
Abnormality Quotes

There are 188 quotes

"It's normal to compare ourselves; it's not normal to live in a world where we see 7,000 people a day on a glass screen."
"This isn't normal in a lot of ways... but the best things aren't normal."
"Perhaps now is time for politics of abnormality."
"They gave me a rubber doll to talk to... instead of being normal children they would have answered differently."
"This is not normal, this is not natural in any way, shape or form."
"We must be honest with ourselves. Too much of what's happening in our country today is not normal."
"It's just really weird here's another example of this right here."
"Certainly outside the norm and a case that I know has put me on an emotional rollercoaster."
"There is the normal and the abnormal way of passing out of the body."
"It's just trying to normalize things that are not normal."
"Fear is not natural, and you've got to recognize that it is not normal."
"Something so far outside of normal that it can't be considered routine."
"Act when things are the most abnormal because that is how you build a successful and profitable business."
"I know it's far from normality, but today is a good day."
"He's a sweet young man, but hopefully this is really okay. It feels so relaxed in such a strange situation."
"What is going on in America today in the midst of a deadly pandemic in an ongoing election having a rushed supreme court nomination hearing is not normal, and we cannot normalize it."
"Don't let it be a surprise... it's not normal."
"It's not just starting to pee, that's not normal."
"Four-legged chicken defies expectations, showcasing a rare deformity."
"It's not normal and it should not be normalized." - Viva Fry
"Anomaly: something that is not normal, an aberration or an abnormality."
"These political games, you know, don't normal." - Narrator
"This is not normal. It's a chance to bring change."
"A dysfunctional relationship isn't normal. People don't behave in a normal way."
"Every now and then, something will happen which causes a seemingly normal animal to act completely abnormal."
"Mutated on closer inspection to something abnormal."
"There's nothing normal about that. There is nothing normal about that."
"He told on himself basically, he basically told what happened and talked like it's normal to people who's like this is not normal."
"Isn't that abnormal? Relax. Oh boy, here's a lollipop."
"That is just on a whole other level of messed up."
"That is not normal, that's abnormal, that shouldn't happen, that's unnatural."
"An aberration is something that's not normal, it's an error, it's straying away from what is normal."
"His condition was the result of a parasitic twin that was attached to his body at the base of his spine."
"Be very careful outside because this does not look normal."
"Yeah, all that stuff, like, that's what I find way more freaky than just like a monster, like a giant monster, for sure. Yeah, when you see someone human acting in an obvious inhuman way, yeah, it's very unsettling."
"None of this was really normal and more importantly the allegations, if correct, speak to a pattern over time."
"You know, we are living in it. We are somewhat anesthetized to how unbelievably unorthodox the last four years really were."
"We are somewhat anesthetized to how unbelievably unorthodox the last four years really were."
"When you think of racism, the hatred behind racism is not normal."
"Beating the [__] out of a woman is not normal."
"This is not okay. This is not normal."
"By far we all have little packs of this that we're going home with. That's not normal. That's really that's not normal at all."
"The exact nature of its abnormality was not known, though frightful and divergent rumors had purported to emanate from the doctor, nurses, and servants who had seen it."
"This lady did not have HIV, she was not immunocompromised, but she did have these multifocal areas of abnormal flare hyperintensity."
"It's never no fights, never no [__] normal."
"Never, never, never, never. That's not normal."
"It was really weird, yeah, because she doesn't ever usually have nightmares or anything and she just like wakes up in the middle of the night, like just walks there."
"Animals are very sensitive to things like that. It was not normal, something strange."
"An abnormal feeling, but it doesn't feel wrong, it feels so right."
"That's not normal. You'd be able to see on our feet. How? How can you? Can you keep going, please, Spirit? Thank you."
"Outrageous how they try to get away with it, pretending this is totally normal."
Even Shawn himself notices that. "I'm never going to have a relationship like you guys. I'm not normal." Cory and Topanga are nice enough to point out that their romance is abnormal, but it's clearly affected how Shawn views relationships.
