
Gut Health Quotes

There are 590 quotes

"Keeping a healthy mouth, including healthy teeth, tongue, gums, and palate, is oh so important not just for your mouth but also for your heart, gut, skin, and brain health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Whether or not you are under a particular social challenge or whether or not you're particularly happy will in fact adjust the chemistry of your gut and the chemistry of your gut in turn will change the way that your brain works."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Gut health is immensely important for all aspects of our wellbeing at the level of our brain, at the level of our body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Bacillus and serratia can create dopamine in our gut that can get into our bloodstream and can generally change our baseline levels of dopamine within the brain and other areas of the body."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The longer that one is consistently ingesting fermented foods on a daily basis, the better the outcomes in terms of the gut microbiome and for reducing inflammation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Getting anywhere from four or even up to six servings a day of fermented foods can be immensely beneficial for reducing inflammatory markers in the body and for improving microbiota diversity."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Understanding the gut microbiome and its specific needs can play a crucial role in managing health, especially for women."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's a lot of data out there right now about the importance of gut health for the immune system, for mood."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Probiotics are one way to support the gut-brain axis and the gut health generally."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"When it comes to Dairy and your gut, you're about to find what's up."
"We live in a world... where the food industry, the health industry, big pharma, and even some doctors themselves profit from our sickness."
"My favorite thing about spices is they're great for gut health... every single study that I've come across says that they're good for us."
"Tea is beneficial for the gut microbiome... the polyphenols are beneficial for the gut bugs."
"Gut bacteria can make dopamine and it's much more potent. It's giving you a hundred times more of that motivational chemical."
"Our gut bacteria love exercise. They produce this happy chemical called butyrate... it's an anti-inflammatory drug that you could never bottle up."
"Increasing your diversity in your fruits and vegetables inherently increases the diversity of your microbes. So, this is a very simple thing we can do."
"The key to living a long, healthy life is actually free and something everyone has access to, and it all starts in your gut."
"By changing diets and introducing more prebiotics and probiotics into diets, you can improve people's mental health."
"Alcohol is really a saboteur to our gut-feeling connection. It will impact our gut microbiome, increase leaky gut syndrome, really raise systemic inflammation, and it's a neurotoxin."
"Keeping your gut microbiome healthy is so important for the basic functioning of your immune system."
"Our gut is very important. It's populated by gut microbiota that communicate with the brain, the immune system, and basically all the biological systems of our body to strongly impact our immediate and long-term health."
"Whole Food first and foremost, making sure that you're eating diversity, managing for the microbiome."
"Legumes... the number one superfood... they're gut health foods and they're longevity foods."
"95% of the serotonin in your body is produced by the gut."
"Gut microbes play a critical and essential role in controlling whether or not you suffer from depression because 95% of the happy hormone is produced by the gut."
"Aim for at least 30 different plants a week to nurture a diverse gut microbiome."
"You've got to start with the gut. Whether it's migraines, depression, diabetes, or obesity, most of our chronic illnesses start in the gut."
"Artificial sweeteners can have a massive negative impact on the gut microbiome and can lead us towards metabolic syndrome, actually."
"The more plants you eat, the more different effects there are on the gut microbiome because animal products have very little effect on the gut microbiome."
"Consuming two to four servings of low sugar fermented foods per day is among the best ways to promote health of the gut microbiome."
"The worst of these are called lectins... they tear the lining of your gut, creating small holes."
"By unlocking the secrets of a renewed gut, we could find a sort of master key to better health and a longer, happier life."
"The most important part of human health might actually be the balance of beneficial bacteria in the gut."
"Unlocking the secrets of a renewed gut could find a sort of master key to better health and a longer, happier life."
"The single greatest predictor of a healthy gut microbiome is the diversity of plants in our diet."
"This electric connection between the plants and our gut microbes is one of the important keys to human health."
"I am just so excited to be here and talk to you today about gut health but specifically plant-based gut health."
"A lot of wise people have said that you are only as healthy as your gut."
"We don't want to take lightly the health of our gut biome."
"The optimal diet for your gut microbiome is a diverse abundant diet. It is not about restriction, it is about abundance and variety in your diet."
"If disease begins in the gut, then so does healing begin in the gut."
"Depression and anxiety is intricately linked to the quality of your gut microbes."
"Short chain fatty acids are little signaling molecules that tell your immune cells in your gut to become a certain type of immune cell."
"Try and eat in a way that supports your gut microbiome."
