
Perception Quotes

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"The more of the visual world that you can see as if you were actually the one doing the motion, the better."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"What makes us individuals: how each and every one of us perceives the same things differently."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The placebo effect is a biological effect; it's not just our thoughts tricking us into thinking something happened that didn't happen, it's our thoughts, our mind creating real biological effects."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The total effect of anything is a combined product of what you're actually doing, and what you're thinking about."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It is both a sensory and an emotional experience and I think that gets lost on people."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"In a delightful way-- how deficient our perceptual filters normally are."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"If we're not considering yellow, blue doesn't exist."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Everything that I make or have made has always been based on something that I see or hear that allows me to see something that I didn't see before." - Rick Rubin sharing his creative inspiration.
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Thoughts are real, and one way that we can define thoughts is that thoughts are perceptions that include data from the past, present, or future."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Those two signals came in at the same time. They may relate to the same object and ah ha, I see you as one unified thing spouting talking."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The idea that if there's a beautiful tapestry that's the size of the wall, that you can see that only standing back from it."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"It doesn't matter what you look at, it matters what you see."
"Creative people are some of the most mocked and disdained people in society, but also some of the most respected and celebrated, all at the same time."
"There are dimensions, or at least aspects, to reality and Consciousness itself that we don't fully appreciate."
"Memories, pain, creativity, emotions, and perceptions are processes in the mind or body, all lit up, revealed, illumined by consciousness."
"More to our perceptions of reality than our usual brain chemistry allows us to experience."
"To be shaken out of the ruts of ordinary perception, to be shown for a few timeless hours the outer and inner world not as they appear... but as they are apprehended directly and unconditionally by mind at large."
"Our everyday lives and our everyday experiences are but one special type of consciousness, parted by the flimsiest screen from forms of consciousness entirely different."
"The experience itself is indescribable because it is a needle on the record...you can only experience what the needle is experiencing in that moment."
"What if you could alter your perception of time and space, experience what it feels like to be someone or something else—a tree, a lizard, or even a laugh?"
"It's so important to have a more complex view of stress because we've definitely been villainizing all forms of challenging experiences."
"An average face gets rid of all the things that are unusual, and people tend to find it quite attractive."
"Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind."
"Someone can be smiling and happy; it doesn't mean that they're not suffering inside."
"Belief and perception may be more powerful than the truth."
"Imagination is the ability to apprehend and perceive what could be."
"The brain is encased in total darkness and silence... creating a virtual reality for you."
"It's not the event that makes you happy or unhappy; it's your perception of the event minus your expectations of how life should be."
"Discipline is what a high state of motivation looks like from the outside."
"Being in class, it's very easy to feel like you're engaged in a meaningful way."
"People's internal experience and external presentation don't always match up."
"I'm not who I think I am, I'm not who you think I am, I'm who I think you think I am."
"Many people think they're ugly when they actually aren't; they just have bad fashion."
"There's something about the way if the mind sees truth like it sees it's internal externalized, it immediately looks crazy and in that recognition that so much of what goes on in our heads is crazy, there's this weird thing where beauty like other amazing things crop up as surprises."
"Our perception of the world is not a direct representation of objective reality but rather our brains construct reality as a user interface."
"Am I high? Because it must be the weed. It must be."
"I actually don't think anyone is permanently ugly."
"Reality as we experience it is not the true nature of reality. Color does not exist; color is something that our perceptual apparatus has somewhat arbitrarily assigned to different wavelengths of light."
"Reality is a sensory phenomenon, and the reality that we experience is real in so far as it is adaptive."
"When we think of hallucinations, we shouldn't think about them as a deviation from reality so much as a deviation from an adaptive version of reality that we have evolved to perceive."
"Psychedelics are psychedelic because they disrupt our world-building model."
"Your world model emerges out of the continuous cycle of making predictions and updating the model based on sensory information."
"Psychedelics perturb the world-building machinery of the brain, causing it to construct a different model."
"Our experience of reality is obviously determined by the senses."
"Sense of smell is very important; it's used to give you a sense of danger, for attraction, and recognizing your kin."
"The senses are the tools by which we determine reality."
"Everything is unified in a single conscious experience as a unified view of you and the world around you."
"You find what you're looking for in life. If you're hurt, you're looking for bad."
"The probability that we see reality as it is, is zero."
"Evolution has shaped us with a user interface that hides reality on purpose."
