
Discretion Quotes

There are 2564 quotes

"Our relationship wasn't a secret, it was just private."
"Just because you can do something doesn't mean that you should."
"Just because you can flex, doesn't mean you should."
"Allah will forgive everyone except those who openly talk about their sins."
"There's a goal that you have that you're going to feel very equipped to make happen this week, maybe don't mention it to too many people."
"The princess wanted to share this information when she and the prince felt it was right for them as a family."
"You're better off wondering and guessing because curiosity without discretion is a dangerous thing."
"We ask Allah for mercy and Rahma; don't tell anybody the details of these dreams. We are not supposed to tell bad dreams to anybody."
"You go through this like, oh, my god, I have the solution, and I feel a moral obligation to tell everyone. But the real moral obligation you have, whether you're like, a radical keto dieter or the vegan side of things, where, OK, this is it. Like, this is what's working for me right now. The best thing you can do, no matter what your diet is, and you just discovered it, is shut up and eat."
"If they gather to speak behind others' backs, it is better to remain silent."
"The original don't ask, don't tell grandma Foster."
"Anything can happen if you set your mind to it, but you gotta move low key in this life."
"It's better just to not say anything at all."
"Like a gold ring in a pig's snout is a beautiful woman without discretion."
"If you're in a relationship or you're going into relationships and you find something healthy and happy but they don't have some of the superficial stuff, don't say anything. That's you and that person's business."
"I respectfully submit that it would be an abuse of discretion not to grant Mr. Bryant dismissal with prejudice in this case."
"It's a very quiet drone, so if you need something quiet to fly around and not spook anything, it's pretty good."
"Stealthy, we're not overt; we're not going loud and proud, yet we have a lot of capability in this little bag, but we don't want the world to know about it."
"Stay low-key, stay away from all the weird-ass people."
"Discretion is key to a successful love affair, but we had apparently not been as discreet as we should have been."
"Remain powerful and be careful with whom you share your goals."
"Functional complex systems, human systems, require discretion to be functional."
"By and large, we should be governed by law and not discretion."
"We lived our whole lives under the radar, right? Like the quiet."
"Move in the shadows; don't announce your moves."
"Real G's move in silence like lasagna." - Lil Wayne
"Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life."
"Confession is something that we're called to, it's something good but it's also something to be wise about with who to confess to."
"Can we agree that some things are better left unsaid?"
"You gotta be careful who you're telling people your plans because... it's all spiritual."
"Use that power only if you feel like it's right."
"Try to be brave enough to tell your own story but kind enough not to tell anyone else’s."
"With the Bentley, you don't want to be conspicuous. With the Bentley, you want to demonstrate style and class."
"Their breakup was like the Talk of the Town but also they were very quiet about it."
"So this is troubling information, you do with it what you will."
"Not once did he so much as give a hint at the movie's outcome or the fate of his iconic character."
"Let's not disturb that. I know he doesn't have a job, he was laid off, he's most likely here."
"I won't give any spoilers because people are not into the series, so it's fine."
"We were out there, a lot of it too, it's like, you know, I don't want to get into all the things that I could compare it to because it would be, you know, hypocritical."
"Be wise and discreet, shut your mouth where necessary."
"Don't go talk about somebody's personal business."
"One big one is discretion. It means that it's not going to come out except except for, except for here it is."
"This concept of 'spretz a Twitter'... It's about putting forth a whole bunch of effort, thinking about things a lot and doing your best at it but not showing it."
"Every people got wild Kings a lot of them are not discussed on the broadcast so I don't King Shame."
"Keep anything that you're doing to yourself until it's done and it speaks for itself."
"Now is the time for you to reveal only what you want to be seen."
"It's really about finding the right way to say just enough."
"When it's really real, you keep it in-house."
"All of this stuff is between me and Ethan if he wants to talk to his family about this it's fine but it's not a personal matter."
"Despite there being an extraordinary amount of information, I'm not going to cover most of it."
"I guess Immortals and dig are the two examples."
"I don't talk about every threat we get. I don't give away information in that regard that could result in other people being put at risk. In this instance I had no choice and we're going to talk about it."
"I don't always talk about every time something bad happens. For the 80th time I'll say it sometimes I will, I feel like I have no choice."
"There have been circumstances it's rare where I've known things about very big cultural stories but for safety reasons I can't talk about it and so that's a reality."
"Why should you keep your endeavors, your dreams, and your plans close to your heart?"
"She doesn't want to draw any unwanted attention on herself... getting caught has much more severe implications."
"When everything you've dreamed of comes out better than your expectations, keep it to yourself."
"I just learn in life like it's best not to share your plans so people don't [__] with you."
"When you do a good thing, don't tell everybody."
"They just talk when they have something big to say."
"Some things are just better left unsaid and there's unspoken truths."
"I do all kinds of stuff without ever mentioning it."
"Talking too much will get you into trouble; not everyone wants the best for you."
