
Audience Relationship Quotes

There are 109 quotes

"It's about transparency, it's about being genuine and honest with your audience."
"You never attack your audience ever because without them you're nothing."
"Audience members want to build a relationship based on trust with the person they're listening to."
"I want to be treated by my audience as a human being. That's something I want for me but also for them to be able to see me as a human being."
"I do believe that we have a certain responsibility to not take advantage of our audiences."
"Always be honest with your audience. If you lie to your audience, they will not trust you anymore."
"I'm thankful for you guys, the listeners. You guys are awesome for all the support."
"Your honest opinion and true feelings...will keep their trust in you."
"The trust of your audience is absolutely everything."
"The future of media is independent connections between the audience and a trusted journalist."
"Be consistent because when you're consistent you create more trust in your audience."
"I believe transparency and being genuine with your audience is very important."
"People know you and they gravitate toward you. They're there for you not because of the platform. The audience relationship is much more authentic."
"I take a lot of pride in making the best videos possible for you guys."
"A loyal audience can begin to feel like a prison."
"That guy has a real relationship with his audience."
"It's about the trust between creator and audience."
"You don't own the relationship you have with your audience, it's owned by the platform."
"You have alienated a massive portion of your audience, exchanged a HUGE amount of respect for your company for money."
"It's better to be transparent, open, and honest with my audience."
"Thank you guys so much for making my day and just for being the best audience a person could ask for."
"It is more valuable to be a YouTuber than to be a tick tocker and that is both economically like you make more money per minute of time people spend on your content but also because you develop a deeper relationship with your audience."
"Communication is the most important thing. I don't leave them hanging."
"Thank you for making us a part of your daily routine."
"Hit the like button if you enjoyed, subscribe if you're new. Take care and I'll see you next time."
"Each one has left me feeling more positive about the future, which isn't easy these days."
"What is the stakes here? This is a relationship I have with my audience."
"Focus on relationships with your audience. Building that relationship."
"I think our audience appreciates getting an inside look into who we are and what motivates us. It's different from dry, robotic media." - Unknown Speaker
"Your audience forgives you because now you're being real. You're a vulnerable person. You're a person who's not bulletproof. We can't just continue to create content all the time and that creates relatability."
"It's amazing how you guys built this strong community. They know you inside and out."
"Part of what I do is being me and asking me to change that, well you might as well just take back your pledges on Patreon and your support and everything and just go somewhere else because that's not me."
"I love my audience more than anything in the world."
"I just want you to be honest with your audience."
"Hope you guys enjoyed the video give it a huge thumbs up smash the subscribe button see you guys next video."
"Adding value creates trust, integrity, and ultimately, value for your audience."
"I just hope the zero phoenix can be transparent with their audience and honest as at this point i don't feel a lot of honesty coming from their behavior"
"Your support means the world to me and helps make videos like this possible. I love you."
"That is it. I love you whether you are new or old to this channel."
"I just love you guys. Literally, I love talking to you guys."
"I want to make sure that you guys, you know, take time for you, focus on you and not focus on me."
"My audience to me is very important. I try to keep my audience happy."
"I really appreciate you guys so much, you're such an incredible audience, love you guys so much."
"This guy doesn't really care about his audience or making videos in general."
"If you genuinely don't feel like you've lied, gaslit, and manipulated your audience, that's perfectly fine."
"Can she maintain that connection to her audience and still feel like the relatable Girl Next Door?"
"If you don't like something, I've never been the person who's like 'if you don't watch my stuff then you don't support me.'"
"I see my relationship to the audience as probably among the top five most important relationships of my life."
"Give value first, sell second. Serve your audience, build trust, and nurture relationships before going for the big win."
"It should always be a choice that viewers are making to support us in that matter."
"This is my fiancée Jonathan... we love you guys, thanks for all the well wishes, bye."
"You have to treat your audience like more than just customers, and uh, DOTA underlords just didn't do that."
"The only reason we do this is for you lot, because we know you love the sport as much as we do."
"Yes, I am nothing without my audience, I am nothing without my community, that's the truth."
"All those evenings we gave up, all the hard work that we put in... it would have amounted to nothing without you guys. We owe this to you."
"Thank you all, we appreciate you and love you so much."
"You can't claim to be real to your audience when you both lie to your audience consistently."
"Even though it's not that's it's such a weird thing because it's a personal thing and you know a majority of you guys I don't know but we share so much with you guys."
"You're putting the game at risk, I think shifting that blame onto the audience that supported you so vehemently to this stage, it just it's [ __ ] it's terrible it really is terrible."
"Just give fans like the slightest bit of hope."
"I hope we were able to get you through the day. I always hate goodbyes but it's more like a see you later. Thank you."
"It's just a love-hate relationship, like people have with my channel."
"No matter how big my channel grows, I'm always gonna stay authentic."
"If you're a massive Creator even a Creator in general and you have gained an audience from providing free content don't paywall all of your content because that's not going to go too great as we clearly see here."
"To me, I hope I can give the audience as much as they give back to me, that's how I feel."
"I miss you all... that includes the audience."
"I think there's a lot of value for the people who really [__] with you and then there's also weirdos for sure."
"I am NOT automatically entitled to have an audience that likes everything I do."
"Creating a relationship with your audience is really important."
"I just feel like my only protection is my readers and my writing."
"Your favorite creators... are in more danger than ever."
"I appreciate each and every one of you. I could not ask for a better audience."
"I want my audience to know that I have integrity."
"Create a trust with your audience."
"The people in your audience are your allies, not your enemies."
"In order to be loyal to your friends, you're going to betray your audience."
"I think that's a testament to the connection that they feel like they have with you."
"My perceived value to my audience is I'm a dude that is maybe entertaining, that makes their day a little better."
"We play country and we have the greatest listeners in the world."
"The more real you are with your audience, the more support and love that you get."
"I've always felt like in being somewhat honest with the audience."
"The level of honesty he has with his audience about his successes and failures... that's what inspires me."
"The trust that my audience has to have in me to keep coming back is very important to me."
"The audience appreciates transparency."
"I have a history of being fairly honest with the audience."
"Oh my God, I missed you guys so much, you have no idea."
"As long as people disclose the relationship... it's super important to maintain trust with the audience."
"Your audience is like your baby; you grow it, you care so much about it."
"I'm literally no one without my audience."
"I don't ever want to disappoint y'all, I don't ever want to put out something that y'all don't love."
"It's a privilege in a way, it's nice that people really feel connected with me."
"They're both YouTubers, wealthy YouTubers, who work to do roughly the same thing: develop an authentic endearing relationship between themselves and their audiences to make money."
"I believe that it's important that creators own their relationship with their audience."
"The more trust that your audience has in you, the better off you're gonna be career-wise."
"Having an audience that cares about whatever, whatever you know what I'm saying, that's what it's all about."
"I hope you all keep well and you're still enjoying the content."
"It ultimately comes down to a form of trust between a content creator and an audience member."
"I've been given a gift from people. It's not about money; it's about the relationship with the audience, with the human beings."
"You have to be honest with yourself and you're honest with your audience."
"We have like a relationship with our audience, and I think it's different."
"I do feel obligated, I feel various types of obligation to you all because we have such a loyal, large audience."