
Quitting Quotes

There are 274 quotes

"The most successful, intelligent people I've ever met have an unbelievable ability to quit things that make no objective sense."
"I'm leaving TikTok...this app is poisoning my brain."
"There is value in quitting, and there is so little value in clinging to a decision that you made some time ago."
"Go home, leave, don't do it, don't continue."
"If we lose anymore, I genuinely might just pack this challenge in."
"I'm sorry for the suddenness of this announcement, but I'm not taking a break and I'm not coming back. I'm quitting V-tubing once and for all."
"I will be officially quitting YouTube... famous last words."
"Not everything you quit or don't work through is a bad thing. Quitting is not always inherently bad."
"If you want to quit then quit. Don't sit here forever and just whine and wine."
"If I ever quit the game it will be because of puff, like I don't see anything else being even remotely close to making me want to quit." - Hungrybox
"Don't stop when you're tired, stop when you are done, once a quitter always a quitter."
"Don't give yourself a complex for quitting early. Just look forward to next week."
"She used to smoke two packets of cigarettes a day, but then she went cold turkey and never smoked again."
"You finish the evolution, you quit, or you pretty much drown."
"Quitting is okay if you know why and where you're headed."
"I'm freaking done with this whole day. I'm out!"
"If you're miserable at your job, don't be afraid to [ __ ] quit."
"It's important to not quit and not give up on yourself, but sometimes it's okay to quit."
"I'm not giving up something by quitting, I'm actually adding so much to my life by quitting."
"I won without pay win, you know what this game sucks, I'm out of here, adios."
"Knowing when to quit comes down to what matters most to you."
"Quit the things that make you not want to live."
"If you don't like your job, quit. I don't have sympathy for people who complain about hating their job."
"Once you quit once in your whole life, you're finished. Anybody can lose to a better man, but not all good men will quit."
"Sometimes you just need to know when to quit."
"He knows how to lie, manipulate, and please who."
"Quitting first starts as a thought. We all get that thought."
"If you hate it, you just stop doing it and try another one immediately."
"Seals aren't known for quitting, hardest thing to do is quit. The hardest thing I ever did in my career was when I consider it quitting."
"I'm good, I don't want to play anymore. I'm good."
"Remember, the only way you fail is if you quit."
"If everybody around you is quitting, maybe that's an indicator to you."
"You just gotta love liking something enough to get rejected for it, or stop. Let's just [bleep] stop it. Like, there's nothing wrong with stopping."
"You don't just stick something out here just because you're embarrassed of quitting, bro. Admit that you know what? It's not going well and give up. There's nothing wrong with giving up sometimes."
"I remember quitting lacrosse in high school and my coach calling me and he was like this is important for the rest of your life if you quit this you're gonna quit everything."
"Nothing feels as good as quitting something that sucks, even if it's rewarding."
"I think it's better for somebody to quit out of completion's sake rather than out of apathy."
"What common sayings are actually terrible advice? 'Never ever give up.' Sometimes it's just time to stop."
"I heard a billionaire once say the secret to success was being a quitter everything he ever did in life business-wise was to quit."
"It's okay to quit, but it's never okay to settle."
"I'm a quitter. I've quit on multiple occasions. Three times to be exact over the past two years."
"It's fine to be a quitter if something is not healthy for you."
"I'm quitting Crystal PVP because everybody on TikTok says that Crystal PVP is not real PVP."
"I don't need crystals, that's why I'm quitting Crystal's chat. I think I'm getting good at it."
"Guys, we're on level four, aka fourth grade, and I'm feeling like I'm probably gonna quit."
"If you're not happy along the way, quit doing it."
"I'm really determined this time. I want to give up and obviously it's going to save me a fortune as well."
"If you retire while your body can still go, you didn't retire, you quit."
"Your commitment to quit and your motivation to keep going are key."
"I love quitting things. I have no problem quitting things. I have no problem being like [__] it, it's too much. I can't do it. But you know what? I didn't quit. Here we are."
