
Regulation Quotes

There are 3368 quotes

"The trick... is how those systems are balanced and regulated so that we kind of most successfully pursue those dreams and hopes and goals."
"Elon Musk drops a bombshell accusing OpenAI of deception and asserting that the concept of a digital God is far from benign."
"Musk doubles down, arguing that AI poses a greater threat than other heavily regulated entities."
"Everything depends on learning to keep your brain and your nervous system regulated...because when you're regulated, you can think clearly, you can make decisions, and act on those decisions. That is everything."
"We will turn, but we will not turn on a dime because we have created an entire system of regulations and rules and institutional incentives and blah blah blah in you know enforced by every court in the country enforced by our court system to stop us from doing exactly that since World War II."
"In Switzerland, it's federally mandated that every citizen has to have a protection bunker."
"Switzerland mandates if you want to build a house, you have to include a family shelter...and it's subject to inspection."
"As soon as we realize that the threat comes from unbridled and uncontrolled development of AI or genetics, the time will come to reach an international agreement on how to regulate these things."
"The galactic trade organization is now about to pass. The GTO will serve as a galactic regulatory body that enforces trade standards and resolves disputes."
"Promoting greed or putting guard rails to prevent from greed; there's not a significant difference there."
"Twitch needs to ban gambling streams full stop. The amount of bull[] and pitfalls this is going to create in the next 6 months will [] the website in so many ways that we don't even realize yet."
"We need to make sure that appropriate regulatory protections are in place."
"Politics have to change. People sitting in Delhi not understanding technology, AI, effective regulation or overregulation is a problem."
"If you outlaw house parties, you may keep the volume down, but an externality is that you may keep people from bonding."
"Capitalism is getting to the money, and the product... that's why you have to have strong regulations."
"Capitalism, like any tool, can also be improved and modified, already every economy in the world today has laws and regulations to rein in markets from being truly free."
"Free speech until the FBI comes and sits in your office, Mr. Zuckerberg, and tells you what you can and cannot publish on your platform."
"This is not regulation. This is strangulation of the world’s commerce."
"The big social media platforms... don't want regulation. They don't want to be held responsible for all the harm they're causing."
"The debate between profitability and cautious regulation is becoming bigger and more important by the day as AGI is the next step in AI."
"Thinking about regulation, changing the economic system, organizing politically, it's all a part of understanding these things in depth."
"Thousands of ramen vendors were arrested by 1950, the government relaxed these restrictions, and ramen vendors rose in popularity."
"AI safety is a really big deal, and we should have some regulatory agency that is overseeing AI safety."
"The purpose of regulators is not to dance to the tune of rich global corporations, it is to protect the health of the populations."
"If crypto was any other asset class, none of these things would be allowed. They would be tightly regulated."
"One of the things that many of us on the right are pushing for is less regulation specifically because we want more speech on these platforms, not less speech."
"We already have laws about slander and threats of violence. We don't need a billionaire in Silicon Valley deciding who can speak and who can't."
"The best thing to do is to leave free speech alone as much as you possibly can, not because that will result in the perfect conditions for free speech but because anything else that you're likely to do is going to make it worse rather than better."
"I think the best section of the debate was when I asked him to name three regulations that Donald Trump has cut and how they've helped the middle class."
"Rolling back regulations... has created hundreds of thousands of jobs."
"The more laws there are, the more rules and regulations there are, the less freedom you have."
"As big tech firms wrestle with how to keep false and harmful information off their social networks, the Supreme Court is wrestling with whether platforms like Facebook and Twitter, now called X, have the right to decide what users can say on their sites."
"If we want to drive down the cost of housing, we need to build a lot more housing. The primary reason why we're not building a lot more housing is regulation."
"I think we should have some kind of Regulation with AI now."
"All types of environmental regulation are based, actually. We've got plenty of economy; we don't got plenty of environment."
"The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau saved consumers $90 million worth of bank fees in the last year of the Obama administration alone."
"We essentially had this beautiful new ecosystem being built, and Ben Lawsky comes by, says 'I'm here to protect consumers,' builds a huge wall around the thing, and then sits outside the gate charging people to get in."
"One of the main advantages of regulation in the crypto market is that this is just going to legitimize this entire asset class."
"This proposed regulation...is looking at any device that automatically resets a firearm and enhances the rate of fire. That is extremely broad."
"The government has not been doing a good job, so we don't need the government to then say now monitor people that are trying to come in and do a good job. We need less government in this space."
"Freedom of speech should not automatically equal freedom of reach."
"In a few years, every car might be required to come with a safety device that passively monitors you for impaired driving."
"Lack of regulation can arguably facilitate technological advancement, but for technological advancements to benefit everyone, regulation and oversight can be critical."
"Regulators will never actually prevent a problem; they will only ever react to casualties of past problems."
