
Immune System Quotes

There are 723 quotes

"A healthy gut microbiome is important to support our immune system, our nervous system, our endocrine system, and various aspects of our immediate and long-term health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Regular deliberate cold exposure, if done correctly, can in fact increase immune system markers and perhaps even make you much more robust to combating different types of infection through the release of adrenaline."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There's a lot of data out there right now about the importance of gut health for the immune system, for mood."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"Nowadays there are dozens, if not hundreds of quality peer-reviewed studies on how the mind and how the nervous system can control activation of the immune system."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The nervous system acts as a set of highways between the different tissues of your body, calling into action the immune system, liberating particular molecules that can reduce inflammation and lead to faster healing."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"There are things that you can do to leverage your nervous system in order to enhance the function of your immune system in very robust ways."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The gut microbiome is critically important for our immune system function, for the gut-brain axis, and for our mental functions."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"I have a strong immune system because I used to play in the dirt growing up."
"Sleep may well be one of the most important things we can do for our immune system health."
"If you want to set yourself up for a really good immune system, include foods like wild Alaskan salmon, dark leafy greens, blueberries, and avocado in your diet."
"There's evidence that supports the fact that you'll be less likely to get sick if you take cold showers, as consistent cold water exposure leads to a stress response that boosts your immune system function."
"First, eat a healthy and nutritious diet, which helps your immune system to function properly."
"There are three types of immune system: there is your body's immune system, there is an emotional immune system that you increase through meditation, and then there's a social immune system that is through self-assertion."
"The emotional system and the immune system are the same functioning system."
"Every aspect of the immune system is vitamin D dependent."
"With that understanding of how your immune system works, you will be in a much better position to understand which tools, that is which protocols, to implement should you be exposed to a cold or flu."
"Food is information. We're going to eat things that actually talk to our immune system."
"The combination of rejuvenating through autophagy of your immune system plus getting rid of epigenetic marks gives the opportunity to roll back the age of your immune system and its function."
"Turkey tail extract is a medicinal mushroom that contains polysaccharopeptides, which have been shown to have very, very powerful immune-boosting properties."
"Your immune system likes rest, calm, positivity, action, power."
"Your immune system knows how to fight any infection and to make antibodies that allow you immunity."
"The immune system has a physical barrier component, and it's not just skin, some other things as well."
"Your immune system has an absolutely exquisitely sophisticated way of knowing you versus other."
"The complement system exists in the plasma within your blood, marking infected cells or viruses with a signal that looks like an 'eat me' signal to your immune system."
"Exercise of sufficient intensity and duration can recruit the lymphatic system and increase the activity of the innate immune system."
"Keeping your gut microbiome healthy is so important for the basic functioning of your immune system."
"I am optimistic. There are a lot of different vaccines being investigated, different kinds of mechanisms of engaging the immune system."
"Exercise that's of 60 minutes or less and is intense but not all-out effort promotes the exchange of components between the blood and the lymphatic system."
"If you are exposed to a cold or flu, it's important to do certain things in order to make sure that your innate immune system is both ready and can launch a full-scale attack."
"It's not excessive exercise but moderate, regular exercise that supports the immune system most effectively."
"It all is going to boil down to your immune systems, making sure your gut is in very healthy condition so you can fight off all this stuff."
"When people began to realize back in the 80s that there was this link between the brain and the immune system that was more profound than we originally thought, now, of course, we know that they’re really one system."
"Fear causes stress, and stress shuts down your immune system."
"Fasting for as little as three days can regenerate the entire immune system."
"The majority of the items that we've covered thus far are for disinfecting purposes, but the next few items are for boosting your immune system during a pandemic situation."
"My immune system is strong, energy level totally off the charts, and this was by God's grace."
"Short chain fatty acids are little signaling molecules that tell your immune cells in your gut to become a certain type of immune cell."
"The joy of the table, so the joy of tavola, which is an Italian phrase for enjoying being at the table... endorphins from enjoying being at your table with your family, your friends, or even on your own and just enjoying the meal, endorphins can alter the function of our immune cells."
"Even if you have the best diet in the world, other things can erode away at your immune system. Stress is probably the one thing...that we don't take seriously. We think of it as being psychological...but it's always biological because stress chemistry is real."
"The immune system is sensing; it's a real kind of it's like a mobile brain. It's very dynamic and it's listening, integrating all these signals."
"Fasting and immune function: The stress of the lack of eating kind of causes some of the older immune cells and ones that might be more likely to malfunction to be deleted, replenishing your immune system."
