
Experience Quotes

There are 85618 quotes

"The more of the visual world that you can see as if you were actually the one doing the motion, the better."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Brains are complicated. And the brains we have are the result of genetics and experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Neuroplasticity...is how connections in the brain change in response to experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I've been meditating on and off since I was 16 years old. I'm 45 now. So that's about 30 years of on and off meditation."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In the olfactory system, meaning is imposed by learning and experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think work-life balance is best learned the hard way."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There are certain things you can only learn the hard way, and so you should learn that the hard way."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I think ultimately the way to come up with new ideas or inspiration is to collect the raw materials of experience and then give ourselves these periods... to marinate and combine in whatever ways that are unique to you."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"By studying the brain processes, we can map it with conscious experience. But... how is it that purely physical processes... are transformed into this vivid first-person experience of life?"
"The experience itself is indescribable because it is a needle on the record...you can only experience what the needle is experiencing in that moment."
"What if you could alter your perception of time and space, experience what it feels like to be someone or something else—a tree, a lizard, or even a laugh?"
"Innate doesn't mean hardwired; innate means structured in advance of experience."
"What we humans love to do is identify some component of an experience that we like, isolate that component from the rest of the parts, and then amplify that one component as much as possible."
"Never take directions from someone who hasn't been where you're going."
"Each failure in your life is gaining XP. It's about learning, not about performance."
"Information is garbage everywhere; you can always use garbage information to find true knowledge though, knowledge gives you true experience."
"Our brain contains a map of our experience, a map of everything that happened to us from the womb until just a moment ago."
"We carry everything with us and have to acknowledge that the way we see things, the way we view the world, and what we believe is not just our own experience."
"Honestly, that ride is absolutely phenomenal. Words cannot describe how awesome it is."
"Disability impacts everyone... at some point, almost everybody is going to experience disability in one way or another."
"We have to live our experience as it is, and we have to live it awake."
"You have three choices: you can go down, you can go sideways, or you can say, 'This is going to be the best experience of my life.'"
"Consciousness is not all, is not everything. There are no things for consciousness to be the all of. There is just consciousness, just this clear water of unmixed consciousness that never gets mixed with anything other than itself."
"Reality is truly unnameable, but we don't make that statement until we have really discovered that. We reserve making that statement until we have really reduced experience back and back and back into its origin."
"To the question of what is a meaningful human life, there's not just my own experience, but how do I relate to the whole of life?"
"Please spend $50 on a churro. Okay, I tell you what, it'll be the most magical churro of your life."
"Make every moment an exciting, fun experience."
"We do not learn from experience; we learn from reflecting on experience."
"We cannot selectively numb emotions, when we numb the painful emotions, we also numb the positive emotions."
"I get to choose how I experience every moment of my life."
"You can't lose by an experience because either one of two things is gonna happen, I'm either gonna have success or I'm going to have an experience that's gonna teach me something."
"You can be surrounded by all the knowledge in the world, but you do kind of have to live in order to really understand the meaning behind it all."
"Spirituality is allowing the full human experience to wash over you because that's why we're here I believe to experience everything that we can and to learn and grow through it."
"I feel like my life has changed forever in so many ways from this experience."
"Whatever this experience was helped you grow, it's gonna help you actually in the future."
"He's also a professional live stream host. I don't know if anybody else could help. Steve has been doing this for decades. He is extremely experienced and natural."
"It's actually a dance; it's really an experience between them and you."
"This is some of the best food I've ever had."
"The longer you do something, the better you get at it."
"Mindfulness allows us to shift our relationship to our experience."
"To truly learn something, it takes more than just watching; you have to experience it."
"When I'm asked how long a picture takes, I reply, thirty years and one half-hour. It took many years to get to that level and a half hour to paint it."
"Journey or destination? Of course, it's the journey. The journey is the beauty of it, the fun part, where you learn, grow, and create."
"When you don't have a lot of experience, things just hit differently."
"Grace is a dynamic force that does more than affect our standing with God... it affects our experience as well."
"Consciousness is there in every one of our experiences. After all, what is life, if not experiences?"