"Everybody fears regulation takes away freedom. I disagree entirely... government regulation of the regulators is very appropriate."
"An agency cannot label conduct lawful one day and felony the next; yet that is exactly what the ATF accomplishes through its final rule."
"Norway recently required that all domestic flights go electric by 2040."
"Private corporations do everything in their power to use their profits to use their political power to undo, to evade all of those socialistic regulations and redistributions."
"The USMCA includes upgraded rules to protect workers across the continent."
"These companies make massive amounts of money, they're virtually unregulated...but there's much value to these companies...there's a dark side and we're going to address the dark side."
"The Federal Trade Commission claims to crack down on influencers and their scams, but it seems like it's only the really big influencer scams that get caught and convicted."
"No building codes means that everybody kind of does whatever they want, so if you're gonna buy a house in an area with no building codes, that's attractive to you, you might want to be careful."
"The question that's actually being answered with this vote is how do we want net neutrality to be enforced."
"AI labs to immediately pause for at least six months the training of AI systems more powerful than GPT-4."
"Antitrust laws exist is to make sure these big tech companies don't become cartels or run a cartel."
"If a product looks like gambling and feels like gambling, it should be regulated as gambling."
"This is what happens when politicians try to eliminate fossil fuels with a Molotov cocktail of regulation, taxes, and renewable mandates and subsidies."
"When a corporation gets big enough, when it becomes a mega corp, it should no longer be called a corporation, and it should have new laws and rules about what it can and can't do."
"The bigger problem that can be solved through laws and policies is regulating corporations."
"The story of disposable vapes is the story of our times: one of addicted customers, trapped in coercive consumer relationships, of cash-strapped state regulators struggling to bring rule-breaking corporations to heel."
"Capitalism left unmanaged...left free to do what it wished, capitalists able to deploy their capital really without limitation...was too prone to bust, cataclysm, too many casualties of the economic system, too much economic power concentrated at the top."
"A robust auditing and certification ecosystem, liability for AI-caused harm, robust public funding for technical AI safety research."
"We have treated these platforms as untouchable, and they're not. They're companies, and if they are doing harm in a marketplace by disseminating false information, then we have the ability and the need to regulate them."
"I believe in regulation of the distribution of pornography to people under 18."
"Everything here is about loosening an iron fist."
"SoFi is basically like an online bank, but it's now a real bank that has all the regulations of a real bank."
"These licensing organizations are a threat to liberty."
"I'm flying the DJI Mini 2. It weighs 249 grams at takeoff, which makes it legal to fly without a license."
"The only appropriate regulation on slavery is its abolition."
"The FDA is extremely important. If we didn't have the FDA, we would still be taking tonics like they took back in the 1800s with opium in it for like a headache."
"You can't regulate financial institutions if you prevent the financial institutions from creating fictitious markets. That is where we're going, that is where we have been going over the last thirty years, and we're going to go there even more."
"Loot boxes pose a similar danger... that's why it's regulated."
"It's just naive to think that Chinese companies will comply with the Democrats' mandatory SEC disclosure drafts proposed today."
"The important bit, though, is that this is a procedure that is expected and heavily regulated, so there are a lot of genes to try and prevent this, which is one of the reasons why cancers take decades in order to manifest."
"We need to fix the rules, make them tougher, with a simple, clear, single mission: to protect consumers."
"It's such an obvious assault on consumer rights."
"In 50 years, we might reach a point, if we are not careful with regulation and so forth, when humankind might split into different biological castes."
"Money is really made of trust. What history teaches us is that trying to regulate something like that is going to be quite complicated and mistakes will be made."
"I personally hope that the crypto community is able to educate and bring some sensible regulation here."
"Getting a gun should be the equivalent of getting a pilot's license."
"It's incredibly upsetting how easy it was to defraud the Department of Education and the pushbacks against laws that could've protected victims against these for-profit colleges."
"The time for action in the Public Health and regulatory sectors is upon us."
"This is precisely why we need actual regulation."
"The question then becomes one of regulation."
"We should be cautious with AI, and I think there should be some government oversight because it affects the public."
"Regulation is only going to help cryptocurrencies even further."
"Sugar should be regulated like tobacco and alcohol."
"This is a serious matter, a committee investigation should examine any retail service freezing stock purchases." - AOC
"There are some bills that are okay, maybe alright, but overall the power this gives to the FTC, big tech working together with big government, doesn't address the issue of breaking these companies up."
"We either break these companies up or we recognize social media is playing a primary role in how politics are being shaped in this country." - Tim Pool
"The empire strikes back, and YouTube came out today with a new policy."
"The right to cut off speech lies most powerfully in the hands of private digital platforms."
"Crypto regulations: UK poised to embrace crypto, potentially surpassing US innovation."
"Protecting the public and especially children from online privacy invasions and dark patterns is a top priority for the commission and those enforcement actions make clear to businesses that the FTC is cracking down on these unlawful practices."
