
Hopefulness Quotes

There are 697 quotes

"Some people don't believe we can train the brain. And that's kind of a hopeless state. So let's actually change that with evidence. Personal evidence."
"We're hoping it turns into something really awesome and something that lives up to that original trailer."
"It's hard to find the right words to express it though, but when things aren't going so well, I take a look at the sky and there's not really a reason for it, but it just feels like everything's going to work out."
"The truth is there's a lot of reason to have hope."
"I am so hopeful for the first time in a long time about us as human beings."
"I've always been like a really positive guy, focusing on being hopeful."
"You're in that zone where it's like yeah I'm gonna be hopeful I hope you're saved."
"As we leave the Moon at Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came, and, God-willing, as we shall return, with peace and hope for all mankind."
"I really hope that's what you're looking for because we're so happy to have you."
"The future's bright, yes, there's always a hope, there's always a silver lining."
"The star is a wish being granted, a major energy of healing and optimism."
"When you see these things begin to happen look up and lift up your heads because your Redemption draws nigh."
"I hope there's some silver lining, I truly do."
"I refuse to give up hope. I will always carry hope for Rebecca."
"When there's gross darkness, He will bring bright light."
"Exposure to the virus in that way will create durable immunity and it will help you to move forward with some degree of hope."
"I honestly think she had hope and she was just doing it and packing up and pretending that she was getting ready to go home because she had nothing else left."
"We face the biggest challenge to our democracy since the Civil War."
"There is always another option, there is always hope, there is always a way for that child to live and thrive."
"Now that we have governors essentially functioning as presidents of their own state I'm really really hopeful that people will begin to see the seriousness of what's happening."
"Be hopeful, follow through with the work, and then keep on reaching."
"I really hope you guys find it to be as meaningful as I did while working on it."
"This book takes heart in the activism inspired by the current political movement and offers a hopeful vision that's often lacking in discussions like these."
"We have hope, is the thing. Hope is what keeps it going. Hope is because the search is not over, the search is not done. We will find him no matter what."
"Gives me hope in this world still, the hope I've been losing."
"You do not need to panic... a lot of our discussion tonight will be on hope."
"I just know what I want from this franchise for a long time I've legitimately thought it was lost down the path of mediocrity but I have hope now."
"Maybe they hope that Madame will moderate a little bit the vision of all this."
"Your marriage might be in a really hard spot, but there's hope for you."
"I think this is giving me hope for the future."
"Things are not perfect but things are good and things will be good."
"Let's just try and be a little hopeful, right?"
"If the situation was hopeless, that propaganda would be unnecessary."
"We're choosing hope over fear, truth over lies, light over darkness."
"I apologize that I can't take you today, sir, I hope to see you soon."
"There's still hope for a ray of sunshine to come through."
"It is not a hopeless thing. This is why when I sit down with other people..."
"A chance- any chance- is more than they had hoped for."
"I'm hopeful that we will get some answers soon."
"Move forward in complete blind hope, blind faith, to trust the energetic realignment you are feeling."
"For all the scary stuff that happens in the world, there are blessings around the corner."
"Hope and glory and just one day being away from all of this."
"We are also hopeful to see a stabilization of cases across these large metro areas where the outbreak began several weeks ago."
"If you're still here, life won't deny you a new era if you want it."
"God took this broken vessel and transformed him into the left's wake up screaming nightmare."
"We finally have the light at the end of the tunnel."
"Know that whatever you're hoping for to go your way, it shall be so."
"Vanishing grace innocence... has a hopeful and organic sound..."
"It's about now we're in a new era of hope. Hope has broken out on the horizon."
"I'm praying and saying tomorrow would be a better day."
"There's something always positive on the other side."
"You're going to see the light at the end of the tunnel."
"I don't think Christians should ever be optimistic. Hopefulness is Christian."
"Hopeful and inspired, it's a necessary movie."
"A white pill is this belief in hope... something good is happening."
"As long as the four of us stay alive, everything will be sweet."
"I never lost hope and I always knew that this day would come."
"You're in a space of hope because you've produced something nobody else has produced."
"It's dark right now, but morning is on the way."
"The sun will come out tomorrow, I always look on the bright side."
"It was kind of an uplift... the veil of darkness seemed to dissipate."
"Even in the dark times, we are walking toward the light."
"Despair must never have the last word. You must be a prisoner of hope."
"Miyazaki's mantra: Show positivity and hope, even in darkness."
"Never give up, came from, yeah? I kept telling, I remember sitting in the hospital bed I'm like, dude, don't give up, don't give up, just keep going. Things are gonna be fine, everything's gonna be okay."
"I've finally got to my goal weight and I was actually losing so much hope."
