
Attainment Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"If something's valuable, you'll make sacrifices to attain it."
"Believe that you have it now, and you shall receive it."
"The artist that's obsessed with creating perfection is the artist that's the furthest away from attaining it."
"Whatever you hold in your mind on a continuing basis, you can have."
"Whatever you manifesting right now, whatever it is, is like you already got it."
"Live the spirit of these things until they become yours by right. It will then become impossible to keep them from you."
"Believe you have it now and you shall receive it."
"Stepping into an era of abundance, attaining what you desire."
"Until you can find the place in yourself that can be at peace without having what you want, then you're in the optimum position to get exactly what you want."
"Learning to get rid, learning to let go is one area, learning to attain is the second, and the balance of this I think is the biggest challenge."
"Wealth, fame, power. Everything in this world can be attained."
"If you don't have them, you may not be able to get everything in one sitting, in one day, but what you can get, go ahead and get it."
"The thing you can get, you can get."
"Somebody wants something and is having difficulty getting it."
"Even if it's a noble title, a house, money, or a qualification, whatever he wants will be his."
"It's going to be given. The wisdom is going to be given. It's not going to be earned; it's going to be given."
"Having known the absolute, having got the absolute, having attained the absolute, you get this great bliss."
"Even if you seem to get the job you want, it's away from you."
"The only thing you need to learn is that you already are what you are seeking to attain."
"You can attain a state of spontaneous well-being."
"Your goal must be somewhere, where you have not to move even one step."
"Nothing in life is so disenchanting as attainment."
"This is the power that one acquires when one reaches the level of a Celestial."
"We will one thing or another and suffer from the absence of what we will, then we attain it."
"With the limitation that one cannot be limited. That is how you attain the Tao."
"Except you cannot limit. Except… once the Tao is attained, it cannot be contained."
"The highest spiritual heights are very easy to attain."
"He achieved two unreached levels of knowledge."
"Victory tantalizingly is within their grasp."
"That's how we get to the paintings we really want."
"This type of attainment has such value, such permanent meaning, that nothing else is important when compared with it."
"If something is too easy to attain, it'll probably be extremely easy to lose."
"Wisdom is much more than thought. Wisdom is possible because man is capable of attaining it."
"You are responsible for getting to that Grace."
"The only reason why any of us ever want anything is because of how we believe we will feel in the attaining and getting of it."
"Whether you have started your quest early or late in life is of little importance. It is not always the first initiates on the highway of Self-Realization who get to the Infinite and can claim the kingdom of their Father, for often the last become the first. (Guru)"
"It remains a gift, something that you possess but a goal to be attained. It must still be experienced. When you experience it, then it's yours."
"The only way the world peace will ever be attained is if you attain peace within."
"The attainment of peerless perfect enlightenment is beyond the realm of what can be called 'attainment'."
"The day I stopped wanting something really badly is when I get it."
"Happiness is something you have to obtain on your own."
"We're saved not through our attainments, but through His atonement."
"Blowing out. That's what Nirvana means. You got to get way out there, man, and you do it in stages, attainments we call them."
"If you don't want it, you're not going to get it."
"Those who practice prajnaparamita as explained will quickly attain anuttara samyak sambodhi."
"If you did loving-kindness, you can attain Nibbana."
"The uncaused cannot be attained by the caused."
"Life isn't like that, it's not like everything you want is easily attained just by deciding you want it."
"You have to dream and believe, and then you can have it."
"Attaining the Holy Spirit depends entirely on one's actions."
"You can have everything you want in this life, and everything runs on belief systems."
"You will only ever be the only obstacle in the way of you attaining what you want."
"Believe you already have it, and you shall receive."
"There is no paradise greater for mankind than to attain the presence of God."
"Whatever attainment we attain, we want it to be a living reality."
"If you practice one millionth of the things I tell you, you will reach God."
"It's very important to be on some sort of path of attainment."
"And we can all attain it all the time because we're wired for it."
"If you wish to attain Him, you have to give up all these desires."
"To desire and choose a state is to have it."
"Just by pursuing bhakti, you can reach the absolute."
"Knowing and being the absolute reality, our own essential being which is eternally attained, is the only true attainment."
"Lavish places to be in, and what you want is yours."
"The self is ever-present, ever attained, needs no realization."
"Speak it into existence, believe what you want and what you deserve is yours already."
"Heaven is achieved by being in the right state of mind."
"Abraham's bosom, a state of consciousness, a place of attainment."
