
Self-restraint Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"If you were thinking about the most moral possible action, wouldn't that be the voluntary constraint of the evil that you yourself are likely to do?"
"Just because you can flex, doesn't mean you should."
"Sometimes discipline shows up in exercising self-restraint, knowing when to pull back, knowing when to take a more gentle approach."
"Hedonism is a black hole, and you can never fill it... you need to have some degree of self-restraint."
"Your kashira is about don't think that your life is just about trying to get as many relationships and sleep with as many partners; it's about having self-restraint."
"Be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage."
"You'll eat less than you desire and more than you deserve."
"The foundation of all strength and power in the world is your ability to abstain from that which will kill you."
"Restrained inhibited introverts... hold back, they're not going to be the one who just sort of throws themselves in."
"You would never see me sweat... I'm not stressing... I'm not tweeting nothing... mind your business is what I'm saying."
"It's not about you putting an effort not to put yourself out. I'm not consciously."
"During my season, I feel like I held back out of fear."
"Should we handicap ourselves with this weird notion of decorum?"
"He seems to toss any competitiveness that he has aside."
"I rather say nothing than something spectacularly stupid."
"It is going to prevent you from bringing yourself down where you shouldn't bring yourself down."
"The core function of morality is to check your desire to pursue unlimited self-interest... Don't do that, that's not right."
"Be present and don't hold yourself back due to past experiences."
"You're gonna actually remove yourself from the part of your life that has been keeping you restrained."
"What makes a strong human is knowing what's best and staying away from what just feels good."
"The level of restraint and self-discipline must have taken for Thanos to destroy those stones when he could have just ruled with an iron fist indefinitely."
"Just because somebody has it, doesn't mean you need it."
"True freedom is found in restraints, right? And other people are restraints and self-imposed restraints, and that's where we become truly free and we become fully human and humane."
"Purity is choosing the prison of restriction so you can live in the palace of freedom."
"Lexi didn't do this. Don't do this. Don't think about this, Lexi. Don't do this!"
"Hold yourself back, stay in your lane, timidity is exactly the opposite."
"I have no reason to brag I have no reason to flex none of that bro anything I do I swear to God it's out of motivation purpose only."
"It's what you prevent yourself from doing that can actually give you true freedom."
"That's one of the wonderful things as for the future don't we does but you can actually influence it and the best way of influence is it is actually just to learn how to restrain and to say no sometimes the wonderful thing happens."
"Never clip your wings for another human being."
"This is about learning to not be this crazy radical kind of rebellious spirit."
"I made myself a promise never to let my being a witch interfere with your career."
"As hard as it was, I didn't call her. Oh finally, it's sinking in now, huh? That almost cost you your ex, that almost cost you getting your relationship back."
"Forcing myself not to have fun? Better not have any fun on that!"
"Just because I can do it doesn't mean that I should."
"All of this realization makes Toga admit that the truth is she's been holding back this entire time."
"Keep all quarrels and fights away from you, yield no more to external provocations, you must remain at peace."
"I just went on every single gambling website I could find and did the self-ban thing, never gambled since."
"I'm tired of holding myself back from being happy."
"Shockingly, there's some situations you can't punch your way out of."
"These raspberries are a great way to practice self-restraint when it comes to watering."
"Gluttony is defined as over-indulgence or lack of self-restraint with food or drink."
"They want to reach out, maybe their higher self is keeping them from reaching out right now."
"So, at some point, you're gonna have to start engaging with those things because now you're in a really tricky spot because if you can't afford to let yourself feel angry, that means that there's a slice of life that you can't engage in."
"You're ready to free yourself from any energy of holding yourself back."
"Stopping yourself is just as valid as doing something that's great."
"They feel bad for wanting to be treated as an equal, so they've curbed their own power to a place where it's really hurt them."
"I mean what's your advice so far is to tell yourself that you're not looking for love and then when you find it don't show it."
"Limiting yourself opens up for new ideas and creativity."
"Silence is not only about being quiet, it's also about saying less about yourself."
"There's a nobility in knowing how to fight and how to defend yourself and not doing it because if you withhold yourself when you know how to hurt someone, that's Noble."
"My intrusive thoughts told me to smash it. Just start poking it."
"...I am holding my peace and I am not giving it away."
"Fasting is holding, abstaining. I'm going to abstain from Haram in my dress code, the way I talk, wasting, food, everything."
"Be moderate in your walking and lower your voice. Indeed, the harshest of all voices is the braying of the donkey."
"Maybe as Bennett had said, the West needed its gunfighters. Maybe in a land where there was no law, some restraint was needed for the lawless. But I didn't want to be one of them."
"If you don't learn to restrain yourself, Society is going to restrain you."
"In any experience you have with every woman, the pullback is what separates the men from the boys."
"For a person to overcome sins and desires and restrain himself from sins is to have shyness of Allah. When the servant knows that Allah is looking at him, watching over him, he will be too shy in front of Allah to expose himself to His anger and punishment."
"My crucifixion is restriction. Bars. I limit the way that I move in my entire life, and that's why I'm able to live a life of character and integrity. I have a very disciplined life."
"Minecraft players trying not to abase every single living creature existing in Minecraft."
"Whoever is slow to anger is better than the mighty."
"Hell is living your entire life trying not to do something you really want to do."
"Maturity is realizing how many things don't require your comment."
"The observer struggles with greed they hold words in they hold money in they hold affection in they hold what they're thinking in if you're a 5 you can become a castle and you are alone in your castle."
"Truth-telling requires the self-restraint to speak what we know."
