
Always Only You Quotes

Always Only You by Chloe Liese

Always Only You Quotes
"Glued to the team, iPhone in hand, I make the guys accessible to fans by implementing PR-sanctioned hype."
"In the end, it makes everyone’s lives easier."
"I’m a big believer in breaking down stigma around differences we tend to ostracize."
"I do my job with resting bitch face. I’m blunt, all business."
"Sometimes, it’s practically stomach-turning."
"That’s right. Sometimes, to cope with this wild ride that is my life, I get high."
"But the truth is nobody on the team would call me sweet."
"I hope it’s not crossing a line or anything."
"I’ve learned things go better for me when that’s what other people see."
"If you’re still my small babe or you’re all the way grown, my promise to you is you’re never alone."
"It’s time to move past that negative attitude toward it."
"I’m always happy to give you a ride home."
"I’d be flattered if someone thought you were with me."
"The hell you’re sleeping in a hotel, Frankie."
"I have to sit at family dinners and listen to them nerd out on anatomy and the latest therapies and pharmacopeia."
"The man who is worthy of your love is not going to treat you how your family did."
"You sure you’re okay, Ren? I guess this is a bit more than you bargained for when you offered me a ride home, huh?"
"I’d ask whose idea it was for me to read Wherever You Are, My Love Will Find You to a group of toddler and preschool-aged patients, but I have no doubt it was Frankie’s doing."
"You’re staring at my mouth," she whispers.
"So hookups. Yeah, those are over before you even get to know each other."
"Sense will always have attractions for me."
"You’re not the only one who speaks another language."
"I want you to know, if you never want to hear about this again, I will respect that. I won’t make it uncomfortable. I’ll be professional at work and leave you alone. Okay?"
"What are you going to do?" I ask my reflection.
"I try not to let it hurt. I have to remind myself that her doubt and distrust aren’t about me. They’re about her past and how it hurt her."
"We love, entranced by the breathtaking view, and we fall, not knowing where we’ll land."
"The past has been a harsh teacher, and its lesson isn’t easily forgotten—I don’t get hurt when I adopt a self-protective outlook."
"If you don’t laugh, you’ll cry. So, I crack jokes."
"I don’t get to choose how I’m born or who I love. I just do. And I’m tired of being scared about what that means."
"It’s not called falling in love for nothing."
"I want to take everything inside her that hurts and put it in my body. I’m big. Solid. Someone like me should have this, not someone like Frankie."
"I’m not the world’s best at lying on the spot, but I am damn good at premeditated subterfuge."
"I don’t mind when she jumps. It’s nice that someone looks happy to see me."
"You’re awfully handsome when you’re angry."
"The world is a cruel place, and Los Angeles drivers suck."
"I don’t care about the norms. I just care about what’s right for us."
"You make the ordinary feel extraordinary."
"We’ll figure this out together, step by step."
"Best part of that story is, nobody noticed until Grandpa put his hat on his head."
"They’re all horrible. Except Ax. He’s different."
"I realized he loved me. Already, he loved me, just how I was."
"I feel like my life wasn’t over, only my idea of my life was."
"To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself."
"The most common form of despair is not being who you are."
"I’ve loved you since the moment I saw her."
"That’s what you’re scared of, huh? Being loved by that big redhead teddy of a lover who worships the ground you walk on?"
"I’m trying to show you that I can handle this."