"...and realize this must have been some type of psychotic action going on because normal people mentally healthy normal people don't one day go on a hike take smiling photos and the next day stab a kid 18 times for no apparent reason..."
"This is a structural problem...no, this is not normal, objectively it is not normal."
"Roberta was shocked to find that despite the apparent happiness in the community, something was disturbingly abnormal."
"This has to be classified as like a mental illness or something man, that this can't be like a normal state of mind for any human being to be in."
"It's abnormal electrical changes in the brain that result in abnormal behavior."
"This [ __ ] is not normal that we go through and live through."
"The sanity that most of us manage to maintain is actually the more abnormal sort of response."
"It's like, dude, this is not normal. This is everything but [stuff] normal what's happening in Mexico."
"That's not normal. You know that."
"My parents did something amazing," she reflected. "They made the abnormal seem normal."
"Is homosexuality normal? Abnormal. All sexuality is abnormal."
"By reclassifying normality as abnormality, Psychiatry has helped create the illusion of a psychiatric epidemic."
"That's not normal, usually I'm meeting people and they want to hang out with me."
"It's good to be abnormal, normal in their culture is probably not good."
"Nothing about a crime is ever ordinary."
"It's not necessarily the jump scare, it's the creepiness, the abnormality, the weirdness."
"It's the creepiness, it's this is abnormal and this is weird."
"These disorders do not have any DNA or RNA, yet they appear to have the capability of talking neighboring proteins into being abnormal."
"So coma could not be blamed for being odd."
"I have a built-in creepypasta detector that spikes any time a human-shaped thing doesn’t behave the way a human-shaped thing should."
"The mustard seed growing into a tree is abnormal growth. It's abnormal growth."
"We're living in abnormal days, abnormal economically, geographically. We're living in a shrinking world and an expanding Universe."
"The ground is not supposed to shake."
"If it's easy to see, it's probably abnormal."
"There is nothing normal about this market."
"In my head for a split second I was like 'this isn't normal'."
"A day in the life of our family: existing in not so normal circumstances."
"That's just not normal to do that to somebody, bro, you know what I'm saying? Yeah, that's real with battle rap."
"The amount of arsenic in her system was 420 times the normal amount."
"It hinted at something out of the ordinary, something unnatural."
"A whole new level of Bizarro world."
"This is not normal, ladies. This is not normal at all."
"The things he did, normal people don't do."
"There's nothing about this movie that is normal or fits in the cookie cutter of typical cinema."
"California is not, it's not normal the level of homelessness we have here. It's not like it's the sway in every state."
"God is closer to the abnormal than he is to the normal."
"Convex ST segments are always abnormal and convex ST segments are those ST segments that present with an ST or T wave that lie above a line drawn from the end of the QRS complex to the tip of the T wave."
"Something has to give here. This many deaths on one racetrack is completely abnormal."
"You're not going to know what abnormal things are until you know what normal things are."
"This is not normal, this is not okay."
"Literally the truth if someone who literally doesn't have a leg and you why you don't have a leg why is so normal for some cats to just not have legs I don't think normal."
"Fame sucks. It's not normal. It shouldn't [expletive] you up. It changes you without knowing."
"These things are hard to explain because they're not normal."
"If you're abnormal, then what's the downside? Well, I tell you, your score is 100."
"Not everybody in this world is just normal nowadays so it's not that crazy or far-fetched for him to be an android."
"The most beautiful embryo can be chromosomally abnormal."
"These events are extremely anomalous."
"What I felt today right at the end that's like not normal."
"I'm a psychopath, there's something wrong with you."
"There isn't a thing about that deer that seemed normal. It just felt so inhuman and wrong."
"So, was normal the end of the world? No. It's just that abnormal is the beginning of one."
"What kind of dorm room situation is that? Like, that's not normal."
"After all, what normal person goes around killing women, having sex with their dead bodies, and then burying them in the garden or boarding them up in a kitchen?"
"What's happening right now is not normal, but the world is constantly changing."
"They're into babies right like [ __ ] that dude those people are not in anything these people are not part of a normal healthy productive society."
"Every bit of that thing screamed evil. There was nothing about that sighting that seemed remotely normal."
