
Nutritional Advice Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"Avoid the sweet stuff for breakfast to set your day on a much better path and help your physical and mental health thrive."
"Ensuring you're hitting your iodine intake would be prudent."
"A healthy diet low in sugar and seed oils can help prevent Alzheimer's disease."
"The reality is if you take a step back, there's very little difference in what is currently being advocated by pretty much everybody... Our diet should be the vast majority of what goes down our gullet should have grown out of the ground."
"Water is essential for drawing vitamins and minerals in and out of your cells and also helps to plump up the skin and smooth out the skin."
"An untracked cheat day is seriously gonna set you guys back."
"Balance of nature fruits and veggies are a great way to make sure that you're getting essential nutritional ingredients every single day."
"It doesn't make a whole sense to me that they would say you need carotenoids when you can get preformed vitamin A in animal foods."
"If you eat just a lean piece of meat... it's gonna at least get the digestive system going."
"So when you're insulin resistant and carb intolerant, that you would restrict carbs."
"Vitamin B12 is the one that should send you off to the grocery store or the health food store or the drugstore to get a small B12 supplement and take it every day."
"Nature wanted for us a balanced fat diet, not a low-fat diet."
"Cooking may actually make more of the vitamin K available."
"You want to be in about a 70/30 ratio of ketones to sugar in terms of what your body uses for fuel and as a substrate."
"Beans and cancer: eat beans, you have low rates of cancer."
"The secret formula for obesity... is S.O.S - sugar, oil, and salt."
"Increase your water intake, eat more beans and legumes, and have a decent amount of fiber-rich veggies and fruits with every meal to improve your intake of healthy carbs."
"Fat is your friend, especially when you are first starting keto. That's how you get keto adapted, fat adapted."
"Calories in, calories out... it really is that simple."
"You do need B12, I don't care if you are a nursing baby or you are a person of 40 or 85."
"Fat makes you lean, strong, and healthy. It is one of the most important things that you can have in your diet."
"Metabolic health is wealth and I tried to corner that phrase but too many of us are talking about it which is fine but I think it's important to understand that our health is currency."
"Cholesterol is good, you need both of them, the so-called good and bad."
"Do not juice your grapes brother, make sure you eat them."
"A protein goal is one gram of protein per pound of ideal body weight."
"You need to distinguish between hunger and cravings."
"But if you are going to enjoy breakfast and are looking for one that will keep your energy levels even keeled for longer, aim to build a balanced meal with protein, healthy fats, and fiber-rich carbs - you know, the hunger-crushing combination."
"Making sure that either in your diet or in a supplement you're getting an excellent source of all the B vitamins."
"BCAA supplements are essentially worthless as long as you're consuming enough daily protein."
"Net carbs shouldn't exceed 5% of your total calorie load."
"Diets rich in green vegetables have more powerful anti-cancer effects and extend human lifespans."
"H = N/C: Healthy life expectancy is proportional to the nutrient per calorie density of your diet."
"Kale has these goitrogens in them that basically can block thyroid function."
"Thyroid boosting foods include selenium in fish and Brazil nuts, zinc in pumpkin seeds and oysters, omega-3 fats in fatty fish, and vitamin D in herring and mushrooms."
"The baby's way is the way... Bacon, eggs, butter, beef, and salt. That's simple, right? You don't need to make it difficult."
"Don't demonize fats, realize that good healthy fats are good for you."
"To just tell them oh just eat intuitively and you'll be fine I think that again that's a gross oversimplification of what it really takes to be able to eat intuitively."
"Being a happy human being, you just need your nutrients, so I make sure everything is just a balanced meal."
"You want your pre-workout meal to be high in carbohydrates because carbs are our energy source. So, I'll bust out a sweet potato, I like to eat that when I eat. I can't just eat, like, snacks, you don't say."
"A source of iodine usually some kind of seaweed daily is a good idea."
"If you're thinking about cheap foods all the time, it means that you're under eating way too much."
"This will keep you full longer, the calories are way less, and it has no sugar in it."
"Dairy has compounds specially placed to support brain health."
"You need to be eating your macros and micronutrients, good wholesome healthy foods, and enough calories."
