
Fairness Quotes

There are 10774 quotes

"I want you to feel like I've treated you fairly, and if at any given point in time you think I'm not treating you fairly, I want you to stop me and we're gonna address it."
"You're actually tormenting yourself over your own kindness. That's not fair."
"Whether you're Bill Gates or a shepherd from Senegal, you should receive equal treatment and consideration."
"The pursuit of justice requires not just the adherence to legal procedures but a deeper commitment to the principles of fairness, equity, and respect for human dignity."
"President Biden emphasized the need for a fair and just immigration system that upholds the values of compassion and respect for human rights."
"We want fairness, yes, we want equity, we want inclusion, we want a seat at the table."
"Life is unfair to many, many people. And I think, well, this is a special kind of unfairness and it probably is, but you know, that's not rare. Special unfairness is not rare."
"It's not about what I want, it's about what's fair!"
"The problem that I have with teams is that when I want to renegotiate my deal, you say, 'Well, you signed the contract.' But when they want me to take a pay cut or restructure, suddenly it's a different story."
"Some things are being said that are simply not true and they are not fair."
"The very wealthy began to pay their fair share."
"A sense of fairness is key to leading a happy life... it's okay so long as... it isn't harming our ability to provide for ourselves."
"If we don't have prosecutors playing by the rules, playing fairly, doing what justice and the law requires, then our system does not work."
"You don't get to arrive at the trial unless you have a fundamentally fair process, and it starts with the prosecutor."
"It represents a variety of things... it's inherent fairness, balance, equitability, decency, and innovation."
"If you acknowledge in a more positive way 'life's not fair, I'm going to make it more fair', then that's empowering because life is not fair."
"Fairness is an inherent attribute of social species that makes them sort of recoil in offense when they're treated unfairly."
"Fairness is a tendency in social species... when we exercise the capacity for fairness, we're being labeled as acting morally."
"Morality has to do with all those tendencies that allow me to say this thing I treat with fairness and compassion and empathy because I recognize this thing is like me."
"If nobody is innocent until proven guilty, then nobody is innocent until proven guilty across the board."
"Fairness and sameness are not the same thing."
"I want this next system to be more fair because this old system is not fair; it's not a level playing field."
"It's essential that in both perception and reality, lotteries are truly games of chance, everyone entering with an equal opportunity to win."
"If you're making money, and then other people are working with you to make you that money, they deserve some of that money."
"If you focus on distributive justice, are people getting what they deserve based on their inputs, everybody recognizes when people are being cheated."
"Focus on improving the lives of the 99% of Americans. Give everybody a fair shot."
"We're standing at the finish line and evaluating the racers as they come in, but the reality is the starting positions were completely unfair to begin with."
"The idea of a minimum tax on billionaires so billionaires pay their fair share the way teachers and firefighters do."
"No matter how you voted, this election was administered with integrity, transparency, and in accordance with state laws."
"Nobody owe you anything in life, ever. Life ain't gonna be fair, it's just not. But you better do the best with what you got."
"There is so much more equality and fairness that you are learning, that you are now creating and cultivating in your relationships."
"It's about making sure that everyone has a good opportunity and is not unfairly dealt with."
"God is not unfair. He will not forget how hard you have worked for him and how you have shown your love for him by helping his people as you continue to do."
"Most people agree that a more fair society is better and something worth trying to generate."
"The world isn't fair. The sooner you learn that lesson, the better."
"Nothing about this virus is fair, but let's be really clear if we don't make these decisions then we will finish up with thousands of cases."
"There's nothing fair about having people locked out of our state and having Melburnians locked into their homes."
"What happens if you're accused of something falsely... let's slow down, don't judge, let's presume the good in people."
"The game always favors its creator. No matter what game you're playing, the house always wins."
"I still have this feeling of injustice, like when you feel like something wasn't right, wasn't just."
"You don't want a bum, you want something that's equal give and take."
"I created the greatest and fairest economy in history. The biggest gains went to lower-income Americans."
"It's about creating a level playing field, an environment where everybody has equal opportunity, equal probability of success."
"You saw what he did to her... I don't want her to be hurt anymore. It's not fair."
"Not all Geometry Dash levels are created equally, but all levels should be treated equally and given a chance."
"All that is unfair about life can be made right through the Atonement of Jesus Christ."
"Anime style games shouldn't be cracked down on so hardly and so unfair."