"The things that are happening to our immune system are also happening to the immune systems of the things that live our exact same lifestyles."
"We don't really have a cure because the cure would involve not triggering the immune system at all."
"Getting out into nature and being exposed to phytocytes from trees can boost the innate immune system."
"The immune system is a wonderful part of our body, but it's also interactive, and a lot of the way your immune system works is through inflammation."
"Never should we think that the experiences of living, the relationships we have, the love and appreciation, that sense of fulfillment is not a direct important component of our immune system."
"The function of the immune system is to keep harmony in the system."
"If we make efforts on our part to take care of our immune system, then we will not be subjected to the virulent activity that could lead to death in those people that are compromised."
"The immune system likes you to be happy, so whatever makes you happy is going to be healthy for your immune system."
"How we care for ourselves is very important to the immune system. If I get enough sleep, if I eat well, if I exercise with moderation, all things that are good for a healthy immune system."
"Our immune system helps protect us from scary things that want to eat us."
"The immune system does cure cancer to some extent."
"Stress and the immune system is another popular topic."
"Aging and the immune system, I think this is something where a good diet and trying to keep yourself healthy is going to help your immune system."
"Vitamin D itself is unlikely to be the sole protectant against colds and flu."
"Sauna exposure...increases lucite levels, yes it increases cortisol levels, but in a way that promotes the activity of the innate immune system."
"But a majority of us can fight because our body knows how to chase down bacteria and microbes just like that white blood cell is."
"The more we can keep our immune system along the right lines via our food and our microbiome, the more we can prevent rapid aging and all these other problems."
"The darkest pigmentation of your skin, the lower the Vitamin D3, the lower the Vitamin D3, the more compromised the immune system, the more compromised the immune system, the more susceptible you are to attack."
"Turns out that 60 to 70 percent of your immune system is in your gut."
"Your immune system is so powerful that when it's in its best shape, even when you're 80 years old, it is strong enough to fight cancer."
"Fear automatically drops your immune system by 50%."
"By converting from that sympathetic nervous system, in teaching the body that it's safe in the present moment and beginning to activate elevated emotions, if you just practice that for 10 minutes a day for two or three times a day, your immune system will strengthen by 50%."
"Vitamin D is the most important nutrient for the immune system."
"Vitamin D is critical for the health of our bones, our musculoskeletal system...and it's also really important for the health of our immune system."
"If you get your diet in order and you do all the things that are good for your gut microbiome, you will have the optimum immune system."
"The microbiota at the interface of your digestion and the rest of your body are one of the key educators of the immune system."
"Inflammation is an immune response; it's your immune system getting into action for some reason."
"The immune system is what keeps you alive and healthy."
"Psychoneuroimmunology: Chronic fear makes you more susceptible to colds, flus, viruses."
"Vitamin C's immune-boosting and antioxidant properties mediate the body's inflammatory response, reducing the symptoms or risk of various diseases."
"Sleep and the immune system are intimately connected. We know for a fact that people who get more sleep before they get an immunization have a better immune response."
"People with autoimmune disease are reacting and getting less cancers because their immune systems are more finely tuned."
"When you have a depleted microbiome, it's affecting your immune system; it's causing or at least related to autoimmune diseases."
"The microbiome is linked directly to our immune system."
"Your body was designed to have a perfectly happy, just mellow immune system. It doesn't freak out; it just protects you."
"One simple thing that in the United States people can do, if you have a garden, just spend at least one hour barefoot in the garden... your immune system will work very, very well."
"Movement is medicine. Movement stimulates the immune system and every day we've got to honor our bodies in some way."
"People who run a marathon experience a very different pattern of immune response, severely immune compromised."
"Walking in the woods a couple of hours a day for a few days will increase your immune system based on science."
"Your immune system is the best thing to keep any disease at bay."
"The interesting thing even more about hypochlorous acid is our bodies naturally make it, normally like in our immune system."
"Vitamin D is epigenetically involved; it's involved in the switching on and off of at least 300 genes, most of them associated with the immune system."
"After a single night of four hours of sleep, you have just shut down your production of T cells by about 70 percent."
"You are strengthening yourself – Vitamin D, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, whole plants, diversifications of tannins and phenolic compounds and antioxidants – clearly that's creating a terrain that is stronger for your immune system to thwart out disease, bacteria, cancer, all of that other stuff."
"Vitamin D is actually required for the T cells to do their job... it is very anti-inflammatory. I mean, it's absolutely vital for the immune system."