"The knowing with which I know my experience is eternal and infinite, and everything I experience is made of that."
"Come to this Expo. You just do it. Don't even overthink it. Come to the next one. It's gonna be an amazing experience."
"Each experience is just as important to the Creator. All of them are just as important."
"Dragon's Dogma 2 and Dragon's Dogma Dark Arisen are not games to be consumed; they are games to be learned."
"Why is the performance of these functions accompanied by experience? Why doesn't all this information processing go on in the dark, free of any inner feel?"
"Experience is not the best teacher, evaluated experience is."
"This entire experience was nothing short of fantastic."
"Life can get really, really bad, much worse than you could ever imagine. And life can get really, really good, much better than you could ever imagine."
"Here's the thing, you are a performer. You've been performing for years, so you have a natural comfort up there that most people who are new wouldn't have."
"We are all indigenous to this Earth, so we are expanding the body intellect of knowledge through all of our experiences and sharing information."
"It's not necessarily about the experience but the meaning that you make of it that has an impact on you."
"Which worldview makes human experience intelligible?"
"We were never supposed to learn from experience; we were supposed to learn by faith."
"The fullness of life is not about having many things, it's about feeling the intensity of being alive."
"I am not what happens; I am the space in which everything happens."
"Every experience like this experience we are having right now is part of the dreamscape, and your body and mind are also fictional characters in the dreamscape."
"You never get over it, you just deal with it better."
"A common question that I get is whether you must play the first title to enjoy this one and the answer is no, but knowing some of the wealth of lore of the Dragon's Dogma Universe certainly adds to the experience."
"The purpose of life is to experience, and that's why dreamers are vital because they think outside the box, they look at the bigger picture."
"I don't want to leave the jungle because I want to be with those people on that mission, and that whole experience becomes great."
"I bet there's some form of movement where if you were really there, you would have an amazing experience, a sense of yourself or a connection with others."
"Faith is not being gullible. Faith is based off of experience. It's based off of something I've tasted, it's based off of something I've been involved in."
"If you can speak from a place of experience, it tends to be a little bit more compassionate."
"Experience builds up equity intellectually so that you will be more profound and have a deeper understanding."
"Existentially, for you as you sit here, what is your experience of life? How profound is it? How pleasant is it? How wonderful is it? This is all that determines this destiny 100%."
"The only difference between someone who's proven to know what they're doing and a grandmaster is time."
"The more you chase the supernatural, the more it feels like it's chasing you."
"We did not come here to be labor workers... We came here to experience, to live, to thrive."
"When Joy takes flight, it can't be contained. It is robust, more than a smile or a laugh; it's an infectious experience."
"America needs to understand exactly what you just said. I'm only the man I am and the dad I am because I've taken the mistakes I made in life and I've turned that into a body of knowledge called experience."
"The captain had accumulated over 17,000 hours of flying experience."
"Tasting the kindness of the Lord means experiencing it."
"The conditions of a psilocybin journey, including whether or not it's done with eyes closed or eyes open, as well as whether or not music is played during that journey, will dictate whether or not somebody will feel better or worse in the days and weeks and years following that psilocybin journey."
"Every difficult experience makes us stronger for the next part of our journey."
"Being a parent is on-the-job training; there's no manual for parenting."
"This was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
"Trust in your ability to manifest; the fact that your thoughts absolutely shape your experiences."
"Immediate experience is, in many ways, the most important touchstone of value in our culture."
"It's time to let loose, let yourself enjoy the experience of Life."
"You want a good blend, you want some veteran experience within a locker room, but you also want youth and excitement."
"Curiosity is a very simple, universal experience."
"It was everything I thought it was going to be and more. Non-stop, non-stop, non-stop."
"Ethical values are derived from human need and interest, tested by experience."
"A review is nothing more than a description of an experience."
"I had accumulated all this knowledge and experience, and when that opportunity came, I seized it with everything I had."
"Dive into the whimsical of Willy's chocolate experience, a place where chocolate dreams become a reality."
"This movie is one of the most overwhelming cinematic experiences, especially if you see it in IMAX."
