
Unconscious Quotes

There are 288 quotes

"Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious." - Sigmund Freud
"How much can go on in the basement of the brain when we don't even know what's going on down there?"
"The symbols in dreams arise from the unconscious mind assigning narrative meaning to a neurochemical waste filtration process."
"Carl Jung said that our suffering, our neurosis, and our suffering, come from the unfaced, unseen parts of ourselves."
"Our collective unconscious is a map of sorts. We hold the key but we don't know how to use it."
"The 12th house, considered a blind spot to the first house, could be your own demons, people sneaking up on you, or situations in the unconscious."
"Sometimes we accomplish our greatest deeds in dreams." - Carl Jung, The Red Book
"Dreams are messages sent up from the unconscious." - Carl Jung, Seminar on Dreams
"The dream is specifically the utterance of the unconscious." - Carl Jung, Structure and Dynamics of the Psyche
"Acting out is connected to the unconscious... these behaviors are ritualized... they carry information."
"Acting out is a window... into the patient's unconscious... When you observe the patient's out of control behaviors..."
"It's the depths of the psyche, it's the unconscious uglies, it's the things you run away from, it's the things you don't want to see."
"The unconscious communicates through symbols common to all mankind but interpreted uniquely by each individual."
"What's true on average is that some aspect of your awareness, most of which is unconscious, is spread out in time."
"Recognize the symbolic language of the unconscious with tarot."
"Dreams may contain images beyond conscious understanding."
"There is a way in which unconscious material is working its way into a conscious understanding."
"But Pluto in the 12th house man is that an ally man is that an because it really pulls stuff up that you hadn't seen before right into the light of day."
"The whole personality of man is indescribable... the unconscious can not be discussed because the unconscious is always unconscious." - Carl Gustav Jung
"All of our behaviors and unconscious patterns are molded by the unconscious mind."
"The real supercomputer is the unconscious mind."
"The Moon relates to unconscious assumptions that we have made about life from the beginning -- attitudes that we learned from our parents without realizing it."
"You're guiding someone without even realizing it."
"Psychoanalysis belongs to that unmasking trend, the search for hidden unconscious motivations."
"They're going to accidentally or just unknowingly start gravitating towards your vibration."
"We're all doing wonderful things in the night without even realizing it."
"The darkness which clings to every personality is the door into the unconscious and the gateway of our dreams."
"This feeling is there for a reason and that reason is that it is a unconscious reminder... there's something unique at the very root of your being that's calling you toward it."
"Melly Mel has passed out and is laying in this little shower unconscious, drunk."
"If you do not use your imagination to create your reality, you're going to create in a lot of unconscious ways."
"If you believe that your beliefs are true, you can't see the truth. You've created the strongest unconscious cage possible and then put yourself in the middle of it."
"You must journey into the abyss of our unconscious, face the monster in the shadow, and integrate it."
"Your unconscious habitual mind is constantly aware of our surroundings whether we're aware of it or not all of the time."
"An artist produces things from the unconscious, so they inevitably reflect the preoccupations of the unconscious."
"Freud realized that there has to be something deeper than we are consciously aware of."
"Our repressed wishes also come to us through simple verbal mistakes."
"Your brain is unconsciously attempting to predict what I'm about to say."
"Freud gave a general theoretical structure to all these findings about the influence of unconscious issues from childhood in adult life."
"The hidden purpose of the oncoming darkness is generally something so unusual, so unique and unexpected that one can find out what it is only by means of dreams and fantasies welling up from the unconscious."
"The shadow is not the whole of the unconscious personality; it represents unknown or little-known attributes and qualities of the ego."
"When a person tries to obey the unconscious, he will often be unable to do what other people want him to do."
"The individual's dreams revealed that there was an archetype activated in the unconscious."
"The function of the shadow is to represent the opposite side of the ego."
"In the unconscious, one is unfortunately in the same situation as in a moonlit landscape."
"One learns to integrate the shadow, to regulate the energies of the collective unconscious, so you're neither possessed by an archetype nor alienated from the archetypes."
"The archetypes are at the same time dynamic. They are instinctual images that are not intellectually invented. They are always there and they produce certain processes in the unconscious."
"The second phase involves turning towards the unconscious and reconnecting with our natural archetypal endowment."
"A lot of times a lot of these patterns are unconscious and if it's unconscious that means that you're doing it without even knowing that you're doing it. You're just reacting."