"The end of dukkha is not annihilation, it's a full attainment of the unconditioned, Nibbana."
"Anything that you could wish for or desire to attain or achieve is totally plausible, totally within your grasp, totally tangible."
"The height of the spiritual path is to attain the love for God and to attain love from God for oneself."
"Happiness would be more readily attained and would be more secure in our keeping if sought in soul."
"Liberation and freedom from suffering is at hand; why not attain it in this life?"
"The sage devoted to selfless action attains Brahman quickly."
"What you already have, you get that. What was never there is removed, and what was always there is attained."
"Attainment can be of two types: one is going to your next village... or to attain the necklace which is already on your neck."
"Kabir says: 'I have attained the unattainable, and my heart is colored with the color of love.'"
"The man of faith, zeal, and self-control attains knowledge; having attained knowledge, he immediately attains supreme peace."
"The peace that passeth understanding, the supreme peace, you attain to that immediately."
"The Gentiles, who followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness."
"Therefore, everyone diving deep within himself with desirelessness (vairagya) can attain the pearl of Self."
"The real liberation is the attainment of the unconditioned."
"Once attaining to this one can never lose it again, one is firmly established in this."
"Now, O Umar, you have attained the true belief."
"The one who sees Brahman in all activities in this way attains Brahman."
"In this station the servant has completely attained the level of the most beautiful station."
"Fix your mind on me, be my devotee, sacrifice unto me; thus fixing your mind on me and having me as the supreme goal, you will attain me alone."
"If you are devoted to me, if you are mindful of me, if you spiritualize all your actions, offer everything all your actions to me, and salute me, you will attain to me, know this to be true."
"Those who are humble, who see themselves as destitute, they will attain Him."
"Without the mercy of Radharani, no one can attain me."
"Spiritual attainment can occur anywhere."
"What you really want is already yours; you just have to match that vibration of it."
"In disciplining ourselves, we attain freedom."
"What does positive psychology have to say about it, and how do we go about attaining this true, profound, deep, lasting happiness?"
"The wheel is going to turn in your favor, what you want, you're about to get."
"Having attained which there is no greater attainment to be had in life."
"If our urge is to worship God in His glorious manifestation, let us do it wholeheartedly; therein lies the way of attainment for us."
"Only true peace is obtained and earned, instead of just being in a dream."
"You already are what you're seeking, you're already that, it's already present, it's already attained."
"Tell me one thing, by which I shall attain what is good."
"Sacrifice by definition means to give up one thing in order to attain one thing that is way greater."
"With the mind that has taken to the way of constant practice and does not stray to anything else, one who thinks of the supreme divine being attains Him."
"The enlightened person already has got Mukti."
"Such people are said to have attained Brahman, which is existence itself."
"You need only to give yourself the luxury, the permission to have it or be it."
"Believe you have received it, and it will be yours."
"This is when true perfection is attained."
"Whoever sees this pure existence in every action... he will surely attain Brahman."
"You want peace, and you're going to be getting it."
"You will never experience or attain anything more than your highest expectation."
"Match the energy of what you want and you'll have it."
"Be in the energy of what you do want so that you can have it."
"Simply by seeing Govardhan, a person attains the supreme goal of life."
"Nine of Pentacles, nine is perfection and it's also attainment, fruition."
"I think that you've seen what you want, and you're understanding that you have to respect yourself enough to obtain what you want."
"When we stop chasing, that's when we get things that we desire."
"You deserve everything, and you're gonna get it."
"You're going to get what you want, hands down."
"You will get what you're looking for."
"You can get whatever it is that you're wanting for yourself, you can attain it."
"The ultimate state or station that one arrives to is known as Mekomo Alya, the station of friendship or sainthood."
"This is your divine promise; you can have it."
"You have to have something before you can have it."
"It's always nice to be able to afford something that makes your heart happy, especially if beforehand it was out of reach for you."
"Stay in your own energy of knowing what you deserve and you shall have it."
"We know what we want, and we've got a plan to get it."
"Act as if you already have it, and you will have it."
"Whatever you want, you can attain."
"It's really the theory that we as human beings want something, and then we attain that thing, we get that fleeting sense of happiness and joy that comes from attaining that thing, but that thing then becomes the new norm."
"Anything that you want is attainable right now."
"You have finally got what you have been working for."
"This is exactly how you get what it is that you want."
"Feel as if you already have the thing that you want."
"Be open to how you're manifesting because what you're desiring, you're receiving."