"Epic used privacy-invasive default settings and deceptive interfaces that tricked Fortnite users, including teenagers and children," FTC chairwoman Lisa M. Khan said in a statement released Monday.
"Regulators and utilities have been slow to address PFAS contamination in part because of cost."
"Europe is in economic decline, and at heart, you have a problem of governments being too big, taxation too high, and regulation omnipresent."
"Governments have got to have a bit of courage and say, 'You're not making money out of Australians unless Australians are protected.'"
"We un-launched a rule that requires nursing homes to inform patients and families when there's an outbreak in the nursing home and to also report that information directly to the CDC."
"Kyurem ban: the end game and the post-Kyurem era."
"Taking down the ability of people to talk about stock in ways that you don't like is deeply violative of basic first amendment concepts."
"I'm for like monopoly busting laws or anything like that... there's no good reason to tell two consenting individuals they can't exchange money for a service."
"Regulating speech usurps the First Amendment."
"Don't be confused by the free market... there is always somebody making up the rules to the game."
"We're just days away from authorization from the FDA."
"Copyright regulation overwhelmingly favors corporations over individuals by an enormous margin."
"Regulating crypto is something that's even caught the attention of lawmakers at the federal level."
"It is time for a third-party organization with higher jurisdiction to break the door down and regulate an industry that actively chooses to remain complicit in anti-consumer practices."
"United States has laws and everybody including cryptocurrency platforms have to follow the law."
"Cryptocurrency or virtual currency exchanges have obligations as well."
"This is a regime that is meant to support responsible innovation."
"Regulation and tax policy recommended by this administration is deeply damaging to the economy."
"We need to be revisiting all of these different paths to legalization and starting to strip away some of the unnecessary burdens and obstacles that are put for both consumers and producers of this perfectly reasonable and mostly harmless substance."
"So it's not true if you get rid of the regulations everything basically self-regulates and it works out that it is just objectively empirically false when you look at the actual data and you and when you look at the historical record."
"With it comes great responsibility, and because the internet is barely regulated, it's up to us to make sure people know how they should be treating others and their audience."
"Regulated brokers are good, they abide by all the rules, pay all the fees."
"Should all drugs be legalized? They should be legal, taxed, and regulated."
"Going to court for these trivial matters is an excellent way to tell the regulatory apparatus."
"A dynamic economy always outperforms a leftist nightmare of strangling red tape."
"Heavily regulating the internet does more harm than good."
"I can't just tax all the bitcoin in California. It'll move to Wyoming, it'll move to Singapore, it'll move to Malta. And at the end of the day, you could totally go [__] themself."
"Regulations set the table for more talent, capital, and building a crypto industry."
"Crypto is going to be big but we also need to make sure that we're in the bounds of the regulatory framework."
"Crypto is a technology roughly 10 years young and it's still a relative Wild West with no rules or regulations. That's where its utility comes from."
"The only difference between Wall Street and Las Vegas is Las Vegas is incredibly well regulated."
"Just remove all the red tape. Let people make whatever robots."
"An Ali Act expansion to MMA would turn the entire sport on its head."
"The only way to fix this problem is you have to regulate Twitter like it's a public utility."
"Regulators don't want you to have it but it's actually a basic human right."
"My executive order calls for new regulations... social media companies that engage in censoring... will not be able to keep their liability shield, that's a big deal." - President Donald Trump
"Here's why I think Chat GPT and AI will be illegal."
"If a business does not protect the environment, that business is going to be regulated into the ground."
"These big tech platforms cannot and should not be the sole judge, jury, and executioner of Floridians' and Americans' rights."
"You couldn't own any weapon you wanted to own, that's a lie."
"You did this almost as if like you're letting a child run a lemonade stand without a license."
"Big tech, like any other business, needs to follow the rules in an unbiased manner."
"I would rather have no ban list than an expansive ban list if those were my only two choices."
"The reason that the goals are the size they are even though people are taller than they were in the past why because they decided that 150 years ago."
"Don't lock people and punish them on behalf of Big Tech."
"Wouldn't it be good to know what some of the rules are so that we can make sure that everybody's playing by the rules across the country?"
"No es tan complicado. Escuchen, necesitamos un entorno de libertad que permita y aliente y aplauda la innovación. Así que libertad, la innovación."
"The Zuck is fake but the message is real. Congress only has a few weeks left to hold big Tech accountable."
"One thing that we're doing is really working hard to fast-track as much as possible."
"Smarter laws would force companies to get past that old 50s mindset and figure out how to get us all clean and shiny without toxic chemicals can they totally."
"There has to be regulation or this is going to end really horrifically."
"It's better for everybody when the dogs are off the leash."
"Positive regulation is going to push us to new all-time highs in 2022 and 2023. I'm very optimistic about that."
