
Traditional Wisdom Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"It's wonderful when we hear that sciences are validating age-old wisdoms."
"Food as medicine is really not a new concept; it's an old concept."
"Nature has everything that we need to heal ourselves. It is ancient wisdom."
"Speed kills works because it has a century and a half of thought behind it."
"When diet is wrong, medicine is of no use, and when diet is correct, medicine is of no need."
"It's like your grandfather always says, we just have to trust in the heart of the cards. Then anything is possible."
"It's medicine or poisoning, what your great grandmother said."
"The wisdom is already there, the new science is just rediscovering it."
"Old ways from our grandmothers kept civilization alive for thousands of years."
"He showed that man could value both modern technology and ancient wisdom."
"It's so cool to see ancient wisdom being merged into modern-day."
"They've actually recognized that traditional wisdom."
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I'm going to the moon, I swear to God."
"Why do they see our own traditions, our value systems, the principles which are embodied in our great philosophy, as vital?"
"Some of the behaviors, you know, which your grandmothers would recommend to you are also beneficial in terms of what they do to the microbiome."
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it. They'll fix it anyway."
"Almost everything you can read from online self-improvement gurus today can be found in this book."
"Longevity, lard, and simplicity – the timeless recipe for a fulfilling life."
"Approach it with humility and respect, and with some sense of the wisdom of cultures who have a much longer experience of these chemicals."
"The entirety of spiritual but not religious is an appeal to contributed tradition. It's an attempt to tie us to all the things that we think our ancestors knew."
"When it comes to nutrition, the wisdom in the Indian diet is beyond today."
"If we but listen to these older beliefs, we may learn something valuable about the world in which we live."
"If it's new, it's not true. If it's old, you can stick with it." - Time-tested truths.
"Return. Not everything old is bad and not everything new is good."
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it. It's been the same for 25 years. It's fine."
"If you ask your grandmother... she'd say you're insane. You can't eat that, you need to eat real food."
"The traditional path to wealth is terrible advice."
"If I ain't broke, don't fix it and this is a classic that's going to keep on giving."
"Its meat of the cow is an illness and its milk is a cure."
"Turns out what your grandma was doing actually worked, and that, as flawed as all these Christians are, there was something real about the grace in their life that didn't only express itself in their lives but in society as a whole."
"When I was young, my old man always told me you have to harvest what you hunt. There's a certain connection you have with the food you eat when you know you were part of the process of how it ended up on your plate."
"There's nothing new. The way to get to a man's heart is through his stomach."
"We've come together and we all have our little bits of the vision, and that is to reinvent a new way of living, but using the wisdom from the past as well."
"We have forgotten Grandma's wisdom: Eat your veggies, go out and play, and get your sleep."
"The oldest cures are sometimes the best."
"There's a lot to be learned from the old ways."
"The sages do not treat those who have already fallen ill, but rather those who are not yet ill."
"Worrying hurts the spleen, and sadness hurts the heart."
"You can never spoil any porridge with more butter."
"Let the old ways be your guide to good health and well-being."