
Brain Quotes

There are 1718 quotes

"Brains are complicated. And the brains we have are the result of genetics and experience."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The human brain is, in many ways, amazing and in many ways, really dumb."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What's really special about the brain, and in particular the human brain, is its ability to place events in the context of past events, the present, and future events."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The brain is an extraordinary organ that weighs maybe 2% of your body mass, yet it consumes anywhere between 25 to 30% of all of your energy and oxygen. And it gets transformed into a mind, and this mind changes the human condition. It transforms fear into courage, conformity into creativity, sadness into happiness. How the hell does that happen?"
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"We can transform our brains with what we think and what we do."
"The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around."
"I'm not doing it anytime soon, but going back to the fact that I do think you can kind of rewire your brain."
"The brain is encased in total darkness and silence... creating a virtual reality for you."
"I believe that we have actually evolved parts of our brain that are intended for worship or transcendence."
"The brain constructs a working model of the world, testing those predictions against sensory information."
"Your world model emerges out of the continuous cycle of making predictions and updating the model based on sensory information."
"Our brain contains a map of our experience, a map of everything that happened to us from the womb until just a moment ago."
"Our thoughts literally change the physical shape of our brain."
"Your brain, which is the hardware, and your mind, which is the software, both affect one another."
"The brain has the ability to heal from traumatic experiences."
"The brain is resilient; the brain can adapt; you can learn new things."
"The brain is a highly efficient, energy-demanding organ that gets fully utilized."
"This organ inside of our heads consists of 84 billion neurons that fire in synchrony together. It is far, far more powerful than any supercomputer on the planet."
"The hard problem of consciousness is the problem of how physical processes in the brain give rise to the subjective experiences of the mind and of the world."
"Your brain is like a supercomputer, and your self-talk is a program it will run."
"We're bringing this ancient brain hardware, the prefrontal cortex, which is what you use to do goal-directed action, self-control, willpower, holding back, against a supercomputer pointed at your brain that is predicting the perfect thing to show you next."
"Your brain is trying to figure out what happened prior to getting or not getting a reward and it's comparing what you wanted compared to what you got."
"Your brain is the greatest pharmacy in the world."
"It can be a fantastic time to rewire your brain, to start the reprogramming process of how you perceive yourself and what is possible."
"So a lot of that information is really distributed across the entire brain."
"The human brain is a network of approximately 100 billion neurons, different experiences create different neural connections, which bring about different emotions."
"Whatever you are doing at any time, you are physically modifying your brain to become better at it."
"Watching pornography can have complex effects on the brain, attitudes, and behaviors, reflecting the nuanced nature of human psychology."
"The human brain is especially vulnerable to hacking."
"There's a kind of loss of an integrative flow of information across the brain when you lose consciousness."
"The brain has physical changes every time you learn something new."
"The most erogenous organ in humans is the brain, thought as a releaser, thought as a more powerful humans are not a particularly olfactory species."
"There's some fabulously beautiful story [about the brain] that we're hoping to understand."
"It is uncanny events like these that make Dr. Sam Parnia hypothesize that the psyche or 'self' may not originate in the brain at all, but could possibly be a separate undiscovered entity."
"You can't think without a brain. That may sound obvious, but when you get into the details, it's actually quite profound."
"You have neurons in your gut that sense what sorts of nutrients you've eaten or drank and then send neural signals electrical signals up to the brain."
"The brain does not generate consciousness; rather, consciousness creates the appearance of the brain."
"Neurofeedback changes your brain and can change our brain permanently as well."
"The powerful effects audio can have on our brain are well studied and scientifically accepted."
"The brain is really just a wet lump of fat and protein, no firmer than a blob of tofu. But the mind is huge; it's an ever-expanding organ of tissue and wood and stone and steel and people because of communication."
"The brain creates a model of reality that we inhabit... a lot of what the brain does is filter information out."
"I learned more about the human brain and mind in four hours on psilocybin than I learned in 15 years as a researcher."
"If everybody understood... how their brain works... we might have a better world."
"Your brain is always regulating your body, and your body is always sending sensory signals back to the brain."