"You deserve anything that you desire to experience."
"Is this how Jim Carrey felt when he was playing the Grinch? This is very stressful right now."
"Experience, however painful, is the greatest teacher of all."
"Every person's experience is going to be different, but from what we've seen, big thumbs up."
"Until you don't become the experience itself, you don't understand it."
"We want to have the best experience in the best fighting game out there."
"You can only feel these feelings when you're camping and you're out in nature."
"Step back in time with me on this iconic 28-hour journey with dinner in Paris, waking up in the Swiss Alps, and writing postcards whilst gliding through the Italian lakes."
"Watching the world go by from the comfort of your luxury suite is an experience like no other."
"Issues of social justice are things that materially affect people's lived experiences of the world."
"Diversity of experience is critical to creativity."
"Guests are taught how to construct their very own custom-made lightsabers and bring them to life through the power of Kyber crystals."
"Our perception shapes our view of the world, and that in turn shapes our experience of the world."
"The thing about music is, it was your gang, it was your identity."
"You're not only living, you're learning every day."
"Whatever experience I lack, I make up for in heart."
"This is by far the most intense, frantic, menacing, terrifying experience that I've ever had."
"Every time you fail, you don't die, you actually gain knowledge and experience, and that's the gift of failure."
"Your state of consciousness is the most important thing. Your entire world that you experience is mediated through your state of consciousness."
"I caught it, I watched it, it was like slow motion."
"Giving the player a less optimized, less immediately fun experience can actually result in them remembering the game more fondly."
"You've learned through experiences. You build strength through experiences."
"Good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement."
"Science progresses by way of hypotheses tentatively tested and afterwards accepted or rejected according to the facts of experience."
"Every new experience then creates another new opportunity for us to dream even a greater experience for ourselves."
"As the Reaper of his own harvest, man learns both by suffering and bliss."
"You have to make mistakes to learn sometimes."
"Being able to draw individual experience from that abstraction, I think, is really important."
"All things that exist in the imagination can be experienced in what we call reality."
"People want to see and experience something they haven't seen before."
"The Ruin Stream Precipice... this is our first 10 out of 10. No questions."
"The worst thing that has ever happened to you is probably the best thing that's ever happened."
"From every experience, I grow healthier and mature."
"You're not starting from scratch; you're starting from experience."
"Heritability interacting with experience filtered through the randomness of development."
"This is kind of a fail but also a win in a way."
"There's no doubt that after all these years, The Haunted Mansion is one of the all-time classic attractions, a ghastly entertaining encounter that everyone needs to experience at least once in their life."
"That doesn't sit right with me, the fact that we just saw that. It gives me a really weird feeling."
"Enrichment is the idea of elevating the core experience of being inside of a space."
"Only fools learn from experience. Smart people learn from other people's experiences."
"Your body will turn that abstract thought into lived experience... it's actually really quite extraordinary."
"In my 30 years as a prosecutor, I saw it happen to women over and over again."
"Watching Vinland Saga feels like I'm getting read the greatest bedtime story ever told by my dad."
"There's going to be a lot of content for players to experience."
"Whatever you feed the mind, that's what you experience."
"It's a very important time where your young players that you are counting on to get the experience now, to get it in real-time."
"I like to go out and do stuff I've never done before."
"Nostalgia is our gateway to the past, allowing us to relive our most cherished memories whilst also adding to them with new experiences from the present."
"Life is such a beautiful thing; we're so blessed to be here. We can have a beautiful experience, but we just need to focus on creating more of that beautiful experience."
"Thinking positive will bring about positive experiences into one's life."
"You have to teach your body emotionally what the future will feel like ahead of the actual experience."
"The wicked cost of experience is that it leads you to be on autopilot."
"The cost of experience across the lifespan is that it leads you to be on autopilot and you become less attentive to new learning events."
"It's been great, man. It's been a great journey so far."
"Don't rush the process. If you rush the process, all you get is responsibility without experience."
"For yellow, every experience is a learning opportunity."
"You learn from it. You just continue to learn what works for you."
"There's something magical about the human relationship, the human experience, and I think there's a lot more that goes on between and amongst people than we yet even know."
