
Unconventional Thinking Quotes

There are 147 quotes

"Most inventions in the world, most innovations come from putting things together that haven’t been there together before, often in really unusual and surprising ways."
"Performance art often challenges the audience to think in new and unconventional ways."
"Greatness requires being bold enough to do something that doesn't make sense to the rest of the world."
"The wrong way is the right way, often times in technology."
"If you want exceptional results, you have to operate and think differently than normal people think."
"I wouldn't have had such good scientific ideas if I had thought more normally." - John Nash
"Don't always go through the tiny little door that everyone's trying to rush through, maybe go around the corner and go through the vast gate that no one's taking."
"Successful adults are not ones that follow the rules quote unquote; they're people that think outside of the box."
"Some of our greatest innovation comes from people who are outside of the box."
"Unconventional ideas... resonate with younger people."
"This week kind of drawn to unconventional ways of thinking that may change or challenge society's Norms."
"You should feel completely uncomfortable. You should be doing almost the exact opposite of what everyone else is doing."
"Embracing the weirdness is actually a good thing."
"If you want to be more successful than most people, then you're going to have to think and act differently."
"The best science is when you go against the grain."
"When our ways of thinking break down, it's the rebels and the Renegades who dare to think differently who are needed."
"It's powerful stuff and I love doing this because I think a lot of this it flips conventional thinking on its head."
"Some of the greatest philosophers of our time are also crazy people."
"Scientific breakthroughs don't come from The Establishment, they come from Mavericks."
"It takes someone of a unique mind to just think outside the box."
"Think outside the box, embrace unconventional thinking."
"Crazy ones usually are. If you're crazy enough to believe it, it's probably true."
"Do the opposite of what I would normally do."
"To succeed in this kind of war you need to be someone who thinks a little bit outside the box."
"Why think not with the sock not with the intention to win..."
"You gotta think outside the box in situations like this. Who knew a salad could be a survival meal?"
"It's an example of how one can think out of the box."
"Say whatever else you want about Graham Hancock, he is, to use the cliche, an outside-the-box thinker."
"Be unconventional. Conventional thinking gives you conventional results."
"Breaking the rules and not looking at things exactly how the rest of the world does is an asset."
"Creativity in problem-solving and thinking outside conventional patterns are traits that define true winners."
"You have to have this magical ability to trust your reasoning over conventional wisdom."
"The Skunk Works is more than a facility, a state of mind, it's where the brightest Minds collaborate without the constraints of convention."
"You gotta think about the acquisition of capital differently than the average person does if you want different results."
"Betting against the consensus is a good thing."
"If you don't think differently than the majority of people, you're never going to become successful."
"Tesla thinks first then acts second; convention is for fools."
"All progress depending on the unreasonable man." - George Bernard Shaw
"Innovation can come from when we're not afraid to think outside the box."
"Allow for even if the ideas seem weird because sometimes the ideas can come in and it can be very strange but it can be exactly what you need right now."
"All progress and greatness belongs to the misfits, oddballs, and eccentrics."
"That's a millionaire mindset. Getting stung by a stingray and dying that way can't be that bad."
"Anything can be a computer if you try hard enough."
"I think you always got to think outside the box, haven't you?"
"Just go straight up as if your head were a box."
"Disruptive thinking started with God."
"Nobody talks about Jesus' miracle of having twelve close friends in his thirties."
"It just means that you have to think outside the box, Sagittarius, and you're really good at doing that."
"Mark, not only is he thinking outside the box, he's not even aware that there's a box."
"They need to think outside the box."
"Start to think outside of the box. Uranus energy is about thinking outside of the box."
"We'll have to think out of the box."
"Don't be afraid to think outside of the box."
"Many of you google opposites and you'll see astonishing number of breakthroughs are the opposite of preconception."
"I think the only way Harry ever could have done it was to leap, 'cause she [Diana] was a maverick herself."
"It just goes to show that sometimes thinking outside the box can bring about change."
"We're gonna think a little outside the box."
"There's a fine line between genius and insanity - I have erased this line."
"...sometimes by thinking outside of the box for certain topics there's a larger chance of success compared to sticking with the traditional routes."
"I wanted to try and do something different because I was trying to think outside the box."
"Thinking outside the box. This is why we talk to you."
"The whole point of it is to be insane, and it's so insane that it makes sense."
"Using that to our advantage is good, let's not restrict our minds and think outside of the box for a change."