"Don't skip out on the most important muscle in the body, which is the brain."
"Your brain literally shrinks rapidly if you're not getting these fats in."
"Omega-3s...have been shown directly to support the brain."
"It's so freaking fascinating how complicated humans are, like our brains, we basically know nothing about what's going on inside our own heads."
"The adult brain is composed of a hundred billion neurons, which is amazing to think about."
"Your brain is made to adapt to change and to grow, to rewire itself over and over; this is called neuroplasticity."
"The brain can't actually feel pain; it has a pain center but doesn't have pain receptors itself."
"Our brains are always changing, and we can change our brain."
"Neurocognitive disorders involve distress or disability from the loss of cognitive and often other functions of the brain after the nervous system has developed."
"It's like experiencing raw unfiltered brain electricity."
"Neuroplasticity...means that your brain is always changing. It's plastic. It's rewiring itself."
"The human brain is perhaps the most complex structure in the universe."
"25% of the total energy in your whole body is used to operate your brain."
"The brain uses energy at the rate of muscles of a marathon runner."
"The brain itself doesn't make the genius; maybe it's a necessary condition but not sufficient."
"A reduction in what's called the hierarchical organization of the brain."
"What really gave me hope was learning about the brain and brain plasticity."
"Watching porn inscribes certain arousal patterns in the brain... designed to lead the most compulsive users down this kind of rabbit hole of seeking out more and more extreme stimulation."
"Any time you start to mess with your brain, like the idea that someone could upload thoughts to your brain or download your thoughts, that's kind of freaky to me."
"Consciousness is not a product of the brain; it's something else entirely."
"Is the brain the most complex structure in the known universe?"
"The threads actually move with the brain even the normal pulsation of the brain and that help minimize stress within the brain tissue also and that has a long-term impact in the functionality of the device."
"The brain dictates everything; the brain named itself."
"Suppose you had access to the information of every other brain on this planet—no more secrets. Are we all connected? The answer is yes."
"After all the brain is a machine and while an amazingly complex and efficient one we can see a lot of little way we could do it better if we could start from scratch and use other materials."
"The brain is notoriously good at seeing things that aren't there and even changing memories."
"The brain...we're never going to be able to replace with any machine."
"We have a brain. We can control our destiny, but most animals cannot."
"The brain is constantly having to process tons of information. So it is always looking for shortcuts."
"Consciousness is in the space... The brain is translating the information in the space."
"You did it! You really have an extraordinary machine inside your head. It's called a brain."
"The brain is the most complicated organic thing we know of in the universe."
"Our brains are extremely biased toward convenience."
"The presence of high dimensional cavities when the brain is processing information indicates that the neurons in the network respond to stimuli in a remarkably organized manner."
"Every single thing we've learned as time has gone on about plasticity of the brain is that it's way more plastic through our later life than we initially thought."
"Deep sleep is when our brain cleans itself, it goes through a wash cycle."
"It's like going to the gym for your brain."
"Every time you learn a new fact or skill, you change your brain."
"Is this good for my brain or bad for it?"
"Berries... are supportive to brain health."
"People only use 10% of their brains."
"The human brain is capable of rewiring itself."
"You get fresh food, good for the brain, yeah."
"Neuroplasticity... the brain remains flexible throughout our lives."
"The brain acquires language when it can understand what is being communicated to it."
"Neurogenesis is the process in which new neurons or nerve cells are formed in the brain."
"Your brain has an estimated 2.5 million GB of storage capacity."
"...of all the tissues of the body that begin to suffer with chronic disease, the one that appears to respond the most robustly to dietary changes is the brain."
"When you mentally rehearse doing something, the brain does not know the difference between the outside world event and what you're imagining in your mind."
"Neuroplasticity: You're not stuck with the brain you have; you can make it better."
"The general kind of idea between neural nets and the brain is kind of the same."
"Make your brain your best friend."
"Neuroplasticity is basically the ability for the brain to change how it functions."
"Your brain has two hemispheres, the right deals with unknowns and the new, and the left deals with known."
"Gratitude actually rewires our brains, kickstarting the production of dopamine and serotonin."