"How can you argue with creating a financial system that's fair for everyone? How can you argue against getting rid of corruption?"
"Economic systems are just tools that are supposed to be wielded by policymakers in order to ensure a more fair distribution at the end of the day."
"Gameplay and the fact that the game is as fair or as unfair as it is supposed to be is always gonna be the trump card."
"The easiest rule in fair housing: don't be a jerk."
"It's not only morally unfair, it is factually wrong."
"There is not an inconsistency between fairness and economic growth. In fact, the rich would do better with a smaller share of a rapidly growing economy than a large share of an economy that's dead in the water."
"Fairness is allowing people to hear all the perspectives."
"I care about the three things that matter to me: that the guitar is quality, the guitar is made at a price that I think is reasonable, and the people who made it were treated fairly."
"It would be unfair to potentially accuse somebody of a crime when there can be no court resolution of the actual charge."
"When Tim Tebow was playing for Florida... he had the number one selling jersey in the world. How much money did he receive for it? Zero."
"Fairness means you get an opportunity, not that you get an outcome."
"I think a lot of the time we set standards for people that we could never expect from ourselves, and I don't think that's fair."
"In addition to being fair and just, sportsmanship also means that you don't do things that then make you look bad."
"The more decentralized this transition is, the better it is from a more fair outcome standpoint."
"The bill that we're doing today will ensure fairness for women athletes for years to come in the state of Florida. It says that athletic teams or sports that are designated for females are open to females, and we're going to go based off biology, not based off ideology when we're doing sports."
"Integrity and fairness and getting away from extremism."
"Fairness doesn't mean you get an outcome; fairness means you get an opportunity."
"There is only one rule Grandpa Pig and that is everyone waits their turn."
"Our Notions of fairness or lack of fairness become profoundly important, and we've got to understand where they come from."
"Life is so unfair. I'm like, 'It's fair because it's unfair to everyone.'"
"You can't have a fair democracy without freedom of the press."
"You've got to have equal treatment for people from across the political spectrum."
"We should treat people of color the way we treat white people."
"I believe that people should be paid the money owed to them."
"A true democracy does not decide the winner before all the votes are counted correctly."
"Bitcoin is the only system that, for me, it brings fairness and equity to the world."
"This kind of ideological blindness will eventually undo social justice. The mainstream public... they want people treated fairly."
"Powerful argument: it's obvious no benefits are being passed on to the creators, who are the lifeblood of what made them successful in the first place."
"It's fundamentally wrong for the government to do anything to frustrate the right to vote."
"We should all be free to speak with free expression, but at the same time, we have to recognize again the importance of being fair and balanced."
"Trying to get what you want by taking it away from someone else is against the laws of the universe."
"Alabama has shown me that even our deepest divisions can be overcome because each of us wants the same thing: to be treated fairly and given the same opportunities and the freedom to live with dignity and respect."
"If you have to be fair and perceived as fair, if you're only fair and not perceived that way, it's a problem."
"He has always been genuinely fair, loving, considerate, and always the consummate professional."
"There's one thing that upsets an audience: seeing people being treated unfairly."
"You should pay people what they're actually worth."
"Perhaps the greatest compliment you can pay to a game that is challenging is to say that it feels fair in its difficulty."
"If you use it on stream reacting to a video that a guy spent 500 hours working on, and you've watched it for 10 minutes, the guy who made that video probably deserves that money a little bit more than you."
"The simplicity of peace, of prosperity, of fairness."
"Using the age and therefore lowered expectations of your primary audience to excuse a poor quality product isn't fair."
"No system is perfect, but the one we live in now is needlessly cruel and unfair."
"There is honor in defeat and there is honor in fighting fair when your enemies engage in foul play."
"Isn't the point of living in a civilized society to do our best to make it fair?"
"The notion that the powerful shouldn't get to create one set of rules for themselves and another set of rules for everybody else is a fundamental expectation of justice and fairness in society."
"From time to time in the years to come, I hope you will be treated unfairly, so that you will come to know the value of justice."
"If corporations are people when it suits them, they should be required to be people when it doesn't suit them."
"It's unethical for an attorney to use their position to get special treatment for their family. It's also unethical, particularly for a prosecutor, because of your role in securing and protecting the community."
"We have to respect persons, and if he earned that money fairly without violating anybody else's rights in accordance with the two principles of justice in acquisition and justice in transfer, then it would be wrong to take it away."
"Justice is interesting, isn't it? Things come around, they sure do."