"Make life your own, you know? Think outside of the box."
"What makes an idea interesting is when it departs from conventional wisdom."
"Only by being foolish can you be creative and only by being creative can you have the kind of happy life I take it that most of you want."
"...let's think outside the box..."
"I don't know why we ever think it won't. It's gotten almost not realistic in anything that we've ever thought. This guy just changes the mold of the way we think and continues."
"In a world facing unprecedented challenges from climate change to social inequality your unconventional thinking is not just valuable it's indispensable."
"I stand upon my desk to remind myself that we must constantly look at things in a different way."
"Champions are champions for reasons. They think a little bit outside the box."
"You gotta be kidding me, circles have already won, genius think outside the box."
"This activity gets the students thinking out of the box."
"Disrupt a bit, think outside the box."
"Think about things differently, think a little outside of the box."
"It's sometimes good to 'think outside the box'."
"Think outside the box. The best trades usually have different structures on either side."
"Golf seems to be the greatest sport in the world for if we all did the opposite of what we thought, we'd be much better off."
"He thought a radio was excess weight, he thought a fuel gauge was excess weight, he would instead track fuel consumption with his watch."
"You just gotta think outside the box, just a little bit."
"...you just gotta think outside the box or you know think outside the cookie cutter..."
"It was against the dogma and I think... it illustrates the need for sometimes thinking out of the box."
"It's a backwards kind of inside out thinking."
"I like it when we see people just thinking outside of the box a little bit."
"A time you thought outside the box."
"The average person wouldn't come up with the idea, but the geniuses of humanity are fundamentally liberated from the reigns of common sense."
"What I'm trying to say here is be creative with Lego pieces, think outside the box, change things up, try new things, and you'll be really surprised by what you find."
"...inspires us to think outside the box when we're brewing."
"We speak about losing our minds as if it's a bad thing. Lose your mind, do it purposefully."
"I think sure, you have to have, you have to have, you have to have a level of crazy. You can't be normal, no, you can't, because you're thinking outside the box, you're going for things that you've never seen before."
"So here's a crazy way of looking at it"
"Wow, in a way I admire her for thinking outside the box."
"Just don't be shy to think outside the box all the time."
"We don't need to be paving cow paths, we need to celebrate unconventional thinking."
"I just got to think outside the box, man."
"Think outside the box, think outside the book."
"What if we were to actually navigate and problem solve our way through this by looking at unorthodox ideas?"
"Essentially, I think you want to get others thinking outside of the box."
"You have to think outside of the box and be creative."
"Sometimes we need to think outside of the box rather than replicating what's available conventionally."
"It's important to be crazy to be good."
"It's like that kid where he's like, 'Yo, so we going to rob the bank by getting a job at the bank,' and he's like, 'That's just called a job.'"
"When it comes down to his business advice, it pretty much comes down to one main thing: this guy is someone who thinks outside the box."
"Think different, win different. If you think like everybody else, you're going to get the same results as everybody else."
"I'm just a dude that loves to experiment and try to think outside the box."
"All progress depends on unreasonable people."
"Talk about thinking outside the box."
"It's about risking disapproval and being true to your own unconventional ideas."
"To be a good designer, you kind of have to be out in left field most of the time and not thinking the way most people think."
"Complete Mastery does not come with a conventional mind; you need to have an open, childlike mind."
"Rebellious, unconventional thinking."
"It shows to have the courage to think out of the box make sense."
"Sometimes we just have to learn to think outside of the box."
"Try and look for areas that are much less obvious."
"Sometimes it takes a guy who thinks a little outside of the box."
"He's really creative, definitely thinks outside of the box."
"Often when studying history, if you want to find satisfactory answers, you do have to ask yourself unconventional questions."
"Definitely some out of the box thinking."
"It's amazing what happens when you think outside the square."
"Think outside the box, wherever you are right now, think outside the box."
"The best people, or the people who come up with the most unique ideas, are those that can think outside the box."
"Think outside the box, don't autopilot yourself into standard plays."
"If you want to do uncommon things, you need to think uncommon thoughts."
"You might be surprised, and it gives you something else to think about, something a little outside the box."
"I'm definitely an out-of-the-box thinker, so I don't go in the lines."
"Thank you for being wildly, radically unconventional and for helping the rest of us think that way."
"Think outside of the box, what do you feel is maybe a bit taboo or maybe a little bit against the grain, but you know you're good at it."