"On today's show, we find out how we can reduce dietary inflammation, which foods can help, and discover how our gut microbiome could play an important role."
"Generally, things that are good for your gut microbes tend to be anti-inflammatory."
"Turns out that 60 to 70 percent of your immune system is in your gut."
"The bacteria... they're producing chemicals... they're producing tons of them... the bacteria made a lot of the metabolites that are actually in your gut."
"Every time you take a course of antibiotics, you're killing all your bacteria as well in your gut."
"Pears have... chlorogenic acid that fights body fat... and about six grams of dietary fiber. The fiber is prebiotic; it feeds your gut microbiome."
"If you get your diet in order and you do all the things that are good for your gut microbiome, you will have the optimum immune system."
"How do we improve gut microbiota? By eating a plant-based diet that's high in prebiotics from beans, whole grains, things like asparagus, artichokes, bananas, onions, garlic."
"Coffee is actually beneficial to the gut. It has polyphenols, it has healthy acids...these things can actually stimulate bowel motility."
"Polyphenols... they're not just antioxidants. As they're digested by our gut microbiome, the bacteria produce their own metabolites which have various beneficial effects on our health."
"By eating plant-based foods that are high in fiber, we're actually feeding our gut bacteria, and they reward us by creating metabolites called short-chain fatty acids."
"Polyphenols are like rocket fuel for your gut microbes."
"If you want to improve your gut microbiome, and you should, let's be honest, then you can by improving your diet."
"The gut microbiome is in my opinion, the missing piece to solving the bloating puzzle, even more so than our food choices."
"Exercise changes the gut microbiome to a friendly microbiome."
"When you're missing that healthy bacteria, what happens is your metabolism doesn't function properly, and so you're not drawing an energy the right way, your fat starts to grow out of control."
"Your gut microbiome loves to eat fiber... greens, salad greens, carrots, even mushrooms."
"Short chain fatty acids... they streamline our metabolism, make our body more sensitive to insulin, they lower inflammation, help our body heal."
"Science is only beginning to uncover the importance of our gut health."
"You have about 40 trillion bacteria in your gut, which is about the same number as the number of cells in your body."
"The healthier your gut, the better the variety. The more variety of species you have, the more they're able to balance each other."
"If you're trying to re-establish balance or feed the beneficial bacteria more, you want to eat things like leafy green vegetables, non-starchy vegetables, things with lots of fiber."
"Alcohol increases intestinal permeability, making the gut more leaky, which can cause more inflammation and immune reactions."
"Artificial sweeteners have an overall negative impact on your gut health, altering the microbe balance and contributing to glucose intolerance and metabolic disease."
"Most people don't realize that eighty percent of our serotonin is produced in our gut."
"Eating a balanced diet to me means including a lot of fermented foods, which are great for your gut."
"A plant-based diet is the ideal diet for your gut health."
"The reality is this: you can eat the ideal diet, you could exercise, you could sleep, you could meditate, but if you are not at peace with the stress in your life, it is going to have negative consequences on your gut."
"Fiber feeds our healthy gut microbes, important for preventing cancer."
"Eating a carnivore diet made my gut the calmest and quietest it's ever been."
"The ecosystem that it provides, it's the good bacteria, the signals it sends... the gut communicates with almost every organ in your system."
"Your gut has a direct relationship and direct effect on your brain, and if your gut is not happy, you are not happy."
"Everyone's gut is unique; it's a lot of like DNA. Everyone's gut is a little bit different, so a little bit of a different approach will suit different people."
"Our gut communicates with our brain through nerves and hormones, and when gut health is poor, it can directly contribute to health concerns."
"Every single plant has its own unique types of fiber... and when we make different dietary choices, this leads to more different species of microbes being fed and leads to more biodiversity within our gut microbiome."
"The gut barrier is the single line of defense we have between gut bacteria and lipopolysaccharides... If we mess that up, we open up a whole different can of worms."
"New research has also shown that our gut health is linked to brain health through the gut-brain axis."
"If our guts aren't functioning, nothing else will – not our hormones, not our thyroid, not our immune system, not our brain."
"70% of our immune system is along our gut lining. What we eat is what feeds our microbiome and that actually trains our immune system."
"You've got to feed your good gut bacteria, so you got to eat a ton of diverse plants."
"Probiotics have been shown to be beneficial to the intestinal lining."
"We're starting to move into think about therapeutic and interventional ways in which we can modify the microbiota."
"Probiotics are so, so necessary. They're so important for keeping your gut healthy."
