
Youthfulness Quotes

There are 1846 quotes

"Eating more plants is really like finding a fountain of youth."
"By learning to reawaken your creativity, you will recapture the natural enthusiasm, energy, and wonder of youth."
"Youthfulness is revitalized when you have a vision or a goal that brings you to life."
"Real youthfulness comes from a worthy ideal, passion, and zest towards achieving a goal that brings out the best in you."
"Indulge in things that make you feel alive and young again. Things that make you laugh out loud."
"I would love that, there you go. I like that, man. Still have that set, like that child in you."
"Complacency and giving up is what leads to aging, but those who stay young in the mind, stay young in the heart."
"Imagine a future where you could have your genome changed so that you could be reprogrammed to be younger."
"You have to tap into your youthfulness, your curiosity of the world."
"The moon...ties back to youthfulness. Youthfulness does play into beauty and physical attractiveness. The presence of the moon gives someone a very youthful appearance."
"Stay always young and curious. Never become the adult in the room, never pretend that you know more than you actually know."
"By week 2, I had gotten a lot faster at doing the routine, and I feel like my skin was looking pretty plump and young."
"There are things you can eat that can help extend your life and decrease the risk of dying and look more youthful."
"Vitamin D literally is the power of sunlight in our bodies and that's what keeps us young."
"Thank you so much for helping me to look as young as I feel inside."
"Regular exposure to sun is extremely beneficial to looking younger."
"A really important part of looking youthful is having a healthy liver."
"To recapture romance, allow your inner youthful spirit of fun to shine."
"You don't need to be acting like you're 40. You can maintain your youthfulness and still achieve great things."
"You guys look younger than your age or you have had people tell you that."
"Refusing to grow up doesn't mean that you handle things immaturely; it means you still have a kid at heart."
"Hampton is a city with an old soul and youthful enthusiasm."
"Sari Rosita Arianti: Forever young with a rare medical condition."
"I just laugh a lot now, I'm always laughing all the time, and having fun, and it's like I feel like a little kid."
"It makes us younger, it makes us smarter, faster, happier, and it turns off the cravings."
"I gotta keep thinking young, okay, because that's how you otherwise you know you do you become a dinosaur and die."
"Chun's classic costume a lot of the youngify her face too jeez dude this looks amazing."
"Exercise is basically the Fountain of Youth."
"Age is nothing but a number, I'm gonna be forever young because I'm immature."
"64 and still not grown up. Never grow up guys, it's a trap."
"Welcome to my world where no matter how old you get, you never need to grow up and you can always learn something new."
"You also have to have other sides of yourself...to be mature and childish at the same time."
"Smart asses are always funny... that counter culture voice always feels young and fresh."
"Mrs. Wilson gave a gleeful smile that made her appear younger than her years."
"The oils will really give you that glow that makes you look more youthful."
"Thick hair will definitely make you look more youthful."
"Every time you stand up for that person and don't sell out, you remain a lot younger."
"You're only as old as you feel. 40 is just a number. This is not the beginning of old age at all."
"Naomi Campbell forever young, happy birthday and I love you."
"Naturally having more human growth hormone tends to mean you're younger, you're more vibrant, you're more energetic."
"This was little tay the last time she was happy."
"Just promise me one thing that you'll never grow up even if you're a hundred years old."
"I want them to be younglings forever and always."
"I feel much younger than I am chronologically."
"You have to be careful about making statements when you're too young."
"Laxus might as well be a child given her face and body proportions."
"It's just so much more energetic and youthful in the first film."
"Never grow up, because as soon as you do, it kills the fun and enjoyment."
"Youth is a mindset, it's a mindset, it's a mindset, an attitude, a frame of your mind."
"This product, this amazing product, helps restore our skin's youthfulness by getting to the root of the problem that causes wrinkles."
"Act like a fool forever! Youthfulness is all attitude."
"Season 2 is like younger and fresher and different."
"54 years young, tragic loss of Matthew Perry."
"But fasting was the One Thing extended fasting in particular that allowed me to stand much more youthfully."
"You're only as young as you feel. I've heard that saying said multiple times."
"I'm not pushing 30 alright, let's just get that out of the way right now."
"I've returned to my youth." - Feeling liberated after confinement.
"For a more youthful appearance, you should regularly take collagen supplements."
"It's ageless. Rock and roll is a fountain of youth, and it should be that way."
"I feel like everyone's still young, you're young until you're just gone."
"Look at that youth in a bottle, that's what I'm talking about!"
"I've got a young mentality. It's a mental thing, not a number."
"Always look for an adventure... that really does make you feel young."
"Recapture romance by allowing your inner youthful spirit of fun to shine."
"Feeling like a true survivor, feeling like a little kid."
"We Forever Young. 40 50 is my Prime, yes sir."