"Most people not only want to feel that they have the ability to express their views to the world but also that those views will have a decent chance of being circulated to a reasonable audience and that they will be given a fair hearing when they are."
"Being a fair and good prosecutor is a very important thing."
"There was no reason that the artist participating shouldn't be paid for their work."
"You can't just drive into the back of someone, no matter how fast you're going."
"Our nation's arc always bends back towards fairness."
"Well, there's a problem with that, and I believe the problem is that we can reform the capitalist system to be fairer, which is beyond dispute. We have had periods of time in our history where it has been reformed to be fairer."
"Unequal outcomes are inevitable; in fact, they are the inevitable consequence of a fair system."
"It's so unfair and it makes me angry and it hurts."
"This basic concept of fairness and fair play elevates the charismaniac above many of their evil peers and automatically makes us like and respect them more."
"Life is just... there will be things that are unfair and sometimes you have good fortune, sometimes you have bad fortune."
"Attacking unfair practices or things that are not right and saying 'this is how it should be' is very valuable."
"You shouldn't be the judge and the executioner all at once."
"Justice is giving each person what is due to him."
"Guaranteeing equal pay for equal work is the right thing to do."
"We have to treat everyone as innocent until proven guilty."
"Don't you think that's a little selfish? No, I don't think it's selfish. I think it's unfair."
"Mario Kart takes the ideas of rubber banding but shifts the perspective to better suit a multiplayer environment."
"In order to promote fairness, equality should be purposeful and that society has an obligation to help people become equal."
"What's good for the goose is good for the gander."
"If you're happy about an unfair thing happening to somebody else, the only thing you have to do for that unfair thing to happen to you is wait."
"Wherever there may be a reasonable suspicion of unfairness, it is best to disqualify."
"Even the probability of unfairness should be avoided."
"Life isn't fair, and it can be hard sometimes."
"Ultimately it's critical to the health of these Realms that players play nice and fair with one another."
"Free markets only work to everyone's benefit if they're set up properly."
"I want people to know what I'm saying in my class; I want them to know I'm fair, I'm balanced, I present both sides of the argument."
"Do not judge according to the appearance, but judge with righteous judgment."
"Law and order with justice where people are treated fairly."
"We believe in a thing called democracy, and we think you should count every vote."
"It's not like it's fair...but what's the alternative? You take responsibility for that and try to struggle uphill."
"Life's unfair, of course it is. What are you going to do about it?"
"We pick up the pieces of what we break; that's the rule. That's only fair."
"This world should be the place where people can be evaluated fairly."
"Not giving people unfair advantages encourages merit. It encourages those people who want to succeed."
"Every person should be given an equal opportunity."
"It's shocking how men playing women's sports has become accepted, ignoring the clear disadvantages."
"The more time that you spend focusing on how depressing it is and how seemingly unfair life is, the less time you're going to spend actually ensuring that it becomes fair."
"If you don't get in somewhere, don't take it personally and don't judge people super harshly based on where they do or don't get in because it's not really a fair value judgment."
"Let's actually get to what's fair. Let's ask this: How many people have benefited from your existence?"
"We always tried to have that at the forefront, I mean absolute honesty, integrity, and fairness."
"You do not take a person who for years has been hobbled by chains and liberate him, bring him up to the starting line of a race, and then say, 'you are free to compete with all the others,' and still justly believe that you have been completely fair."
"You treat people as individuals, so you treat people fairly, you don't attack people unwarrantedly."
"What would we think would be the fair outcome if we did not know where we were in that pecking order?"
"Taxes should fall more heavily on corporations and on the very wealthy."
"It's a such thing called a weight bully, where you're actually too big for the division and you're fighting people that you can dominate because you're just bigger than them."
"Whatever happens in this exercise must be based on fairness, equity, and respect."
"We want to make sure that everybody has a chance, has the same chance as everybody else."
"I think you should be able to get a fair shake without having to do that, but I do think that yeah, people should speak up."
"We must always remember that it is when passions are most inflamed that fairness is most in jeopardy."
"We will be ill-served in the long run if we abandon the presumption of innocence and fairness, tempting though it may be."
"What we're really talking about here is fairness and consistency in testing."
"The new moon in Libra signifies a time for new beginnings, suggesting that any new project or activity initiated during this period needs to be done legally, officially, and in a way that can be quite fair either for yourself and for the other people involved."
"Anytime one group of people is playing by one set of rules and you're forced to play by another, it's gonna cause frustration."