"Physicalism is a simple mistake; we've mistaken a limit of our interface as an insight into objective reality."
"It's not that the agency changes the way that you view the world; it's that the agency exposes you to the real world."
"Our understanding of space is affected by our psychology and everything that how we grasp things."
"If you hear that the brush rustling at all, you're gonna get scared, and if it rustles and some lizard runs out, you may well briefly see a snake where there, when there is in fact a lizard."
"We don't see things as they are; we see them as we are."
"Control your perception. Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth."
"Creativity is not just about intelligence or a set of skills; it's about how we see the world and engage with it."
"When you've only been seeing through unclear glasses, and then you put on the clear glasses... you start to see the world and even dare I say, admire and love people for who they are, independently of their utility value for your own deprivations."
"We are more optimistic about things that we believe we have control over."
"This doesn't just change the way we think about iPad, it changes the way we think about computers."
"I am not what I think I am; I am not what you think I am; I am what I think you think I am."
"Most people who suffer from anxiety feel like they're inadequate in some way. In reality, they are hyper adequate. They are more than adequate. Anxiety is a superpower through the eyes of the CIA."
"Talent hits the target no one else can see, and genius hits the target no one else can see."
"I think most people who kill themselves believe that they are too much of a burden and that nobody wants to deal with them."
"Reality, of course, is non-dual. That's why all dualities are untenable."
"As you become more conscious, you become less and less dualistic, and you start to realize that more and more of the dualities that you thought were fundamental and unquestionable, the lines between them start to blur."
"It is not the experience that is stressing us out, it is our reaction to the experience."
"Good manners can change perceptions and soften hearts. That's the power of Islam."
"Our perception of reality is merely a veil over our own ideals and hunger to understand this world."
"The perception skill is a very popular and potent skill in D&D, predominantly used to notice hidden things in the environment or detect threats such as traps and ambushes before they're sprung upon your party."
"Players say 'I would like to roll perception on the room' because they want more information about their environment, and when you have a player character that prompts themselves to make a perception check, stop them and ask them what specific actions they want to take."
"If you work hard and you stick to it and you understand that perception is going to be part of that game plan, I can guarantee you, the big names who are shooting right now...worked very hard in industries to gain that level of perception."
"The challenge is not just in seeing the world but in understanding the human within it. That will argue throughout these lectures, that we cannot escape considering the human being."
"We live in completely different worlds more today than we ever have... our factual understanding of the world has diverged so much."
"People have the ability to select for their reality rather than having to deal with the reality that might not be as much fun to deal with."
"The way that somebody communicates with you is going to influence how you perceive the message and how you take it."
"Your perception of the event is what counts and that's actually not the event at all."
"It's not the event that made you unhappy; it's what you thought about the event."
"How you choose to see things in life can change how you react to things both subconsciously and consciously."
"Don't judge a book by its cover... there is more than meets the eye in many scenarios."
"All of life could transform us just like music does, if we would treat it as music, if we would change our perception of it."
"Impossible is nothing but a label we assign to something based on our belief system."
"I believe much of what we call reality, and certainly what we deem impossible, are nothing but illusions."
"What's more important, the perception of how we see a thing or what that thing really is?"
"Everyone is on a healing journey, no matter how nice their life looks like on the outside."
"True spirituality is actually getting you to realize the distinction between reality or actuality and your concepts, ideas, and beliefs about it."
"True spirituality... tries to get you to pay hyper attention to your perceptions, grounding yourself purely in perception without any interpretation, filtration, concepts, beliefs, or doctrines."
"You can't change the physical circumstance, but you can change how you think about it and how you react."
"What we're talking about here is transforming your entire perceptual system. Literally, the doors of your perception will be cleansed, and what you will be left with is the infinite."
"Problems of perception involve how we perceive ourselves, how we perceive others, how we perceive the chain of events and situations in the present."
"It's funny, you know, the whole concept of time."
"Change your perception of reality, and you really look deep within nature...there is nothing that you're going through that cannot be reversed."
"They say truth hurts, but reality is much worse."
"It's not reality that has to change; it's your perception of reality that has to change. That's an act of love."
"It's almost like I'm being talked about like a bouncy ball, like an inanimate object with no feelings, no emotions, no values, no morals, no ethics."
"What matters is not your problems, it's your perception."
"If you're able to see the beauty and wonder of any fragment of consciousness, then you're basically enabling yourself to then see the beauty and wonder of everything around you."
