
Community Growth Quotes

There are 415 quotes

"The problem that a lot of these people are going to start having is that people are starting to wake up and most importantly the community is starting to grow up and they're developing cognitive functions."
"We hit a million subscribers, which is so wild. You guys have grown this channel so quickly, which is amazing."
"Pretoria Metropolitan Airport senses that a significant expansion is necessary to continue the growth of the community."
"Our global developer community just keeps growing. This growth is powered by our technology and your creativity."
"We're growing this community, and that's fantastic."
"The abundance in communities is where you'll find support and opportunities for growth."
"The beauty community has really emerged as one of the biggest parts of YouTube."
"Awesome, new members are joining all the time, guys, and I appreciate that because that is growing and it's awesome to see."
"Battle for Bikini Bottom's close-knit group of friends was evolving into an expansive community."
"We're seeing such incredible growth in community population, Google search volume, Reddit subscriptions, Telegram subscriptions, commercial interest."
"Join over ten million people learning on Brilliant and sign up today."
"I appreciate you guys coming out. You have grown the dawah more than you can imagine."
"They're offering €3,000... to any couple that decides to move there and stay for good."
"Two new villagers have immigrated into the base."
"The speedrunning community continues to expand even outside the realm of GDQ events."
"The ultra-Orthodox population is growing at such a fast pace that its share in the population is doubling every generation, every 25 years."
"This is a great place and it can be a greater place with more people."
"If you all subscribed right now, we'd get to 9 million in no time, and you could be a part of it."
"Back when I started making lock-picking videos there might have been three or four thousand lock Pickers on the planet that's it."
"Thank you all for the support on the channel. It's been insane. Welcome to the new subscribers. It means a lot. And, uh, yeah, just thank you all for the support."
"That's how we grow, it starts with you guys hitting that like button."
"We're four hundred thousand subscribers, yeah? Now we're approaching 500. That's amazing."
"The birth of streaming platforms allowed the anime community to expand exponentially."
"Literally today we're making history, we've already gone up like a thousand subs since we started this livestream, thank you guys so much, man."
"This is the only way we're going to evolve and grow together: through dialogue."
"Console is huge in Overwatch and actually, it's grown in Overwatch to be a massive part of the player base."
"It's insane how popular Piggy's gotten. Even Jailbreak's got more popular over the past few weeks, which is pretty cool to just see."
"A million subscribers by the end of the year would be absolutely crazy."
"941,000 followers Summoners War has gotten over the past nine years."
"This is the fastest growing crypto community in the entire space."
"If you buy something and everyone is moving there, you're going to look like a hero."
"I think next year's gonna be one of the biggest years probably Magic's ever had because of Arena."
"Thank you guys, the hard work is really paying off. We are getting more people joining us and a lot more friendly faces. I'm so glad, thank you guys."
"Negative voices aren't helping to grow any community."
"We just hit 5,000 subscribers... you guys are amazing and the progression of this channel in the last few months has been off the charts."
"It's a big part of it. I have found more and more that new people that I speak to are saying, like, 'I just got into Warhammer.'"
"What they don't realize is that prebuilts are a great gateway of bringing more people into our community."
"It's frustrating to see long term vegans go off the wagon but that doesn't mean that the movement isn't still growing."
"We want to bring temples closer to the expanding membership of the church."
"Let's get to 700,000 subscribers by the end of the season!"
"There are so many people that have not experienced MLB The Show, and now this is their chance."
"Thank you guys, absolutely amazing, we just passed 208,000 subs guys on the channel, keep it up you guys are amazing."
"We've gone from being a channel that nobody cared about to the number one community in all of cryptocurrency."
"How can we grow as a community, how can we grow as a people if we keep pushing people away?"
"Thank you all so much, and I love to see how global this community has become."
"I know that there's quite a few new people to my channel... I am so grateful for all the new subscribers."
"Blocksberg recently made a huge update as well and passed 200,000 players."
"Our family, tribe, society, and culture grow because of each other. We learn more about who we are because we're in relationships with other people."