"The human brain is a physical organ... in a fallen world it can be afflicted, it can get sick."
"Once you learn how to appreciate your brain, it's really fun in there."
"Maybe consciousness works in a similar way where we can never understand it simply by studying the brain."
"Companionship is literally the way our brains have been built to survive and thrive."
"Everyone's brain and spinal cord consist of nerves and the nerves are lined by a protective barrier called the myelin sheath."
"Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to adapt and the spinal cord's ability to adapt to damage."
"Have you ever wondered what truly lies in the recesses of your brain?"
"The brain consumes approximately 20 percent of the body's energy."
"Microglial cells are the cells in the brain; they are the macrophages of the brain, the innate immune system of the brain."
"Whatever is good for your heart is good for your brain."
"The brain has a hard time distinguishing between real and imagined experiences if they are vividly enough portrayed."
"You've got somebody who for example was born male and they say, 'I've always felt like I am female,' and you look in their brain and in a lot of those regions, their brain looks more female than male."
"...what we do to our bodies can affect our brains so this idea that if we can reduce inflammation in our body that can also reduce inflammation in our brain or certainly help symptoms in our brain."
"...when you're learning, your brain cells are reaching out and making new connections."
"...this brain that I'm lugging around, I have the power to change that."
"We want to reduce the synaptoclastic and increase the synaptoblastic."
"Addiction is a broken pleasure sense; it's a broken reward system."
"Addiction is a disease of the brain and it has very little to do with a specific drug."
"It's a brain disease... the actual dysfunction, the biological dysfunction, occurs in the brain."
"Psilocybin is known to increase neuroplasticity, which is the creation of new neurons in your brain."
"I thought that was just a theory. No, it was. If I'm right, we can access the area of the brain that governs repair and chemically recode it."
"Your brain does exactly what it thinks you want it to do."
"The human brain is made up of billions of connections. These connections are how we learn, think, process information, create memories."
"Your brain has 86 billion neurons."
"This audio rewires your brain to have greater stress resilience."
"Meditation has been proven to help build and strengthen the neurotransmitters in our brain helping everything from concentration to memory decision making and even strengthening our emotional intelligence."
"What's extraordinary about the brain is not so much the number of neurons, though there are about 90 billion."
"Perception is, by necessity, a process of inference in which the brain interprets ambiguous and noisy sensory signals with respect to some prior expectations or beliefs about the way the world is."
"The brain's predictions about the causes of sensory signals."
"Our brains have something called neuroplasticity, so your brain is malleable; it changes, it develops."
"Meditating calms the brain and changes the neurologic functioning of the brain."
"The neural network mimics the structure of our brain to carry out tasks like image recognition and conversation."
"A belief is nothing more than a reinforced pattern in the brain."
"There's some sort of damage resistance built in to the brain that allows different parts of the brain to take over if some parts are damaged."
"There's so many parts of your brain that are called into the appreciation."
"If your brain is a record of the past and you don't have a vision of the future, then you're living in the past."
"Our brains are actually hardwired to focus on the bad things."
"The power of meditation extends to shaping your brain structure, enhancing areas involved in concentration, emotional regulation, and self-awareness."
"It's having a brain and actually using it to know that this is very much detrimental to the race."
"Mental health is metabolic health of the brain."
"I think you're going to find that your brain feels less stressed, more at ease, more at peace, less anxious."
"Tight junctions are really important. It turns out the tight junctions are not just in the intestine; they're in the brain too."
"It is the idea that our brain doesn't just process information internally. Our brain acts as a receiver."
"My brain is swollen. I've learned so much today."
"Sleep is kind of when your brain gets a chance to recharge so just like every night when we charge up our cell phones, sleep isn't a chance for your brain to get to rest and take out the trash."
"Anybody should be more rational they also thought about the brain as what is called a Triune brain meaning three parts to the brain."
"Serotonin calms down the worry center of the brain."
"There are global benefits to your brain of learning anything new, which mostly affects your executive functions."
"Mitochondrial health and mast cell activation and the brain is a very, very important topic."
"The brain doesn't like uncertainty or new things. It's a survival mechanism."
