
Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia Of Faeries Quotes

Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia Of Faeries by Heather Fawcett

Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia Of Faeries Quotes
"I was among the first to sight the snowbound mountains rising out of the sea, the little red-roofed village of Hrafnsvik huddled below them like Red Riding Hood as the wolf loomed behind her."
"One does not find the Folk in cities, but in the remote, forgotten corners of the world."
"Ljosland is the most isolated of the Scandinavian countries, an island situated in the wild seas off the Norwegian mainland, its northern coastline brushing the Arctic Circle."
"Stories are of great use... there is something true in every story, even the false ones."
"The Folk are as embedded in their environments as the deepest of taproots."
"Within these pages, like specimens threaded with pins and trapped behind glass in a museum display, is every species of faerie yet encountered by Man."
"The forest slowly folded me into itself."
"They are the night and the day, they are the wind and the leaf."
"The Folk do not confine themselves to forests alone, and I know from my correspondence with Krystjan that many Ljoslanders believe the volcanic boulders that jut out of their landscape serve as doors to their realm."
"I appreciate blunt people. It takes the guesswork out of conversations."
"An encyclopaedia of faeries? This will form a cornerstone of all scholarship on the subject for years to come."
"A year is quite unusual. The Folk abduct newborns—I’ve never heard of one taking interest in older children."
"The Folk are bound by many ancient laws, some of which give mortals a great deal of power over their well-being."
"The motives of the courtly fae in stealing children have never left the realm of academic speculation. If only we could ask one of them."
"The skeletal hands of the dead faeries rose up out of the dirt and strangled the servants of the wicked king."
"Her golden hair turned white when the winter sun touched it, and she sang so sweetly that even the wind upon the mountaintops quieted its howls to listen."
"I wish to know the unknowable. To see what no mortal has seen."
"The forest as liminal, a 'middle-world'... its roots burrowing deep into the earth as their branches yearn for the sky."
"I think she will give you whatever you want, if it is hers to offer and will not endanger herself or others."
"The forest seemed to make a path for us as we followed the clear marks of trampling in the snow."
"One should cling to what dignity one can, I’ve always thought."
"Even more worryingly, I sometimes forgot all about it myself."
"I don’t know how much time I have, nor how much longer I shall be able to hold this pen, so I will attempt to be concise."
"How on earth could I extract Lilja and Margret when I was deaf to the music they danced to?"
"We heard the bells again last night. They've never sounded so regularly before. They will take another child, and soon."
"The old king was chivalrous. He abided by the ancient laws set down by our ancestors. Namely: we must have fair dealings with the mortals of this land. Kindness is met with kindness, evil with evil."
"There is nothing green in this place; even the forest is rendered in black-and-white; I feel as if I am in a movie."
"I am not going to be left behind, pining for you when you return to your kingdom. I have no time for pining."
"I wished to release you of my own free will, Your Highness. As a sign of my respect for you."
"Beauty of mind and spirit is what is most important to me in a wife. Kindness. Generosity. Forgiveness."
"I felt ill. I was beginning to wonder if getting myself into danger had become something of an addiction."
"The ability to forgive is a great virtue."
"You rescued three of their children—and scores more will be spared, no doubt, now that the changeling has been cast out."
"I always felt worse in the king’s presence."
"Mortal maidens forced to marry faerie kings never just lop their heads off and walk away—they are cleverer than that."
"The wrongness of what we were doing overwhelmed me then, leaving me lightheaded."
"Your power is matched only by your stupidity, my husband."