"I love this dress, I mean I feel like a little girl in it but half of my favorite clothes are clothes where I'm feeling a little girly."
"Growth hormone commonly referred to as the Fountain of Youth."
"Kids keep you young and youthful and happy, it's just a peaceful place to be."
"You're never too old to keep that child innocence and wonder alive."
"Old enough to know better, but young enough not to care."
"But this is young, this is sexy, this is strong."
"Collagen: The closest thing to the Fountain of Youth."
"Every moment in your life is the youngest you'll ever be."
"As you grow and mature, you tend to look younger."
"I am full of all kinds of character defects and problems but um you know at 54 like I feel like I'm just starting man and it's so silly and dumb to say age is just a number but..."
"Look at the birthday girl, nineteen years old, she's just glowy."
"Even at the age of 66, she maintains a youthful appearance and a radiant presence."
"You all did a magnificent job, y'all Whipper Snappers!"
"Collagen is what gives skin that bouncy youthful healthy appearance that we are all striving for."
"This is literally like the fountain of youth."
"I guess it makes sense to stay kids forever because they have all the time in the world and they haven't become jaded yet."
"When I was 20 I wanted to be a millionaire. Now that I'm a millionaire, I want to be 20."
"We're still young and cool, we could go clubbing couldn't we?"
"I'm like a teenager now... I've got so much energy."
"You can look younger if you eat healthy and work out."
"The real accomplishment in life is always being able to remain young at heart."
"Peptides: the building blocks for youthful skin."
"So make sure you head over to their video to watch and understand the whole realm and picture of youthful skin."
"Feels youthful, brings out the light, joyful kid in you."
"Regardless of your Earth age, you're just beginning to get started in this life."
"I wrote a book called 'Skinny Dipping in the Fountain of Youth.'"
"He's got Good Vibes, he's based Jr. Everybody's the youngest thing."
"You're going to look natural you're going to look normal you're going to look youthful."
"I'm 32 years old, I'm 53, I would like to think that I'm still young."
"Anything golden is going to be a bit more youthful."
"You can absolutely create a much more youthful glowing healthier look."
"What are you like when you're letting go? You look younger, much more light, much more easy, not so stressed."
"Feels like I'm a kid, like I'm forever young."
"Our spirit is still young. The sun is still rising."
"These people look younger, they feel younger, and they are younger. They're biologically younger."
"You're going to start to look better, glowing from the outside in, you're going to look younger."
"Good blood flow is the most important asset to keep you looking young, feeling young, and actually staying young because blood delivers supplies and clears toxins."
"I'm 30... I still feel like a kid though sometimes."
"Try to have some fun with it, celebrate it a little bit. Playfulness to recapture romance. Allow your inner youthful spirit to have fun and shine."
"Been using AG1 for two months now. I'm 22 years old. I've certainly gained a substantial boost in energy that helps me get more done throughout the day."
"By learning to dance, it keeps you younger, happier, and healthier."
"Forever Young, forever and ever, always Young."
"I think Serena looks stunning... it's fun, it's youthful, and it's cool."
"I can't believe it, Grandma, you look so much younger."
"You're feeling happy, you're feeling more childlike."
"Green juicing is absolutely the Fountain of Youth."
"It keeps me young, it keeps me happy and healthy."
"You guys are in your having fun era right now."
"The trailer kicks off with a young Goku hurtling through space, which of course isn’t our first time seeing him this young with his new Minus-inspired design, but I can’t help but notice just how young and cute he’s been drawn here."
"Venture calling when you're looking for some kicks, not a lot of love."
"The majority of centenarians report feeling about 20 years younger than their actual age."
"32 is still young and there is so much [ __ ] seeped into the whole idea of like when you get past a certain age."
"Music is kind of like the fountain of youth."
"I feel like age is just a number. It's not real. It's how old you are, how old you feel."
"Enjoy the playfulness; allow your inner youthful spirit of fun to shine."
"I feel like people who are like 30 are actually like still 20 in nature."
"Your energy is definitely, regardless of your age, making this person feel young, making this person feel alive."
"Stop wearing colorless clothes. Brighter color palettes or pops of color mixed into the neutral palette are a surefire way of looking younger."
"The old soul remains young at heart."
"You are as young as you think you are."
"We age every single year, but I know 50-year-olds, I know 40-year-olds that are still mentally 25, 21."
"A little makeup refresh is a great way to kind of get a jump on looking more modern, looking more youthful."
"The title of this video should be 'How to wear a t-shirt to look 20 years younger.'"
"Remember the real trouble with the world is that too many people grow up. Thanks for watching and taking the time to be a kid."
"Never grow up, never ever grow up."
"We still kids at heart; we laugh, we play, we still joke."
"She wants to live her life like a 24-year-old and not like a 30-year-old."
