
Gut Microbiome Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"A healthy gut microbiome is important to support our immune system, our nervous system, our endocrine system, and various aspects of our immediate and long-term health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The gut microbiome are trillions of little microbacteria that support everything from our immune system to our hormone health."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The gut microbiome are the trillions of little bacteria that live all the way along your digestive tract and that strongly impact the way that your entire body works at the level of metabolism, immune system, and brain function."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The best way to ensure a healthy gut microbiome that I am aware of is not necessarily to take supplemental prebiotics or probiotics... But rather, to ingest two to four servings of fermented foods that are low in sugar each day."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The gut microbiome is important for various aspects of cognitive function, immune function, metabolic function."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The gut microbiome is critically important for our immune system function, for the gut-brain axis, and for our mental functions."
Dr. Andrew Huberman
"The more diverse your gut bacteria microbiome is, the more immune regulation you have, the greater tolerance you have."
"Human connection impacts your gut microbiome."
"The gut microbiome is the existence of trillions of little microorganisms throughout your gut, and by your gut, I don't just mean your stomach. I mean your entire digestive tract."
"The number one predictor of a healthy gut microbiome is the diversity of plants within your diet."
"Depression and anxiety are intricately linked to the quality of your gut microbes."
"The gut microbiome is like an organ we didn't know existed until 10 years ago."
"The gut microbiome communicates with your brain, your immune system, and your healing systems. That is not a system you want to screw with."
"The gut microbiome thrives on abundance, thrives on diversity. Diversity of plants on your plate translates into diversity of microbes in your gut."
"Your gut microbiome, which is a health defense system, lowers inflammation... like the fire department to help put out the inflammation."
"Our gut microbiome is really part of who we are... every decision we make with the food we eat, our human bodies are going to absorb some of the nutrients."
"Eat for your gut microbiome first, and you have to choose foods that they want to eat."
"Each one of us has a unique gut microbiome. There is no one on the planet with your gut microbiome. It's as unique as your personal fingerprint."
"Food is information, it's not just calories... The food that you eat interacts with your gut bugs and interrupts with your immune system."
"Fiber feeds the 100 trillion cells in our gut."
"Soluble fiber helps to feed good gut bacteria, which can also help to lower our insulin resistance."
"Soybeans help, but the overall healthy diet gives you a healthy gut microbiome."
"You really need to protect your gut and protect the microbiome because it protects you."
"I've had people add a probiotic and also they started losing weight because they need to they that was people that are actually overweight and thin they have different microbial balances they have different types of microbes in their gut."
"If you've got a good healthy gut bacteria that also kills all kinds of viruses that may make it in there."
"This groundbreaking study provides tantalizing evidence for the direct involvement of gut microbes in aging."
"Demonstrated psychiatric disease is associated with shifts in the composition and function of the gut microbiome."
"These interactions play a prominent role in brain development and lifelong brain modulation."
"Interesting research: patients with a healthy gut microbiome get significantly improved results over immunotherapy."
"When the baby is born, the first few days of mother's milk contain oligosaccharide which is literally fiber... released through fermentation by the microbes in your gut."
"The diversity of the foods in your diet and the diversity of your gut microbiome are linked."
"Make sure you take care of your gut if you want to take care of the rest of your health and it'll help your mood your brain and everything else."
"The gut microbiome produces metabolites that cross the blood-brain barrier and reduce inflammation in the brain."
"All disease begins in the gut, so a healthy gut microbiome is important for a healthy heart."
"We're building a database for Journey the Western World so that people know importantly they can judge what is the health of their gut."
"The gut microbiome influences your hormones, your immune system, your brain, your mood, and your skin."
"So, Michael, here's the scoop. When you transition your diet, anytime you have to understand your gut microbiome three days ago was designed for whatever the dietary pattern that you previously had was."
"Diets that limit specific carbs or overall carbohydrates are effective at resolving symptoms, restoring pH balance, and addressing dysbioses and SIBO-related conditions."
"Our gut microbiome is connected to so much that matters in terms of human health."
"There is a connection between the gut microbiome and mental health."
"Fermented foods are a big part of the Mediterranean diet and are great for your gut microbiome."
"When 60% of your calories are ultra-processed foods, you are exposing your gut microbiome to things that it was not really taught how to handle."
"Food affects our moods, and having a healthy gut microbiome is crucial."
"The gut microbiome and also the meta transcriptome does oscillate on a daily basis to adapt to the changing nature of the gut environment."
"There's no doubt that drugs can have a massive impact on the gut microbiome."
"...the gut plays such a role in every disease not just digestive symptoms but heart disease cancer diabetes so all these diseases are things that are consequences of not having a healthy gut."
"...we need something that's like a multivitamin for the gut."
"We know that our dietary choices can affect our gut microbiome in less than 24 hours."
"I went from having an old person's gut to a young person's gut in three months by feeding the good guys."
"Fermented foods impact gut microbiome diversity and can help with weight management."
"Our gut microbiome starts from our mouth and ends up with our anus, and when we've got a healthy balance of good bacteria, everything flourishes so much better."
"The bacteria in your gut will influence the foods or the types of foods that you crave to feed themselves."
"Your gut is important for the regulation of your immune system, the regulation of your hormones, the regulation of neurotransmitters, and so on."
"So when you eat sauerkraut or other living fermented foods, you’re literally ingesting complex communities of bacteria, you know that essentially can help us to restore biodiversity in the gut, where it can improve our health in all kinds of different ways."
"The vegan diet having statistically significantly higher Bifidobacterium than the meat one."
"When you change to a whole food, plant-based diet, it changes the microbes."
"Sourdough can help the digestive system work well, change the gut microbiome, and lower the glycemic load."
"A healthy gut is required for a healthy immune system."
"The gut is the training ground for your immune system."
"Everyone has a completely unique gut microbiome, there's no two people alike."
"We're gonna crack open a recent study that looks at the gut microbiome and the severity of COVID infections."
"A healthy gut is our second brain."
"This is the most important lesson of the day because it is the one way that you can alter your gut microbiome for the long-term."
"Better understanding how the gut's bacteria contribute to those patients who will respond versus those who won't is very important too."
"The gut is the center of actually the immune system."
"A majority of our immune system lives in our gut, so if you have a healthy gut with these good bacteria, theoretically, you're going to improve your immune system as well."
"Microbes within the gut could impact how well people or in this case animals responded to cancer therapy."
"Metabolic endotoxemia is a fancy way of saying that the poison crap in your gut leaks into your bloodstream and starts creating an inflammatory response."
"It's incredible how our gut plays such a crucial role in our overall well-being."