"What you perceive, you believe. What you believe, you experience. You change your perception, you change your life."
"The experience of being me or being you is a kind of controlled hallucination designed to keep the body going, designed to keep us alive."
"All our perceptions are grounded fundamentally in this imperative to stay alive."
"We are built to understand the world not just in terms of patterns and pixels but in terms of basic kinds of concepts."
"There's one central point which can actually disarm the cycle, which is our ability of perception."
"A life sentence continues to become less threatening as you get older and older."
"The development of the texture of your own mind... you can only ever experience your past experience through the experience you have now."
"Men tend to operate 'I'll believe it when I see it,' while women might consider 'When I believe it, I will see it.'"
"Perception is often half the battle with an election campaign."
"A story is a verbal description of a hierarchy of perceptual and action prioritization."
"It is actually going to inspire you a lot and it's going to cause you to see the world in new ways and in expanded ways."
"Visual illusions have an endless capacity to mesmerize, delight, and, yes, divide us."
"We see not with our eyes but with our brains."
"Illusions are not the errors of perception where the brain gets it wrong... Illusions are not only inherent to all of our perception; they are the rule."
"Money won't make you an extraordinary person and won't make you feel any differently about yourself."
"What one person may consider a compliment may not be received as a compliment by the other party."
"You won't worry so much about what others think about you if you realize how seldom they do."
"I am not what I think I am, I'm not what you think I am, I am what I think you think I am."
"It exists like in this ineffable place that everyone kind of perceives and no one ever sees, except for in this sort of virtual world, which then impacts the way that you show up."
"A hero is a hero not because he's doing actions but because he's doing actions that you deem to be heroic."
"The line between confidence and arrogance is obviously completely arbitrary."
"The greatest mistake people make is they judge simply on appearances."
"You cannot tell someone's health by looking at them. You don't know what's going on inside someone's body just by looking at their aesthetics."
"Everybody here shares in the belief that being deaf is not a handicap, not something to fix."
"Everything is weird. The only question is how complacent have you become about it."
"Psychedelics could actually give us frontiers into reality that we're otherwise not able to perceive, much like a telescope."
"The person with an abundant mindset views all misfortunes as blessings in disguise."
"It's not about the cheese, it's her reaction."
"The first time I made a million dollars in a year, my car was 500 bucks."
"It's not events that shape your life, but beliefs about them."
"I don't think it's pretentious at all. I actually think it speaks to the idea that often people think of economics as something that's very fixed and very doctrinaire."
"Emotions are a natural and necessary part of life, but they can also distort your perception and cloud your vision. In order to see things clearly, you must let go of resentment."
"Patti Smith touches on this in her poem: 'As we age, we get a sense of threat. That doesn't mean we grow up or grow old. You don't have to if you don't want to.'"
"What mindfulness is about is putting you back in touch with what's really literally there, not what you're imagining, not what you're judging, not what you're afraid of."
"The view that the Buddha would have us see is our experience of reality."
"See the universe as a friendly place, see people as basically good."
"By being more authentic and unapologetic, people are really starting to see your worth."
"When that veil of words suddenly lifted, I experienced nature more directly, without words and sentences coming in the way."
"We see the world the way we are, not the way it is."
"The world changes, we change, and because normalcy is entirely relative we don't always realize how much things have changed until we catch a glimpse of what's become invisible to us."
"It's actually very useful to sometimes take a step back and look at the world around us with fresh eyes - to see what factors are invisibly shaping our lives."
"All fear is predicated on falsehood and misperception of reality."
"It's not what happens to us, it's how we're interpreting it and how we're responding to it."
"Disability is not fundamentally a tragedy that people have to fight to overcome, it just is."
"When you don't have a lot of experience, things just hit differently."
"The sound of the bell arose in awareness, it shone in awareness, it faded away in awareness."
"All perceptions arise in consciousness, play around in consciousness, and disappear back into consciousness. That I am."
"The real hard problem is trying to convince ourselves that there is no hard problem."
"Consciousness isn't this gaseous internal thing which somehow you've got privileged access to, but which is problematic for everyone else."
"Journalism reports everything that goes wrong. It doesn't report things that go right."
"If my senses aren't showing me the structure of reality, then my perceptual structure of space in 3D, of objects with colors and shapes, and motions of neurons and brains, those are video game symbols, but they're not the truth."
"What we perceive as reality now depends on our decision of what to measure."
"Fear is not real. That's something in your brain; it does not exist."