"We're getting a lot of new folks subscribing to the channel and I appreciate it guys I really do."
"One million ti hwb family members worldwide, that is absolutely mind-blowing!"
"I appreciate every single one of you. The community is always growing, it's amazing."
"If all of you guys subscribe, then maybe we could hit 15 million subscribers today. That would be awesome, so subscribe!"
"Everybody right now, hit that sub button, comment subscribe, and share the stream, let's do this."
"The community is growing and you love to see it."
"Nothing has stopped even for a second my laser focus on what it means to push for the next steps for the Super Farm protocol."
"What's remarkable about the modding community is that it's growing and growing."
"Thank you guys for keeping this thing alive, and as more people come in, it's just more exciting for me."
"A lot of awareness coming to Cardano for the first time."
"And yeah just the world is just continuing to grow the poppy world and and it's just it's so cool it's it's very humbling to see where it's at right now you know and hopefully hopefully we need to make a lot more of these shows because it's fun."
"My channel's growing significantly, and I owe it all to you."
"I never started this to get a world record. I never started this to, you know, have now 71,000 people on YouTube."
"Our community is growing and growing strong — we just hit 45,000 family members. It's not just a number; each one of you I'm super grateful for. You guys are rocking it. You guys are the best community ever."
"We just passed 1,400 members. That is simply incredible. Thank you guys so so much."
"Wow, we got so many new followers! And Hayley can now take family leave."
"Big town, 6500. We can now afford another square!"
"Stick with us this week. It's going to be a fun and exciting week, and I do believe it could be the week that this family becomes a million members strong."
"You have the community here, and we want to see you blossom in our lives."
"Our community has grown 100k strong and I'm so excited."
"Let's see if we can get up to 16,500 members today, that'll be very cool."
"Big thank you to those who do, you are literally helping grow my channel for free."
"A new beginning for this channel, content, and community."
"He made content that was so good it broke the niche, and loads of people came in, and now it is larger and better and better off for it."
"Don't forget to subscribe to the Churchfront channel so you can continue to receive all of our latest content to help you grow yourself and grow your church."
"Each one teach one, we all can grow, one hand watch the other both hands watch the face, let's be great."
"We believe what the word says, and the Most High added to the assembly daily such as should be saved."
"It's a win-win for everybody because it ends up helping us grow and it helps you save."
"We're almost about to reach 200 people. No way! That's so advanced, it's so good!"
"With your aid, the Deathclaws of Vault 13 became a thriving community. When the vault could no longer hold their numbers, a peaceful campaign of expansion was launched to claim the surrounding lands."
"I think these things are really important for the growth of the scene."
"We're just happy to be for you guys to be part of our family and the family is just growing faster and stronger than ever."
"Thank you guys all so much for the support. The channel blew up, my goodness gracious, y'all were thirsty for that cotton video!"
"We're very close to 90,000 subscribers which is really really sick."
"It's new to me, so we're learning, we're adapting, we're growing as a community."
"I can't stress enough just how proud I am of each and every one of you in the Total War Community."
"Subscribe to help me reach 200,000 subscribers by August!"
"It is their nature to aspire to grow to such magnificent Heights... they must grow up in community and they literally intertwine their roots into a net below the floor of the forest and literally feed and support each other."
"My lord, it seems as though our ranks have grown to 200,000 strong. The Hydro Homies are now one of the most powerful armies in the entire universe."
"This neighborhood is now filled in, we are at 58,000 but we need to reach 60 to get to where we wanted to get."
"I feel like it's homegrown, you know, like everybody came up together."
"What this game really needs right now is a growing community."
"We hit 1 million family members, it's so crazy."
"We had 860,000 subscribers, thank you guys. We are on the road, I think by the end of March we'll probably be at 900k baby, we'll be at 900k. It did sometime by May, by May I think we'll have a million."
"We've been growing a lot on this channel and that's all thanks to you guys."
"This year is going to be awesome...I truly believe this is just going to be an amazing year for me and the channel and the community."
"We were last week expected to hit a million subscribers on July 9th, thanks to you, it is now December 26th."