"All blocks are falling away and you are choosing to see the light at the end of the tunnel."
"Sometimes we have to regain a sense of optimism, a playfulness of hope..."
"Looking to illuminate the truth, recognizing that there are brighter days ahead."
"There are glimmers of hope... it's nice to know that there are a couple of good ones out there."
"Never give up hope. Just work and keep your vision on that horizon of this transition, the transformation to this good future."
"I really really hope you guys like this video."
"There's somebody out there that actually will love me."
"Be brave enough to hope, the resources will come."
"You can have hope in Christ that you can move forward for the rest of time through all of this turmoil and tribulation that's going on around us and you can find joy in the journey."
"Technology improved a lot, so who knows maybe advancements in technology could find something now that those first tests hadn't actually found."
"I'm filled with happiness, joy, and just endless possibilities and hopefulness."
"Despite its bleakness, it gives a feeling of hope."
"Whatever it is you're hoping for, it will turn out the way that you're wanting."
"It's one of the things you just hope for the best and prepare for the worst."
"I'm really, really hoping that 2024 is a great year for all of us."
"But in any event hopefully DC rebirth will continue to prove to be a huge success and that we can sing its praises for many years to come but for now thank God for me and thank God for April Fool's."
"Hopefully, I didn't ruin it but I'll end it there. We'll see where things go in the future. I'm still optimistic."
"There's hope for those who seek righteousness."
"The movie is very inviting, there's an underlying hope to it."
"I feel there's hope for the Chinese people. There's Hope for China." - Protester
"Have hope in the situation... optimistic expectations can change a negative situation into a positive one."
"We want to offer hope, focusing on your life moving forward."
"Seeing people not go off the rails and seeing the conversation itself not get derailed is possibly the most hopeful thing I've heard in a while."
"Nurture connections that make you feel productive, positive, hopeful."
"And when you have hope, you do anticipate; you expect; you look forward to something."
"I just hope it's the most amazing thing, my fear it'll be bad."
"It would be amazing and terrific and wonderful if we were and we had evidence for it."
"All of these things are plenty of grounds for hope."
"I am super excited to bring this to the table today. I hope we just clean Joseph up."
"Even if we can't understand it, the tiniest possibility of seeing [someone] again excites me."
"Whatever it is you're wishing for, it will come true."
"It's a constant fingers crossed but don't get too excited."
"There is hope, there's a lot of hope out there, so just keep that in mind."
"It's nice that there's still some surprises waiting."
"I hope they keep making movies even if they don't appeal to me, because at least it might get a younger generation interested in the Star Wars universe."
"What gives me hope is the actions that popular groups are taking all over the world."
"People are disappointed but they're also still very hopeful [about Skate 4]."
"Look up and lift up your head; your redemption is drawing near."
"He's a good guy... hopefully he listens to you."
"Remembering with gratitude, moving forward with hope."
"I hope I'm wrong, I hope this turns out to be the most incredible weapon system ever fielded because I want our troops to have the absolute best weapon system that can be provided them."
"Security of passion is that I am really alive for this, I have so much hope."
"This ain't it, there's more on the other side."
"I would still feel hope... a sense of new beginnings, inspiration, passion."
"I always hoped for the best, but I ignored the slowly Changing Winds."
"But recognizing the danger and detailed disaster planning could yet offer hope."
"All that matters is coming out the other end where we can hold hands again."
"It's just really nice. I really am hoping that this is something that's fixable."
"Imagine a world where every Dawn brings not only light to the sky but also light to our souls."
"Each morning with God is an opportunity to reset and recharge filled with hope and anticipation."
"When you're down to nothing, God's up to something."
"Hold out hope... but that also has to come with action, community building, community organizing."
"Deep down you're hoping that maybe this could have worked."
"Love will find a way, so we'll just light her too and hopefully between all these candles, you know, we can just ward out the evil spirits."
"But it does give me hope you know that life after may not be as difficult as what I'm imagining it could be."
"There does seem to be light at the end of the tunnel."
"Don't be sad; a positive turnaround is coming."
"Despite everything, the little internal optimist that lives in my brain is still telling me that things are going to work out."
"There's always something to look forward to, you've just got to open your eyes and dream."
"For those of you who have gone through a disappointment... there's something better."
"There is a light that came out of this very dark period."
"Remember no night is so dark that it doesn't lead to Dawn."
"In the end, doing what we love and surrounding ourselves with things that give us hope will bring upon the same atmosphere for others."
"The main thing that gives me hope right now is classical liberal arts education."
"Send your wishes and desires to the stars, if you are sincere enough and accumulate enough merits, your wishes will be."
"There is hope; this surely wasn't all for nothing."
