
Life Celebration Quotes

There are 180 quotes

"Celebrate being here, being healthy, still being able to experience this life."
"May those who recall Valentina do so not through the lens of her tragic demise but by celebrating the vibrant life that she led."
"I'm incredibly proud of my generation though. I have seen so many young people posting anti-antiaging TikToks, celebrating the human experience of living life to the fullest and accepting and embracing the reality that one day their body will tell their story."
"It's not the time for you to die. This is your time and season of rejoicing, whether they like it or not."
"Celebrate your life, celebrate your life, celebrate today, celebrate tonight, accepted all my wrong, cate the right."
"Remember who you are, be present, all I need is within me, celebrate life, be the change, inspire, have the courage, and be kind."
"It’s also important we celebrate people while they're alive, instead of waiting till they're no longer in this world for us to celebrate them as the legend that they were."
"Let each of their stories stand as an example of a life well lived." - The President
"If I die tomorrow, I'd say my friends better be drinking at my funeral."
"Paint your life, celebrate the moments that matter the most."
"Celebrating the changes coming into your life."
"Celebrate look in life you got to celebrate small wins I don't don't only celebrate the big wins celebrate small wins that's one of my new year's resolutions"
"Celebrate and enjoy life because you're doing a great job."
"Just that one point in your life where you get to hear all the nice things about you while you're still on this earth."
"It’s interesting times where we’re living in."
"Celebrate life by honoring and respecting all life on Mother Earth."
"It's not all gloom and doom; there is still so much to celebrate in this life."
"We are life, we are diversity, all the flowers, the food, the different races or ethnicities, all the beauty, the art, the cultures, all the languages."
"If I died tomorrow, touch wood, I'd celebrate. Celebrate your life!"
"Live your life to where you got a lit funeral."
"Strolling here, you feel a positive spirit - both rugged and pragmatic, celebrating life."
"He had all his adventures, he did everything you would want to do with life. There's plenty to celebrate."
"People need to get back to celebrating life, so just go live."
"After all the death, the living celebrate life, with food drink and sex, in that order."
"At the end of the day, Stevie was a bright, beautiful young woman with absolutely so much life to live ahead of her."
"We're asking you to celebrate health and life by looking at death and danger."
"The purpose of Art of Living is to make life a celebration... Celebrate the diversity of the planet."
"How often do people celebrate life? That's actually considered conceited."
"She was buried in her wedding dress, having married her partner just one month before she died at the age of 27."
"Empower yourself, celebrate existence, not in fear but in celebration."
"To give them their flowers while they're alive."
"Our grandmother had finished life — there was more, I think, of a celebration and respect and recognition to what she had accomplished."
"I want to give a big thank you to all of you for making my 22 year of living the best year of my life."
"There is something that you are going to understand about the celebration of life that is going to bring you abundance."
"The place you live has to reflect how you see the world."
"Let's celebrate it, let's enjoy it this single life you have."
"What those 14 players did, and everyone else that stuck on those servers accomplished was not a mission of survival, it was a celebration of life."
"This is a farm about celebrating women and celebrating life and really trying to explain to people what an Emerald Triangle small sun-grown craft farmer is."
"Celebrating life. I mean what else is there to celebrate?"
"I just smiled the biggest smile of my entire life and replied, 'Okay, see you later, man.'"
"You've earned it. For me, that was like... he's saved the world who knows how many times and now he's able to... slow dance."
"I am so so excited about today. I finally feel normal-ish and I feel better like since my surgery."
"And thank you to my mom for giving birth to me so I could experience this 28 years ago."
"He enjoyed a good party and he died as he lived, with wit, charm, and panache. A real working-class hero, Jack Shepherd was a legend in his own lifetime and long after."
"A child to me now is always a reason to celebrate life."
"Our mother's zest and passion for life, her children, grandchildren, and her many animals... were unparalleled."
"So thank you for your amazing life, and for coming here to TED."
"We celebrate life because it came from God and is becoming more like God."
"A big toast to you for turning 40. My wisdom and encouragement is enjoy it man, we age like good brandy."