"Every time that you quit, you betray yourself."
"If I lose again, I'm probably gonna call it quits."
"Finally, I came to a point where I just couldn't do it anymore."
"I want you to quit Zane because just because when I see you around it, it triggers me."
"Play the game and whenever it becomes not fun, quit."
"You may be silently quitting something, and it brings you pure joy."
"Know when to quit, yeah, like know when to fold."
"It's okay to quit. Don't cling to a mistake just because you spent a lot of time making it."
"I'm trying to quit. You only know I haven't done it today. Good."
"I stopped smoking cigarettes when I was about 17."
"I quit my job at 7-Eleven immediately after that. The event scarred me."
"Quitting is not an easy choice, but sometimes it is the best choice."
"The price of not making that choice can be very, very high."
"Have you ever wanted to quit YouTube?"
"I just don't want to do it anymore."
"The quitting was absolutely drunken insanity, but the history and context makes it interesting."
"If you're not enjoying it, honestly, you should quit. Because it's only going to get more difficult."
"Nobody thinks you quit, Charlie. And I said, 'I know that, I said I know it's true, and I don't believe it. It took him a few years to realize that I had quit. It wasn't worth going to prison for. Yeah, you got to know when to fold them."
"Someone can just wake up one morning and feel a little tiny bit and be like, 'Okay, well, that's it, I quit.'"
"... It's different for everybody... when you're old and on your deathbed, would you regret quitting?"
"Sounds like somebody might be about to quit."
"Nayanka and Purple Kelly's quit is Survivor's most notorious ever."
"The infamous moment, Duran uttered the famous words and quit."
"In life, pain is temporary, but quitting lasts forever."
"The recovery time when you decide to quit your job... is the key component to actually make leaving your nine to five job overall worth it for you mentally and physically."
"But I was shaking like a leaf when they left, and they hadn't really done anything at all. So I trusted my gut feeling. In any case, I quit that job. Thank you for being the catalyst to push me to finally leave, but let's never meet again."
"The only true failure can come if you quit."
"Quitting is underrated your time is what's finite and the number of prod projects or possibilities is infinite so it's crazy that people spend all of their time on one project when projects are infinite and time is finite."
"I've quit every [__] thing I've done, and I'll tell you what, I don't even think about quitting marijuana."
"Learn to quit, learn to walk away sooner."
"I quit...because I don't ever want to contribute to anything that spreads so much hate to someone that I love."
"He quit, yeah he quit, he quit in the eighth round."
"I think I have to quit. It's inhumane."
"I dumped out all my weed, all my bong, everything, and I quit cold turkey cigarettes that day."
"Joe don't made people quit working like no no I'm talking about quit like the whole lead of basketball court and everything you know they done took they [ __ ] out of here."
"People more often than not do not quit because of their job, they quit because of their boss."
"I just kind of decided this is really bad for me and I don't want to use it anymore so I took the pack that was in my uh pocket I threw it in the trash can and I just I just quit and it was tough and it sucked but I mean like that's how I got over it"
"Good quitting is when you say, 'I don't have what it takes to go anymore.'"
"I'm quitting for a lot of reasons it's something I have to do."
"Whether I quit today, whether I was going to quit tomorrow, whether I was going to quit 10 years down the line, y'all never cared about me."
"Giving up the cigarettes... people throw you a [ __ ] parade."
"Kindergarteners that are six years old, that's why I quit teaching, you know?"
"Sometimes we quit right before the breakthrough."
"Sometimes you just have to quit and leave, then they'll call you back."
"Everybody started quitting cuz we were all like oh my God it's almost like you're scamming a bunch of children."
"I really loved when people quit I was gonna actually just say the same thing I was gonna ask you do you remember how long it was before the first person bailed really quickly yes."
"I quit because I don't think there's any ethics in media."
"When you quit, it disrupts the flow of God's blessings towards your life."