"Everything you focus on in your life, your mind can make a reality."
"Our minds are like Velcro for bad experiences and Teflon for good ones."
"That there are these like very simple sounding, but very psychedelic insights that exist sometimes."
"The emptiness of emptiness... how delightful that is to an Advaitan's ear."
"Your overall experience of life in general is influenced not only by the events that happen to you, but also, and perhaps more profoundly, by how we perceive and how we react to them."
"For there is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so."
"Reality is often much stranger than fiction."
"You can get it on Amazon or Apple and so forth, 'The Case Against Reality'."
"Things only exist when you look at them, you create them when you see them."
"This entire universe is a dreamlike presentation in consciousness."
"Being perceived by this many people at the same time is inherently scary."
"I think it's really easy for people to become characters...but in reality, we are real people."
"Mindfulness is the only way we can break through the veil of ignorance to see things in a whole new way."
"Perhaps, death is like that. We see the body, dead, cold, sitting there, lying there. But that's just the avatar. That wasn't the consciousness in the first place."
"There's an infinite variety of conscious experiences that various conscious agents can have. Color, vision, tastes, smell, touch, emotions."
"Appearance and like a dream, it's appearing in consciousness."
"Is the mountain first, or you are first? What comes first, you or the mountain?"
"It is a mountain that you are reporting... It's a mountain in your knowledge, you have a vritti gyana of a mountain, and that vritti gyana is nothing else other than an appearance in you, the consciousness."
"The mental angst that a person can experience by financial anxiety doesn't have to do with how much money they have; it has to do with how they're perceiving their own insecurities about money."
"We don't respond to what happens; we respond to our perception of what happens."
"Authenticity is so important that some artists will go as far as to fake it."
"In the end, we don't actually want authenticity; we just want people to act authentic."
"The world is a magnified mirror magnifying everything that you are conscious of being."
"There is no truth but power because it seems like they're actually, in a sense, correct. Of course, there's objective truth, but they know that people will absolutely give up any notion of truth for comforting lies and/or personal benefit."
"So many people have put me on a pedestal...I finally had to let that all go."
"We literally live inside of linguistics. We create the world through words."
"Words are extremely important to the brain. In fact, the brain cannot see without words. The more words you know, the more things you can see."
"The reality is gold, not the bracelet or necklace. They are names, forms, and uses, but the material, the reality of all of them, is gold."
"Because what happens is that, when we understand how something works, its intelligence seems to vanish."
"Reality as we observe it is a flawed reflection of a higher truth."
"Do we need to be told that great art is great, or is it something innate?"
"I wanted to figure out if there was anything inherent about great art, something that separates it from the fakes and the bad, something that calls out to us and goes, 'Hey, it's me, you know it's me.' And the answer is, is that there isn't."
"If you're told it's by a great master, you experience it as beautiful."
"It can shape the way we view the world, where we dedicate our energy and determine who we trust and respect."
"Discard your misperceptions. Stop being jerked around like a puppet. Limit yourself to the present."
"He felt like he was just playing the game on hard mode where everyone else had easy mode."
"How you attend to the world depends on that depends what world you find. The qualities of the world that comes to your attention is determined by the quality of the attention you bring to it."
"If we are not imaginatively engaged with the world, we just can't see a lot of things that are there."
"The entire place is like a dancing set of little particle pixels, just dancing vibrations which make up the fabric of what we call the material world or reality itself."
"What the body does, the lens of the body, is it focuses our attention into a tiny range of frequency that science calls visible light, which is so tiny it's almost laughable."
"Usad can't help but think how terrifying Rose is as she carries him and the bear over her shoulder."
"My lab is pretty big... it makes me feel that I have ground truth."
"Reality is happening right now in the present moment. Reality is not back in sixth grade science class."
"The question is not what we can see, but what remains unseen and unheard, resonating in the spaces between."
"Just because something is the norm doesn't mean it's normal."
"Value is what's valued to the other person. You can't force value."
"Now when you're experiencing lots of rewards, your world is bigger. You actually perceive many more layers of data; you perceive more width of data; you perceive more information because you've got more prefrontal function and more insight capacity."
"A wise use of discernment helps us to be truthful, clear, and accurate in our perception."
"The much more memorable fact that you'll go to sleep thinking about is how it didn't really matter that we were talking about a cube at all."
"The Belgian UFO wave showed that even highly trained observers have limits in assessing what they are witnessing in the skies."