"The secret of staying young is to live a peaceful life, don't smoke, don't drink, stay positive, invent, reinvent yourself."
"The essence of feeling youthful and vibrant transcends mere physical appearance."
"When your wishes really do come true when you're young at heart, Fairy Tales come true when you're young at heart."
"It helps give you that plumpness to your skin."
"You make people feel young again, there's this vivacity to you, this youthfulness."
"A strong body is youthful and strength is empowering."
"You have a youthful glow about you."
"You're never too old to be a kid again."
"You never stop learning, you never stop being curious, you never lose your connection with your inner child."
"I still feel young and like I've got loads left that I want to do in life."
"A thicker, fuller brow is definitely more youthful."
"I think the team perfectly hit the young, naive, reckless teenage boy vibe that they were going for in the best way."
"It is okay to be bubbly, positive, hyper excited. That is what keeps you young, youthful, happy."
"You can look as young as you can possibly look, but you don't have to look 20."
"I feel like my skin looks actually really pretty and youthful."
"Looking young and radiant is something that we all strive for."
"Age is just a number, but youthfulness is a choice."
"I like laughing, man. I think it keeps you young."
"People who stay young all the years of their lives not only welcome change but see it for what it really is: new opportunity, new chances for further fulfillment."
"This is the Fountain of Youth because they're stuck here as youngsters forever."
"Grow wise, grow strong, but never grow up. Thank you for watching and taking the time to be a kid."
"I think color just immediately makes someone look more youthful."
"I still feel like I'm 18 in the head."
"Taking sips from the Fountain of Youth, if you ain't heard about the kid, then you out of the loop."
"Suddenly gospel music was youthful, it was modern."
"I don't want to be 104; I'd rather be 16. See you suckers!"
"This person will be very youthfully involved with the family; he'll be a friend to his or her wife and also to their children."
"I feel fit, even younger than I'm going to be 60 in a couple of weeks."
"I feel like 2024 is like my like my job my rent Kobe year you know what I'm saying it's like my Kobe and like I don't feel like I'mma ever get old or something like I'm forever young."
"Every answer I give you see in the light of being answered by a 13 or 14 year old because that was the spirit."
"It's so fresh, yeah. It's so youthful and again it does that lifting."
"When you're more versatile, when you go out and you experience different things, it makes your mind young."
"You seem so young and unpredictable and fun and full of life."
"You're like a youth, yeah, I wish I was like a youth getting out of this car."
"I respect that you're trying to get into it so that you're looking just as young as me."
"It makes your lips look more full, makes your face look more youthful because you've got color on your lips."
"Nothing more youthful looking than someone with a white and bright smile."
"I was living that tour like we were kids."
"I think it still looks quite colorful and quite fresh and like quite young."
"Me acting like a parent? Please, I'll show them I'm just as kid-like and carefree as they are."
"They're a couple and they are big kids at heart just like Andre and I."
"It's weird, you stay young forever and all that kind of stuff like oh you're getting old like it's a bad thing you know."
"But he's the coolest kid ever yeah heing yeah yeah no sometimes when it when it comes down to a heart to heart he will be like no like this is really cool yeah but he likes joking like that I like joking like that in my heart I'm a 13-year-old boy."
"Let's stay young and love we should."
"It's just been such a magic tool and it's continued to be. It keeps you young, it keeps your body in great health, helps repair injuries, it's just a fantastic thing."
"Awesome, you're amazing, youngest!"
"Youthfulness and vibrancy come from using bright colors."
"This one makes me feel youthful in all the right ways. 18, 19, waiting for a wedding proposal. Thank you so much."
"I think everyone from the '90s, they love blush. I think it makes you look more youthful, yeah?"
"It's not just important to age youthfully physically, it is important to age youthfully mentally."
"A stoic attitude, serenity in the face of a setback, can also help keep you young."
"I'm still young, still up for an adventure."
"You have a lot of Vitality, you could come off very youthful no matter how old or young you are."
"It's my birthday. I'm 26 years old. Four years away from 30 and I still feel 18."
"You're never too old to experiment and play with the kids."
"Jents, the right facial hairstyle can do a lot for making you look younger."
"You're very youthful, you may have an extremely youthful energy."
"30s is like the new 20s and it's everything."
"Even though I'm over 20, I still have the imagination of a kid."
"I still feel like I'm 18 though, man. I feel like I'm 18 too. I don't understand the numbers."
"I've always had a great love of youth, Janet."
"Being a kid at heart is a good thing."
"You make me feel like I'm so young again, like head over heels, like puppy love."
"Being nice makes you look younger."
"Some of y'all act too old for me. I might act young for the rest of my life."
"Molly embodies a sort of careless fun youthfulness."
"I think you look as young as when you were 30."