"It was just this lump of flesh and fur with a massive head."
"The new normal is not normal. The new normal is sub normal. The new normal is abnormal, so resist the pressure and don't ever get used to it. Don't ever accept it. Don't ever conform to it."
"That thing scared me. It wasn't normal."
"I'm begging y'all to understand this [ __ ] is not normal."
"Slow down, take your time. If you're paying in a weird way, that's not normal."
"I've never known a normal day in my entire life."
"We've internalized and accepted the idea that oh we should be tired, but it's not normal."
"We've accepted that as normal and it's absolutely not normal."
"The absence of the normal presence of the abnormal when it comes to patrolling, it comes to all of those things that you know are absolutely wrong about what's going on in that environment that you are in."
"When we can find fluid in parts of the body that doesn't normally have that fluid, it's a red flag."
"It's abnormal, it needs to be treated, and there are ways, very good ways to treat this."
"Human lives today are just abnormal; we're living an anomaly."
"Immediately upon arriving, Marshall finds out that Erie is anything but normal."
"It's not normal to have migraines every single day."
"If you feel that you're going through something that isn't normal, you need to reach out."
"It's not normal to be mistreated."
"Instinctively, I knew the situation was unnatural."
"It's not normal what this guy is doing. He's a villain."
"This is just too freaky; it's so not like Mom and Dad to not call or leave a note or anything."
"You need to be able to identify when something is not normal from an operational perspective."
"I make a general description of my physical examination, and if there's anything abnormal, it will certainly be there."
"It doesn't quite fit into the realm of normalcy."
"Being unwell is about as unnatural as for water to flow backwards."
"Why do we accept as normal something, in a sense, that should be abnormal?"
"Let's not wait by rejecting today's abnormalities and pushing for the future's realities."
"I have not been able to discover a single major psychiatric condition in which sleep is normal."
"It's normal to lose a little bit, not normal to lose five pounds in a week."
"Anything that's out of the normal is paranormal; seeing Bigfoot is not normal, seeing Dogman is not normal."
"I wouldn't say it's normal, but it's possible."
"Growing up, I quickly learned the things I saw and experienced were not normal."
"Not all behaviors and thoughts that are abnormal are necessarily bad."
"This is not normal. This is a miracle."
"Freedom is not normal; what we have here is not normal. We are outrageously blessed."
"You have to do abnormal things in abnormal conditions to take your society towards normality."
"When we define something as normal or abnormal, there are two ways of talking about that space: typicality and functionality."
"We're having a slightly abnormal experience, what a great experience."
"The theater's not back to normal yet, I wonder if those glowing threads and the symbol in the lobby are related."
"I know in my heart that something abnormal went on that night, and it scares me to death to think that it could happen again."
"We were also completely alone during this experience, which makes me confident that we weren't just seeing something normal."
"Nothing is normal, King Frost. Nothing is normal."
"He knew full well he was not insane, but he also sensed there was something deeply aberrant in his actions, although he didn't know what or why."
"It's not a normal thing, so you take from that, you learn."
"Psychological disorders are conditions characterized by abnormal thoughts, feelings, and behaviors."
"A normal temperature generally is about 100.6 to 101; anything above that should be considered abnormal."
"It was 62 degrees in Antarctica, homies. There's pictures on National Geographic of muddy penguins; like, that is not normal."
"Normally we wouldn't give you this until school started, but I think you'll agree that almost nothing about this situation is normal."
"It's not normal to feel any tingling or numbness."
"It's a very human experience being lived very abnormally and in front of thousands to watch."
"We went to shoe store and they said 'Can I help you?' four different times. That's not normal."
"In trading, we look for abnormal situations... these are the kinds of situations that provide us opportunity."
"The one thing we should not allow to stand is the idea that any of this is normal."
"A condition in which part of the body does not have the normal or expected shape."
"I've stopped pretending that this is normal; something is so wrong here."
"I became aware of how abnormally silent everything was."
"Is normal sport possible in an abnormal society?"
"I feel real good about where I'm at right now, that's not normal."
"It's not normal, abuse is not normal."