and fired with one sweep from the left made him confident."
"Bond laughed. He counted out some silver. ‘Double the stakes next Monday,’ he said."
"‘To hell with the Dewar Trophy,’ said Bond. ‘It’s your money I’m after.’"
"Only M was allowed to know that, and his Chief of Staff, who would be told to enter the scores of that day’s shoot on Bond’s Confidential Record."
"‘Shooting hell out of a piece of cardboard doesn’t prove anything’ was his single-line introduction to the Small-Arms Defence Manual."
"Bond took out his black gunmetal cigarette-box and his black-oxidised Ronson lighter and put them on the desk beside him."
"He earned £1,500 a year, the salary of a Principal Officer in the Civil Service, and he had a thousand a year free of tax of his own."
"When he was on a job he could spend as much as he liked, so for the other months of the year he could live very well on his £2,000 a year net."
"He had a small but comfortable flat off the King’s Road, an elderly Scottish housekeeper – a treasure called May – and a 1930 41/2-litre Bentley coupé, supercharged, which he kept expertly tuned so that he could do a hundred when he wanted to."
‘The almost inevitable manner,’ he read, ‘in which individuality is revealed by minute patterns of behaviour is demonstrated by the indelible characteristics of the "fist" of each radio operator. This "fist", or manner of tapping out messages, is distinctive and recognisable by those who are practised in receiving messages.'
"‘He’s always a big winner and they play high at Blades. He hasn’t lost on a weekly settlement since he joined a year ago.'"
"Bond sighed and sat down at his desk, pulling towards him the tray of brown folders bearing the Top Secret red star."
"Bond smiled into her grey eyes. ‘I only call you Lil on Mondays,’ he said. ‘Miss Ponsonby the rest of the week. But I’ll never call you Loelia. It sounds like somebody in an indecent limerick.'"
"Bond helped himself to another slice of smoked salmon from the silver dish beside him."
"‘Ah, there you are,’ said Drax. He leant forward and cut a card. They all followed suit. Drax won the cut and elected to stay where he was and take the red cards."
"One hundred and fifty pounds a hundred, and fifteen hundred on the rubber. You're on."
"Don't be ridiculous, Max. You play your hand. This is nothing to do with you. Just an enjoyable little bet with our rash friend here."
"I've got a promising lot too. If my partner fits and the cards lie right I might make a lot of tricks myself. What are you suggesting?"
"I was saying to our friend the Commander that when we fire the Moonraker it will be like committing murder."
"You are ferry kind. Sir Hugo is ferry exacting."
"We will go over and introduce you to the Moonraker."
"My idea. They’re difficult to recognize in those white overalls and with their heads shaved. So I told them all to grow moustaches."
"Major Tallon had not died because he loved Gala Brand."
"Scratch a German and you find precision, thought Bond."
"The exotic gaiety of her clothes, a black and white striped cotton shirt tucked into a wide hand-stitched black leather belt above a medium-length skirt in shocking pink, seemed to have infected her."
"The peace was broken by two blasts on the siren from the house and they turned to gaze back at the ugly concrete world that had been cleaned out of their minds."
"Drax sat at the head of the table, festive in his plum-coloured smoking-jacket."
"The white dust of its collapse covered nearly an acre."
"The Treasury wanted to know what it was all about – whether it was Drax himself selling or one of the big commodity interests who were clients of his firm."
"The only times he ever did that were at Christmas, on her birthday, and just before there was something dangerous to be done."
"She arranged the letters in their three piles and sat forward relaxed, her elbows resting on the desk and her chin in her left hand."
"He was a brilliant driver, but a vindictive and impatient one who was always anxious for any car that held him up to be given something to remember."
"She locked the door of the lavatory and snatched open the notebook."
"Bond set his teeth and rode his car as if she was a Lipizzaner at the Spanish Riding School in Vienna."
"Bond, his face a tight mask, had hardly checked his speed and there was nothing but revenge in his mind."
"A Kraut. Yes, I am indeed a Reichsdeutscher."
"Krebs echoed the maniac laugh with a high giggle."
"Gala watched him anxiously. The eyes in the bloody face were almost shut, but the line of the jaw was taut with concentration."
"For the hundredth time he repeated to himself the figures Gala had taught him during the hours of cramped pain."
"M gave one of the rare smiles that lit up his face with quick brightness and warmth."
"James Bond went down in the lift and limped along the familiar corridor to his office."