"We just gonna give people their flowers while they're alive."
"We worship life, we celebrate life, we glorify life."
"I used to save things for special occasions, but then I realized life itself is the special occasion."
"She died as she lived—a full life, on her own terms."
"But it's magic, a celebration of life. It really is. That's good."
"We don't have funerals anymore; we have celebrations of life. We're not acquainted with death." - Michael Nlls
"Hugh Grant, god bless him man like [ __ ] seems to be having the time of his life."
"I see a festival that never ends, where you can be whatever you want to be. It's not your dream holiday anymore, it's your doing life. That's the Horizon I see."
"Age is being alive; we're so lucky, it's a gift."
"Give me my flowers while I'm alive, not when I'm dead."
"Overflowing with joy and happiness, a gift of a lifetime."
"Give people their roses while they're alive."
"At least with his life, we can celebrate it in a sense that he was an amazing human being."
"There's nothing better than giving yourself the gift of another year of life."
"This painting is full of color, full of life, full of delicate beautiful brushwork."
"We need more games with stories like this, celebrating life as it's lived."
"In the celebration of his life, everyone leaves thinking, 'I want to live more like Jim.'"
"God is good. Congratulations, hopefully he has a long, healthy, prosperous life."
"Celebrate your life. Sleep is the most important thing."
"Floyd was a life full of life, you know. We didn't have to have much to be in his presence and still have fun."
"This is going to be a celebration of life and an ongoing life."
"Everything on Crete, even a funeral, was related to joy and nature, an ode to life."
"Here was a people who created huge and grandiose structures not for celebrating death but for living life with joy."
"A reunion coming in, celebrating life, a beautiful shift happening."
"Finding joy and gratitude in the ability to be oneself, dance in the streets, and enjoy life to the fullest."
"Congratulations, it's a perfect day to be alive!"
"We're excited, we're bringing another little life into the world and it's a beautiful thing."
"I hope that the people coming to my funeral are there to celebrate my life and not to make sure that I'm dead."
"One of the most important things is to teach men how to celebrate life."
"People want to celebrate life rather than mourn death."
"There is no mourning the loss of the petals, there is only rejoicing, a celebration of new life."
"Ulysses is a comedy. It ends, so to speak, happily with a celebration of life, life in the here and now."
"We realize that it is a celebration of life, all the things that we enjoy that make life meaningful come from you." - Jeff Hamilton
"To remember them, you don't remember those lives in sadness. If you were a young gay man or a middle-aged gay man dying of AIDS in the 1980s, your life wasn't defined by sadness."
"Your life wasn't defined by sadness. The ending might have been, but I think it was my job I chose to illustrate the life that went before."
"Life is too short for you to be dull and not be happy. Every day we have to celebrate life."
"I try to celebrate who he was and what he did sometimes you talk about on your gravestone, um, you were born a date and there's a stash and you die a date, you know, it's how you live that dash."
"You should always celebrate life because you never know when it's going to throw you a curveball."
"Do not frown; he would not want you to. Celebrate his life."
"She wanted to celebrate life, she wanted to swim with the dolphins, something she wanted to do her entire life."
"Peel your own image from the mirror. Sit. Feast on your life."
"It was a testament to the human spirit in a unique way, not triumphing over death but triumphing over the absence of death."
"He was full of life, he had a great sense of humor."
"Coogler has always set out to tell stories about overcoming grief and accepting loss, even though it's so painful, to celebrate the life people have had."
"He plans to use his remaining time to celebrate all that is good about life and to realize some of the dreams he has postponed."
"We have to live life, have to celebrate."
"They're seeing life through your eyes and it makes them so happy."
"We did 'This is Your Life' for people that they haven't seen for years."
"I want to thank God for 27 years of mercy on my life."
"Join that giant chorus in praising of life, in an affirmation of life."
"It just makes you just want to dance and just enjoy life."
"No life is a glorious cycle of song, a medley of extemporanea, and love is a thing that can never go wrong."
"It's an important lesson to celebrate all milestones in life."
"You're going to meet your future spouse when you celebrate life."