"I said I'm sick of you lying to me, I said I'm sick of you bsing me, I said you brought me here on the lie and I'm sick of it, I said as of tonight you got my notice I quit."
"Once you start hating the game, then you should quit the game. Absolutely. When it becomes like a real, real job for you, you should quit."
"Constant anxiety that you are not doing the right thing, which leads to constant quitting and shifting."
"Rule one is, I believe in life, when you say, 'I'm gonna quit,' you gotta quit."
"At first, I would stop smoking. I'd start. I'd stop. I'd start. And then one day I had the power to renounce it all."
"Failure is not defeat, quitting is."
"As soon as I feel like someone's cutting me, yeah, I want to be out, man."
"I'd rather quit smoking than quit drinking. I'd live longer, you know, I think."
"Cuz I quit cuz I lost my license."
"You can't quit because you're afraid you might fail."
"Blaming and complaining is like the exit ramp to quitting."
"This has to be one of the most epic quitting job stories I have ever read."
"There was a survey that was done which showed a link between quitting nicotine-containing e-cigarettes and improved mental health outcomes."
"That's right if he's quitting he's fed up and so well then I just I just thought no no no no no this is one of the few times in my adult life that I know for a fact right to be straight I am reasonable here."
"'I had some particularly nasty clients and it was very enjoyable telling them I was quitting, all while the CEO had to deal with the aftermath of having no staff left to finish ongoing projects.'"
"I just quit. I'm done. Good day, mate"
"Honestly, just don't [ __ ] pick it up. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. Nicotine is so crazy that you'll make up scenarios in your head to make it okay, but it's not. If you want to quit, just [ __ ] quit. Don't you pick it up."
"The worst part about drinking was quitting."
"Quitting alcohol was absolutely huge in losing weight."
"...somebody wanted to quit could just pick up Alcohol Explained 2 and that'll give them what they need to equip them."
"When it's time to quit, don't push it, just say goodbye."
"Maybe you share kind of how your experience has been quitting and maybe the anxiety attached to it because that was a whole other component."
"I'm done. This will be my last fight."
"When you quit, you send a message to the world that you never really thought you were going to make it in the first place."
"I don't want to play this game anymore it's stupid."
"I wanted to quit, but to my surprise, there actually were ergonomic options once I started working at animation studios."
"That's a real story right before you quit is when you make it."
"It's quit smoking, ain't nothing back yonder."
"There Comes A Time in everybody's life unfortunately when they no matter how much they love what they're doing they have to quit."
"Be disciplined. Cash out, take your winnings, walk away with the money. Don't sit there and keep playing if you're losing."
"Don't keep feeding the machines if it's not paying. If it's cold, leave it alone. Come back another day, find another machine."
"Don't say I quit. Well, you're quitting."
"I said I quit. I'm not going to put up with this lunacy anymore."
"I read like maybe three pages and I was like yep, I don't want to do this anymore... and so I dnfed it."
"Quitting's the easiest thing in the world to get good at."
"I'm quitting I think they're gonna kill me."
"It's easy to quit, anybody could quit, quitting is the easiest thing you'll ever do."
"It's fine if I know I lose the game, why would I keep on playing?"
"This is why I don't do this anymore."
"Gail Kim finally decided it was time to quit right in the middle of a match."
"He quit comics after there was this writer's strike at DC."
"It's almost like he stood on the tee and said, I've had enough of this."
"Quitting smoking is not an event, it's a process."
"I just woke up one day and said I'm done with trading."
"Know that the first 7 to 10 days are the hardest and remember it's never too late to quit smoking."
"Quitting smoking can definitely reduce cancer risk over time."
"How do you know when it's time to quit?"
"Oh [__] it. I Quit. I quit I quit I quit I quit I quit."
"I wanna quit standup. I'm hoping this is the last time I have to do it."
"If you quit and go back, you don't start over, you go back to the level you're at."
