
Vision Quotes

There are 15222 quotes

"The more of the visual world that you can see as if you were actually the one doing the motion, the better."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Presbyopia translates to disease of vision of the aged, affecting everyone around age 40 or so, when we start needing reading glasses due to the stiffness of the lens inside our eye."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Be patient and persistent; if you have a vision, be persistent to that vision, be patient with it."
"The moment you have a definite vision of what you want, you begin to attract it."
"Develop your personal vision, the positive motivating picture of your future."
"Set goals with no limitations, dream big right now, and see some kind of image, some vision in your mind."
"Hold your vision. Stay fixed on your vision, don't give up."
"You guys are literally starting a whole new you, a whole new vision for you, a whole new vision for your future."
"The future of work is not just about getting employees engaged with a company's vision. Future work will be about being engaged with an employee's vision."
"It's about finding and hiring people smarter than you, getting them to join your business and giving them good work, then getting out of the way and trusting them. You have to get out of the way so you can focus on the bigger vision. That's important."
"I feel awakened. I now envision great things for me. It was like I was spiritually touched."
"It's all about finding people smarter than you, getting them to come and work at your business, giving them great work, making it fun, then stepping back and leaving them alone so you can focus on your vision. Make their work a mission."
"Vision without action is a dream that never can come to pass."
"The greatest tragedies in life are people who have sight but no vision."
"The future is bright; all we need to do is see it."
"You should spend an enormous amount of time thinking about what you want from life. You need a very clear vision, a powerful compelling vision."
"Great leaders envision a compelling and different and vibrant future than what is here. They have an alternative clear view of what the world could be like tomorrow than it is today."
"I often tell people, I'm sick of hearing what you hate, I'm sick of hearing what you're against, I'm sick of hearing what you're complaining about. Tell me what you want, tell me what you're for, tell me your vision of what a great country would be like."
"Don't discount those periods where you're laying the foundation, where you're doing the research, where you're introspecting, where you're dreaming, where you're coming up with visions."
"Self-awareness is really an awareness of your personal vision."
"Without a clear vision, you'll end up running in multiple different directions instead of staying focused on what truly matters in your life."
"Leadership is about creating a world to which people want to belong."
"To me, powerful just means you can close your eyes, imagine a world, a better world than the one we have today, you can then open your eyes and actually create that world."
"We own the vision, and upon this foundation, Africa will be built and will rise."
"It's unfortunate but she was a great one. She had a vision of flying, in which she made a drawing of wings and how steam could be used to power an engine that would help her to fly."
"Youthfulness is revitalized when you have a vision or a goal that brings you to life."
"Your goals are the targets you're after... Your goals are really just the stepping stones that allow you to turn your vision into a reality."
"A community I want to be a part of, in a world I want to create."
"The idea is to expand out, start not just with an outpost but grow into a larger base, not just like there are in Antarctica but really a village, a town, growing into a city, and then multiple cities on Mars."
"You can't build a Great Society on fear; it has to be built on vision, and on love, and on higher things."
"SpaceX was founded with the goal to make life multiplanetary. We are one step closer to making that a reality."
"Vision is more important than leadership because vision is what creates the leader."
"At its core, as a leader, you need to be able to imagine a better future and communicate it to others very effectively."
"What's your vision for the world? What is that thing worth fighting for? What is your Mount Everest?"
"Perhaps the reason you do not possess a vision is that such an ambition has yet to be engendered within you."
"Where there is no prophetic vision, the people perish."
"Vision is my thing... my one thing would be getting vision from Him and then making other people believe it. I'm anointed to do that."
"Where there is no vision, the people perish... but when you attend to what He reveals, those people are most blessed."
"You lead America, the land of possibilities, you need a vision for the future and what can and should be done."
"Joe Biden's horrible divisive vision for the future includes more people having healthcare, wages being higher, a more equal set of opportunities for people, less income inequality, lower prescription drug cost, a livable planet for our children and grandchildren."
"Protect your vision; don't let people destroy that vision."
"Your mind is your most powerful tool. If you have that motivational, very powerful, and realistic vision in your mind, whether it's for career or personal attributes, it will change the way you behave."
"Vision, for example, is an activity of the soul. The eyes don't see; the soul sees through the eyes."
"Specifying a destination and developing a vision are synonymous in navigating life."
"Having the vision and doing a little bit of strategy and homework is the most important thing."