"We won't play the Tories' dog-whistle politics... British people saw, for instance, the horror of the Windrush and it was very clear British people don't want an immigration system which is not fair and is discriminatory."
"Objection, Your Honor, they're using facts again, but this isn't fair."
"It's hard to find someone who truly understands leadership and fairness."
"It's just not fair. It's not fair what happened to this little girl. It's beyond outrageous."
"She only lived to her 13th birthday. It's not fair what happened to her."
"Secular principles, supported by theists and atheists alike, encourage fairness and mutual consideration and help us all, within reasonable limits, to live together in the way we choose."
"You can't pick and choose when you stand up for injustice based off who you like and don't like."
"Everyone needs to be heard fairly, and right now it seems the system's been set up in such a way that most offenders will never be brought to justice."
"AI bias has occurred. It is a bug, not a feature, and they are trying to be even-handed."
"Triumph means victory, victory means battle, and battles are always unfair."
"You can never make fair out of an unfair situation."
"I'm not looking to punish anybody. Let's make corporations and wealthy Americans start paying their fair share."
"We don't want equality of outcome; we want equal opportunity."
"The world's not fair; we are not fighting on an equal playing ground."
"The person who gets the most votes ought to be the person who wins."
"Let's just give them what they want, if what they want is fair and true."
"The point is about treating players fairly, treating players like human beings."
"Justice is not simply a matter of did you break the law. It is always a matter of two closely related questions: does the penalty fit the crime, and did other guys who did roughly the same thing get the same penalty?"
"Anyone is allowed to participate, provided they race fairly."
"I want everybody to know you are eminently fair, you were decent, and you are that same human being whose eyes narrowed as Susan Boyle began to perform."
"Human beings feel like a game is fair when they win seventy percent of the time."
"Being fair means treating everyone according to what they need; individuals are different, they need different things."
"If they're making $200 billion a year off of your data, shouldn't we be getting some of that?"
"The traditional system favors the people that already have money. That's not fair."
"This is a matter of human rights, justice, and fairness."
"We have to hear the other side to make sure we do our due diligence and give them due process to defend themselves."
"How can these principles influence, you know, because otherwise, you know, if there's no recourse to fairness, then what is it we're trying to build?"
"Competition isn't fair; if you are actually worse, you're supposed to lose gracefully. That's the basis of competition."
"Demystifying the legal process is about shedding light on the intricacies that define our quest for fairness and equity."
"The exercise of public powers should be exercised by those on whom they're conferred reasonably, fairly, honestly, and importantly for the purpose for which they are conferred."
"I am not about to give victory to a seemingly deserving party in this one case at the cost of causing injustice in hundreds of cases down the road."
"I will never treat you any differently, and if you're good at your job, I'll promote the [ __ ] out of you."
"We have concerns about fairness and transparency in the process."
"I got criticism for Biden, but if he does something that's good, I'm not gonna rag on him for it."
"My father deeply believes that everyone has a fair chance, which is just basically untrue."
"They're trying to make sure this is a completely fair connection between you two."
"I treated you unfairly. I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve that."
"Justice... where we try to deliver medical services in a fair way."
"Honestly, I can't even call this bad game design. It's probably the most upfront way to make you shift your expectations. It's telling you: This game is unfair."
"This is a justice system that you cannot and should not buy your way out of."
"It's not fair ultimately, you know, it's really not fair to see all these clubs... making signings that they need."
"Just as I think, by the way, it's wrong for people to steal the place of anyone who legally waited in the queue to take part in the great American experiment."
"There's no more premium pass in this game... No more paying for maps, no more paying for modes."
"The idea of the rule of law is central... it's not because you're rich and powerful and the king that you can just do what you like; everyone gets a fair shot in court."
"It's not about whether or not they're women; it's about whether or not Fair Play has been maintained."
"The right to a fair trial, the right to a fair jury, a fair judge... this just seems fair, universally."
"We do not have control over everything, bad things do happen to good people, and there's lots that happens in our societies that isn't fair."
"An independent, fair, and impartial judiciary is indispensable to our system of justice."
"To whom much is given, much is required... it's incumbent on rich and powerful people to right the system and to make it fair once again."
"People who create stuff do deserve to get paid for what they've done."
"Questioning elections and using all the legal methods that you can in order to try to change the outcome of the election if you feel like the election wasn't done fairly, there's nothing wrong with that."