"You can give your body everything it needs to feel and perform its best."
"Good luck building something like Twilio to send text messages."
"Calories in versus calories out is still the ultimate bottom line."
"Whole grain carbohydrates keep us full for a long time like protein does."
"Let's try and balance that out a little bit, get some whole grain carbohydrates in there."
"Follow a balanced mix diet, one that you can do forever, not one you can fall for three months and give up, one that will be able to be done for life. That's the key, lifetime adherence, not a quick fix, not a band-aid, a diet for life."
"Just eat real food; if we just ate real food, the chance of developing type 2 diabetes would be very low indeed."
"Your number one supplement is your daily intake and diet."
"Consider to use Lifelines with your meals, it would behoove you to do that."
"If you have the time to read, perhaps pick up my circle diet book."
"It's calories in calories out that's literally all it is."
"Keep the red meat in, particularly for women: the iron and the B12 and the zinc."
"Investigating why this diet seems to help people could provide some useful information that you may apply to your own diet, even if you have no intention of eating a bunch of meat."
"You are what you eat, right? It's true for us and it's true for animals."
"You don't need to eat a side of bison every day as some of the carnivore folks would have you believe."
"A comprehensive solution is what you need from your supplement routine."
"Eat a steak, cook up some spinach, eat some meat, get some iron the natural way."
"Big emphasis on the phrase food with no nutrition label is the healthiest, aka whole foods."
"It's always calories in, calories out - no shortcuts."
"I think part of what this question is asking is, 'Okay, but what should we be eating?'"
"Protein is essential for everything - skin, hair, muscles, bones, organs, enzymes, hormones."
"One gram of protein per pound of body weight is optimal for everyone, not just bodybuilders."
"Omega-3 fatty acids are really important for brain health."
"Adding a protein and fat to any carbohydrate-rich meal is going to have a number of favorable effects."
"Upgrade our diet...nutrient-dense colorful diet full of plants."
"Including a variety of protein-rich foods in your diet will help with your overall balance."
"Simple pillars like prebiotics, probiotics, and the color of the rainbow."
"Fat is a necessary part of any diet; eliminating it completely will never be healthy."
"It's time to give your body the proper fuel that it needs to recover."
"All carbohydrates are the same... it's all sugar... and you need to be careful about how much sugar and carbohydrate you're taking in."
"By focusing on the minimum effort growth acceleration, you don't need to eat a ton of calories to progress in your workouts and build solid muscle."
"If you eat generally well, you'll feel generally well."
"We're setting up kids for such failure, hummeling them with antibiotics like allergies. It's just a no-brainer for me: give kids Whole Foods."
"Foods high in nutrient density are low in calories, so those are the ones that may help you lose weight as well."
"And let me remind you, this is great for kids too."
"And remember, good, better, best – if carrot juice is going to allow you to drink more and eat more vegetables than you normally would, then it’s a good thing."
"In the day, in the course of all the meals that you're eating, that you're getting enough protein."
"So that's a great Point yeah it'll kind of sell yeah like the person who's underweight will now put on nice muscle tissue."
"You get enough to survive from your diet but if you want to thrive and optimize your health right you ain't getting this in a diet."
"Fat isn't bad for you but rather sugar is the main issue..."
"If you want clean lean protein powder, I technically consider it a pantry staple."
"Greens are the ultimate gut health supplement."
"Your word says that you give power to the weak."
"My grandfather taught me how to garden. He showed me to look for emerald leaves because they were the most nutritious."
"Calories are so black and white... it takes away from the whole listening to your body thing."
"For leaky gut, bone broth should be the first thing you're getting in your diet every day."
"I would love to see more actual sit-down meals and not just drinks and snacks... Food equals calories which equals energy."
"It's the highest in omega-3 fatty acids, which is great for inflammation."
"Adding fruits and vegetables to your diet is crucial for reaping their antioxidant and vitamin benefits."
"Creatine is probably one of the most value for money supplements that you can start with and keep as a solid foundational supplement in your cupboard year-round."
"There is no biological requirement for added sugar."
"I'm not promoting any diet to you other than healthy abundance goodness for your body."
