
Dream Interpretation Quotes

There are 159 quotes

"Keep a dream journal because there's going to be a lot of signs in there for you."
"My dreams are so real that I can feel the facial hair on someone; I can smell their cologne."
"In dream physics, your mind is the one that's making it happen, not the actual laws of physics."
"Your dreams help you carve out a real plan here, a way to make things reality."
"Falling in a dream is a red flag from your subconscious that's something in your life... is going in the wrong direction."
"Listen to your dreams, they reveal what needs attention."
"As you become advanced in these teachings on dreams..."
"Take care of yourself right now. Dreams are going to be really wild for some of you over the next couple of months. Listen to that."
"Dreams are indications of a good state with Allah but should not be a source of pride or extremism."
"I dreamed I was flying, and I, of all my eyes, could clearly see the Statue of Liberty sailing away to sea. And I dreamed I was dying, come back to life. Happy Independence Day."
"Your dreams are trying to show you that you need to be a little bit more open."
"Dreams can tell the future, they're not just random."
"Dreams prepare, announce, or warn about certain situations." - Carl Jung, The Symbolic Life
"Dream signs are being given to you through your dreams."
"Dreams afford a separation of soul and body."
"Symbols are the true language of the soul, and to know how to interpret the meaning of the symbols of your dreams is of the utmost importance to the beginner."
"The three-eyed crow isn't of course an actual crow, it's a representation of someone in a dream."
"The three-eyed crow came flapping at his face and crying his name, and her voice as sharp as swords."
"Dreams are most profound when they seem the most crazy."
"Scripture is the foundation for interpreting dreams, not unscriptural interpretations."
"Dreams are weighty because dreams carry the voice of God."
"The same one that gave you the dream, beloved one, will also give you the interpretation."
"Your dreams can give you an intriguing glimpse into your psyche and offer you a great opportunity to amend the areas in your life that need a bit of TLC."
"To dream about sex refers to the integration and merging of contrasting aspects of yourself, it represents psychological completion."
"You need to be optimistically objective. Look at how a problem might work, not how it might not work."
"Give absurd ideas respect. Give them the respect of being plausible, of being possible."
"Your subconscious is trying to send you a message."
"I think it's the all-dream interpretation that makes it better."
"Demons have been attacking you in your dream because you don't notice it when you're awake."
"It ain't always gonna be like this. I'm walking into a season where I'm getting ready to interpret dreams and people are going to come looking for me."
"A dream is an experience of the super conscious."
"If you start to pray and fast, start paying attention to your dreams."
"I had a dream I ate a pillow and I woke up. My pillow was gone. It's a deep dive into your psychology."
"You will be remembering your dreams, but also to have this strong connection in the morning when you get this like an important messages which are going to be like a green light to go go go."
"Dreams can tell you what city you're moving to, where you're going."
"Warning dreams alert us of an upcoming tragedy or situation we need to pay attention to."
"Dream interpretation belongs to God first and the dreamer second."
"I had a dream once... after the dream, they all bowed down to the figure of Christ."
"One thing for sure during this fasting period is that my soul has been speaking to me through my dreams."
"Nowadays, we believe these dream worlds are illusions conjured up by our brains, but if you lived in ancient Rome, you would credit them to Morpheus."
"Pay attention to your dreams... something remarkable is going to happen."
"When you have a strange dream, you are going to find out something very important."
"Every dream is a direct, personal, and meaningful communication to the dreamer."
"The dream should be treated as a fact about which one must make no previous assumption except that it somehow makes sense."
"Love doing your dreams because water is about goals and dreams as well it's about your emotions how you feel about things so I."
"There's very important messages in your dreams."
"These dreams are gateways to your subconscious and the higher realms of existence."
"Divine influences fashion our dreams as well as direct our waking thoughts."
"The first Dream Dictionary originated in ancient Egypt."
"I think it was a bad dream, but I'm starting to think that it could be something else or I'm just losing my mind."
"The Lord can minister to you in a dream, he can bring healing, he can bring deliverance."
"Every dream, every nightmare is him just seeing an alternate universe version of himself."
"Don't give up, dreams are going to be a lot more clairvoyant this month."
"Dreams about teeth falling out are a sign of stress, often associated with feelings of powerlessness and anxiety."
"If the dream is repeating itself, it speaks of confirmation."
"Dreams lift the veil, allowing us to explore deeper aspects of our experiences."
"Dreams are not telling us about our future, they're creating it."
"You're a person who can see things through dreams and you can see the future."
"Pay attention to dreams because they can teach us so much about our reality."
"Dreams as messages: your soul communicates insights and premonitions to prepare you for life's challenges."
"This person is going through a spiritual transformation and this spiritual transformation is happening through the fact that they're having dreams about you."
"A guidance dream is when your soul, maybe your angels, maybe some spirit guides, give you guidance on next steps, on what decision you should make."
"There's a lot of information coming through from your dreams."
"I moved my hands like this, and then I woke up. But when I woke up, I still had the feeling of its rib cage through the covers."
"Have you had the dream again? A black goat with seven eyes that watches from the outside."
"My dreams show me that I am the co-creator of my life and my destiny."
"I've been having very vivid romance dreams about this boy that I know."
"Dreams can forge covenants, altering destinies through agreements made."
"Libra hold on tight pay attention to what's going on in your dreams because you are being guided by some very highly evolved beings to bring you into like a golden age or a golden period of your life where it's just magical."
"Could our dreams be signals from a parallel universe?"
"A spiritual dream will always conceal a meaning and often deal with the future."
"The law of double dreaming means that if you dream the exact dream twice, it is established by God and will come to pass."
"The clarification today about dreams was truly a blessing."
"A prophetic dream is not just reserved for a believer of Jesus Christ."
"A nightmare can save us from making a bad choice."