"Hopefully get some new eyes and new players in the poker world, you know that's what it's all about."
"I want to welcome the almost 1,600 new subscribers."
"We're really in a cool area because it's starting to grow again, like Halo's community's really starting to grow."
"We are actually almost at 600,000 subscribers so you guys, if you're not subscribed to our channel, subscribe right now!"
"I am still flabbergasted we made it to be 300,000 all from mostly reciting the most bizarre post I've ever seen on any social media ever."
"Our growth is a direct sign of that, so we appreciate y'all."
"It's just so cool to be part of this growth, just watching NXT since we've gotten there."
"Bam, guys, we got the baddest Telegram group on the planet. We're like five members away from four thousand people."
"Keep fighting it absolutely and what you're gonna see as TMDs continues to grow out and we continue to grow our community and our membership."
"Thank you guys for growing my Channel with me."
"Be sure to leave your questions and answers in the comment section below and help us to grow this community while working to solve these unexplained mysteries."
"That's so cool, we've got a lot of new subscribers coming in and maybe that's you, let me know if you're here and you're new."
"I absolutely cannot believe that this is the same Village that we started with on day one."
"1500 followers, I can't even believe that we've reached that number so quickly."
"The next chapter of 10th Planet Jiu-Jitsu awaits us!"
"We are so close to hitting 50,000 subs if you haven't hit that button already and you are a Bleach fan."
"But you have to remember that there is a reason why we have grown as a community to the levels that we have grown to."
"If all of you watching this right now did subscribe, we'd probably hit a million quicker than we think."
"Supporting the small guy makes a community humongous."
"We need more simmers in the world... I need more simmers to watch."
"The community has been increasing in active player base over time."
"Never in a million years did I think this community would grow like this."
"Let's try to grow this. I think we can hit 2500."
"We have an opportunity that's never gonna come again to have this much land in an old part of town."
"This can become a thriving hub of activity very quickly."
"This community has grown like significantly."
"The road doesn't end here we keep moving and maybe there are say 200,000 subscribers is a possibility."
"Charities is one of the best and fastest ways to grow on Twitch because people love to help support others."
"ESO has grown over the years to be 24 million players."
"Making it accessible to newcomers, which is you know vitally important."
"Can't believe it, less than two months ago we had sixteen thousand, and now fifty!"
"You guys are growing too fast Logang, freaking SLOW DOWN!"
"We hit 50k if you guys haven't already subscribed"
"I had no idea that it was gonna come this far. I had no idea that I was going to gain such a beautiful community at the end of the day."
"There will be an entire generation of TF2 players who will cite competitive mode as a reason why they started to play the game."
"It's fun to see how you guys, the community, continue to grow and innovate and prosper."
"The community continues to grow and it's full of positivity."
"The only way this channel keeps growing in 2021 is by you spreading that love."
"The community has grown and it has something good when people are passionate about it."
"I've been truly moved by how quickly the channel has grown. I had no idea that there was this much interest in this stuff."
"Honestly, seeing people who have not necessarily been as engrossed in Destiny... come into the community or come into the YouTube space and just watch that and appreciate."
"Join us and let's keep growing and doing this great work."
"There's no better time to get Mario Maker than now because the community is booming with designs."
"It's nice when communities grow for the right reasons."
"We are almost to 100,000 subscribers in this community."
"There's a reason I'm obsessed with free to play and finding new players and finding ways to expand the community. It doesn't help me, it helps everybody."
"If you like something and you want it to keep going, then do a few simple things: keep watching, subscribe, and follow us."
"We've seen on the ground that it seems to be growing hopefully we're going to see that issue grow even more."
"We're almost at 5.5 million subscribers with your help we might be able to reach there today."
"Because honestly, we need all the fresh blood we can get!"
"Thank you guys so much for all the love and support that you continuously show me especially as this channel grows."
"If you want to see this platform thrive and grow, hit the subscribe button right now."
"It's not just about the ethos of decentralization, it's about growing with this movement."
"We did grow League to a massive Community that's even greater than the wildest expectations back then."