"There's a whole unconscious world boiling under the surface below the level of our awareness."
"It was almost like my unconscious tie breaking off freed me, and so psychically freed her too."
"How do we get into ideally the unconscious or the unsaid?"
"Loss of soul is related to injuries to the personal unconscious, and so in a way it's a kind of optimistic way of framing a sense of dis-ease, usually marked especially by a sense of nobody's home, a sense of emptiness, incompleteness."
"He is in the deep unconscious, surrounded by enormous pink, hot air balloon-like living things."
"He was definitely not unconscious. He was the most adorable unconscious man."
"Jung believed that the unconscious mind held important insights and information that could not be accessed through conscious thought or rational analysis alone."
"Almost everything we do goes on unconsciously...we solve difficult problems in math in our life...all these things are going on under the radar and they're not unintelligent for that they're using our full intelligence."
"The actual rules of language, which certainly are not taught in school because, in fact, nobody even knows them to this day, are totally unconscious."
"Implicit memory is harder to define because it's unconscious, it's below the conscious level."
"Psychology 101: Just because you're not aware of it, it doesn't mean it's not going on."
"Dreams are a call from our unconscious to correct our bad ways and habits before they become our fate."
"The sea is gobbling it up. The Sea of course is the unconscious, and it's coming to take it back."
"The unconscious response... if we pay serious attention and do some sort of a ritual performative concretization of what the unconscious has given us, the unconscious tends to respond."
"The act of bringing the impressions of the unconscious into the waking concrete world of things is like replying to the unconscious."
"The unconscious is real, important, and communicating with it is serious and important work."
"The unconscious is both demonic and healing, constructive and creative, and utterly destructive."
"The unconscious consists of a multitude of temporarily obscured thoughts, impressions, and images that, in spite of being lost, continue to influence our conscious minds."
"I grew up skateboarding, whatever, around nine years old. I lost my father in a motorcycle accident."
"We are all about love. We obey what we love. Whatever fills our hearts dictates how we act."
"Music has no privileged relationship with the unconscious. I go to the valorized truth recorded trace accorded power commonplace."
"Rhythm doesn't stand for anything it can't be proven to be in any privileged relation to the unconscious and the same is true of melody."
"Symbolism is the language of unconscious nature."
"Our perceptions, memory, and social judgments are all constructed by our unconscious from limited data employed context, expectations, desires."
"It just turns out that tends to be 95% of who we are, of those unconscious programs. So it's so much easier to forget than to remember because it's the majority of who we are after a certain point in our life."
"There is something called unconscious bias."
"Our unconscious is this raw material you know that, right? And it's raw material that's in relation to everything outside."
"Desire is always the unconscious desire for the objet a."
"What this tells us is that by understanding the symbolism of numbers, we're tapping into a very primal and ancient system of knowledge deep within the collective unconscious."
"Why am I thinking about this? Like something from my unconscious is trying to get out."
"Consciously, it's all a mess, but unconsciously, they're all trying to keep desire alive because desire is what makes us human."
"The unconscious does not bother to produce a dream in vain."
"Dreams should be thought of as a spontaneous production of the unconscious."
"He saved her, she was unconscious, brother came in and was like I'll save her."
"Jung's research did indeed demonstrate the existence of the unconscious."
"The unconscious can show itself sometimes painfully through mistakes or slips of the tongue."
"We want to deal with how it is, how we operate unconsciously, as well as who we are."
"When there is a direct connection with the unconscious, that's real power."
"You have this connection with Spirit, you have this connection with your unconscious, with your internal life."
"Once we learn something, it runs so fast unconsciously that if you don't slow it down, take a look at it, and better than that, change it, because it's running automatically."
"It's a bit like unconscious biases where it's not that you are actively prohibiting something from happening or thinking that something is impossible, it's just that you were not even thinking about that thing you didn't know you could until you did."
"A large part of it is simply unconscious human decision-making."
"The genius man has a particularly active positive unconscious."
"...he was having the person go into the unconscious, he was having the person go basically unconscious and giving subtle instructions to the unconscious."
"...his whole idea about doing this was to not disturb the unconscious, not try to bring the unconscious into consciousness, let the unconscious be and give the instructions to the unconscious to solve the problem, to take care of it."
"If you want to have any real change you have to go into the unconscious. So how do you do that? Well, the biggest thing you can do is to become aware of your unconscious programming."