"Learning a new language or learning a musical instrument can give you global benefits in your brain."
"Your brain is for having ideas, not for holding them."
"Brains do not make one happy, and happiness is the best thing in the world."
"The whole lobe of the brain that handles positive emotion becomes highly active in meditators."
"When you're madly in love, parts of the brain for decision-making actually begin to shut down."
"Your brain is unconsciously attempting to predict what I'm about to say."
"It is a whole brain thing. What do we do to accentuate the strengths and create a context that supports those strengths?"
"The web of connections in neural networks has statistical properties identical to parts of the brain cortex."
"Mental disorders are in fact metabolic disorders of the brain."
"ADHD is basically a developmental impairment of the brain's management system."
"...what we're really trying to do is not just feel better in the moment of course that's good but what we want to do is ultimately change the way the brain processes information..."
"What we perceive is not some readout of sensory signals that we just extract features of increasing complexity as the sensory signals stream into the brain."
"The ultimate performance regulator of these very fit endurance athletes is not the muscles, it's the brain."
"Food affects our mood, and as we change our diet, it changes our brain chemistry and the neuropharmacology of our brain in unique ways."
"Solving problems gives the brain a chemical rush."
"Changing it up is so important and getting new stimuli from the environment will stimulate new connections in the brain."
"Brains are designed to focus better on stories because that's the way we perceive the world around us."
"You're at your most creative when your brain is relaxed."
"The elevation of ketones then are supplying an alternative energy to the brain."
"...cholesterol is an essential part of the brain. We make cholesterol to fuel our brain because the brain needs it."
"Food can change our brains for the better or for the worse."
"If you read this book and you find something interesting, learning more about your brain and mind will inform your waking life."
"Every experience that your brain has... is constantly molding and shaping your brain."
"I want everyone to know how much potential they have in their brains... the brain remains flexible throughout our lives."
"The nature of our brains is adaptive, innovative, able to improvise."
"...your brain doesn't know the difference between reality versus imagination. When you're tapping into your vision board and you're looking at those images and you're tapping into that energy, your brain and your body think it's actually happening."
"Your brain is the piano; your mind is the pianist."
"The architecture of the brain supports executing computational languages. That's obvious."
"It's all about one of the big ironies of machine learning is that it was inspired originally by the brain."
"We live in a three-dimensional space with time, and now the brain is living in this, you know, billions of dimensions."
"You can't look in the mirror and flex your hippocampus the way you can your bicep."
"So what I want to do is use our anxiety-driven threat finding brain for something good."
"Lucid dreaming reveals that the brain possesses an extraordinary capacity to generate immersive, detailed worlds devoid of any external sensory input."
"By unraveling how the brain generates our experiences and sense of self, we can demystify consciousness, transforming it from an inscrutable enigma to a phenomenon explainable in terms of brain and body interactions."
"Psychedelics might allow access to the brain's mechanisms for constructing both extraordinary and ordinary realities."
"Some theories suggest that consciousness arises from a bottom-up process, emerging spontaneously from the brain's processing activities."
"Our brain is like a processor, and when we sleep at night, it's collating all of the information that we've put into it and then it solves those problems."
"Sex is not the largest sexual organ, it's the brain."
"...your appetite and your body fatness are very much regulated by your brain based on inputs that your brain is receiving."
"It's good for the brain as well too."
"We used to think of the brain like a computer, but it's more like a computer network, with each one of those neurons being one of the individual computers."
"The brain never really rests, even when you're sleeping."
"Your brain is making predictions all the time."
"Your brain is the fattiest organ in the body. It must have fats."
"In hypnosis, you turn off the part of the brain that keeps you stuck in the old ways you've been doing things."
"Every second of our lives, our brains are at work orchestrating a multitude of complex systems."
"Brain function ultimately, without your brain, you can live with a lot of other things but you can't live without that."
"The solution is found in the heart, not in the brain."
"Your brain is unique. It's a beautiful gift."
"You got your left and your right brain and at certain points of times they start shifting with each other."
"Thank goodness our brains are programmed to look at the beauty and to hide the junk."