"I'm going to practice some self-restraint"
"He's really restraining himself, you know. He would... It's sort of... I don't know how to... He's frequently thinking, 'He's really restraining himself, you know.'"
"I ain't cussing that one time, I'm so [ __ ] their ass up you told me like I ain't cussing bro yeah."
"Discipline is not being able to tell other people no, discipline is being able to tell yourself no."
"Learning to be able to see that, to hold yourself back from intervening and doing that, is really the best lesson."
"When you hold yourself back, you instantly seem powerful."
"When we stop spending beyond our means, we truly begin to practice self-control."
"We're going to have to quit going after the world, and lusting after the world."
"If I don't feel like I want to beat you up I'm not gonna beat you up but if I feel like I want to beat you up I'ma beat you up."
"God's mercy restrains you, God's mercy protects you from yourself."
"A certain amount of self-restraint that goes with liberation is not only necessary but it's attractive."
"Relax, don't do it all you want to break on through it"
"You're just a bit different. We can't drink, we can't consume like other people can consume. So if that's you at the moment, you've had a good time, you've had a good run at it, you've enjoyed it, maybe it's time to just look at it and go, 'Look, I can't do it anymore.'"
"Self-restraint sets you free. Real freedom is not freedom from outer rules and restrictions, inner freedom is inner."
"If you want to have an enduring impact on the people around you, your family, your co-workers, or the society at large, you must practice self-restraint."
"Yoga is about the strength of self-restraint, which means pull back when you need to, you don't have to force, you don't have to be aggressive, you can challenge yourself, you can find your Edge, but you do it with gentleness."
"She stormed out of the house, attacking and beating up Travis. Travis does nothing to retaliate, he does not touch her, he doesn't hit her, he tells her to calm down."
"Who needs cake, who needs pie, who needs drinks? This man has push-ups."
"The enemy is always working in our minds for us to give in to desires with no self-restraint."
"I had to convince myself not to buy any vases."
"I promised myself right then and there that I would never tell him."
"I just didn't want to overtalk anymore."
"Your personal constitution should stop you from acting against what you really stand for, and take action on the things you really want."
"What Odysseus does is, he ties himself to the mast. Even though the temptation of the reward is evident to him, he has rendered himself unable to act on that temptation."
"This chair is cute. I don't need a chair at all but shoot."
"The most powerful form of censorship is self-censorship."
"We can neither think nor act to good purpose until the habit of self-restraint has become automatic."
"I never wanted to fight, and I'm afraid of hurting someone, but I did have to train not to develop my powers but to keep them under control."
"I have never used the fullness of my intellect in debating those who have other views."
"Decide not to live beyond your ability."
"When I feel like I'm being restricted, I will not do something."
"The self imposed restrictions which limited short-term self interest kept the whole system stable for many decades."
"I'm not buying any new makeup, skincare, clothing, or homewares this year."
"Only person that can hold you back is yourself."
"There's something inside of you that stops you."
"...the only person alive who could stop Michael Jordan is Michael Jordan himself."
"Don't let them in, don't let them see, be the good girl you always have to be."
"If it ain't nice, keep it to yourself."
"It would be great if I didn't have to psych myself up for a performance anymore, be it emotionally or through adrenaline, but instead could just turn up as myself and work with all that I am, without any restraints."
"I will maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule, develop self-restraint, and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others."
"The fast is not just about tarq, abandonment of certain outward actions, but is about the tarq or the abandonment of certain inward states as well."
"For Saiyan to forego a fight like that, to not use his newfound power and put her above all else, was extremely touching."
"You have to make the decision to sit there and deal with the pain of not reaching out because you know it is better than the pain of after you reach out."
"Better to wait on God than to run ahead and try to fix it ourselves."
"If the consequences of your words are potentially dire, I simply hold back."
"Self-denial is a restraint or limitation of one's own desires or interests."
"I reserve the privilege of speaking only when it will not violate my honor."
"You should not let your money take over you."
"I am an honorable man, I must not do this."
"She never wore her heart on her sleeve; she never bleated 'poor me'."
"Don't let anyone or anything hold you back, Hinata-chan, and that includes yourself."
"I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath, scared to rock the boat and make a mess."
"The greatest measure of an individual's maturity is how we respond when it dawns on us that we are the most powerful person in the room."
"Never buy anything that I cannot afford to walk away from."
"Rogue had basically learned to control her power so she can touch anybody without absorbing their personalities or powers."
"My goal is to effectively not buy anything if I can."
"Don't take the law into your own hands, you take 'em to court."
"I'm walking away before I do something stupid like hit that Buy It Now button."
"I understood that it consisted of restraints which the people had imposed upon themselves in order to promote the common welfare."
"To restrain the natural predator of the psyche is necessary for women to remain in possession of all their instinctual powers."
"You give up on everything because you can't commit to anything."
"If the girl does not remember or does not use her powers, it is because she chooses not to."
"In an age of unrestrained passions, they showed an example of self-restraint and austerity."
"I never took drugs... because I don't want nothing to control me."
"He who fears the position of his Lord and prevents the soul from [unlawful] inclination, then indeed, Paradise will be [his] refuge."
"The modesty prevents me from going further."
"When you hold back, you hold back your power."
"Just because I can do it doesn't mean I should."
"I'm so tired of holding myself back."
"Human beings have self-restraint; we're willing to give up things for the afterlife."
"The only person that can tie you down now is you."
"There's some things that you feel like doing, you shouldn't."
"Don't let pride and ego hold you back here."