"If they're tired it's not a caffeine deficiency it's a nutrition deficiency."
"Variety equals Vitality. Give your body everything it needs with balance of nature."
"Potatoes for some reason are really slow to digest you won't get an energy spike and then a crash with them like you would white bread so they are a really good alternative."
"Your body can't properly digest and use the protein, carbs, and fat unless you're getting the right amounts of vitamins and minerals."
"Control carbohydrates. Focus on the least starchy sugary carbohydrates."
"Combine spices like turmeric with black pepper to enhance the absorption of kirkin, the active ingredient in turmeric known for its anti-inflammatory properties."
"Magnesium is so, so important and it doesn't get enough credit."
"The smartest choice is to make sure that you are having a well balanced diet of carbs and of fruits and vegetables and of your protein whatever choice protein you choose I think that is your best bet for maintaining a healthy lifestyle."
"You can eat all the vegetables you want, some fruit, meat, fish, fowl, eggs, nuts, seeds, lots of sources of protein, healthy fats."
"Diversity is key in order to reap the most benefits from the foods that you're eating."
"Your healthy life expectancy, how long you're gonna live and the quality of your life in your later years, is proportional to the nutrient per calorie density of the diet you eat all through life."
"The foundation of what you should be eating is fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds."
"For the most part, most foods can be included in a well-balanced diet perfectly fine."
"I'd rather people eat a real food saturated fat type ketogenic diet then add in these other pieces until we have more information."
"You are what you eat. Eat healthy, stay healthy."
"Vitamin C is important in fresh forms, supplements, and snacks."
"Take your D, take your K2, take your magnesium, and you're going to live longer and you're going to function better now."
"I think it's important for us to emphasize the importance of the whole pattern, not one choice." - Dr. Will Bulsiewicz
"Apparently, Doctors think Americans don't eat enough fat."
"I'm always trying to tell people that not all calories are equal."
"Reducing protein intake by 50% of the RDA is irresponsible and dangerous."
"I agree with American Institute for cancer research suggesting that we should eat a serving of either legumes or whole grains at every single meal."
"Iodine is required for thyroid function... it allows your thyroid to produce the thyroid hormone... that regulates how fast our metabolism goes."
"It is really important to make sure you eat fruit and vegetables and fiber."
"It's about quality not quantity of calories."
"High fructose corn syrup, especially when you're already in a caloric surplus."
"The fuel that you put in your body just like the fuel that you put in a car will dictate how you perform and how you recover"
"The type of diet that generally works best is a diet that has a higher percentage of macronutrients coming from protein and fat."
"Focus on healthy nutrition, and establishing a good sleeping pattern routine."
"You need to be in a calorie deficit to burn fat."
"The healthiest diet is one centered around whole plant foods."
"Smoothie fruits are not meant to be put in smoothie form, we should eat the fruit and it'll be way more effective."
"Carbs in general are a good thing but you want to choose those that are in their most natural form beans root vegetables whole grains that still have the fiber attached those are your better choices."
"Good news, America: beef, eggs, butter, and tropical oils all back on the menu."
"Omega-3s come from plants, DHA and EPA supplement is beneficial for almost all."
"Too many people just aren't eating enough... you need enough food."
"Eating for wellness means focusing less on quantity and more on quality."
"Option number 3: going with the healthy toppings."
"When we say eat five servings of fruit, we're saying eat the fruit that is within the sugar that is co-packaged with by Nature with fiber."
"When possible, buy whole, processed, mostly plant-based foods."
"Flax are probably one of the healthiest seeds you guys can eat; it's rich in lignins, omega-3 fatty acids, and higher amounts than basically all other nuts and seeds that I'm aware of at this time."
"Eating good food, giving it what it needs to thrive, because you'll get better results, I guarantee."
"Ginger and turmeric are two of the most important root vegetables or tubers that most people are simply not eating enough of."
"The more electrolytes you get in your diet, the less you'll need to take in added supplements."
"Oily fish are a great source of vitamin D and omega-3, which is thought to help prevent heart disease."
"It's crazy because it's actually good to have good fats and protein because it actually helps you stay in fat-burning mode."