"The only way to really regulate AI is through International cooperation - if tensions increase, I'm not optimistic."
"We should be able the government should not interfere with us."
"Censorship won't come from the government, but it will come from the private companies."
"Honestly, whether it's in relation to Abramovich or Abu Dhabi coming in, what this all proves is that we need a regulator."
"Rules governing the app store review process are arbitrarily interpreted and enforced and are subject to change whenever Apple sees fit."
"Government is there to set the rules of the game and then get out of the way, regulate, administer, redistribute."
"The solution was to pressure platforms to enforce their rules both by removing content or accounts that spread disinformation and by more aggressively policing in the first place."
"Crypto assets that will follow regulations are here to stay."
"There's something ethically broken about being able to issue your own unregistered security."
"People sometimes think regulation is a bad thing."
"Part of a bigger challenge for the SEC: They're trying to keep up with the fast growth of the crypto world."
"Brazil approves bill regulating use of Bitcoin as payment, a huge victory for us bitcoiners absolutely unbelievable."
"XRP: SEC approval signals changing attitudes towards crypto."
"This ruling will actually have particularly dire implications for EV use in parts of the U.S that rely primarily on fossil fuel burning power plants."
"The EPA is an attack on the motorsports hobby, an insane overreach."
"The epa has gross overreach and I need you to write your senators to tell them to help support the rpm act."
"Without the confidence of strong regulations, capitalism can't work."
"The best thing that government can do when it comes to regulations is to set guardrails for companies and the industry that put hard stops in place beyond which the companies and the technology shouldn't go."
"We need to have a freeze on those energy prices."
"If there's going to be loot boxes if there can be simulated gambling at the very least we asked for them to be rated appropriately"
"I understand the concept behind cryptocurrency - it can't be regulated, right?"
"I don't want guard rails. I want you to have nothing to do with speech."
"I would like some regulation over what is able to be marketed as healthy."
"Companies cannot be trusted to voluntarily protect the environment. They require regulation."
"There has been no mandatory recall of a cosmetic product in the US."
"How can you have folks who are regulating industries, trading stocks in the same industry?"
"Based on our lead in the industry as evidenced by our certification progress, your comparison is so tight they won't even let me fly a toy drone."
"Therefore, it’s pretty simple: regulators need to decide whether airlines’ IT antiquity is a problem for the public and, if so, do something about it."
"Clapping triggers people, so they've banned it."
"He's been a strong advocate of AI regulation for a long time."
"Just because something is banned in the EU or not approved in Europe doesn't mean it's necessarily bad."
"I think by over-regulating and regulating by enforcement the U.S is making a big mistake I've said it to you guys before because what they're doing is number one they're forcing more crypto adoption real web 3 crypto adoption."
"Video game regulation sounds silly like it sounds dumb like who in the world why would they care about regulating video games but as it becomes a bigger part of the economy I think it is going to be pivotal."
"There's not going to be any banning of bitcoin. There's going to be those countries that are smart enough to get in now and reap the benefits."
"There's nothing to really regulate the price and there's nothing to really keep that peg."
"Light regulation is the way to go. We can really fix and get out of this recession that we're in with the cryptocurrency industry."
"We're in a recession. I do believe that the cryptocurrency industry, Bitcoin, NFTs, whatever it is, does have the opportunity to be regulated."
"There's no chance that we're going to be banning Bitcoin or anything else that holds economic promise in terms of developing new technologies for financial services and payment systems."
"She is such a cheerleader and she just said I can't and I won't turn it off you know, she says there are a lot of gymnasts that have come before that are very stoic that's just not me and it won't work."
"Proponents of the software say it is highly regulated, necessary to combat common threats." - Pegasus Surveillance Software
"Federal regulators investigating Musk's Tesla full-serving driving tweet."
"Regulation should be made by officials who are accountable to Congress."
"It's very difficult to have penalties without having a law to back that up or regulation to back that up. And what we have at the moment is kind of a wild west when it comes to fully autonomous and semi-autonomous vehicles."
"You don't have to violate YouTube's rules; if you come close to maybe violating them, they can still restrict your videos." - You
"They brought that in you had to text the whereabouts."
"Merc's COVID pill... might be a little less effective than people first thought but U.S regulators may still give it the green light."
"If lobbyists have to register and Report, why shouldn't paid bloggers?"
"I think that social media is too big to not have governments have an opinion about what should and should not be okay."
"EU regulation coming for loot boxes. We will take care of this."
"How do you grow business in general? Answer would be, you listen to the customers. And the two things in crypto that customers want right now at least the last three, four months is DeFi and NFTs."
"They should not be allowed to simply spread this kind of damaging misinformation unchecked."
"The most powerful [DAOs] will be the ones that cannot be controlled by regulation."
"No regulator wanted to be blamed from preventing the next big technology breakthrough to happen in the U.S."