"Focus on a vision beyond yourself and your unicorn will help you."
"Being a director...you just have to know what you want and what your vision is."
"Keep that vision clear, keep seeing that thing that you know is about to arrive and, in divine timing, it will."
"Create such a compelling vision for yourself that your heart becomes full of that magnetic, amazing, inspiring energy."
"A clear vision and a properly aligned vibration will get you excited, eager, and ready to get into action."
"So many minds, so many possibilities; I can see them all."
"I'd rather wear glasses than not wearing, mate. They help me see."
"Your thinking power will be rising; you show ultimate brilliance and will show the world that you have unique ability and vision."
"Trying to make something that you really believe in come true, to bend the world to your will, to close your eyes and imagine a world that is better than this one, open your eyes and then execute to make that world come true, you will love your life."
"Tonight we celebrate more than just a creator; we celebrate a visionary who has worked tirelessly to ensure the games and community they love thrive and evolve."
"Arthur wanted to create a land with no pain, no sadness, and where no one is exposed to any kind of threat."
"I see a future where we defend democracy, not diminish it."
"Hold your vision. Wherever you put your focus, your energy, it will grow."
"People invest in people's visions and stories."
"The most important thing is that you have a vision, that you have a goal."
"The world's crying out for a positive vision of the future."
"You can make happen what you see with your eyes if you have confidence in yourself."
"I am in complete and absolute support of his work and his vision... because I know it takes a team to be successful and to grow."
"We focused on the eye because we thought reversing blindness would be pretty cool and could be a drug, a very quick drug to develop relative to the whole body. And it worked."
"This is pretty cool. If I furnish this building nicely, this would actually be a pretty cool space."
"There's always somebody who doesn't believe in your vision; they don't matter. All that matters is what you believe, what you think of yourself."
"Power is the ability to close your eyes, imagine a world better than this one, and then open your eyes and be able to make that world come true."
"Success is consistent progress towards the vision. Ultimate success would be the realization of the vision."
"Consistency is so important, and to really be consistent, you can never deviate. The number one reason for failure and inconsistency is forgetting the vision, mission, and goal."
"When you create with a clear vision, other creators and people respect that and want to collaborate."
"Every day may bring ten new problems, but when you're surrounded by good people who share your vision, the process becomes so much more rewarding."
"Create the highest, grandest vision possible for your life because you become what you believe."
"Leadership is about vision and responsibility, not all about power."
"We have an American ideal, we have an American vision, but we don't have an American soul."
"You gotta sell a big enough dream that the dreams of everybody you're ever gonna have involved in your organization fit inside the one you're selling."
"I can call a thing that is not seen as though it were seen, and the unseen becomes seen."
"Vision is seeing the future before it comes into being."
"The poorest man in the world is not a man without money; it's a man without vision."
"Vision is foresight with insight based on hindsight."
"Father, I come right now in the name of Jesus, on the authority of your word, I ask for you to open my spiritual eyes. Help me to see your realm and your world in a clearer way than ever before."
"I appreciate everybody, you know, who actually bought into the vision that I was spitting out at the beginning."
"This year you initiate a new vision for your life, a new direction."
"That vision, that True Vision, that's your real identity."
"Your vision is yours and you have the power within you to bring forth your vision by working with the power of your subconscious mind."
"Power to me is the ability to close your eyes and imagine a world the way you wish it was, and then open your eyes and make that world come true."
"The visionary constantly reminds us where we're going and how much more we have to do, celebrating how much of the iceberg is above the ocean, yet acknowledging the majority is still underneath."
"The human eye is obviously insane. It has crazy dynamic range and foveated rendering and great sharpness."
"If you're not being defined by a vision of the future, then you're left with the old memories of the past and you will be predictable in your life."
"Many of you need to open your spiritual eyes, not just your physical eyes. You need to have true faith."
"Birthing a new age, birthing new creations, dreaming a new world into being."
"Where there is no vision, the people will perish."
"Where there is no vision, the people perish."
"If you're not being defined by a vision of the future, it means you're making your past more real than your future."
"Thucydides, the ancient Greek historian and general, once said, 'The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out and meet it.'"
"The only thing worse than being blind is having sight with no vision."
"Master your destiny by discerning, having clear vision, and focusing on the details."
"Our vision is directionally right, like you're not going to get your vision hundred percent right, but you're heading in the right direction."
"Success is a war over the invisible; it's having the faith and vision to see what could be, can't be, and will be."