"Wisdom is sometimes silent; wisdom does not talk too much."
"Describing a colleague as Hitler... aimed successfully at destroying a twenty-four-year-old graduate student's career is slander, not free speech."
"You'll rarely see me shitting on something if ever... I don't bother talking about it. That's how I deal with shit I don't like."
"The president doesn't comment on everything."
"Never complain, never explain, and rarely be heard speaking in public."
"The security measures at Downing Street have always been surprisingly light and discreet."
"Do not discard the materials but use it at your own discretion."
"It's not something that someone would want to share on their Facebook page for their grandma to see, but it's something they'll watch on YouTube."
"Some things are just better left not said in public."
"Real geez move in silence... the man who's really gonna kill you is not the man who's going to announce that he's going to kill you."
"Be quiet about all of this unless you find proof and then still be quiet about all of this. Just send me whatever you have and then forget you heard it."
"It's also okay to not talk about stuff if you don't know."
"He's the walking example of better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you a fool."
"Keep your mouth shut. I honestly... sometimes it's better because if you give light to it, it makes the story bigger."
"Practice discretion, refrain from spreading rumors, and respect the privacy of others."
"Complete tough missions, avoid unnecessary bloodshed, and don't get caught."
"Non-judgment, discretion, and making it normal are key."
"They earned that, which one's your favorite? We won't tell the others."
"You're gonna keep it to yourself until the right time; you're just playing it smart."
"Work in silence and let your success make the noise."
"There is real wisdom required in knowing what to do and knowing what not to do."
"If you're not sure if you want to share sensitive information, maybe don't."
"We should probably stop that conversation right there."
"It's easier not to speak, but be assured I'm smiling inside."
"This isn't my story to tell, but I want to speak a piece on this."
"I don't want to name drop them, I want to drag them through the mud because I don't think they're bad people."
"Y'all out here doing [__] for clout. Keep your mouth shut."
"For the moment, I ask that you keep all that's happened this evening between you and me."
"Tom Cruise is smart enough to keep his mouth shut."
"I don't see myself actively seeking it out just because something's legal doesn't mean you might want to do it."
"I think it's better not to see the person doing it here."
"The trial court did not abuse its discretion."
"Life hack: you don't have to say everything."
"Tyler Perry's s orientation remains A Private Matter."
"Sometimes it is better just to keep [__] to yourself and don't talk about it."
"If you're going to cheat and lie your way to getting money from the public, you might want to consider being discreet about it."
"I rather say nothing than something spectacularly stupid."
"This new badass all-black suit... maybe Fury was taking a note from his old friend Carol Danvers about discretion."
"Not gonna put my mouth on this. That doubt is too fine a slide whistle in the world."
"Not everything about you should be known by everyone. That is how a life led by the Holy Spirit should be."
"Be careful about sharing information about God's blessings in your life too soon with everyone. Let the blessings themselves do the talking."
"Your visions and plans are personal before they are public."
"Sometimes you just gotta keep your mouth shut and it would be so much better."
"Communication is not saying everything that comes through your mind."
"Be careful who you tell about the good things that happen to you. Limit that to people who wish you well and really want good for you."
"Nobody's beating up. I said use your own discretion."
"Never say something out loud that you wouldn't want published in The Wall Street Journal."
"Silent shooting... I can actually photograph people without them noticing."
"Virgos are great at hiding who they really like... if they notice something very specific about you they definitely might like you."
"The people that are doing it don't need to yell about it. The best people in the world don't advertise that they're good. They just go and do it."
"Remember, you don't need to share everything about your personal life online."
"People do it because that's why they say you have to be careful who you hand your business or who you tell your business to."
"I mean, it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb, you would never know there's a giant bomb shelter underneath me."
"Let's not be braggadocio's about money, especially to family or who you think is your family."
"Keep your vehicle neat and clean and never draw attention to yourself in any way."
"Let your freak flag fly while keeping your naughty side on the sly."
"There's not much else I can talk about without actually getting into, you know, spoiler territory."
"Pros really appreciate mirrorless cameras - the silent shooting makes a big difference for people who are shooting events or weddings where you don't want to disturb people."
"It's always advisable to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt."
"Opinions are like [bleep], everybody has one. That doesn't mean they necessarily need to go around showing it to people."
"Just because you got it, you don't have to wear it."
"We were not judging you guys, whatever your beef is, whatever your problem is, we didn't really ask about that, we didn't really want to know."
"Practicing discretion isn't about hiding things or being dishonest, it's about valuing the privacy of your personal life."
"He just booked power walking in the opposite direction as fast as possible without attracting any attention from anyone nearby."
"It's not the Herald's business to out people, and that is not what we set out to do."
"Don't waste your energy trying to chastise influencers for not speaking out because they could be doing work behind closed doors to support."
"When you just work consistently but you're not like in everybody's face all the time, it's like you can just enjoy your job."
"Repurpose a gift box to store items discreetly."