"Your job. I quit. I didn't want to look up and realize I'd lost another 10 years."
"Quitting cigarettes was probably one of the best decisions I've ever made. I definitely know that my health is much better now than it would have been if I hadn't quit."
"I smoked for 41 years and I was smoking five and six packs a day in the last few years."
"If you're waiting for a sign to quit, this is it."
"And, remember, if you're not enjoying this, there's no shame in quittin'."
"I'm gonna quit and accept my L." - MMG
"That's a rage quit in the wild card, a true legitimate [__] curb stomp rage quit in the wild card."
"The people who I admire most in life are people who quit while they're ahead."
"I'm wasting time. It's a chore to read and I just... I'm not doing this shit anymore."
"I'm not getting anywhere. You started this training joke. I've had enough."
"You don't get any reward from quitting."
"The most frequent questions I get are people who are like hey, I take karate, I don't want to anymore."
"Don't be afraid to quit. Don't be afraid to leave."
"Quitting guarantees one thing: failure."
"Never again. I'm never soldering anything ever again in my life. We're done. I quit."
"I quit. I'm tired of this and I quit."
"Are you wondering if you should quit?"
"When you quit, you have a lot more energy."
"But that doesn't mean there isn't value in also quitting, like sometimes something that you're doing in your life is genuinely holding you back, it is genuinely draining of energy you could be putting elsewhere, so just hearing him say that validated that to me."
"If you have thought about detoxing, whether it's from smoking, drinking, caffeine, anything like this is your sign to quit now."
"I quit boy, I quit, I'm not taking a job. The school was built on the cemetery, we embrace it."
"Quitting smoking reduces inflammation in blood vessels, lowering the risk of cholesterol buildup."
"Just quit my job, peace the [ __ ] out."
"It took over my life and it wasn't fun anymore so I just quit. I just quit. I was like most of this stuff is just content for fun. I'm not making any money off of it so just quit."
"Everyone loves a good quitting story."
"If all I had to fish for Channel Cats I just quit fishing."
"I had cigarettes, don't need cigarettes, I threw them on the floor."
"Look, I don't want to start complaining this early on, but do you think maybe I could quit this little tour?"
"The idea of quitting for many people is actually much more overwhelming than the quitting process itself."
"Quitting is hard, getting sober can be hard. But at least we're partaking in a process that's building us up versus tearing us down."
"Many of the people who quit successfully do so because they decided they want to."
"There's a certain amount of times I will attempt something that is difficult and then once I get to the point where I'm like why am I doing this then that's it for that game and I just don't play it anymore."
"You can't quit something unless you have found a replacement for it."
"I can't do it no more I quit I'm done."
"The people that quit are the ones that don't have big enough vision."
"If you can quit smoking you can quit anything in your life and you know that one of my biggest regrets in life with smoking the damage is done but anyway."
"I gotta take a breather. Oh my God, they all quit. Yeah, losers. Yes, sore losers. This is insane."
"If you want to quit, that's okay too."
"It's a subtle lesson: to quit does not have to mean defeat. Mindfully stepping away is not a failure."
"I quit hundreds of times before I finally quit."
"My ultimate advice is do it if you really think you'll have fun doing it and the second it isn't fun, stop."
"Alright everybody, Sprite and water has been ordered, but I am done with this game. I am done with this game."
"You've really got to want to give up, and I do, I do."
"Goodbye, nicotine. Right, that was my last one ever, finito, benito."
"It's easier to quit than to fail, you know?"
"It's time to quit smoking naturally."
"A man is not finished when he is defeated; he is finished when he quits."
"Quitting is the obvious way to fail."
"Determination: You often hear people say, 'Well, you can quit without willpower.' Well actually, I believe you do need a little bit of willpower."
"If you're quitting something because it's harmful and not doing good for you, that's okay."
"Giving up smoking is a matter of life and breath."
"When it ceases to be fun, then I'll quit."