
Harm Prevention Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"The Googlers say, 'Don't be evil.' At least do not harm others. And if you can, if possible, bring some benefit to others."
"I'd rather be super intentional and aware of how I'm moving about in the world so that I don't cause myself harm or other people harm."
"We shouldn't harm sentient beings unnecessarily."
"If we understand each other, we are less likely to do harm to each other."
"If people use their right to free speech to spread misinformation which leads demonstrably to harm of innocent people, that would be an element of our free speech which we must excise in order to preserve the value of free speech itself."
"I think it's important to note that nowhere do I intend harm, full stop."
"Harm is removed...it's permissible to do things that in order to remove harm from people."
"Stopping additional harm from occurring is crucial, yet pinpointing a singular piece of harm can be challenging."
"Real liberty for all depends on restraining individual exercises of liberty that harm others."
"We must put great effort into proofing AI against it being harmful to humanity, this is exactly why ethical development of AI is so important."
"I'm critical of bad policies. I don't have a problem with religion. I'm religious too. I have a problem with religion being used as a justification to harm people."
"If there is a possible harm, we should then see how to get ahead of it."
"You can't go hurt somebody because of your belief."
"It's better to be safe than sorry, considering the potential harm caused."
"Everybody's got a right to do as they do, as long as you're not breaking the law or making a victim out of anybody else."
"A robot may not harm a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm."
"I would much rather be wrong and not hurt somebody than think I'm right while hurting somebody."
"I try to act very responsibly... because I am terrified of the damage I will do to other people."
"There has to be a larger conversation about recognizing harm and how do we prevent this harm from being reproduced."
"Law one may not injure a human being or through inaction allow human being to come to harm."
"Your right to free speech can't butt up against another person's right to be free from bodily or reputational injury."
"I just want to help people, I don't want to see nobody hurt."
"I think those red flag laws are in place to try to make sure that those who have a history of doing physical harm to others are not able to continue that harm with the use of a gun."
"Criminal justice should focus on harm prevention, not retribution."
"The least we could do is reopen our government and stop pursuing the self-inflicted harm that it creates."
"Can we get 'First, do no harm' to be a principle in politics, please?"
"As the Avatar, you are not meant to hurt others."
"I support freedom of speech, but I do not support anybody being hurt."
"It's apparent to me that a lot of people are going to get hurt in a fight that doesn't need to happen."
"Abolition is a construction project because it's more about building productive systems with an emphasis on nurturing communities and preventing harm before it occurs."
"Every time Allah mentions 'hasbi allah,' it brings both benefit and does away with harm."
"Freedom of speech is an amazing thing and I fully support it, however, freedom of speech does not give someone the right to incite actions that would harm somebody else."
"When you start harming people, that's where you draw the line."
"I think being a good person is like not talking about others in a negative way, not harming yourself, not harming the ones around you. You can do whatever you want, be whoever you want, as long as you're not hurting others or yourself."
"There's nothing compassionate about putting people in this situation we're in evitable people are gonna get hurt"
"Allah knows that if people go to extremes, it will create more harm."
"Let everybody do their thing and focus our energy on the things that really hurt someone."
"Nobody gets hurt. This is what I call governing and government doing its job, ensuring everybody's better off."
"Words can cause real harm to people and therefore there should be regulations, in the same way that weapons are regulated."
"It's impossible to avoid injury even if the shooter doesn't have any projectiles on them."
"We take any potential harm to our community extremely seriously."
"He would rather become a fool than a genius who harms people."
"Making sure we're not causing harm first, but also creating cultures and environments where all people feel welcome and safe."
"This is a perfect example of how if you don't de-escalate the situation, you end up causing a lot more harm."
"Humiliation and hate can cause massive harm. Please stop the hate before it's too late."
"Until I can be sure that it can no longer bring harm to anyone, I will never sleep easy."
"The whole goal of this course is try to make it that you hopefully figure this out before you ever touch a human being, right? You do not want to cause harm."
"We've got to look at the risk-benefit ratio and make sure we're not harming people above all, do no harm."
"Manage your anger to prevent harm to others."
"I fully support people believing what they want as long as those beliefs aren't inflicting harm on other people."
"First, do no harm. How would you even know if you're doing harm unless you're there, unless you're awake, unless you're mindful?"