"Trust yourself, trust your vision, take aligned and inspired action."
"A vision is how you see everything you've completed; a goal is a stepping stone towards that bigger vision."
"We are eternally grateful to our early supporters who showed faith and invested in our vision. Thank you."
"You have to be a visionary of your own life to see how little changes can snowball into massive qualitative explosions of change in the future."
"The goal is to have a vision for your life such that, all things considered, that justifies your effort."
"You can be pushed towards a vision in which case you need motivation and it probably means that the vision isn't really for you, or you can be pulled by a vision in which case there's so much joy and relentlessly pursuing that vision that you cannot help but be successful getting to that vision."
"I think in being successful at anything, you have to be able to create a vision."
"I am a visionary, learning from the past to better predict the future."
"Some of you may already have a vision of where you see yourself in the future. I would call that your future self."
"Let's just try to go back to what made this country great, to a grand vision and not just little petty stuff."
"Everything in the world that has been created that's meaningful, big, ambitious, beautiful started with a vision, an image in someone's mind."
"Renewal requires effort. You have to see a different reality and you have to make it happen."
"A New Earth: It's happening. Keep holding the vision."
"We're trying to change America for the better and the entire world."
"A compelling vision of the future that motivates action is essential for any effective strategy."
"Create a vision for yourself. It's really important to have this working version because it gives you something to work towards."
"We believe that we can offer people a positive vision of the future."
"Vision is most valuable. Where there is no vision, the people perish."
"Vision is the ability to see the invisible in order to make it possible."
"If you ever find a vision for your life, you might lose some friends, you might lose some excuses, you might lose some weight."
"Write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it."
"Vision came in the valley. God trusts people with vision in the valley."
"This is the year we get Clear Vision from God."
"The greatest gift God ever gave man is not the gift of sight but the gift of vision."
"Vision is limited only by the boundaries of your imagination."
"A Queen self-actualizes when she formulates a vision for her life."
"When a woman has a written vision for her life, she can easily discern who fits into her life and who does not."
"Discipline...before I went in, I kind of didn't have a real clear vision of where I wanted to go in life."
"Balance is important. Have fun with life, balance. Don't judge yourself, don't be too hard on yourself, have a vision for your life, for where you want to go, work hard, and don't let nobody outwork you."
"Flexible persistence combines the vision to stay the course with the agility to adapt when necessary."
"Vision A New Future for Yourself And Us All - This is a Collective Superpower."
"This ain't a song about submission, just about your vision."
"You have to get your body right, you have to get your mind right, you've got to get yourself right because yourself is the biggest tool that you have to create this vision that you're trying to create."
"It's about having a vision... In five years from now, or 10 years from now, things are gonna look a lot better."
"The key to having a vision is to have a dream. You've got to have a dream if you want to make a dream come true."
"I can see the Shire. The Brandywine River. Bag End. The lights in the Party Tree."
"Without an authentic, actionable vision for your life, you'll always be jumping from one goal to the next but still feel aimless."
"The goal was never to be a business; we just wanted to teach what we were about."
"Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."
"The vision that you glorify in your mind, the idea that you enthrone in your heart, this you will build by your life and this you will become."
"If you have a vision you can see, you keep pushing. Don't stop, I don't care if it's your wife, I don't care if your mom's telling you you're crazy, I don't care if your dad's telling you you're crazy. If you've got a vision and you can see it, you keep pushing."
"Be stubborn on vision, but flexible on the details."
"See yourself on that two-year journey, and imagine where you could be in two years' time."
"Kamina is a true visionary leader, exactly the type of leader humanity needs at that point."
"Kamina inspires us to think beyond what society says is possible and see what others can't see because they refuse to look in this completely new direction."
"I am a visionary, seeing cars, people, roads, and the world around me, constantly aware of my surroundings in the dark, the rain, and the snow."
"I see a different America, one that's generous and strong, selfless and humble."
"In May 2019, during a speech about Blue Origin's proposed Blue Moon lunar lander, Bezos shared his vision of using rockets to actually move energy production and heavy industry off Earth."
"These are more than just site location documents or materials; they are visioning exercises for what our community could look like 10, 20, 30 years down the road."
"The vision remains the same, and that's really to have meaningful impact."
"When you have a clear outcome, suddenly you start seeing how to achieve it where no one else can figure it out, because you have a clear outcome."
"We are the pioneers, the star sailors, the visionaries."
