
Hello, Summer Quotes

Hello, Summer by Mary Kay Andrews

Hello, Summer Quotes
"I hate these things. Stale sheet cake, lukewarm champagne, and tepid farewells. It’s such a farce."
"At least a third of the people in that room don’t even like me."
"It’s actually more like two-thirds of the people in the room who detest you."
"You were living together. Most women I know would call that serious."
"It was only for six weeks, and I only let him move in because he couldn’t afford a two-bedroom."
"Gonna miss you, girlfriend. I can’t believe you’re really gonna go and leave me behind."
"This is Fred Ward, managing editor at Intelligentsia. I can’t come to the phone right now cuz I’m fixin’ to put the paper to bed."
"We’ve got more issues than The New Yorker."
"Once-thriving major metro papers were either shutting down or going to digital only."
"I’ll consider any job I’m offered, as long as the salary’s in the right range."
"Print is dead? Is that what you’re saying?"
"You’ve been telling me that since you were five years old."
"Keep your car doors locked, will you? And promise me you won’t do anything foolish."
"Nothing’s gonna happen to G’mama or Winnie. Nothing ever happens in Silver Bay."
"I think once you’ve come to terms with what you’ve done, you have to figure out how to forgive yourself. And that’s easier said than done."
"The past was the past. And anyway, he’d learned the hard way that you can’t really save people from themselves."
"He could have found a job in D.C. if he was really committed to the relationship. But he wouldn’t even try."
"There’s a story to tell here, and that’s what she did. It was who she was. She’d figure out the rest later."
"Symmes had excelled at bringing home the bacon for his district, managing to snag tens of millions of dollars of federal funding for military bases, interstate improvements, and even an agriculture research station at his alma mater, which had been named in his honor."
"This is a small town, and people take this stuff real personal."
"A true journalist never reveals her sources."
"I’d better get busy. I’m gonna run into town and use the Wi-Fi at the house. Okay?"
"We may not be able to fire her, but at the very least, we can make Hello, Summer literate and accurate."
"It would have, but your fuddy-duddy of a grandfather wouldn’t print it. The biggest story of my career, and it never saw the light of day."
"People, especially the wives and children of prominent politicians, don’t just vanish."
"I’ve taken up enough of your time today."
"I’m doing my job. Protecting this community."
"We’re giving Mrs. Robinette time to grieve. As a courtesy to the congressman’s legacy."
"It was the most marvelous time compiling it. So many wonderful memories."
"Everyone said it was the most amusing thing they’d ever read."
"Back then, I always thought summer would last forever. Like, I never even knew what day it was."
"Halcyon days," Conley said, smiling at the memory.
Halcyon days," he repeated. "I guess you don't know you're living them until years later, looking in the rearview mirror.
"Then I find another story or, better yet, another job. I have to work, Skelly. I'm a journalist. It's who I am. It's what I'm good at."
There’s been a slight change in plans. I’m staying here tonight," she said, stepping outside. "If G’mama’s feeling okay in the morning, I’ll go in.
"That’s for being my Prince Charming," she said.
"But you can’t expect even the person who’s closest to you to know what you’re thinking unless you open up and talk about it in an honest and open way."
"Anything they made of themselves was despite me messing up their lives."
"You don’t ever see a Brink’s truck in a funeral procession."
"Sport’s almost fourteen years old. He doesn’t move around so good anymore. Like me."
"You might not like what we published, but that does not make it filth."
"The marriage broke up in 1986 when Robinette got his twenty-five-year-old congressional aide pregnant."
"I’m not saying your housekeeper is a suspect. I’m not saying anybody’s a suspect. It’s still an open investigation."
"Once we got the accident victim’s identity verified from the license tag, I drove over to her house at Sugar Key myself, to notify her what had happened."
"I was young and just starting out. Symmes was so kind and generous."
"He hadn’t been himself. That’s why he was home… to get some rest."
"He was an eighteen-term member of Congress who died in a one-car crash at three in the morning."
"We’re used to finding ways of compromising."
"We felt it was a private, family matter. Dad felt well enough to be in Washington, attending to the people’s business in Congress, right up until the end of his life."
"Don't forget to call me if you think of anything else about that Escalade."
"What most of you don't know is that Dad had been diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma last year."
"It was Dad’s wish that we keep his condition a private, family matter."
"His intent was to continue working for the great Thirty-fifth District and his treasured constituents as long as his health allowed."
"In effect, my father became a prisoner in his own home."
"What kind of son would I be if I allowed my father’s suffering to go unreported?"
"What kind of citizen would I be if I merely looked the other way at an instance of abuse?"
"Elder abuse is on the rise in the state of Florida."
"If a newspaper isn’t pissing people off, it’s not really doing its job."
"It doesn’t take a Woodward and Bernstein to figure out that Tony’s gone."
"You’ve known all along that I didn’t plan to make a career here at the Beacon."
"Heads turned, and the crowd cleared a path for a wizened man dressed in all black."
"That’s the nature of the radio business."
"God, how he missed the days before all the do-gooders and tobacco Nazis ruined the world."
"I’d like to help, but there just wasn’t much to what I saw and heard that night."
"I’d gotten used to his easy, late-night patter with his listeners."
"The sum of his belongings could be packed in less than twenty minutes."
"I usually keep it turned up because I’m a little bit hard of hearing."
"I’ll tell you the rest when I get there."
"She reminded him of himself, back when he was young and hungry and burning up with ambition."
"Driving the ’Vette made him feel like a big shot."
"She had been reluctant to address, but I believe that recent events have made my actions unavoidable."
"After consulting some of my father’s oldest, most trusted advisers, I came to a very difficult decision."
"I’m not gunning to be the next Anderson Cooper."
"I’m not going to dignify this crap by responding to it."
"I don’t understand why you’re so pissed about this."
"Don’t worry. I’ll file my stories for the Beacon first."
"I had no idea. She’s a little older than he is, right?"
"I understand you live next door to Symmes and Vanessa Robinette."
"My father never told me any such thing."
"I’ve got a feeling you’d like to talk to her too."
"I wish we could just go back to the way things were before."
"I had to show him my driver’s license to show him that I really was Mrs. Robinette."
"I thought we had a good marriage. Not perfect, but good."
"If we’re putting all our cards on the table, I guess I should tell you we’re gonna have to do something about G’mama’s finances."
"I’ll tell you that as a professional courtesy."
"I don’t have very Christian feelings about that man."
"I guess I’ll go upstairs and get cleaned up before dinner."
"We wanted a child so badly, we let her do anything she wanted."
"Your daddy tried so hard to make Melinda happy."
"I'm not sure what you would or wouldn’t do to get a scoop."
"Maybe you need to grow up and get over yourself."
"Get out!" she screamed. "Get out and leave me alone!"
"I’ll fucking shoot you," he said, his voice hoarse. "I’ll splatter your brains all over your grandma’s pretty house."
"Screw Daytona. Not gon’ let ’em catch the midnight rider," he vowed.
"No!" She shook her head. "I’m okay. Really. Poppell slapped me is all. I’m fine."
"Nobody’s real name is Buddy Bright," Evancho protested.
"You’re always starved," he said, bringing two plates loaded with food to the table.
"She was dead! He wasn’t supposed to be the one to die. She should have died! She was so selfish, and he loved her so much, and she killed him. She did."
"You’re like my shero. Can’t wait to see you again tomorrow."
"I don’t sleep with married men, or steal, or cheat. I only lie if it’s absolutely necessary."