"Math is all about building machine and your unconscious that performs a function."
"Our unconscious habits free up resources so our brains can carry out more complex tasks."
"Photos allow you to connect instantly on an unconscious level."
"One of the things that a Horror Story can do is to show us the archetypes of the unconscious. We can see the dark side without having to confront it directly."
"In psychodynamic, psychological distress arises from unconscious conflicts within us."
"...most self-talk is unconscious and then most self-talk is defeating..."
"Every single thing that you do is unconsciously priming you. Everything that every single thing that you're around is unconsciously priming you."
"We all find things meaningful without thinking about it."
"This is really something else. This is really bringing the unconscious into the conscious."
"...she was lying face down on the ground and it was not even clear whether she was conscious or not."
"Dreams are a tool to unlock the unconscious."
"The wounded healer is really an ideal model for understanding Jung's theory and for understanding how and why we dialogue with the unconscious."
"The archetype of the wounded healer is important because it shows us why it's important to be aware of our own wounds and our own unconscious processes, especially when we're working with others."
"The projection is unconscious, but if we deal with it consciously, it can be an enormous help."
"I'm not just your average sleep talker, but an utterly bizarre, insane, unhinged sleep talker."
"The unconscious brain is a weird thing."
"Most of our bias is unconscious. We've got to do some work on ourselves."
"Nonverbal communication is reliable because it's programmed into all of us, and most of it, all throughout our lives, is unconscious."
"But man's task is to become conscious of the contents that press upward from the unconscious."
"The darkness is your unconscious."
"We don't need to consciously think about chewing, swallowing, or keeping the heart beating."
"We seek to make the unconscious conscious."
"Explore your emotions, they are a gateway to the unconscious."
"The only way to access the unconscious in a way that is legitimate is through your emotions."
"The only language the unconscious understands is repetition and training."
"You know that your unconscious mind can find something, some thought or perception or awareness, that seems familiar to you."
"Art itself has allowed me to explore my unconscious, and that's been a lifesaver."
"The Freudian unconscious has a certain transcendental status."
"The avoidant individual is unconsciously drawn to the anxious individual because they know that the anxious individual has something that they're lacking."
"The real reason that people sabotage their progress in life is because they have an unconscious motive to do so."
"The Surrealists welcomed poets and painters who stressed the role of the unconscious."
"You're engaging in deliberate practice which is going to catalyze the process of your unconscious mind building unconscious infrastructure related to recognizing kanji."
"Repression is the complete exclusion from consciousness of anxiety-producing thoughts."
"The collective unconscious is the part of the unconscious mind that is derived from ancestral memory and experiences and is common in all humankind."
"Everyone is unconsciously looking for something."
"For every conscious decision we make, we have to realize that there might be something unconscious shaping who we are."
"The collective unconscious is being regulated by all of us together."
"Most of what happens in good acting is usually unconscious."
"The symbolism of alchemy has a great deal to do with the structure of the unconscious."
"The power of our unconscious and the bond that we form are overwhelming to the defense mechanisms."
"We choose to walk through life and we don't even think about it most of the time."
"Learning is often unconscious. It happens by doing it, by working our way into it, by following it."
"We may have suppressed our anger a long time ago and as a result, even though we may be very angry, we don't even feel the anger."
"Art belongs to the unconscious; one must express oneself directly."
"The unconscious mind was structured like a language."
"The transcendent function makes the transition from one attitude to another organically possible, without loss of the unconscious."
"You need to know about the compensation from the unconscious."
"Treat other people with respect; treat your unconscious with respect."
"The communication from the unconscious in its own terms passes through a transitional layer whereby it can communicate directly to ego consciousness."
"The hypothesis of a collective unconscious belongs to the class of ideas that people at first find strange but soon come to possess and use as familiar conceptions."
"The contents of the collective unconscious, on the other hand, are known as archetypes."
"Understanding the communications from the unconscious on its own terms is critically important."
"All psychologies begin from a recognition and an appreciation of the unconscious."
"Posture, for the most part, is unconscious. It's not about just having better posture but rather strengthening the body, training the body so that good posture happens and it feels more natural."
"Everything that you do is done with purpose, even when you don't realize it."
"History is the unconscious working out of the deeds and thoughts of quadrillions of human beings."
"The tale further investigates psychology by offering a symbolic journey into the unconscious and the primal."