"Was it a nightmare really? Was it a familiar spirit maybe taking the form of a soldier who fought in the area?"
"The textbook Trelawney used to interpret dreams was 'Unfogging the Future'."
"Dream about them, and find clarity in your dream time about this connection."
"The first Grand interpreter of the dream in the Bible was Joseph; he rose from a slave to the second in command of the whole land of Egypt through the ability to interpret dream."
"The dream was doubled... means this: that the thing is fixed by God and God will soon bring it to pass."
"Every dream is God's communication within the dreamer, and the dreamer is God."
"...I do know that what was the contents of the dream was worth talking about and was perfectly in line with the Catholic faith."
"One dreams, for instance, of a dishonest neighbor, but the neighbor is used by the dream as a picture of one's own dishonesty."
"Your dreams are straightforward, you may even see your soulmate in your dreams."
"If you're having really confusing dreams, really vivid dreams that you can actually recall, that's a sign that you're meeting with your future spouse soon."
"God is saying in the dream there's going to be some delays, there's going to be some setbacks."
"So, you wonder, 'Why am I a child of God and I'm going through demonic activities in my dream?' It's simply because you don't know how to decode what is encoded in the realms of the spirit."
"Pay attention and listen to the wisdom even from unexpected sources. Dream interpretation can offer valuable insights into our lives."
"When you see a dove in your dream, it's symbolic to peace, trust, and humility."
"If you see yourself flying in the dream, that's witchcraft. Someone is ruling your life through sorcery."
"God is the one, God and God alone, is where dream interpretation or understanding comes from."
"When you see a peacock in your dream, it's symbolic to beauty and your relationship is developing."
"Dream number seven is a fish. When you see a fish in your dream, that's symbolic to the strong commitment you have."
"The number 7 person is a dream husband means he's fit to become a husband."
"I’m sure it was a dream, it had to be, I’d been putting off doing anything about the stain, that’s why I dreamt about it, right?"
"I want you to learn how to interpret your own dreams so that you don't have to always rely on other people."
"If you dream of a snake biting you, it's a sign that there is a spirit of disappointment that is about to come."
"Recognize calling dreams are not always literal; actually, they're usually symbolic."
"The history of that dream is as legendary as Hercules."
"If you see Freya in your dreams, this is a huge sign that she is calling out to you."
"Dreams are the canvas on which our deepest fears and desires are painted in vivid, unsettling strokes."
"Healing is change. Learning is change. When you dream at night and you're having really weird, vivid dreams, there is a suggestion that that could be because you're in a phase of your life that you're learning."
"A dream when you're asleep... No matter how crazy it might be, it all seems to make sense."
"'True, I talk of dreams which are the children of an idle brain, begot of nothing but vain fantasy which is as thin of substance as the air and more inconstant than the wind.'"
"These dreams are gems from God to give me instructions on how to walk with Him."
"Being chased is considered a positive sign, encouraging the dreamer to face a problem."
"Pray for interpretation when you don't understand your dreams."
"There's almost a real interesting question there of, is it a dream, or is it something more?"
"Many people believe that a vivid dream of teeth falling out can symbolize a recent loss of something important."
"You must always interpret those dreams and visions by scripture; by necessity, the word and the spirit must always agree."
"You have vivid dreams and you dream about people in your life that passed over or people still alive."
"Your dreams are already a larval form of thought; you are already every night being forced to become non-human."
"It's old, it's Japanese law that if you can't sleep at night, it's because you're awake in someone's dreams."
"I definitely think there's some dreams that have meaning to them, and I think God does give us those dreams."
"There are lies in dreams and death, but dreams hold truth too."
"Dream is the personalized myth, myth the personalized dream."
"O destiny, that mayst not be eschewed! Alas, that Chanticleer flew from the beams! Alas, his wife ne raughte not of dreams!"
"The spirit of wisdom gives you the interpretation to the dream."
"The signals come in the dream, but we fail to pay attention."
"Dreams do have meaning sometimes, yeah."
"We can train ourselves to have greater access to a higher knowing through really interpreting the symbols and images in our dreams."
"Ancient cultures valued dream interpretation as a very sacred healing technique."
"If a man could pass through Paradise in a dream and have a flower presented to him as a pledge that his soul had really been there, and if he found that flower in his hand when he awoke, Aye, and what then?"
"If the dreamer wakes up and is not dreaming anymore, it's over with."
"When you have a dream that feels so deep and meaningful in the moment and then when you wake up you're trying to put it together and you realize it's just nonsense."
"Even in my dream that had no answer, now I relate to it every day."
"I think I know what has happened; you must have been dreaming, Mamzelle."
"Wow, you know in Bible there's a story about a Joseph, a man who could interpret his dreams."
"...what are we to make of these experiences, how would we reconcile what occurred in a dream we had with something we later experience in reality?"
"Dreams and windows into the lives of our multiversal selves."
"Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream with God's help."
"Embrace these dreams; they are the whispers of the cosmos affirming that the journey through separation is a transformative prelude to the imminent embrace of unity between you and your twin flame."
"Pay attention to your dreams, they're going to be dropping letters from Heaven."
"Good dreams make good friends, bad dreams make bad friends."
"I had a dream that was telling me that life is real, but you can make it whatever you want it to be."
"Someone who sees a white horse in a dream, whether it is resting or running, it's a good thing."
"Someone who sees olive oil in a dream, expect the light of the Torah."
"Someone who sees nuts and zucchinis and utensils from glass, that means his requests are accepted."
"For half-bloods, dreams are hardly ever dreams."
"True is this dream and faithful is its interpretation."
"Your soul is speaking through your dreams."
"Unlike in the western psychological approach to dreams, the ultimate goal of Tibetan dream yoga is a recognition of the nature of mind or enlightenment itself."