"The links between soil health and gut health are just so obvious."
"Your gut is exactly the same. We need to give our guts the right foods in order for the good bacteria to thrive and flourish."
"Gut health is critical to just about everything."
"Imbalances of the good bacteria in the gut play a major role in vitamin K deficiency."
"A boost for your gut health backed by scientific research."
"If your gut's not healthy, you're not healthy."
"The right superfoods can soothe, nourish, and strengthen the gut's lining."
"I truly believe leaky gut is the underlying cause of most modern health issues."
"The mind is the first thing the gut is the first brain."
"One of the most striking things is... the gut connection to because there's a groove bacteria in the gut when they grow too much."
"I know that if I want to improve myself overall that actually I should look at my gut as well."
"Onions are particularly protective and have powerful prebiotic effects."
"The relationship between our gut bacteria and our health is extremely valuable."
"Our skin health is a direct reflection of our internal organs too."
"Exercise is not just for our body, it's for our skin too."
"Focusing on your gut health... has the potential to make a huge difference."
"Supporting gut bacteria with the right foods is crucial."
"We can retrain the immune system and you can seal leaky gut." - Dr. Gundry
"I get way more fiber and gut microbiome benefit from that than I would by eating a fresh bag of kale that's going to be having a bunch of oxalates in it."
"You have to take care of the gut first if you want to heal your skin."
"If your gut isn't healthy, then you're not healthy."
"Acromancia is so important for protecting your gut."
"They're also extremely good for gut health and boosting your immune system."
"Fiber feeds the bacteria you want to keep in your gut."
"We can influence [the gut] easier than genetics or environments to address diseases."
"Everything about the gut microbiome matters in some way."
"Diverse array of fermentable fiber feeds good gut bacteria."
"Gut health is just important for your overall well-being. That's your energy, that's your stress levels, that's your lack of nutrition, that's your physical inactivity. It's everything."
"An optimized microbiome can be achieved by a large diversity of plant-based foods."
"Your gut ecosystem evolves depending on what you feed it and external factors."
"I really want to find out more. What are some recommended resources that you can point people in the direction of?"
"The gut stuff who are part of the TV show they have amazing resources on their website in terms of gut health."
"When you're stressed, your structure and function of your gut changes slightly."
"Collagen: potentially good for skin, hair, nails, gut health."
"Your gut bacteria can actually change dramatically based on what time of year it is."
"The probiotic supplements cannot proliferate and colonize if they don't have the prebiotics."
"The number one way to increase your microbiome diversity is to increase the diversity of foods that you're eating."
"You are what you eat, and what your gut bacteria eats even more importantly."
"If the purpose of your fast is gut rest, which I think is an important part of fasting, and I think both of those are probably tweaking your gut."
"We saw a patient who had dementia... we essentially did this detective work... and we found she had tremendous gut issues, massive nutritional deficiency... and we simply corrected those things."
"How do you restore a healthy microbiome? Functional medicine approach to really heal the gut."
"It's super interesting how I didn't realize how the gut was so important to everything in your body."
"Fermented foods give the body probiotics which feeds the healthy bacteria."
"Beta glucans... a kind of fiber that once it gets into your gut, it really feeds the microbiome."
"You really need to protect your gut and protect the microbiome because it protects you."
"Overuse of antibiotics destroys gut microflora and leads to low stomach acid."
"I've had people add a probiotic and also they started losing weight because they need to they that was people that are actually overweight and thin they have different microbial balances they have different types of microbes in their gut."
"Simple pillars like prebiotics, probiotics, and the color of the rainbow."
"There's an incredible role that the gut microbiome plays in our metabolism."
"The benefits of fermenting your food is that you get all of the nutrition and you get those fantastic good bacterias in your body."
"If you've got a good healthy gut bacteria that also kills all kinds of viruses that may make it in there."
"Greens are the ultimate gut health supplement."
"Probiotics and gut health have so many benefits."
"With 80% of your immune system living in your gut, any gut problem can make it harder for your body to keep you healthy."
"But short chain fatty acids then have a positive impact on our gut microbiome so it's creating this positive cycle."
"Your gut is adaptable, research has shown that the choices that you make today can start to impact your gut by tomorrow."
"All disease begins in the gut." - Hippocrates
"You're eating to make sure that your good bacteria thrive and the bad bacteria are controlled."
"You're now building a gut microbial environment that promotes healthy cell metabolism, DNA repair, anti-carcinogenesis."