"Thank you so much for helping me grow this community and I appreciate all of the love and support. Thank you. God bless you all."
"More people means more work, more profits – keep the settlement growing!"
"I cannot wait till you guys reach 10 million."
"Keep sharing the channel with all your friends. I know I'm telling you guys I have a really really strong feeling that we can hit a million subscribers this year."
"When we came here, we were also told by some other people who lived here that lots of families are planning to move here as well, and that really made us want to take action." - Fizz
"I'm really thankful and grateful that we've been able to grow this Channel and this audience with you along for the ride."
"Otter Lake is growing and looking like an interesting little place."
"Share with your friends, your cones grow as a community."
"You don't need to play into this meta to be happy or get somewhere in this community. Be yourself and do what you personally enjoy and you'll see growth."
"It'd be nice to see FPL grow as a community, to get more people excited about it."
"Let's keep going on that road to 2 million subscribers. Let's get there together."
"Literally just got members today and we already have 17."
"It's a nice little community that could really use some new blood."
"I just really want BookTube to thrive once again."
"Everybody in our community to become wealthy in the years ahead."
"I love how this community keeps growing on a day-to-day basis."
"Happiness... speeds up... the arrival... of new residents."
"Roguelikes are my favorite, and it's genuinely so cool seeing more and more people discover this genre and realize how fun it can be."
"We are about to hit 100,000 subscribers. It's going to be amazing."
"Is Greg the fastest growing army?" Time to find out.
"Make sure you are a member, I am so close to 10,000 people."
"There's over 51,000 members now, that is massive."
"We're almost to 200,000 subscribers and we want to give you guys a huge thank you."
"Let's train to hit like 120,000 subscribers by the end of the month."
"If two believers agree on Earth, it shall be done for them by My Father in heaven."
"The chapels the churches that have the traditional Latin Mass are bursting at the seams of so many new recruits."
"Commit to unlimited possibilities. Guess what? The more Life shows you its unlimited nature, the more you experience the synchronicities, the more people come together, the more people wake up, the more people evolve."
"The family's grown so much, let's share some of that love."
"It's been cool to kind of see the channel grow because of the community."
"Let's help the channel continue to grow and welcome even more new people to this journey with Everton Football Club."
"It's quite special to see like what the community has really become."
"More comics out in the world means there's potential for making new comic fans. They're not your competition."
"If everybody who watches this video subscribes because it's about 40 to 50 that watch that aren't subscribed we will easily hit that 250k number by the 4th of July."
"Our Glamazons family is steadily growing. Thank you guys so so much for coming here and chill with me."
"We're building an army: 19,000 strong and counting."
"Thank you all so much for the support because we are growing every single day and I can't thank you guys enough."
"Experiences that aren't locked behind pay walls and over time can grow into huge communities."
"Eventually, these disparate groups are going to grow and they're going to encounter one another."
"We gonna be one of the biggest Dragon Ball channels, bro. We already know."
"I think we are in a cleansing season within the context of the church and I would hope that we would get back to a healthy, stellar place where there's flourishing and so much more." - Rich Wilkinson Junior
"I hope the lost media community can continue to grow internationally and get more fans interested in their own country's lost media."
"Our Ronies community is getting closer and closer to reaching 300,000 subscribers."
"Thank you so much for helping us go to 8000 subscribers!"
"We've got a really big fan base... growing... loyal... a great opportunity... look out for more in 2022."
"We're almost at 100,000 subscribers, that's insane! Let's aim for 94k today, that'd be pretty epic."
"Thank you, I appreciate y'all getting us the 70k subscribers, an incredible goal, man. I really didn't think we'd ever get there."
"Big communities mean big things and these guys are going to push the SL platform to the next level."
"We've got like 500 subscribers in this stream, so which is crazy."
"We're going to be a hell of a lot stronger than we were when we began it and when we look to bitcoin's 16th birthday we can look back and said that we carried the torch we pushed forward we did something special."
"We're so happy for everything that you guys are doing and we're growing together and it's badass."
"It's so cool that we can have just this expanded audience."