"As the domestic church, the family is summoned to proclaim, celebrate and serve the gospel of life."
"The best way to honor your friend is to live life to the fullest, period."
"It's like a celebration of my life and turning tragedy into victory."
"I wanted to honor the 21 years he had on this Earth."
"With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come."
"Unleash your spirit, express your gifts, dance the sacred rhythm of life."
"Every single morning if you make the high five habit a ritual that starts your day, you are also bringing the celebration of your life and your existence into your morning."
"I didn't want to lead with death, but in my celebration of life, I factored in exactly how much death we've been surrounded by."
"His entire life was a party, and then the party's over."
"I don't want no funeral for me; I want a celebration of life."
"Everyone is born, but not everyone lives past certain ages. So, let's celebrate every year we get."
"At that same moment all that was alive in the world trembled with joy."
"Let's focus on how he lived. Focus on how the man lived."
"Parabola is the celebration of life, the holy experience of birth, and the unlikely opportunity that we all share to be temporarily conscious of each other and the world around us."
"It's a sad day, but it's a day celebrating life, that's how we've got to look at it."
"They wear white for their funerals instead of black... it felt like a celebration of life."
"Imagine they played 'Happy' by Pharrell Williams at my funeral. I would come back to life."
"Hope you enjoy the tour with me, the day with me, hope you celebrate life."
"With God's help, Missy lived out her life with great passion for family, friends, love, and laughter."
"We all chose to come here at this time to be part of this life party."
"In the Philippines, it's more celebrating the people that you love who died and then talking about their life."
"There is so much to be grateful for, so much to celebrate."
"This entire movie from beginning to end really has a celebration of this person's life."
"Death is coming, but he's bringing the wine jugs; we're gonna have a great time before we go."
"We celebrate life in the exhibition, but life is only possible because of the death of the cities in AD 79."
"You don't remember how they died, you remember how they lived."
"She was 96 years old, would have quite happily got to a hundred."
"This explosion of life was such a privilege to be part of."
"Give people their flowers while they're still around to smell them."
"We should do funerals when we're alive to hear all the nice things everyone says about us."
"Celebrate the mystery of life's journey and the unexpected unfoldment of a life."
"I'm blessed to be able to be here, I'm blessed to be able to see another birthday here on this planet and also out here in the free world."
"Let's dance, let's make life playful."
"I love just celebrating life, I guess."
"He crossed out the word 'funeral' because he wasn't dying, he was going to space."
"What a blessing it is to have lived 89 years."
"It's another year above the ground."
"But I'm also thinking she's the kind of person who wants to celebrate life, live it to the fullest while she has it, and not be afraid to face death."
"This moment you are alive, use it, enter it, meet it, greet it, celebrate it."
"I know that one day I will die. I know that when I get to the end, be it 60 or 100, I want to have a celebration of a life well-lived."
"Bob Barker... he is alive and well and he just turned 99 years old."
"I am very thankful for another year of life."
"Thank God for letting me see another year."
"We may not understand why you left this Earth so soon, or why you were taken from us before we were ready to say goodbye, but little by little, we begin to remember not just that you died, but that you lived."
"When you're celebrating life... that's what you celebrate."
"Celebrate the 27 years that you did live."
"We won't be sad, we'll be glad, for all the life we've had, and we'll remember when."
"Giving them flowers while they're above-ground."
"We love you incredibly, thank you so much for tuning in, it was a good life."
"Another year completed, another trip around the sun."
"I'm so glad that God has allowed me to see another year."
"Laughing at a funeral is very important in celebrating the life."
"We decided to issue those who passed away and give flowers to the living."
"Getting older is not just a bad thing; it's a celebration."
"May we be alive at this time next year."
"Every life is special, and every life should be celebrated."
"I can do anything for him just to make him happy, especially when he's alive."
"Celebrate the successes that happen in your life."
"Life is such a beautiful gift, and it's wonderful to share it with you."
"Celebrating life and growth, that's what I want to celebrate most."
"I celebrate my life in each stage, each phase is equally important for my soul development."