"Feed your gut bugs the food that they were evolved to eat."
"We've kind of evolved our thinking away from just RS into the whole gut health arena."
"Your gut health is everything. It's everything especially when balancing skin conditions."
"I've been loving this prebiotic gut friendly soda from Poppi. It tastes delicious, it's healthy, there's apple cider vinegar but you can't taste it."
"All disease begins in the gut, he's had and he was right."
"70 to 80% of our immune cells live inside our gut isn't that crazy now do you understand why it is so important to have a probiotic."
"If you have any sort of food allergies or food sensitivities you probably have leaky gut."
"Kellogg was way ahead of his time in understanding that the bacteria in your gut influences your total health."
"The microbial activity in kefir can actually colonize the intestinal tract, while yogurt acts more like a prebiotic."
"There have actually been a lot of studies linking gut health to mental health."
"And there's great evidence that in animal models you can totally change how permeable the gut barrier is by changing the gut microbiota through diet."
"Polyphenols are super powered for the guts because anything bitter and barky feeds our gut flora, especially the ABCs."
"Our gut is like a hard drive, and if we don't have the gateways up and firewalls up then we're exposed to anything."
"A diverse gut is ultimately a healthier gut."
"It's just proven time and time again that if you isolate down to one thing and stick to it your gut microbiota will heal the body will take care of the rest the body heals thyself."
"Fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi have advantages for the gut microbiome."
"Probiotics show promising results for women's weight management and gut health."
"Our gut microbiome can be improved, enhanced, fortified."
"Support the gut microbes, eat fiber, avoid the stuff that harms them, and allow your body to naturally recover." - Dr. Will Bulsiewicz
"Your gut helps regulate your hormones, your digestive health, your immunity - everything starts there."
"A healthy gut microbiome is crucial to a healthy life."
"Juice cleansing can also be really helpful in repairing the gut and helping to alleviate inflammation."
"Eat a variety of plants, it's essential for gut health."
"The sweet spot for creating gut diversity is when people consume 30 different types of plants on a regular basis."
"The appendix serves as a bacterial nursery to replenish the flora in your gut."
"The biggest problem to solve is if someone has gut issues, they need to do carnivore but they want to do carnivore but they're a vegetarian."
"Our stomach is our second brain meaning it's connected to our mind."
"Junk food makes bad bacteria thrive... We also know fruit and veg creates a diversity of bacteria."
"How do we create the healthiest gut possible? Fermented foods steadily increase microbiota diversity and decrease inflammatory markers."
"The notion that you should be fueled by fiber is basically disproven. Fermented foods improve gut diversity."
"So yeah, it improves bowel regularity, but can't be used by our good gut bacteria to make those compounds that block your cravings, right?"
"These interesting foods all have this common theme: they're all really good for your gut microbes."
"If you can think of your gut microbes with this gardening analogy, you can't go far wrong."
"Our dietary pattern is this scale of balance where you can be putting stuff on the side that heals and nourishes your gut microbiome in your entire body."
"Fiber-rich foods feed your gut bacteria; they're essentially prebiotics."
"Fiber is the nutrient for your bacteria and you have to feed your gut."
"The gut is where most of the action is and because the gut controls most of the immune system."
"You've got to leave at least 12 hours for optimal gut health."
"A healthy gut leads to a healthy body."
"Fermented foods... are a great source of natural probiotics that can improve the diversity of your gut microbiome."
"You can't go wrong if you do things that are going to be good for your gut microbes."
"A significant portion of your neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine are actually made in your gut."
"When your gut is having problems, your mood will often suffer as well."
"Dysregulation in the barrier of your gut can lead to systemic inflammation and autoimmune disease."
"Greek yogurt is high in protein and probiotics, really good for your gut."
"Your gut is adaptable; you change your diet today, your gut microbiome will be different by tomorrow."
"We are simply not consuming these types of foods, the foods that our gut microbes are used to, the foods that our gut microbes thrive when we consume."
"The absolute classic, the number one that everyone should be talking about, are the short-chain fatty acids."
"Having more plants within our diet... how can this really help support that healthy gut barrier?"
"These short chain fatty acids actually help us to create the proteins that seal the barrier and keep the cells together."
"Exercise your gut and you will make it stronger."
"We should all be orienting our diet and lifestyle towards supporting the gut microbiome."
"Our gut bacteria communicates to our brain, communicates to our immune system, communicates our inflammatory system, helps us heal."
"If you change your diet, you can increase the number of good bacteria in your gut."