
Societal Resilience Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"We have to have faith in each other if we're going to get through here."
"These hard times are going to make strong people."
"Instead of a nation crushed and then created by invaders, I've found a strong society with a unique and lasting culture."
"Almost every state has taken steps to begin reopening, and the American people are doing an extraordinary job."
"By the standards of much of the world these tensions have been incredibly mild."
"You don't have to be frightened going into this. Realize that we've gone through this before. Generations many a time."
"We will be fine because we can handle one whose ego and narcissism prevents him from doing this and a bunch of cowards who will go along."
"The celebration happening despite NYC cases skyrocketing."
"Being alert but not hopeless is the right mindset; have faith in the robustness of institutions."
"Mainstream liberalism had no immune system for this."
"Hatred and suspicion is a disease that only goes into remission and never truly dies."
"We came a lot closer than we like to say to disaster."
"Do you think we have enough juice left in America to tackle things properly?"
"Every day became so normal that if you would hear the news that nobody was short or nobody was killed or there had not been any suicide to take we would be saying okay like thank God we have a good day today."
"We've gone through plagues worse than this... There's a bunch more people here." - Perspective matters.
"Civilization is fragile. We must ensure the candle of consciousness does not go out."
"People are lacking resiliency in a huge way right now. We need to be looking at our lives in terms of what is not resilient and what we can do to actually create resiliency."
"American federalism might be the thing that saves us at the end of the day."
"The best way to increase society's resistance to insulting or offensive speech is to allow a lot more of it."
"Well, first of all, one of the things I think is important is we've seen surges before. Surges tend to respond to hope."
"The early stages of a zombie apocalypse are not going to be pretty for America, but we will come back."
"In the clown world, the last man to lose his mind wins."
"If we're all getting it, it's very, very hard to attack."
"The Flames of this white paper movement may be extinguished soon but judging by the spread of protests to more than 20 cities in China, the fires could resurface in different forms at any time in the future."
"Internal counter-revolutionary activity has not crumbled anarchist societies; external invasion has."
"We're entering a phase now where it's not about how you're going to make money, it's about how you're going to keep it."
"In times of adversity, collective societies do better. Our ingenuity thrives in times of abundance, which is coming to a close."
"Laughter is good like medicine, especially in the era that we've just endured as a country."
"We are not powerless in the face of these threats."
"The Secretary of State saying free societies will pull through with the solutions that this virus crisis requires."
"Rome didn't collapse in a day and neither will the world."
"Well, we should also note the miracle I would say the miracle that our society in the west is structured so that people can fail and fail and fail and then succeed without having to die as a consequence."
"If any event was going to cause the collapse of civilization that should have been it."
"They deserved a second chance to recover from the last hundred years of disaster."
"People definitely feel more secure than they did before."
"November 6th ain't nothing to sneeze at or November 7th if your guy loses bad things might happen but the country is not over."
"I think the world could benefit from being a little bit more resilient."
"People from all strata of society resisted a machine that seemed impossible to resist."
"One day it will be a real virus, not like this, like a zombie virus or you're going to have an electromagnetic pulse problem when you won't have electricity for a year."
"The genius of Israel: weak government, strong Society."
"States which have good social cohesion and their fiscal house in order are the most likely to weather the storm."
"True functioning democracies require an educated population doing what's best for their nation, and if we can all understand that, we'll never truly be immune from propaganda."
"We need to unite and work together if we're all going to get through this."
"Every generation has its challenges. We'll figure our stuff out."
"Communities can be a lot more resilient than the individual."
"We need all types in our society and in order to be robust and and equipped to compete in the world stage."
"I think it's incredibly impressive how we're still managing, you know, that still the vast majority of people is willing to abide by the rules and change their lifestyle quite radically to save as many lives as possible."
"We have become less able to cope with freedom."
"The more successful people are, the fewer zombies we're gonna have to take down."
"If we don't learn to stand together then we're gonna get our butts kicked."
"Resilience to disruptions like those seen during the c19 pandemic."
"We knew it, the government has not fallen and they're coming to save us."
"If America survives these difficult days, it's likely not going to be because of the familiar faces of famous people who lead, but rather because loving godly people whose names and faces are not familiar to most of us let us by example."
"Welcome back, everyone! Click or tap that like button to support the series. And remember, keep things on track here in Anno 1800."
"If you look at every single period in human history there's been a group of people who did well because they adjusted, they adapted, and they got ready and prepared for what was coming."
"Again, some facts on martial law. People have been through it. They didn't like it, but they're still here, they're still breathing, they're still free."
"Humans and society will get through this time because we are adaptable by nature."
"Times are getting tough because we are growing weak."
"We remain wildly optimistic about our future, about the ability for us to defeat Maga."
"How did we raise such a generation of weak people? It's insane."
"It's not the case that all societies in the past have been doomed to collapse. In many parts of the world, societies have been going on for hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of years without any sign of collapse."
"The pandemic has meant that people have realized that there was a period where 90% of all jobs sort of stopped or moved to home, and during that time, nothing really fell apart."
"Civil society in general is amazingly resilient, and that's where we should start."
"We are playing our part through our more ambitious NDCs to bolster our society, economy, and country against the existential threat of climate change."
"I'm very proud of how they tried to handle the Bubonic plague at the time."
"In the face of a really serious disaster, American society would actually outperform after initially seeming completely hopeless."