"No person should be harmed without their consent."
"What could be the harm in just taking better care of yourself?"
"If something is going to do harm, don't do it."
"there is no Celestial safety net that's going to stop us from doing harm to ourselves or to each other or from going extinct that has to be our responsibility."
"Set your life up so you're not inclined to create Untold harm."
"The first law of self-care is to do no harm to self."
"People pass away from this. Please don't do it."
"I believe that all of us can achieve a good life and a wholesome life and an enjoyable life that causes no harm to any other human being, whether adult or child."
"Just don't do anything that hurts."
"Just stop the harm, and then miracles happen."
"Do not tell anybody to commit die as a result of my YouTube videos."
"The law only has the right to prohibit those actions which are injurious to society."
"It's one thing if you being who you are is hurting people in any kind of way."
"Providing support and intervention to those in difficult situations could make a big difference in preventing harm."
"You can do a gender reveal if you want to as long as it doesn't hurt other people."
"If mindfulness is fully established, whenever you say or do something harmful to yourself or others, you'll know straight away."
"You have to let people know what is harmful for them but also in a positive way of what they should be doing with their lives."
"I promise I will never do anything to hurt you."
"Remember, the motto should be 'do no further harm.'"
"The first oath of a medical ninja is do no harm."
"If they're unavoidable, then I'm responsible for making sure that no one gets hurt."
"The legitimate powers of government extend to such acts only as are injurious to others."
"Capitalism itself wasn't designed to prevent harm; capitalism was designed to make as much money as possible."
"What’s important is that we earn a living fairly – and we don’t harm anyone, right?"
"I don't care what you do with your life as long as it makes you happy and doesn't hurt yourself or anybody else."
"Do whatever you want as long as you're not harming other people and as long as you're careful and trying not to harm yourself."
"Be responsible with this energy. Don't use it to hurt anymore people."
"I believe that anyone should be allowed to speak as long as their speech isn't harming people."
"Anti-social personality disorder only causes harm to other people when it goes untreated and when the people don't seek help."
"It's not just anything goes in Buddhism but it's - what you are going to do or say or even think is it going to be harmful to others or harmful to yourself."
"The thought process for us a lot is not chase the mythical best every time, but do no wrong, do no harm."
"If it's morally preferable not to harm a human in the absence of necessity, surely it's morally preferable to not harm an animal in the absence of necessity."
"If you can help, help, and if you can't, don't hurt."
"Non-maleficence is the concept of doing no harm."
"We accept that harm is bad and we accept that the prevention of harm is good."
"Our actions to our body, speech, and mind before we do something, we should contemplate whether it can harm anybody."
"If we ever have doubts about whether something is moral or immoral, we have this beautiful teaching of the Buddha: look at whether it is going to hurt anybody."
"Nothing is perfect, so you're doing more harm than good by pretending it is."
"We need to be thinking about consent in a way that stops harm for the most people possible."
"If you can't help, just don't hurt."
"If you love people, don't contribute or support or sustain any sort of organization that harms them."
"Speaking the truth in love means that we never use our intense emotions to cause intentional harm to others."
"We need to be aware that some people suffer harm as a result of abuse by others."
"We don't harm other people unless we have to in order to protect ourselves or prevent another injustice from being done."
"Just because something can be harmful doesn't mean that we have to ban it totally."
"The basic principle of emergency care is to do no further harm."
"My boundaries are set by what harms others; if it's harmful to myself or others, I don't do it."
"All believers, if an evil-doer brings you any news, verify it, so you do not harm people unknowingly and become regretful for what you have done."
"If you don't investigate, more will get harmed."
"I don't judge people for however they live their lives... I do get judgmental when someone's doing harm to somebody else."
"The core foundation of peer support is to not cause additional emotional or physical harm."
"It's best to not harm people, to try to not make people feel bad."
"Nonmaleficence is the duty not to inflict harm."
"A robot must not harm humanity or, through inaction, allow humanity to come to harm."
"We absolutely understood that if we took these decisions to protect people from harm one, then that would have an impact potentially on other aspects including those that fall under the bracket of harm two."
"You can't harm or reciprocate harm. How can you rape a woman, whoever she may be in Islam, without causing harm?"
"Never use your gift to hurt people."