
A Little Hatred Quotes

A Little Hatred by Joe Abercrombie

A Little Hatred Quotes
"You want a thing, you have to fight for it."
"Sometimes you wake from a nightmare, and there’s a wonderful wash of relief as you realise the horrors you saw were just ghosts, and you’re safe in your own warm bed."
"If killing folk ever starts to feel right, you’ve a worse kind of problem."
"There are few blessings without a curse hidden inside, nor curses without a whiff of blessing."
"In battle, a man discovers who he truly is."
"When you tell a lie, you have to sound like you believe it."
"Talking isn’t enough. You want a thing, you have to fight for it."
"Guilt is a luxury reserved for those still breathing and with no unbearable pain, cold or hunger demanding all their fickle attention."
"Yes, you’ve had hardships. The sickness and the fits, and the being thought mad and blah, blah, blah. But you were also born with all your limbs and a fine set of teeth in your pretty face, the only child of a powerful chief, with no mother and a hall full of soft-headed old warriors doting upon you."
"Lucky for you, I am here, and I will pare the fat away and leave the iron which I see beneath well sharpened."
"It was a fine, strong feeling. The first flicker of warmth she’d felt in days."
"Perhaps it is a dagger after all. One day, we might forge a sword from it that strong men will cower at and the moon itself will smile upon."
"You’ve two choices in war, boredom or terror, and in my experience boredom’s far preferable."
"Tart, but tolerable. Like life, eh, lads? Like life."
"The only thing a man can really do... is pick his moment."
"The way you break your enemy is you break what they love."
"The Union’s future looks bright indeed."
"I thought I said you shouldn’t call me that."
"The more powerful you are, the less you can really do about anything."
"I have to mend my reputation at some point."
"It’s the enemies inside our borders that cost me sleep."
"I’ll give you Gorst, twenty Knights of the Body and a battalion of the King’s Own."
"A procession of disappointments, like most of life."
"Explosions are always a good investment, too."
"I find however much I drink is just the right amount."
"We are entering a new age, Your Highness."
"It’s a rare man who’s made better by a bit of power."
"Fear of being a grown-up is a poor reason to remain a child."
"The world was a different place than it had been a few moments before, and not a better one."
"You can’t change what’s past, can you? Only what’s next."
"There’s nothing can’t be ruined in a moment."
"I watched him beat Fenris the Feared in the Circle."
"Blessed are the thrifty… does Vallimir explain his sudden success?"
"There are folk dying o’ hunger just a mile from the palaces on the hill! Boys who can hardly breathe for the white lung. Girls who catch some owner’s fancy and are forced into night-work."
"The time has come for us to throw off the yoke and stand as free men and women."
"If they will not give us what we are owed, we must rise up and take it by force."
"I find, when it comes to business, there is nothing like the personal touch."
"If one man knowingly kills another, they call it murder! When society causes the deaths of thousands, they shrug and call it a fact of life."
Who could?" And Gunnar grunted and nodded along. "I was born in this city. Lived here all my life. You think I like the way it’s changed?
If I’d known it was fancy dress," murmured Vick, "I’d have made more effort.
"We are aboard a ship embarking for shores of prosperity, shores of equality, shores of freedom!"
"One can have perfectly cordial relationships with one’s competitors, but rarely with one’s employees."
"Sentiment is even more dangerous in a mill owner than a soldier."
"In order to make the mill profitable, certain… efficiencies have been necessary. Longer hours and shorter breaks. Reductions in the budgets for food and living quarters. Punishments for talking or whistling."
"The more effective the method, the more ill will it causes."
"When it comes to business, profit is the only right. Loss the only wrong."
"A future king has no business fighting."
"All we do is prod at them, loiter around their supply lines, nibble little victories here and there."
"Not to me." He’d some towering opinions, all right, but rarely built on much. She quite liked digging at their foundations and watching ’em totter."
"I don’t have to." She caught his shoulder and pulled him back beside her. "But it is warm down here."
"It’s my bloody mother I blame, for letting him get away with it!"
"The boy had many fine features—bravery, honesty, good humour, a fine-shaped face and an even better-shaped arse, and so constantly, reliably warm. But imagination was not a strong point."
"Nothing gets a girl wet like hearing a man complain about his mother."
"For me, it’s pretty boys with too much courage and too little patience…"
"I’m supposed to be her son, and she treats me like—"
"An ugly business that only leaves bad men better off."
"The mind needs nourishment, too, brother."
"What’s the damn point of a king who won’t defend his kingdom?"
"My father’s dead! He’s dead, and I can’t lose you, too, do you understand?"
"But you never have to worry about looking cowardly. Everyone expects it."
"We must lighten the mood where we can, eh, Wonderful?"
"You cannot force the Long Eye open, but when it opens by itself, it’s a fool who doesn’t see."
"A great healer, like a great leader, must make of her heart a stone."
"The wiser a man is, the more he stands ready to be educated."
"You can’t choose what you see. But you can choose what you say."
"By the dead, when the mood’s on him, he can bleat like a fucking sheep."
"There’s no bigger foolishness than to choose to face a dangerous man on equal terms."
"I’ve got a bloody duel to win. They might be packing me in a box this time tomorrow!"
"No one remembers how the fight was won, only who won it."
"Don’t worry about it! Once Leo’s broke you in half, you can suck your own!"
"Be careful, is all I’m saying. Hate a man that much, you give him power over you."
"You can hate things about a person and still love ’em."
"Seems it’s fallen to me as a hillwoman to judge this bout."
"We give up our arms. We give up our hostages. We all go free."
"Good and bad aren’t as easy to tell apart as you’d think."
"You want something, you have to give something up."
"To kill an enemy is cause for relief. To make a friend of him is cause for celebration."
"I’m not ashamed. Folk who keep hold of baggage like shame and pride don’t last a week in the camps."
"Mercy is an admirable quality in smallfolk, but I fear it does not keep kings in power."
"You can only ask for promises you know are going to be kept."
"If you build your boat from cheese, you can’t wail at the heavens when it sinks, for cheese is known to be a poor material for boat-building."
"Nothing’s forever, Rikke. No peace and no war. All you can do is the best you can in the time you’ve got."
"Vengeance is just an empty chest you choose to carry. One you have to go bent under the weight of all your days. One score settled only plants the seeds of two more."
"Promises are like flowers. Often given, rarely kept."
"You can't choose what you remember. But you can choose what you do about it. Time comes… you got to let it all go."
"We’re all of us only a hair away [from death], girl, all the time."
"Like most luxuries, [it] was more about how it looked than how it felt."
"It is the nature of men, especially ambitious men, to be unhappy. Happy ones make me nervous."
"All iron and stone? That a good thing? – It is a thing as irresistible as the tide."
"Time comes in every man’s life when he must set his mother’s opinions to one side."
"By all the dead, the city’s grown. – Hugely. Yet it somehow looked smaller than the last time."
"What else is business but a ridiculous lie everything is."
"I crawled through the guts of the building to the river and squeezed between a wall and a waterwheel. I found a filthy old coat washed up on the riverbank, disguised myself as a beggar and ran."
"I found a way to do even that gracefully."
"I’m told you’ve bedded five thousand whores."
"I’m sure it’s less exhilarating than the original."
"Folk say a lot o’ things about my grandfather, Bethod this and Bethod that, but I never even met the bastard."
"I feel the future could not be in safer hands."