"Zeus, an incredible dog with an incredible but sad but hopeful story."
"If it's not fine, it means it's not the end."
"You are the answer that we have been praying for."
"We are all on the same page, and there is so much hope."
"There is no reason to despair. We are simply in a time of change, and with it, the human mind."
"There's something hopeful in that, isn't there?"
"Finally, the wheel's turning away from evil to good."
"After sadness, happiness, and hope will return."
"Humanity is full of hope, our salvation lies within each one of us."
"The Sun will always come out again and in fact the longer and more terrible and bleak the winter, the more deeply gratifying and uplifting the eventual summer."
"The star represents hope, you have hope for the future."
"Look at the wishes coming true, nine of Cups here!"
"I think we're going to get really close, and because I've been wrong before, it's a fight worth fighting."
"Hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit."
"I'm a lot more hopeful than I was yesterday."
"Not all is lost, that could be salvaged or keep going."
"It's time you're taking flight you're moving in a new direction so i feel like there's so much hope and encouragement here for you guys."
"I feel like it's still a possibility to pull starlight. I think we can do it. I think we can do it."
"A miracle is on the way. Money is a big factor here because we even got the money, oh my god."
"Hope embodies utopia, inspiring the pursuit of a world transformed."
"Everything will always work out. It always works itself out, no matter how hopeless you feel, no matter how dire the situation is."
"Remember that after the rain there's always a rainbow, and after a storm, the sun always shines."
"Shenmue is now a trilogy and I still don't know how. That means there's hope for all of us."
"People feeling more hopeful, grounded, and connected."
"There's hope even in the bleakest of moments."
"Redirect your focus to positive issues because the key is to always find a reason to be hopeful."
"This itself gives me so much hope in the world."
"Nothing seems to be helping. I can't even see Brad, so I'm gonna keep spinning up and hope things get better."
"Let's just hope for the best family, let's just hope for the best please, Lord, please fam."
"I have no good answers to the problems facing me and I'm forced to just hope I somehow live another turn."
"Thanks for watching, I'll see you next time hopefully sounding a little bit better."
"Hope is about the possibility of change and the fact that things can be different."
"When things get too bad they can't get any worse, it just got to get better."
"I'd like a reminder that humanity still has hope and that hope lives on in people like you."
"Hope returning, actually moving on from the past into a more positive future."
"There is hope in your life. Appreciate the things you have right now and live in the moment."
"I've seen today, I feel like it's hope. We're gonna stick together. We're gonna rise."
"No matter how hopeless you may be feeling at this moment, know this: you can and will survive whatever trials you've been put through."
"I was starting to feel hopeful, optimistic about the future."
"We want to be free, we want to have our choice again, and we want hope."
"Alicia says goodbye to everyone filled with hope and going on a journey to find herself."
"I just want to help give you hope if you're in that place right now. If you're not, if you're just watching because you love our family, thank you guys for being here."
"Our hope is not wishful thinking, our hope is alive, our hope is real, our hope is eternal."
"Sometimes things that are broken can be fixed and made better."
"If there's even a small chance that we can stop the killing game, then we should take it."
"Don't lose hope, things can definitely turn around."
"Despite all of that, I still feel optimistic and hopeful about the trajectory of 2021."
"To hope on, to have faith in a brighter tomorrow."
"A little hope never hurt anyone, am I right?"
"It's not over, it's not over, it's not over, it's a lot that can happen."
"I’d always hoped the official report was right and that Whitney was somewhere far away from here, alive and happy with Jay Bower."
"There's always light at the end of the tunnel and never lose faith in the situation."
"Don't give up on hope, do not stand in your faith."
"I hope you are too. I think we all deserve that sort of like self-compassion."
"What comes after the darkest night? Yes, exactly. So when that happens, the salmon will be biting again, and we will catch one."
"I've never won something, that's, hold on, one last check, oh, dude, I swear if there's something secret."
"Dreams do come true, and I feel these changes that come in 2024 are going to be really good for you."
"I'm excited, I'm hopefully... hopefully excited."
"I've been seeing angel numbers a lot, so hopefully, all of this pays off."
"There's a new beginning coming, something that you wished for."
"Having some small sense of normalcy... can be very huge in the overall sense of hope and morale."
"Thank God I have fed my chickens, now all you need to do is give me some eggs so I can profit off of this!"
"Could December 12th mark a shift out of darkness? Let's stand up, pray, and believe for a brighter future."
"You deserve to be hopeful and have positive experiences."
"Hope is the expectation that God is about to do something amazing in your life."
"I've got a really hopeful feeling which is so lovely."
"Your light will spring forth like the morning."
"Hold out hope for promises ahead and brighter spots."