"One way I like to think about the crypto Market is it tends to move more discreetly."
"Guys don't put gun stickers all over your freaking vehicle I know it's cool to do if you are going to do it don't leave freaking guns in your car because it's making you a Target."
"Just people I've been with. Oh, maybe-- Mum's the word right now, mate."
"Keep yourself to yourself... even if you don't like them, don't say this sort of stuff."
"This is one of those things where the prosecutorial discretion should have been exercised in siding with common sense."
"He never gonna shy away from it. He keeps it quiet. He don't even say too much."
"Jeremy Lin says, 'I know this is going to disappoint you but I'm not going to out anyone.' It doesn't make my community safer or solve any of our long-term problems with racism."
"Some people need to learn what to shut their mouth seriously if they know what's good for them or their business."
"I ain't going to repeat it out of respect for Obama though thank you for having me there okay he said he's not even going to repeat what President Obama said now you have interviewed President Obama Speedy what do you think he said to Rick Ross."
"It's difficult to say and I don't feel it's my place to speculate based off of somebody's life or somebody's marriage or things like that."
"Silent shooting is really useful for discretely shooting."
"Leave some to the imagination and that's not just for how you present physically it's not it's not."
"Tragedy has fallen upon us, and I need a quick resolution handled with absolute discretion."
"One bad boys move in silence, do your job, and the rest will take care of itself."
"A wise old owl often says nothing but sees everything."
"I may have found something for later we won't talk about it though."
"Just because you think it doesn't mean you have to say it."
"You might want to shut your mouth and not say you're talking about things you don't like."
"We come from an era where you don't flash your accomplishments cause you could get booked."
"I will not mention my company ever at anything."
"Allah loves Sutra. Allah loves that things are covered."
"Allah loves Sutra. Allah loves that you cover your sins, you cover your mistakes."
"Don't air your dirty laundry, give 'em one sock."
"That's an important part of refereeing, applying the law with discretion."
"In the words of my father, if you've enjoyed it, tell your friends. If you haven't, keep your mouth shut."
"Do not disclose the extent of your designs until they cannot be opposed."
"Take a risk with your money but don't be too loud with your decisions."
"A lot of responsibility comes with it; you gotta shut up."
"Okay so we conducted the interview tonight and I'm not going to release that because there's so much more to just that interview."
"If you ain't got something good to say, don't say nothing at all."
"You don't have to post everything online; the world doesn't have to see everything you make."
"You are somebody that has a lot of wisdom and knows when to share wisdom and when not to."
"I don't want to say too much about this because my tech people won't be thrilled."
"Silence in times of slander involves a deliberate choice to refrain from endorsing or perpetuating false or harmful information about others."
"If you're someone who's truly happy with your life you will move in silence."
"I debated on showing screenshots but I don't really want to have a reputation of leaking DMs."
"I used to park a mile away from the attorney and walk so that I wouldn't be seen."
"Take the high road if you discover something... carefully weigh out if it's worth exposing publicly or if it should be given to law enforcement to follow up with."
"I don't want to bum people out for the most part, you know. I try not to talk about it too much."
"Your past is your past. What you did in your bedroom is your bedroom. Keep that to yourself."
"People's bedroom activities are their personal business."
"When you're cooking, use your discretion, use what you think is right, what you and your family like."
"Sometimes it's great to just not know, sometimes it's great to just let that leave out there unless you really, really, really, really, really, 100% have a grand story to tell."
"Normally I wouldn't share this information, but this is all public knowledge at this time."
"Because you can doesn't mean you always should."
"Keep it private, sweetie. Certain things just keep it to yourself."
"Never let your left hand know what your right hand is doing."
"Low profile is the name of the game here."
"Just because you know you can do something, it doesn't mean you should."
"Smart women never tell people all their business."
"My personal life will remain personal."
"When you find yourself in bed with an ugly woman, best close your eyes and get it over with."
"The Atomic Bear SWAT Pen epitomizes discretion, durability, and versatility."
"First rule of Fight Club: be cool, man, be cool."
"If you have nothing nice to say, just keep it to yourself."
"Starfleet captains must exercise discretion and judgment when offering asylum."
"Here's my advice to you, okay? If you want it, buy it, unless it's stupid and expensive, then maybe rethink it."
"Be aware of what you're saying when you're out and about."
"Some secrets are not meant to be exposed."
"Hide content and only show it when my phone is unlocked... your notifications won't be read by those who don't have access to your phone."
"We're good, we just gotta stay low-key."
"Speak the truth... there's a time and place for everything."
"Don't tell your plans to people that would laugh in your face."
"The secret's only revealed if somebody asked me what's the secret."
"When you decide you're going, you don't advertise it."
"Never let your left hand know what your right hand thing to do cause they're gonna study your every move."
"Swinging is a safer way to have variety in your sexual partners than straying from your marriage would be."
"Move in silence, date, and make better."
"Don't finish that sentence under any circumstances."