
General Well-being Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"Keeping a healthy mouth, including healthy teeth, tongue, gums, and palate, is oh so important not just for your mouth but also for your heart, gut, skin, and brain health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Sleep is the tide that rises all other health boats."
"Everything seems to be going pretty well, really."
"2020 might be a year where it's just overall a really good year."
"More people having a nice time is never bad."
"If you want to be a healthy man, I'd say first of all, just like be a healthy human being."
"It puts a lot of smiles on a lot of people's faces for sure."
"The ultimate aim, well, generally to improve health, I assume."
"Things are going quite well I must say. We've gotten off to a great start."
"Everybody needs to feel like it's a good time, it's right."
"Life is important. Health is important. Family is important. Happiness is important."
"Almost everyone has a pretty normal life now. Almost everyone."
"80% of the population is just happy with stability. They just want to raise their family, they just want to be left alone."
"If you're happy, you're just going to do better work in general."
"The bottom line is that when you lose weight in most cases you're going to be healthier."
"There's a lot of really good things happening."
"Good things are happening, good things are happening."
"It's a good sign that things are getting better."
"It's gonna be a good year for everyone watching this."
"Life is good, functioning government, all the stuff I always talk about."
"Everything is actually going pretty well so far."
"It's all about trying to enhance life and improve it."
"It makes the world an amazingly better place."
"Not everyone is mentally ill, but everyone has to look after their mental health."
"Did you have a good time? Oh, we had an incredible time!"
"Everything is good and terrible at the same time."
"A month of new beginnings... fresh start for everyone."
"We're here to have a great experience, you know."
"You will have a good upcoming time period in your life."
"The time is looking excellent, and no major issues are foreseen."
"I think everything else is feeling the cooler temperatures, and everything's just improving so much."
"Safety is more important than it's ever been."
"These are some of the things that bring us comfort."
"For any normal human being... should be nothing short of good news."
"We all like to have joy around this time of year."
"Enjoy the day, everybody. Hope you're feeling good about life and the way of the world. Things are gonna be all right."
"People get tired. People get burnt out in general. Feeling overwhelmed. Damn, that's definitely unique."
"2020 has been, you know, pretty shitty for everyone so far so uh in order to change that just for a little bit."
"Testosterone is so valuable for so many things... it is not just for erect, it is not just for libido."
"If this world ate better, not perfect but better."
"I want everyone to be healthy and happy, that's it."
"The Wheel of Fortune is turning for everybody with this moon."
"Everybody can go about their business and be safe."
"Everything usually just kind of works out for me."
"I feel like pretty much everyone's looking to find a little peace these days."
"I do think 2024 will be a good year, I hope that 2024 will also be a better year for everyone."
"If we have a good economy then everything else works."
"The number six year, the number of love, so I think there are good things in store for all of us."
"Life is good right, can't be mad about anything. Life is good."
"Almost everything is positive. Makes me feel good."
"Overall success, overall romance, including about health, about life in general, about everything. So this is what Jupiter will bring literally for everybody."
"That's all I could ever want for myself and for everybody."
"Every area of my life is better because of it."
"So, I guess that's a happy ending for everyone."
"There could be a positive emotional shift overall."
"It's not just the specific symptoms you went in for; it's probably going to help in other areas of your life as well."
"Peace and Harmony is always good for people."
"You deserve the utmost, period, and I'm talking about in general, not just love."
"If you eat generally well, you'll feel generally well."
"I just think with time, everyone is gonna be okay."
"It's like they convinced everyone that they're doing okay."
"When you appreciate the good things, things tend to go well."
"Let us hope that collectively in the grand scheme of things 2023 is a little bit better than 2022."
"Everybody can benefit from talking to someone every now and then."
"Everyone could do with therapy, you know? Not everyone has a defined mental illness, but everyone certainly has mental health."
"Health is something that's across the board, whether you're rich or poor."
"We're living in a good time... to have a great life."
"You need to have a way that you can live a lifestyle."
"Hope you guys are having a good week so far."
"Socialization is good for you; socialization is good for children; it's good for dogs; it's good for people and animals to be in the same place because socialization is important."
"But one thing we know for sure is that we need our sleep."
"I feel pretty decent about everything. We're all kind of in the same shoe right now of uncertainty."
"It's gonna be a fantastic week, boys and girls."
"That's going to have a really positive impact on your overall yes."
"Definitely nothing to complain about here whatsoever."
"Please stay safe, whether that's due to COVID, due to protesting, due to anything."
"Be safe be healthy god bless all of you because at the end of the day we need god's blessings totally in our lives."
"April looks absolutely fantastic! Freedom from the past. April looks good for everybody."
"Life is just good across the board right now."
"I think being positive just helps everything."
"I know we all could use a little bit of comfort and joy."
"I hope you guys are feeling good and all that good stuff."
"Stay informed, stay smiling, and say about life for more."
"I felt less stress when it came to life in general."
"I'm just hoping everybody's safe."
"Everything in your life gets better."
"It's about making humans feel safe, yes, in general."
"That's very special and just makes us feel good in general about our home."
"It's gonna be great for everything right there."
"Another great day in so many ways."
"On the whole, it's a happy time period for most of you for sure."
"Women in general just need to feel safe."
"You're getting really good news in general, it's all good."
"You just need a break from things in general."
"You're finding success just in general."
"This transit is a big relief for everyone in general."
"Good luck is coming in for you in general but also good luck in love."