"Your life only goes as far as your vision. If you lack vision, you're walking blindly."
"What is important from a leader is not how many beliefs he holds that are identical to the citizens, but rather what core values and vision for the future he possesses and puts into action."
"The number one cause for divorce is not because of the lack of money; it's because of the lack of vision and thought behind money."
"The clarity of a vision that could set schemes in motion that would not come to fruition for over twenty thousand years is simply staggering."
"When there is no vision, the people perish; my vision is for perfect health, harmony, power, and peace."
"You are a visionary and see far into the future."
"The Lord opened the eyes of the young man, and he saw: and behold, the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about Elisha."
"The key is to get out of our comfort zone. That's, my friends, the key to becoming a visionary."
"Each in our own small way can be that Visionary that changes the world."
"When you have a clear vision, it's your way of saying yes or no."
"You're gaining clarity and understanding on what you want to do next, and this vision is going to allow you to, with precision, get to exactly whatever your destination is."
"I have come to tell you, for you are greatly beloved; therefore consider the matter and understand the vision."
"Without a vision, that's where people perish. You have to have a vision for your life and for your money, and the two have to be congruent."
"We must envision a violence-free and stress-free society."
"Our response to the climate emergency... is the biggest global economic opportunity in the history of humankind."
"We envision that this region can be a place where the opportunity for prosperity and growth exists for all people."
"The vision of the bidder is for Manchester United Football Club to be renowned for football excellence and regarded as the greatest football club in the world."
"My vision wall reminds me of really important things... It's super motivating."
"It's up to us whether [pain] does [serve us] or not. You must create a vision of something greater, see it as it is, then see it better than it is, and make it the way you now see it."
"It's education; it's literally seeing what nobody else sees."
"This person is a visionary. They feel like the world is filled with possibilities and may give them a hard time settling down."
"If you can see it in your head, you can accomplish it."
"It's not saying Plan B means I don't have faith in my Plan A; it's just that I'm a grown person, and I got vision, and I can see breadth and depth and not just straight in front of me."
"Lord, thank you for removing the scales from my eyes so that I can truly see the wonders of your glory and grace."
"The vision is really, really important. Brands actually help attract really good people to your business as well."
"If you want something and if you have a vision, stick with it and work hard at it."
"One of the reasons that Elon is compelling to me is that I buy into the idea that the future of humanity is among the stars."
"Develop a vision, unfold all those manifold possibilities that lurk within, be a force for good in the world."
"The Keen vision of raptors enables them to fly quickly and strike with incredible precision."
"Leadership involves clear vision, respecting people because they are worth it, not because you have to, and taking advantage of people's strengths rather than focusing on their weaknesses."
"Believing in yourself, having confidence, trusting in your vision are super important for success."
"We must reverse our country's decline and that requires leadership."
"This is what I mean when I say Gold and Silver were probably the closest thing to the team's original vision that we'll ever get."
"You're being given the gift of vision to see a path through the darkness."
"The secret of fruitfulness... is the secret of seeing Jesus."
"People need a vision of what life is supposed to be and what meaning is supposed to constitute."
"So what do we do now? And what we realized we had to do was create a vision for Samuel and let him create a vision for himself."
"What kind of world do you want them to grow up in? Who do you want them to be? Who do they want to become?"
"I cannot thank the Morphe team enough for working with me and believing in me and making my vision come to life."
"If you've got a vision, there's no such thing as an unrealistic vision."
"I am actually going to only present one idea to you - that we have to totally revamp education."
"I never want us to pull up the drawbridge and retreat from the world."
"It is only with the heart that one sees clearly; what is essential is invisible to the eye."
"If you know what you want, the vision that you have, I think everyone's got an incredible vision. Anything is possible; whatever life you want to create, you can make it real."
"Create a vision that will carry you through a crisis. It's mandatory in healing, it's mandatory for self-confidence, mandatory for the body to instill belief and hope."
"Once you have a vision and perspective for your life, it's easy for things to fall into their respective places."
"He's had two visions, both of which were to stop lots of people from dying and nothing else."
"10x is where you imagine a seemingly impossible future and you use that future to dictate your strategy, not the past."
"An actual leader truly needs to be able to disappoint and to dissatisfy in the short term for a vision that, if he's a good leader, will do good in the long term."
"Change is needed, not just for the UK. I don't just want us to leave the European Union; I want Europe to leave it as well."