"Historically people were hired for years of experience; in the future, people will be hired for experiences per year."
"The more I experience, the more data I accumulate, the more the urge to collect the experience, the more zest I have for life, and the more I want to guide and create my experiences."
"It's an extraordinarily beautiful and transforming experience."
"When that is transcended, another common experience is that we're all one."
"We are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively."
"I got vision and I got experiences and I got thousands and thousands of stories that I could tell that can touch the heart, the mind, the soul of just about anybody."
"This game is a fascinating mix of satisfaction and then frustration."
"It's very clear that Rockstar really wants you to slow down and truly feel like you're living in Arthur's custom crafted immersive moccasins."
"Have enough sex to know what you like and don't like, and date enough people to know what you like and don't like. Then, if you find a great person that feels great, go with it."
"The best part of the game is the journey, The moment you beat it, the fun is over."
"We are a space tour operator... We arrange for private individuals to actually fly up into space and experience it for themselves."
"The only way to progress is with experience, and to have experience you need to fail many times."
"I don’t bring all this up to say that Tears of the Kingdom is a disappointment - it’s one of the greatest gaming experiences I’ve ever had, and unless the new Mario game sends me ten thousand dollars in an unmarked envelope, it's a shoe-in for my game of the year."
"Life was never meant to be something to figure out and complete, but rather a reality to be experienced and enjoyed in every single moment."
"Our brain encodes new experiences, but not familiar ones, into memory, and our retrospective judgment of time is based on how many new memories we create over a certain period."
"We don't care that you don't have any experience. It is of no interest to us. We don't care. Just run in his place."
"The irreversible change that comes with endless re-experience."
"The real learning experience is having gotten knocked down and then getting up again."
"You don't want to just have the experience of climbing a fourteener or think that you've climbed it; you want to do it. But doing it is essential in order to feel that accomplishment."
"This Joanna was tougher, colder, a killer hardened by her years of experience."
"We've all sort of lived through a few political lifetimes in just these last couple of years."
"This run was full of ups and downs, twists and turns. What an insane run."
"Wisdom is the ability to make good decisions and is a combination of experience plus reflection."
"I think when it comes down to it at that point, KK's a veteran; he's been in the league longer."
"Being outside of your comfort zone does bring you that growth."
"Wisdom has no price. What I've learned over the years is that wisdom is a matter of perspective and experience."
"Handhelds just give this feeling of freedom that you don't get with anything else."
"You see, I've been in crypto now for three cycles, and I actually know exactly what part of the movie we're at."
"It's freedom for you up ahead, a freedom you have never experienced before."
"You do not understand sweetener until you go through some stuff."
"The right music can really take the experience to a whole new level."
"Lilo is bringing a whole new meaning to the concept of a song high note."
"A really healthy six-figure salary is definitely possible for someone with a significant amount of experience in blockchain development."
"The beautiful thing about mentorship and coaching... is that it's someone's entire experience that they jam-pack into a short amount of time."
"It's not about the games you play; it's about how you play them."
"Fleeting moments go; it's always a genuine experience, a wholehearted one."
"You are the absolute experiencing its own world."
"Embrace the journey of love with all its ups and downs, knowing that every experience is molding you into the person you are meant to become."
"Through no work of our own, we have finally experienced the supernatural."
"Wisdom is defined as the ability to act and make decisions with regard to one’s experience and knowledge."
"It's fascinating, if you've never done it, because there's actually no physical sense of hunger."
"Brain plasticity... the brain changes its function and its structure and it's modified by experience."
"You can actually increase intelligence... experience changes the brain."
"If you turn up your volume really loud, you can hear birds chirping."
"Embrace the journey. It's not about the destination, it's about the path."
"George HW Bush... was one of the most experienced people to ever run for president."
"That was beautiful, also just to be able to do it with my son, you know, being able to sit there, that father and son bond, doing what we do."
"Oh my goodness, that was actually terrifying."
"The stronger the emotion you feel from some outer experience in your life, the more altered you feel, the more the brain freezes the frame and takes a snapshot."