"We are very much motivated by our unconscious desires and we are inherently irrational."
"The goal of trying to explore your unconscious is a more rounded humanity."
"The archetypes and the collective unconscious... we don't have direct access to them but we sort of see their effects."
"The jungle is in us, in our unconscious."
"The unconscious is not merely conditioned by history but is the very source of the creative impulse."
"The unconscious psychic processes also include the not inconsiderable labor of composition that goes into a dream."
"Our conscious intentions and actions are often frustrated by unconscious processes whose very existence is a continual surprise to us."
"We are therefore fully justified in speaking of an unconscious psyche."
"The dream belongs to the normal contents of the psyche and may be regarded as a resultant of unconscious processes."
"When you love somebody, you unconsciously put more effort into what you're doing."
"We're constantly imitating and we're constantly being influenced by people and not realizing it."
"If you haven't figured out consciously what's going on in your unconscious, you're going to keep repeating it over and over again in an attempt to get it right and to understand it."
"We have ways of dealing with these contents in the unconscious... the psychedelics would be a tool par excellence."
"It takes energy to keep the stuff stored in your unconscious."
"Our dreams can be interpreted so that we can understand aspects of our unconscious."
"Most of us think that we behave for reasons that we understand, but most of our behavior is actually governed by unconscious forces."
"You are calling up the autonomous capability of the unconscious which ego can then observe."
"The unconscious really is there, it is present, and it may take a little experimenting to access it."
"Self-sabotage is often unconscious and comes from a deeper place."
"Once you become aware of the unconscious things that are happening to you, then you basically start to get control over the things that are happening to you unconsciously."
"All religious symbols were attempts at symbolizing the unconscious."
"The unconscious is the forgotten past operating in the present."
"Your hidden self, your unconscious self, your shadow, can be creative, artistic, loving, kind."
"It's the gateway to the unconscious realm and the key to becoming your true self."
"It's a gift from God; it's a gift from my unconscious."
"Most of language processing is unconscious; none of us has any idea what the rules are that allow us to string words together in well-formed sentences to make ourselves understood."
"The collective unconscious is a part of the psyche which can be negatively distinguished from a personal unconscious by the fact that it does not owe its existence to personal experience and consequently is not a personal acquisition."
"This part of the unconscious evidently likes to express itself mythologically because this way of expression is in keeping with its nature."
"The unconscious processes that compensate the conscious ego contain all those elements that are necessary for the self-regulation of the psyche as a whole."
"The more we become conscious of ourselves through self-knowledge and act accordingly, the more the layer of the personal unconscious that is superimposed on the collective unconscious will be diminished."
"The unconscious produces contents which are valid not only for the person concerned but for others as well, in fact, for a great many people and possibly for all."
"The unconscious never rests; it seems to be always at work, for even when we sleep, we dream."
"The collective unconscious... appears to consist of mythological motifs or primordial images."
"The unconscious as the totality of all archetypes is the deposit of all human experience right back to its remotest beginnings."
"The decisions we make that are apparently conscious have been decided by the unconscious."
"Freud for many years defined the goal of psychoanalysis as making the unconscious conscious."
"Our mind has a large area beyond what is available to our consciousness, which could only be indirectly approached, was identified by Freud as the unconscious."
"The dreams that we dream do not transparently mirror the unconscious but rather reflect it in a distorted form."
"The unconscious is objective, manifesting itself mainly in the form of contrary feelings, fantasies, emotions, impulses, and dreams."
"I think what's so incredible about using the creative part of ourselves is that we can go in and the unconscious actually reveals a lot more about our memories than we know."
"Ollokun is about exploring the inner self and the unconscious."
"Impressions of the past actions stored in our unconscious mind are a vehicle for the individual soul."
"The process of making it and the process of receiving it is pretty much the same; you're opening up your unconscious to something larger than yourself."
"Our dreams are like windows that allow us to look in or to listen in to that psychological process which is continually going on in our unconscious."
"From the Jungian perspective, dreams give you information that you're unconscious or unaware of."
"The psychodynamic approach emphasizes the influence of the unconscious mind on behavior."
"Everything starts in the unconscious mind, and we manifest, we bring it into reality."
"The moon represents our secrets, our psychology, the unconscious reasoning for why we do what we do, why we accept what we accept."
"In each of us there is another whom we do not know. He speaks to us in dreams and tells us how differently he or she sees the situation from how we consciously see it ourselves."