"Vitamin D plays an important role in the immune system, and its deficiency has been implicated in various skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis and psoriasis."
"Vitamin A insufficiency is going to affect our immune system... getting enough vitamin A is crucial for that."
"We cannot live without innate arm. Even now while we are talking, our innate arm is hard at work picking up garbage."
"Stress is the major cause of the dysfunction of the immune system."
"Take care of your own health first because if you take care of your own health, your immune system will be working full out."
"The immune system is working so good that even though they were exposed to the virus, the virus was not able to overtake the system because of the strength of their immune system."
"Not that stress causes psoriasis or stress causes autoimmunity, but stress affects the immune system."
"70% of our immune system is along our gut lining. What we eat is what feeds our microbiome and that actually trains our immune system."
"It's incredible techniques and the fact that it can also boost your immune system I mean it's just a win-win-win."
"The immune system understands anything that isn't you as a hostile agent."
"Chronic psychological stress suppresses the immune function, impairs healing, and ultimately reduces your skin's ability to repair damaged collagen and to generate new collagen."
"So, the immune system... that's when the disease pathology can occur."
"Our immune system is stronger than any medicine."
"Just by doing that, we now know that your immune system is going to get stronger."
"Despite being surrounded by harmful microorganisms, toxins, and the threat of our own cells turning into tumor cells, humans manage to survive; largely thanks to our immune system."
"Immune resilience is the way to go in the future."
"The immune system is just the most mind-blowing system."
"There's a plausible antiviral immune boosting mechanism."
"Fasting triggers your immune system to boost up and regrow, enhancing cancer treatment effectiveness."
"Close gyms... impair cellular immune antiviral defense mechanisms."
"Emotional stress weakens the immune system."
"Loneliness leads to chronic stress, which compromises the immune system."
"Your mindset is major in activating and strengthening your immune system."
"The stronger, the healthier, the more diverse the bacteria in your microbiome, the stronger your immune system is."
"Getting bugs as children is like flexing your bicep... it's like working out your immune system."
"Seventy percent of your immune system is in your gut, so remember that nutrition is key."
"Every defense system functions perfectly for health when it's in balance."
"It's our immune system that does the job of surveillance and security against cancer."
"You can actually change our body's immune system by foods."
"We can actually change our body's immune system."
"The immune system has always worked and remarkably it's continued to work throughout the last three years even though for some reason our Public Health officials haven't wanted to acknowledge that."
"Exercise bolsters your body's innate and adaptive immune system."
"According to Everlywell's website, their food sensitivity test checks your body's immune response to 108 foods."
"A bit of cardio goes so far. Did you know that cardio boosts your immune system? And right now, I think we all need a boost of immune system."
"If you stress yourself out, you're gonna screw up your immune system."
"Or imagine programmable immunity, designing and harnessing molecular devices that guide your immune system to detect, eradicate or even prevent disease."
"The immune system is good. Collectively, these institutional and popular responses represent the corporate university's immune responses to the imposition of the feminist virus."
"So we test for signs of inflammation and we look to lower inflammation... we also focus on what can we do to strengthen your immune system right how do we strengthen those natural killer cells."
"NovaVax, Oxford study to evaluate third dose in participants with impaired immune systems."
"Teaches our body that says look when you see this invader we are now going to mobilize the army and surround it and destroy it."
"Health comes from good nutrition and boosting your immune system."
"The most important thing in controlling cancer is the immune system."
"Boosting the innate immune system as it declines is involved in everything, including cancer."
"The greatest myth surrounding leprosy is that it causes fatality; in fact, it weakens the immune system."
"As we move towards trying to combat other viruses with vaccines, we're going to find out that if we don't allow the innate immune system's involvement..."
"A lot of cases, very little death. And what that's doing is actually boosting the immune system."
"Your immune systems are performing better than people that don't."
"We should be doing through nutrition and vitamins and zinc for future years is to ensure that people's immune systems are boosted."
"B12 is crucial... vitamin D... helps raise your immune system... benefits of vitamin D."
"The stronger your immune system, the greater your possibility of surviving a pandemic."
"The immune system just never ceases to cause amazement and admiration in its level of complexity."
"Children have a wonderful immune system compared to later phases of life."
"The healthier an individual is, the more robust their immunologic memory is."
"Number one immune boosting thing is social friendships."
"When you exercise... you purge those senescent cells from your immune system which is phenomenal."
"Food and emotions affect your immune system."
"We can retrain the immune system and you can seal leaky gut." - Dr. Gundry
"Chronic emotions shape the immune response and gene expression pattern."
"It's helping the individuals but if people are lowering their immune system by smoking, drinking, and taking drugs then they can catch the virus and then can spread it on to vulnerable people around about them."
"Tea...high in antioxidants and polyphenols and will help boost your immune system."
"Kombucha...good for the immune system as is."
"Ginger turmeric immune system boosting tea...keeps me healthy all winter long."
"Cod liver oil...boosts your immune system and increases vitamin absorption."
"Olive oil, the polyphenols in olive oil actually really boost the immune system."
"The humble button mushroom will actually boost your immune system."
"The more bioavailable whole food nutrients you take in through your food, the stronger and more equipped you'll be at fighting whatever pathogen comes your way."
"Fasting... it's actually the first step in your body's attack on the virus."
"So I think fasting is a big part... of not only boosting but strengthening and also calming your immune system."
"You know the importance of your immune system."
"Vitamin D3 coming into the body surges the immune system, protects you from colds and flus."
"Anything you do now that helps the immune system is good."
"Prepare everyone's terrain so that when they get the jab or exposed to the natural virus, they have a strong and robust immune response."
"Medicinal mushrooms enhance the immune system and interferes with viral replication."
"Remember probiotics are so important, keeping that immune system strong, being vibrant, staying healthy, that's why we're all here together."
"Getting to a whole food plant-based approach often sets the immune system back off from attacking the nerve cells."
"Rocky's immune system is doing its job. He just needed a little boost to feel better soon."
"The strongest medicine you have today is your immune system... once anybody can destroy it, you are finished."
"Regular exercise helps your immune system, proper nutrition, this means if man makes it, you don't eat it."
"Fear suppresses the immune system. We really need human touch and we really need to not live in fear." - Holistic Hilda
"Getting a good night's sleep so we know that sleep alterations can affect the immune system."
"Its cells target distinct pathogens and continually adapt to be stronger the next time."
"Even in pandemic, we can boost our immune system, sharpening it to detect viruses and bacteria earlier."
"Understanding these threats and supporting the immune system is a crucial part of tackling diseases during an outbreak."
"Let your immune system be just focused on what's floating around that bloodstream and keep the fats out."
"We've discovered a way to modulate our immune system without drugs, just by getting greater diversity."
"Now we're giving a child a vaccine to stimulate the immune system but inside that same vaccine we're giving things that are purposely suppressing the immune system."
"Anxiety and depression: symptoms of immune system decay."
"We need to boost up our immune system, keep it strong."
"The cure for any disease is a healthy immune system."
"Adaptive immunity... one of the most marvelous evolutionary stories."
"Your stomach is made up of a fourth. One-fourth of your stomach is used for your immune system, which kills the bad cells, which detox the whole body."
"Your immune system kills cancer cells on a daily basis."
"This is serious, the Boston Children's Hospital put out a statement saying that specific doctors are being threatened."
"Improve your body composition... Body fat is basically a sponge for a range of different immune cells."
"Sleep is very protective for the immune system... Sleep is where actually from a circadian rhythm standpoint your immune system is really functioning optimally."
"This is really, really powerful because it's saying that they are acknowledging there's much to learn about the immune system."
"I know the importance of having lung health and boosting your immune system."
"Sauna increases heat shock proteins that help refold proteins and activate your innate immune system."
"A nutritarian diet means nutritionally rich with enough variety to get the immune system really strong."
"The human immune system is the last great Frontier of medicine... we have been effing with it."
"We are seeing unprecedented rates... made worse by this assault on the human immune system."
"Control your immune response and restore your health... and perhaps even help you live longer."
"What can you do to strengthen your immune system?"
"Genetics is not the major regulator of immune function."
"Good sleep really boosts immunity, doesn't it?"
"Melatonin is vitally important for your immune system."
"Laughter is the biggest booster of an immune system that you could possibly have."
"With 80% of your immune system living in your gut, any gut problem can make it harder for your body to keep you healthy."
"You can help boost your immune system and still try to get best-in-class ingredients even in this crazy kind of like epidemic pandemic environment."
"That's the best thing you can do for your immune system."
"If you don't get good quality sleep, your immune system is going to suffer, you won't be able to repair damaged collagen well or produce new collagen."
"It’s been replicating and depleting her immune system."
"Fasting periodically prolonged can basically give you a new immune system."
"Change your diet... keep your immune system high."